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原创 Solution to “Error starting modern compiler”
The eclipse/java error “Error starting modern compiler” when trying to compile something using javac in eclipse is being caused by eclipse using a different java VM than the one JAVA_HOME is poi...
2012-10-16 15:15:41 111
原创 SSH2 Troubleshooting
SSH2 TroubleShooting : 1. check rlogin parameter for remote user. 2. check the permission of correct public key 3. check .ssh2 folder permission ,it should be 755 4.remote IP address ,should be...
2011-11-16 16:43:52 165
原创 Builder建造者模式
Builder模式定义:将一个复杂对象的构建与它的表示分离,使得同样的构建过程可以创建不同的表示. Builder模式是为了将构建复杂对象的过程和它的部件解耦 第一种情况: public interface ComputerBuilder{ public Computer getComputer(); } public interface Proc...
2010-05-22 19:11:03 118
原创 db2 跨平台迁移 From AIX to WINDOWS
1. db2cmd 2. cd d:\exportdb 3. db2 connect to MCT28 user db2inst1 using password 4. db2look -d MCT28 -l -o 28dbspace.sql -i db2inst1 -w password 5. db2look -d MCT28 -e -c -o 28...
2010-05-12 13:07:55 218
原创 db database restore redirect
写这篇文章,只是想把自己遇到的问题做个记录,方便以后查询和跟踪. 参考文章如下:http://space.itpub.net/267386/viewspace-371901 数据库是DB29.5 数据库配置信息:logretain on,tracemod on,userexit on 起因:项目需要把数据库迁移到另外一台服务器上(全部为AIX系统) 1.在线备份需...
2010-05-12 12:45:41 110
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