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原创 IReport5.6 中文解决

  1.download wqy-zenhei font  file type is ttc2.download unitettc   Because ireport5.6 needs ttf file type when  installing font,convert ttc to ttf with unitettc tool.  Command: sudo ./u...

2017-04-06 12:44:00 1095

原创 kendo grid 编辑一行后,光标仍然留在原处的方法

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <meta charset="utf-8"/>    <title>Kendo UI Snippet</title>     <link rel="stylesheet" href="http

2017-03-27 15:00:14 369

原创 angular state sticky true 刷新問題

问题描述:系统有两个导航栏,一个是kendo的menu,另外一个kendo的mobilegroupbutton.系统已经添加了ui-router-extras相关的js,angular 也设置了sticky:true。mobilegroupbutton是根据kedo menu的选项来生成的,现在groupbutton里面查找有无当前选项的对象值,若没有就添加到groupbutton...

2017-03-03 17:52:39 334

原创 generator-angular-fullstack grunt build

Grunt build problem : 1, npm uninstall grunt-contrib-imagemin2,npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin --save-dev    

2017-03-03 10:35:29 164

原创 kendo grid Add extra button on popup editor window

http://dojo.telerik.com/eZEQe/2<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <meta charset="utf-8"/>    <title>Kendo UI Snippet</title>    <link rel="stylesheet&quo

2017-02-15 11:39:46 213

原创 kendo grid inline mode 选择一列的值,自动将次列的其他值插入其他列

打开JS bin,输入以下代码: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <title>KendoUI Test Page</title>        <link href="http://cdn.kendostatic.com/2013.2.716/styles/kendo....

2017-02-13 15:25:12 299

原创 Kendo UI input 正则表达式验证

<input type="text" pattern="[A-Z0-9_]{4}" class="k-input k-textbox" name="userId" required="required" data-bind="value:userId" data-required-msg="{{UserId}}{{required}}" validati

2017-02-07 10:30:45 1073

原创 kendo ui grid fix header

refer to:http://dojo.telerik.com/ewis  <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <base href="http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/column-resizing">    <style>html {...

2017-01-18 10:30:02 226

Kendo UI Grid change editor by column dynamically

http://dojo.telerik.com/asIle 修改代码如下 <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>    <meta charset="utf-8"/>    <title>Kendo UI Snippet</title>     <li

2017-01-17 15:50:21 394

原创 Spring data jpa 调用存储过程


2017-01-17 12:23:54 329

原创 Kendo Dynamic Grid According to JSON Data

Referenc:http://www.telerik.com/forums/binding-kendoui-grid-to-dynamic-column-and-values-kendo-ui-complete-resources-buy-try 1.html page <!DOCTYPE html><html><head>&...

2016-12-21 12:08:52 123

原创 自定义动态数据源的Kendo UI grid Dropdown Editor

此实例是根据当前数据的某个值动态过滤一个静态的数据源 $scope.serviceItem1Editor=function (container, options) {             var checkedValues=options.model.itemCatCode.split(",");            var filter = {         ...

2016-06-24 15:01:38 420

原创 Display name about android & ios apps in cordova

The display name apps installed on mobile 1,androidmodify name element in config.xml 2,iosmodify [bundle display name] in xxxx-info.plist Description before installation can be modif...

2016-04-28 14:16:16 128

原创 kendo app & spring integration after Angular fullstack builds app

modify loacle static files load pah before build grunt build--->dist copy dist/public folder to spring project folder securityResources ,note:Don't have to copy bower_components folder if ...

2016-04-25 12:29:11 92

原创 angular fullstack usage

Creating a Fullstack ProjectThis part of the guide will walk you through the creation of an AngularJS project from scratch. We will use Grunt as a build tool, and Yeoman as a scaffolding tool.We ...

2016-04-25 12:26:18 139

原创 kendo ui & angularjs integration

1,Install AngularJs scraffold tool:generator-angular-fullstackreference to :https://github.com/DaftMonk/generator-angular-fullstack2,Create an angularjs project:angulardemo1)mkdir angulardemo...

2016-04-25 12:25:48 115

原创 Use Cordova to push notification to gcm

1,cordova create foldername packagename Appname  eg: cordova create pushservice com.version.pushservice PushServiceDemo2,cordova platform add android3,cordova plugin add  cordova-plugin-device...

2015-10-30 12:45:54 121

原创 Extjs & applet integration

Extjs Applet Integration          In recent years most of the systems are getting upgraded with the new User Interface and Extjs is once of the most widely used technology for the rich look a...

2015-03-20 18:00:14 106

原创 Extjs 5 load a external page method

items: [        {            xtype: 'box',//sencha architect3 not support ‘box’,modify mannually            flex: 1,            region: 'center',            autoEl: {                tag: ...

2015-03-06 16:20:09 75

原创 ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception

Oracle stored procedure call java webserivce(axis) The procedure call axis serivce successfully,but failed this month.The following is oracle error message:ORA-29532: Java call terminated by un...

2015-02-03 14:37:30 2011

原创 Testing for SSL renegotiation

Testing is easy provided you have access to an un-patched version of OpenSSL. To test, you will use the s_client tool (you'll type the bits in blue):$ openssl s_client -connect www.ssllabs.com:443...

2015-01-13 11:25:34 157

Installation wampserver

1,install wampserver on windows72,    Go to the control panel of your Server (wamp server PC)    Go System and Security    Choose Windows Firewall    Choose Advance Settings    Choose Inbound Rule    ...

2014-10-07 18:14:18 76

原创 在Ubuntu上打開Tomcat6的443端口和80端口

How to install and configure tomcat 6 in ubuntu server 3       1 Vote Tomcat is a well known and widely used java servlet container. These days I am planning a proje...

2014-07-18 16:45:48 174

原创 IOS 生成Certificate、App ID、Profisioning profile

1,登陸developer.apple.com2,選擇Member center--》Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles3,先生成Certificates4,生成Identifiers5,生成Profiles6,Certificate下載后要轉成p12格式的。方法參考博客:憑證轉換成 P12 檔案...

2014-04-23 10:29:56 111

原创 憑證轉換成 P12 檔案

將開發人員憑證轉換成 P12 檔案 若要使用 phonegap 開發 iPhone 應用程式,您必須使用 P12 憑證檔案。您將根據從 Apple 收到的 Apple iPhone 開發人員憑證檔案來產生此憑證。在 Mac OS 將 iPhone 開發人員憑證轉換成 P12 檔案從 Apple 下載 Apple iPhone 憑證之後,請將該憑證輸出為 P12 憑證...

2014-04-23 10:21:44 571

原创 Wavemaker和 apache cordova混合开发之圖片上傳

cordova結合wavemaker手機圖片上傳實現1.增加cordova插件* cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.camera* cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file* cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer2.在cord...

2014-04-10 12:01:32 282

原创 Wavemaker和 apache cordova混合开发

1,利用Wavemaker开发一个项目2,利用wavemaker构建一个phonegap项目(“build phonegap”)3, 用cordova create 命令创建一个项目,项目名同wavemaker项目名一样4,将wavemaker创建出来的项目copy到cordova项目的目录www里面5,wavemaker6.5.3构建出的phonegap项目中的index.ht...

2014-03-25 12:55:44 122

原创 Diskstation:How to enable NFS

How to enable NFS on the Synology Server This is a guide on how to enable the NFS capabilities of the Synology product. This procedure is aimed for users who are experienced with Telnet and the...

2014-01-13 10:11:49 141

原创 如何讓 Apache 的 access log能夠自動rotate

如何讓 Apache 的 access log能夠自動rotate(轉自:http://taiwanwolf.blogspot.hk/2008/08/apache-access-logrotate.html) 根據許多前人的經驗, 發現 Apache 內建的 Rotatelogs.exe 雖然可以做到 rotate , 但是其分割是以啟動httpd的時候起算,也就是說你在8/19 的...

2013-06-06 14:58:00 131

原创 JVM java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: classblock allocation

  Platform:Windows 64bits Server 2008 R2 Standard. 16GB RAMProducts:Oracle JRockit R28.2.0 64bitTomcat6.0.35 使用過程中出現如下錯誤:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: classblock allocation, loaded,  footp...

2013-02-22 11:51:33 218

原创 Fedora16安裝配置NFS

安装启动NFS服务安装NFS服务#yum install nfs-utils*#yum install portmap启用NFS服务# systemctl enable nfs-server.serviceln -s '/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nf...

2012-07-10 14:18:52 82

原创 Tomcat 集群 文件上传下载的共享问题 NFS配置

 Tomcat 集群时上传文件时如何使得多部tomcat中的文件同步,Linux下可以通过NFS来解决这个问题。可以在一部linux server上配置NFS服务器,其他linux server当作NFS客户端。客户端只需用nfs挂载服务端的目录即可,如:mount -t nfs

2012-07-10 13:23:38 309

原创 Tomcat 控制台信息按日保存到日誌文件

tomcat都是按日保存日志文问分割 转载▼转:http://tanrishou.blog.163.com/blog/static/1502502009924112045630/一、本文基于的环境:操作系统:Linux(redhat)、Windows(XP、2003)JDK版本:j2sdk1.4.2_04Tomcat版本:tomcat-5.0.28...

2012-04-25 11:26:25 224

原创 Apache2.2 Tomcat6 Cluster Configuration for Windows

 1,add following lines in httpd  LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.soJkWorkersFile conf/workers.propertiesJkMountFile conf/uriworkermap.propertiesJkLogFile logs/mod_jk.logJkLogLevel ...

2012-02-24 14:59:14 90

原创 Tomcat 设置时区

客户端生成的时间传递到服务器端相差了8个小时,或者相差其他数字的时间都是因两部机器上的时区不一致所致。若一致的话,时间是不会有差异的。但有时我们装机时无法保证时区设置正确,可我们在中国使用的时区肯定是Asia/Shanghai或Hong_kong。我们的java程序应如何保证这一点呢,我们可以在Tomcat上进行设置 在tomcat6中修改catalina.bat文件的 set JAV...

2011-10-07 16:12:03 208

原创 关于open_cursors和session_cached_cursors的参数值(转载)

关于open_cursors和session_cached_cursors的参数值2010-01-26 15:32一、如何正确设置session_cached_cursors参数:正确设置open_cursors和'session_cached_cursors' 可以减少sql解析,提高系统性能,那么,如何正确设置'session_cached_cursors' 这个...

2011-08-31 17:18:59 66

原创 Media queries 使用示例

一、下载jquery.mediaqueries.js,将其存放在以下目录(eclipse下的一个web project目录) 二、编写css1.default.css  @CHARSET "UTF-8";body { font: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:20px; backgro...

2011-06-15 11:21:15 108

原创 oracle 表設計時列名同關鍵字衝突時 hibernate 如何映射

 假如一個表中的列名是:level這個正好同oracle一關鍵字相同,hibernate如何映射呢,以下是一種解決方式:  @Column(name = "\"LEVEL\"", unique = true, nullable = false, precision = 4, scale = 0) public Long getLevel() { return t...

2011-06-13 17:08:30 124

原创 Set Locale In JasperReport

// Create a new instance of a Locale type with the Locale you want to use:Locale locale = new Locale("es", "AR");// Add your Locale settings to the Report's parameters:HashMap parameters = new Has...

2011-05-26 15:53:24 62

原创 oracle 的命令集(一)

 1.数据导出导入命令:exp、imp、expdp、impdp  exp win/****grants=y file=c:\win.dmp imp system/****file= fromuser= touser=imp win/**** file=import data from a server to another serverimp system/**...

2011-04-14 11:24:53 73



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