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一直以来我的网站存在着一个令人很崩溃的问题。就是用户上传的图片会丢失。而且是连带相册一起丢失。开始还以为是什么地方误删了,冲突了。查了很久很久无果。关键是这个BUG并不是一定出现。而且,我测试时就从来没碰到过。 昨天一个用户刚注册,开始上传图片。我就密切注意。过了一会儿,果不然,相册丢失了。很纳闷。打开production.log看了N久。没发现异常啊。注:里面我没加sql的lo...

2009-01-09 00:16:27 561


edit_in_place确实是个不错的效果。但是对于 主流用户 来说,输入框还有优于它的。为什么呢?因为你EIP在那,很多人不知道是可以点击修改的。好吧。你说后面加个提示,行,然后发现用户华丽的去点后面的提示,发现不能改……不知道本身这个插件有没有这个功能。没找到。知道的望告诉一下那么,我们就把提示放进内容中吧。我用的代码比较HARD,以后再更新,先能用。打开jrails_in_...

2008-12-24 13:52:51 429

原创 #125 Dynamic Layouts

Discover how to dynamically change the layout using content in the database. Check out this episode for details.[code="java"]script/generate migration add_layout_to_blogs layout_name:string custom...

2008-12-13 21:41:10 137

原创 #124 Beta Invitations

You know those invitation systems where a given user can invite a number of other people to join? That's what I show you how to make in this episode.[code="java"]script/generate nifty_scaffold inv...

2008-12-13 21:37:06 137

原创 #123 Subdomains

Learn how to unleash the full potential of subdomains with the subdomain-fu Rails plugin in this episode.Domain Name SolutionsAs mentioned in the episode, you’ll need to add each subdomain to ...

2008-12-13 15:56:37 227

原创 #122 Passenger in Development

Tired of juggling multiple Rails apps around with script/server? See how to set up Passenger in development so each one has its own local domain name.Sorry to make this platform specific. It looks l...

2008-12-13 15:51:19 134

原创 #121 Non Active Record Model

This episode will show you how to make a model which isn't based on Active Record. You may want to do this if a resource isn't backed by the database.[code="java"]# models/letter.rbclass Letter...

2008-12-13 15:47:32 112

原创 #120 Thinking Sphinx

If you need a full text search engine, Thinking Sphinx is a great solution. See why in this episode.[code="java"]script/plugin install git://github.com/freelancing-god/thinking-sphinx.gitrake th...

2008-12-12 16:59:56 92

原创 #119 Session Based Model

If you have a lot of logic associated with the data inside a session, you'll need some central location to put this logic. See how to create a session based model in this episode.[code="java"]# mo...

2008-12-12 16:41:54 100

原创 #118 Liquid

Liquid is a safe way to provide a powerful template language to the site's users. See how in this episode.[code="java"] @page %># environment.rbconfig.gem 'liquid'# application_helper....

2008-12-12 16:18:24 119

原创 #117 Semi-Static Pages

Static pages can sometimes be a little awkward to add to a Rails app. See a couple different solutions to this problem in this episode.[code="java"]# pages_controller.rbdef show if params[:perm...

2008-12-12 14:20:43 103

原创 #116 Selenium

Selenium is a great way to test your app automatically through a browser. See how it works in this episode.[code="java"]script/plugin install git://github.com/ryanb/selenium-on-rails.gitscript/gen...

2008-12-12 14:11:15 92

原创 #115 Caching in Rails 2.1

Rails 2.1 brings some new caching features which makes it very easy to cache any values including models. See how in this episode.[code="java"]# script/consoleRails.cache.write('date', Date.today)...

2008-12-12 14:07:54 108

原创 #114 Endless Page

Ever wondered how some sites seem to have endless scrolling page with no pagination? Find out how easy it is to do this in Rails in this episode.[code="java"]# products_controller.rbdef index @...

2008-12-12 13:50:11 164

原创 #112 Anonymous Scopes

The scoped method allows you to generate named scopes on the fly. In this episode I show how to use anonymous scopes to improve the conditional logic which was used in the previous episode on advanced...

2008-12-12 13:32:13 127

原创 #111 Advanced Search Form

If you need to create an advanced search with a lot of fields, it may not be ideal to use a GET request as I showed in episode 37. In this episode I will show you how to handle this by creating a Sear...

2008-12-12 13:27:01 142

原创 #110 Gem Dependencies

In Rails 2.1 we now have the ability to set gem dependencies. Now it's easier than ever to specify which ruby gems our rails app relies on.[code="java"]# config/environment.rbconfig.gem "RedCloth"...

2008-12-12 12:57:39 92

原创 #109 Tracking Attribute Changes

Rails 2.1 keeps track of the changes you make to a model's attributes. It also allows you to see what the previous value was. But watch out for the gotcha! See this episode for details.[code="java"]...

2008-12-12 12:54:41 106

原创 #108 named_scope

The named_scope method in Rails 2.1 makes performing finds on models very elegant and convenient. See how in this episode.[code="java"]# models/product.rbclass Product < ActiveRecord::Base belo...

2008-12-12 12:52:26 103

原创 #107 Migrations in Rails 2.1

Migrations now have a timestamp as their version number in Rails 2.1. In this episode I will explain this change as well as show you some other cool additions.[code="java"]# in a migration filedef...

2008-12-12 12:49:07 73

原创 #106 Time Zones in Rails 2.1

In the past, time zones have been very difficult to work with, but no longer! Rails 2.1 brings with it great time zone support as you can see in this episode.[code="java"]rake time:zones:local...

2008-12-12 12:48:11 120

原创 #104 Exception Notifications

If you're running a production site, it's a good idea to record all exceptions which occur. See how to set up a notification system which does that in this episode.Note: I forgot to mention, the exc...

2008-12-12 11:48:10 107

原创 #103 Site Wide Announcements

Sometimes you need to display an administrative announcement to every page on the site and give the users the ability to hide the announcement. See how in this episode.[code="java"]script/generate s...

2008-12-12 11:42:29 205

原创 #102 Auto-Complete Association

Usually a select menu is used for setting a belongs_to association, but in this episode I will show you how to use a text field with auto completion.[code="java"]script/plugin install auto_complete...

2008-12-12 11:34:33 105

原创 #101 Refactoring Out Helper Object

If you have complex view logic, this can easily lead to helper methods which call each other. See how to refactor this out into another object in this episode.[code="java"]# application_helper.rbd...

2008-12-12 11:31:37 97

原创 #100 5 View Tips

Tip #1: Whitespace in ERB TemplatesUse a dash at the beginning and end of an ERB tag to remove the white space around it.[code="java"] [/code]Tip #2: content_for :sideYou ca...

2008-12-11 21:20:46 74

原创 #99 Complex Partials

How do you handle partials which have differences depending on the action which is rendering them? Here's three suggestions for this problem.[code="java"] 'article', :object => article do %>...

2008-12-11 21:12:22 87

原创 #98 Request Profiling

You can use profiling to determine where the performance bottlenecks are in specific Rails actions. Watch this episode for details.[code="java"]# config/environments/staging.rbconfig.cache_classes...

2008-12-11 21:08:14 66

原创 #96 Git on Rails

Git has been getting a lot of buzz lately, and for good reason. It's an excellent SCM which in many ways is more simple and powerful than subversion. See how to set up a Rails project with Git in this...

2008-12-11 20:29:34 75

原创 #95 More on ActiveResource

See how to handle authentication and custom actions using ActiveResource in this episode.[code="java"]# models/product.rb (in blog app)class Product < ActiveResource::Base self.site = "http://a...

2008-12-11 20:27:58 90

原创 #94 ActiveResource Basics

ActiveResource allows you to easily communicate between multiple Rails applications. See how in this episode.[code="java"]# models/product.rbclass Product < ActiveResource::Base self.site = "ht...

2008-12-10 14:58:53 81

原创 #93 Action Caching

Action caching behaves much like page caching except it processes the controller filters. You can also make it conditional as seen in this episode.[code="java"]# products_controller.rbcache_sweepe...

2008-12-10 14:56:33 93

原创 #92 make_resourceful

The make_resourceful plugin is a great way to DRY up the 7 RESTful actions common in most controllers. Learn how to use it in this episode.[code="java"]# products_controller.rbmake_resourceful do...

2008-12-10 14:55:14 83

原创 #90 Fragment Caching

Sometimes you only want to cache a section of a page instead of the entire page. Fragment caching is the answer as shown in this episode.[code="java"]# products_controller.rbcache_sweeper :product...

2008-12-10 14:39:13 81

原创 #89 Page Caching

Page caching is an efficient way to cache stateless content. In this episode I will show you how to cache the dynamic javascript we created last week.[code="java"]# javascripts_controller.rbcaches...

2008-12-10 14:35:36 77

原创 #88 Dynamic Select Menus

See how to dynamically change a select menu based on another select menu using Javascript. In this episode everything is kept client side which leads to a more responsive user interface.[code="java"...

2008-12-10 14:33:30 146

原创 #87 Generating RSS Feeds

See how to easily generate and link to an RSS feed using new features in Rails 2.0. Watch this episode or details.[code="java"]# index.rss.builderxml.instruct! :xml, :version => "1.0" xml.rss :v...

2008-12-10 12:02:48 95

原创 #86 Logging Variables

Have you ever wanted to easily log all variables? Now you can by using some advanced Ruby concepts as shown in this episode.[code="java"]# models/product.rblogger.debug_variables(binding)# con...

2008-12-10 11:59:18 72

原创 #85 YAML Configuration File

Application configuration shouldn't be spread throughout your code base. Instead a much better place to put it is an external YAML file. See how to do that in this episode.[code="java"]# config/in...

2008-12-09 21:22:55 190

原创 #84 Cookie Based Session Store

In Rails 1.2 the default session store is file based. This is inefficient and difficult to maintain. In Rails 2.0 the default is now cookie based which has several benefits as you will see in this epi...

2008-12-09 21:11:52 66


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