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原创 vim plugin ctr-p Vundle airline

 1. http://www.bestofvim.com/plugin/ctrl-p/ CtrlP is an awesome plugin, essential even! Here are a few extensions for it that make it even more useful:ctrlp-modified:https://github.com/jason...

2014-01-16 06:57:01 143

原创 马来西亚潜水

http://www.doyouhike.net/city/shanghai/5/454233,0,0,1.html http://forum.xitek.com/sorthread.php?threadid=788553&pagenumber=1 <!--StartFragment-->http://www.borneounlimited.com/gywm.asp...

2011-11-22 11:50:53 256

原创 nodejs resorce

photoshop cs5 破解 useful-node-js-tools-tutorials-and-resources-2011/09/16/ 前端一些实用的jquery的例子,代码有注释,很好。http://mrthink.net/ http://howtonode.org/node-js-and-mongodb-getting-started-with-mong...

2011-08-05 20:33:36 170

原创 How To Convert Your Putty .ppk Private Key To A Normal SSH Key You Can Use On An

http://leadingedgescripts.co.uk/server-administration/how-to-convert-your-putty-ppk-private-key-to-a-normal-ssh-key-you-can-use-on-an-apple-mac/  Also, how to connect to a server using SSH on a ...

2011-06-02 23:57:04 224

原创 uninstall mysql 5.5 or 5.1 on mac

install mysql 5.5 on machttp://www.rickwargo.com/2010/12/16/installing-mysql-5-5-on-os-x-10-6-snow-leopard-and-rails-3/ Uninstalling MySQL - (Mac - OS) From a terminal do the following: 1. sudo ...

2011-06-02 15:15:41 157

原创 listening to music personal key words

Listening.to.Music.02.Introduction to Instruments and Musical Genres Song =  Lyrics + music Song != Classical music 80% * Classical music = instrumental music Composition = 创作  Beethov...

2011-05-09 17:55:19 503

原创 旅游记录


2011-04-26 12:52:43 132

原创 任何喜欢的,大多音乐

有一种感情,能让旁观者为之动容,那就是爱!这字幕我快哭死了http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ5ODM3MDg0.html 喵呜字幕 视频http://u.youku.com/user_show/id_UMzM4MTg1MDc2.html...

2011-03-29 23:29:22 116

原创 设计时自动刷新浏览器html meta 语句

 <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2"/>2代表2秒

2011-03-28 13:12:45 201

原创 mac vim plugin 推荐

VIM Pathogen 使用方法http://blog.danmarner.com/me/entry/vim-pathogen/ plugin https://github.com/akitaonrails/vimfiles/ <- 这里已经包含大部分有用的插件  https://github.com/wellee/dotVim <- 这个是我个人目前用的do...

2011-03-27 10:46:43 490

原创 macvim 7.2 下载,7.3不稳定

http://code.google.com/p/macvim/wiki/Snapshot  〈- snapshot 52是32与64都可以兼容的。 注意一个问题:本机系统是32还是64位,因为snapshot下作者提供了不同版本可能会在不同的系统下编译,对于Command-t这个插件来说,你自己需要用ruby extcon.rb来进行make的,所以本机下的操作系统版本与作者提供的m...

2011-03-26 19:16:09 107

原创 Espress 1.1.2 PoJie


2011-03-24 14:32:29 123

原创 Resume / CV


2011-03-23 19:04:02 178

原创 Textamate Resources

教程http://projects.serenity.de/textmate/tutorials/basics/  http://hi.baidu.com/talltwintowers/blog/item/c6ae450eff7575ec37d12253.html我最常用的textmate快捷键真的非常喜欢用textmateview:F1                  ...

2011-03-22 00:38:38 109

原创 rails mac + mysql 5.5 +rvm libmysqlclient.16.dylib 问题

配置OS X rails环境,参考 http://www.yangzhiping.com/tech/ree-nginx-passenger-rails3.html 很完整很全面,但是我碰倒一个问题 当生成rails 项目后 rails s 命令出错 Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib (LoadError) ...

2011-03-20 17:00:53 141

原创 nosql 资源


2011-03-12 13:41:01 132

原创 Mac 新购,个人学习资料

http://c.gzl.name/archives/category/iphone/basic Dev for a Jailbroken iPhone A to Z(iOS 4.0.1)http://www.alexwhittemore.com/?p=398 推荐几款可以给你延长生命的软件:LaunchBar(MacOS下的神器!用过就觉得爽快!) 极力推荐jitou...

2011-03-11 11:59:10 129

原创 JQ Touch

Jquery Touch JS Framework http://jqtouch.com/http://vimeo.com/17874381 introduction

2011-02-27 14:43:46 109

原创 js resources

JavaScript 学习资源推荐http://lifesinger.wordpress.com/2011/02/27/references-for-javascript-study/ 最近 reddit 有讨论:References for JavaScript Mastery. 去年 Rey Bango 博客上也有一篇文章:What to Read to Get Up to S...

2011-02-27 10:50:37 441

原创 测试用软件

推荐用Yahoo的YSlow和Google的Page Speed分析前端的问题,用Valgrind的Callgrind分析低层的后端性能,用XDebug分析用户空间PHP的性能。此外,他还顺带手指出了读写网前端的性能问题。...

2011-02-27 06:34:34 112

原创 facebook 的那些软件 资料

[size=large]HipHop PHP[/size][url]https://github.com/facebook/hiphop-php/[/url][size=large]Three20 is an Objective-C library for iPhone developers[/size][url]https://github.com/facebook/three2...

2011-02-27 06:33:22 160

原创 Reg resources


2011-02-23 12:56:42 154

原创 CSS3 Resources

[url]http://www.css88.com/tool/css3Preview/[/url][size=large][b]《CSS3先睹为快视频教程》(LYNDA.COM CSS3 FIRST LOOK)[光盘镜像][/b][/size][url]http://www.verycd.com/topics/2867555/[/url]...

2011-02-21 20:03:40 97

原创 jquery 1.5 doc


2011-02-21 19:55:00 66

原创 Nginx Resources

[b][size=large]Nginx Tutorials Resources[/size][/b][url]http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/request_processing.html[/url][url]http://articles.slicehost.com/nginx[/url][url]http://library.linod...

2011-02-21 16:38:43 94

原创 pagination and ajax with rails 3 resources

 Unobtrusive Javascriptrailscasts : http://railscasts.com/episodes/205-unobtrusive-javascriptasciicasts : http://cn.asciicasts.com/episodes/205-unobtrusive-javascriptvideo online : http://...

2011-02-21 07:48:45 78

原创 [转]NERD_tree:Vim 文件浏览器插件

http://hi.baidu.com/benzus/blog/item/06968901a01df7057bec2cc9.htmlVim你想让你的 Vim 变成这样吗?很简单,安装 NERD_tree 插件就行了。NERD_tree 插件下载:http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php安装:(Vim插件安装很简单,把文件复制...

2011-02-20 18:59:33 122

原创 常用插件使用

Authentication:     restful-authentication,    authlogic,     clearance,     open_id_authentication Authorization: can_has E-Commerce:     active_merchant,     ssl_requirement ...

2011-02-20 00:01:26 139

原创 Munin Graphs for Phusion Passenger (a.k.a. mod_rails)

Munin Graphs for Phusion Passenger (a.k.a. mod_rails)The goal of this article is to get fairly nice looking graphs of Phusion Passenger’s performance and memory metrics:This specific setup ...

2011-02-19 20:30:51 116

原创 High Quality Ruby on Rails Example Applications

High Quality Ruby on Rails Example ApplicationsSometimes to best way to get up to speed with a new technology is learning by example. I have compiled a list of fully featured, production ready ...

2011-02-19 20:28:48 136

原创 Rails 2.3.4 and SWFUpload – Rack Middleware for Flash Uploads that Degrade Grace

Rails 2.3.4 and SWFUpload – Rack Middleware for Flash Uploads that Degrade Gracefully  Browser upload controls have been pretty much the same for years. They are very difficult to style, an...

2011-02-19 20:26:51 146

原创 ruby on rails vim auto complete

Vim can detect and load the Rails environment for files within a rails project. The feature is disabled by default, to enable it addlet g:rubycomplete_rails = 1to your vimrc  autocmd FileType...

2011-02-19 20:15:49 116

原创 ubuntu的apt加速工具:apt-fast

ubuntu的apt加速工具:apt-fast Apt-fast 是一个用 axel 来加速 apt-get 软件安装的工具,通过这个工具在安装软件时,因为用到了 axel 的多线程下载功能,所以在下载软件包时会比普通的 apt-get 要快上好几倍。当然这也取决于网络,如果下载来自于 PPA 源的软件包的话可能改善不大 ,我这边从 PPA 源下载东西速度一直很慢,所以通...

2011-02-19 19:17:59 275

原创 NERDComment

,ca,在可选的注释方式之间切换,比如C/C++ 的块注释/* */和行注释//,cc,注释当前行,c,切换注释/非注释状态,cs,以”性感”的方式注释,cA,在当前行尾添加注释符,并进入Insert模式,cu,取消注释Normal模式下,几乎所有命令前面都可以指定行数Visual模式下执行命令,会对选中的特定区块进行注释/反注释默认使用以下映射(同...

2011-02-19 16:56:07 401

原创 Secrets of the Rails Console Ninjas

http://slash7.com/2006/12/21/secrets-of-the-rails-console-ninjas/What’s the big deal?You want the big deal? You can’t handle the big de—err. Sorry. I think I just got a little bit, ahem, car...

2011-02-19 16:06:31 344

原创 17款专门为设计师准备的Adobe AIR应用

17款专门为设计师准备的Adobe AIR应用声明:JavaEye新闻文章的版权属于JavaEye网站所有,严禁任何网站转载本文,否则必将追究法律责任!Adobe AIR以其易用性和跨平台支持,已经越来越受到桌面应用程序开发者的青睐。接下来我们将会为您推荐17款专门为设计师准备的Adobe AIR应用,可以给你节省不少的时间。 ImageSizerIm...

2011-02-19 12:57:18 255

原创 对Web设计和开发人员有用的15个Chrome插件

 自己再增加几个插件 Smooth Gestures https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/lfkgmnnajiljnolcgolmmgnecgldgeld  Sexy Undo Close Tabhttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bcennaiejdjpomgmmo...

2011-02-19 12:55:53 193

原创 MySQL存储引擎:InnoDB和MyISAM的区别与优劣

转自:http://www.ixdba.net/article/2f/2092.html MyISAM:这个是默认类型,它是基于传统的ISAM类型,ISAM是Indexed Sequential Access Method (有索引的顺序访问方法) 的缩写,它是存储记录和文件的标准方法.与其他存储引擎比较,MyISAM具有检查和修复表格的大多数工具. MyISAM表格可以被压缩...

2011-02-18 14:47:25 85

原创 Ubuntu下MySQL安装配置记录


2011-02-18 14:41:17 73

原创 Windows下MySQL免安装版安装配置


2011-02-18 14:40:27 92


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