Archery Competition

The Archery Game in the Ranging Guild is the place to go if your account're looking for Ranging Experience and prizes for the points you make. Just remember, the game can be found in the Ranging Guild, so you'll need at least level 40 Ranging to enter!
Getting Started

The Ranging Guild itself can be found a short distance southwest of the Seer's Village and north of Ardougne. A Ranging Guild Doorman will be guarding the door, and only those with a Ranging level of 40 or higher may pass.

Ranging Info

It also appears that the higher your Ranging level, the better you'll do at the competition. You'll hit the targets more often, and you'll earn more points by being more accurate.

Before making your way to the competition, be sure to bring enough cash. Each game costs 200gp, and you'll need to pay each time you want to play again. It's a safe bet to bring around 2,000gp, as the game can often get addictive!
The Competition

At the southeast end of the guild, you'll find the Archery Competition. Speak to the Competition Judge and he will tell you that you can take part in the Archery Competition. You must pay 200gp in order to enter the competition each time, so be sure to bring as much money as you need!
Tell the judge that you would like to try, and then give him the 200 runescape gold pieces. He will give you 10 Bronze Arrows to use in the game; equip them and walk over to the nearby Hay Bales.
This screen will show you where you hit, and how many points were scored on the right. You'll also see how many arrows you have remaining on the left side of the screen. The scores for which part of the target you hit are as follows:

Bulls-Eye - 100 points - 50xp
Yellow - 50 Points - 25xp
Red - 30 Points - 15xp
Blue - 20 - 10xp
Black - 10 - 5xp
Missed Shot - 0 Points - 0xp
Claiming Your Reward
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You can only use 10 arrows, and when you have used them all up return to the Competition Judge. He will give you a certain number of coupons or Archery Tickets depending on how well you did during the competition.
For every 10 points you get, you'll receive 1 Archery Ticket. So for example, if you score 780 points, you'll receive 78 Tickets. The most points you can possibly get in 1 game is 1,000-- 100 tickets, but you must be an experienced Archer to accomplish this. You can repeat this process as many times as you'd like, but you must pay 200gp each time you wish to play.

The Ticket Exchange

When you have enough Archery tickets, you'll be able to exchange them for various Ranging items and equipment. Speak to the Ticket Merchant to the northeast and you can trade your tickets in.
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Archery是一个开源的漏洞扫描和管理平台,可以帮助用户发现和管理应用程序和系统的漏洞。下面是部署和使用Archery的步骤: 1. 安装Python和pip Archery使用Python编写,因此需要先安装Python和pip。具体安装方法可以参考Python官方文档。 2. 下载和安装Archery 可以在Archery的GitHub页面下载最新版的代码,或者使用pip安装: ``` pip install archerysec ``` 3. 配置数据库 Archery使用MySQL或PostgreSQL作为后端数据库,可以根据需要选择其中一种。在安装和配置好数据库之后,需要修改Archery的配置文件config.yaml,将数据库连接信息填写到相应的字段中。 4. 运行Archery 在修改好配置文件之后,可以使用以下命令启动Archery: ``` archerysec manage runserver ``` 该命令将启动Archery的Web界面,并监听本地的8000端口。可以通过浏览器访问http://localhost:8000/来进入Archery的主界面。 5. 添加扫描目标 在进入Archery的主界面之后,可以点击“Add Target”按钮添加扫描目标。可以选择手动输入目标的IP地址或域名,也可以导入一个IP地址或域名列表。 6. 运行漏洞扫描 添加完扫描目标之后,可以在主界面上点击“Run Scan”按钮开始漏洞扫描。Archery支持多种漏洞扫描工具,可以根据需要选择使用哪些工具进行扫描。 7. 查看漏洞报告 漏洞扫描完成后,可以在主界面上查看扫描结果。Archery将漏洞分为几个不同的等级,可以根据等级对漏洞进行筛选和排序。还可以查看每个漏洞的详细信息和建议的修复方案。 以上就是使用Archery进行漏洞扫描和管理的基本步骤。需要注意的是,Archery只是一个工具,不能完全替代人工的漏洞分析和修复工作。在使用Archery的过程中,需要结合其他安全工具和人工审查来保证应用程序和系统的安全。


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