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2011-05-07 21:00:29 133

原创 GIT

GIT introduce:From http://blog.leezhong.com/translate/2010/10/30/a-successful-git-branch.html  Git开发管理之道2010-10-30Git的强大是众所周知的,本文要分享的是关于"使用Git的分支和合并功能来进行版本管理的开发模型"。以下是译文,原文地址这篇文章...

2010-12-16 21:55:33 102

原创 JPA 批量插入

EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("DataSourceDB2");             EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager();             EntityTransaction et = em.getTransaction();   ...

2010-12-11 21:19:10 961

原创 DB2 SQL

db2 sqlhttp://wenku.baidu.com/view/192eda563c1ec5da50e27020.html 

2010-11-17 16:17:44 120

原创 books


2010-11-16 21:07:45 160

原创 Studio classroom 20100111

Gain a reputation for = become known forIt became clear that her life would be different as she gained a reputation for climbing trees and hunting rats.It became clear that her life would be diffe...

2010-11-09 21:16:27 134

原创 JPA DuplicatedKeyException

插入一个Vo抛出异常DuplicatedKeyException 错误代码会是DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-803, SQLSTATE=23505, SQLERRMC=1; 解决过程一、查看VO的配置,主键自增生成。@Entity@Table(name = "OFR_PRD_DL")@TableGenerator(name = "DL_ID_GEN", // ...

2010-11-09 10:50:24 659

原创 SQL 语句

查找不重复条数select count(*) from (select distinct name, age, sex from person)

2010-10-28 22:00:39 80

原创 jquery fundamental notes

http://jqfundamentals.com/book/book.html#N2004B Example 2.9. Forcing a string to act as a number var foo = 1;var bar = '2';// coerce the string to a numberco...

2010-10-25 13:21:43 82

原创 JQuery

http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.js http://api.jquery.com/ http://forum.jquery.com/ http://www.delicious.com/rdmey/jquery-class http://docs.jquery.com/Discussion#Ch...

2010-10-25 13:10:40 71

原创 Studio classroom 20100308

artistic 艺术的animation n.活泼behind the scenes 幕后make a scene 公众地方引起注意 wipe out 垮台,倒塌, 毁灭The military base was totally wiped out by continual bombing.The police announced that they had succ...

2010-10-24 13:49:32 105

原创 Studio classroom 20100319

attraction 欣赏,吸引Mutual attraction between the boy and the girl is obvious.What's the attracton of bungee jumping? clarifyhave a crush on someone = to feel attracted to someone =  have a case...

2010-10-21 21:28:52 83

原创 left join, right join, full join, inner join总结

Left join是以左边表为基准,假如右边表字段能和条件语句匹配,则显示右边字段,否则显示NULL。Right join是以右边表为基准,假如左边表字段能和条件语句匹配,则显示左边字段,否则显示NULL。Inner join是和不写等同Full join是没有任何基准,只要满足条件就显示,不满足条件就丢弃。测试帖不能再编辑了,只能总结写在这个帖子。链接如下:http://...

2010-10-19 13:42:50 84

原创 left join, right join, full join, join 测试

一、准备测试数据: 创建数据Create database test; 应用数据库use test; 创建表a create table a(ID int not null,Name varchar(32)); 创建表bcreate table b(DD int not null,DM varchar(32)...

2010-10-19 12:41:07 71

原创 Studio classroom 20100112

Atlantic 大西洋Pacific 太平洋solo 单独的fly solo 单独飞行duet 只能指双重唱trio 三重唱,三重演奏travel solo, travel in pairs, travel in threes. 双人组合 a duo, 三人组合 a trio. navigator 领航员legthe last leg of our...

2010-10-19 00:14:42 92

原创 Studio classroom 20100113

Radio Metropolitan Opera House 美国纽约大都会歌剧院 Interference 干扰,冲突,干涉The interference that appeared on the TV screen caused by the bad weather.The goverment's interference in the stock market pr...

2010-10-18 23:55:33 91

原创 Ruby书籍

三本书  一、rails编程要看的第一本书《Agile Web Development with Rails第二版》   最经典的rails学习书籍,作者是ruby和rails社区的领导者之一。第二版中文版译者已经翻译好交出版社了,出版社什么时候上市还不清楚。等不急的自己看英文版也不错,原作者的英文写的很易读。我自己在春节期间就把第二版英文版从头到尾读过了一遍。  ...

2010-10-18 23:17:07 174

原创 CSS前端框架和例子


2010-10-18 16:52:52 78

原创 Marging Border Background Padding Context理解

CSS代码body{background:yellow;}#outside{ width:500px; height:500px; background:red; margin:50px; padding:80px 40px 80px 40px; border-style:solid; border-width:40px 60px 40px 6...

2010-10-15 16:55:20 102

原创 Studio classroom 20100902

mishap  灾祸,不幸事故After several mishaps during the trip, we finally got home.without mishap 平安无事The important document arrived without mishap. card issuers 发卡机构spouse 配偶scenario 情形 worse ca...

2010-10-14 20:42:06 106

原创 Studio classroom 20100309

feature film  故事片 mega blockbusters 大量blockbuster explosion  爆炸 The explosion of the chemical plant left many casualties and severe damage.The explosion in the movie was carefully calcul...

2010-10-13 19:44:41 87

原创 eclispe启动参数配置


2010-10-13 14:50:39 122

原创 php eclipse plugin install


2010-10-13 13:39:18 65

原创 数据库并发事务

事务并发包括:第一类丢失更新:撤销一个事务时,把其他事务已提交的更新数据覆盖。脏读:一个事务读到另一个事务未提交的更新数据。虚读:一个事务读到另一个事务已提交的新插入的数据。不可重复读:一个事务读到另一个事务已提交的更新数据。第二类丢失更新:是不可重复读的特例,一个事务覆盖另一个事务已提交的更新数据。  第一类更新丢失时间取款事务...

2010-10-12 18:34:53 86

原创 基于Maven Struts2 简单应用开发

Struts2 简单应用开发建立maven-archetype-webapp原型工程New a maven project with maven-archetype-webapp.工程建完以后工程目录结构,需要添加Source Folder src/main/java src/test/java src/test/resources...

2010-10-12 09:34:26 91

原创 生活网站

杭州个人档案查询 http://rsdl.zjrc.com/workweb/ddpqcx.aspx 住房公积金查询 http://www.hzgjj.gov.cn/col/col236/index.html 英语学习http://www.icoolen.com/http://studioclassroom.net/ Donewshttp://ho...

2010-10-11 14:59:43 177

原创 学习笔记

函数和存储过程区别定义 函数是命名了的、存储在数据库中的PL/SQL程序块。函数接受零个或多个输入参数,有一个返回值,返回值的数据类型在创建函数时定义。定义函数的语法如下:FUNCTION name [(parameter[,parameter,...])] RETURN datatypes IS  [local declarations]  BEGIN  exec...

2010-10-11 13:13:18 68

原创 Session 区分

1.       What’s the difference between SessionFactory.getCurrentSession() and SessionFactory.opeSession();If get current session is null, session factory will create a new session replace of current...

2010-10-11 11:14:30 137

原创 maven学习一

Resourcehttp://www.sonatype.com/books/mvnref-book/reference/flex-dev.htmlhttp://ria.dzone.com/articles/flex-and-maven?mz=8019-adobe   maven note1.general maven project archetype...

2010-10-11 11:03:54 84

原创 Studio classroom 20100329

Double-check The flight attendant double-checked the passengers' boarding passes before boarding. The guards double-checked that the doors and windows were locked before leaving. Discourag...

2010-10-09 17:31:49 79

原创 Derby错误处理

Spring+Hibernate 其中采用Derby做为数据库配置会出现如下错误 Derby数据库不配置用户名和密码 Derby数据库加入Schema配置错误会报如下错误Derby数据库的用户要和数据库中的Schema配置一致可以通过ij->show tables查看具体所属的schema.  ...

2010-10-08 17:35:31 239

原创 studio classroom 20100224

20100224 fall/slip through the cracks (to get lost or be forgotten, especially within a system.)Check your answers before turning in your test to make sure nothing slips through the cracks.It...

2010-10-07 09:50:05 109

原创 Struts2 开发环境配置

Struts2 开发环境配置Maven 独立配置maven下载路劲:http://maven.apache.org/download.html (我下载的是2.0.9版本)下载后直接解压,无需安装。配置环境变量,MAVEN_HOME=指向你maven解压所在的路径比如:E:\tool\apache-maven-2.0.9,可以测试maven的版本如下:配置maven的rep...

2010-09-30 10:06:31 111

原创 Java动态代理

Java动态代理: 一、代理模式  二、代理实现方式1、被代理对象 public interface Target { public void doSomething(); public void doOtherthing();} public class TargetImpl implements Target {...

2010-09-29 23:40:17 60

原创 Worldwide Jobs

worldwide jobs: http://www.craigslist.com virtual traning companyhttp://www.vtc.com/ frontend design sitehttp://www.smashingmagazine.com/ frontend amazing bloghttp://jonraa...

2010-09-29 23:22:10 102



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