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原创 64位 fedora 安装 android sdk

android sdk linux 是为32位linux编译的。要在64位系统上运行,需要做:yum install libstdc++.i686 ncurses-libs.i686

2012-10-04 15:58:03 171

原创 tapestry 对外json接口实现

为了实现一个对外的json接口,仔细读了tapestry5.2的源代码,考虑了几种实现,最简便清晰的方法如下。 为json接口做一个Page, 例如命名为 JsonPage。在JsonPage里只放一个actonlink,给一个命名例如"do"JsonPage.tml如下:<html xmlns:t="http://tapestry.apache.org/schema/...

2012-09-11 21:54:30 268

转:Java Performance Tuning on Linux Servers

by Andrew C. Oliver 18-Sep-2006 At JBoss, I was asked to help write some training materials for "performance tuning JBoss/Java on RHEL/Linux". It wasn't a very easy task because I knew...

2007-03-30 15:28:17 207


According to Google Directories, the total number of open source packages written in Java (3,469 packages) far exceeds any other language, and in fact, more than doubles the second most-used language,...

2007-03-12 00:27:00 115

weather.com powered by tomcat

http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=92583&pageNumber=1PV:The Weather Channel Interactive said weather.com logged 82.5 million page views, toppi...

2007-03-07 10:16:26 92

转:Inside MySpace.com

From: http://www.baselinemag.com/print_article2/0,1217,a=198614,00.aspInside MySpace.comJanuary 16, 2007 By  David F. Carr Booming traffic demands put a constant...

2007-03-06 11:14:10 1253

转:Web 2.0: How High-Volume eBay Manages Its Storage

http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,1895,2047252,00.asp摘要: The site averages more than 1 billion page views per day.Users trade about $1,700 worth of goods on the site every second.26 billion SQL q...

2007-03-06 11:07:03 89


注:感觉Nielson的数据偏小,大概是50%Yahoo Drew More Traffic Than Google in 2006Saturday, 23. December 2006, 06:58:03Yahoo was the most trafficked Web brand for 2006, with approximately 354.5 billion page views...

2007-03-02 23:56:19 84


Blogger.com看来是用Java重写了一遍 作者:车东 发表于:2004-02-02 11:02 最后更新于:2006-01-08 23:01版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本声明。http://www.chedong.com/blog/archives/000003....

2007-03-01 23:00:51 88

转:多家权威机构、几十篇权威证据证明:Java比C++更快- -

水木尤寒的博客 已锁定- -| 回首页 | 2005年索引 | - -目录树 1.0 for asp(asp+access)多家权威机构、几十篇权威证据证明:Java比C++更快- -                                      多家权威机构、几十篇权威证据证明:Java比C++更快 以下权威机构的报告证明“Java比C++快”: ...

2007-03-01 15:41:17 752


来源:http://news.csdn.net/n/20061219/99619.htmlJava开发技术十年的回顾与展望2006.12.19  来自:luap     [收藏到我的网摘]在 这次大会上,James Gosling还同Java技术先驱,现任Kleiner, Perkins Caulfield and Byers合伙人的Bill Joy先生,Sun公司首席科学家John Gag...

2007-03-01 15:09:02 259

转: 千万级mysql db的性能实测

2006-11-21 11:23 在 JavaEye 上看到一篇对 MySQL FUD(Fear, uncertainty and doubt) 的文章 用MySQL InnoDB Benchmark 性能测试来说明 ...

2007-02-28 18:26:20 228

This guy lead the dev of AdWords first version using java

2001-2002 - GoogleThis section is a little off-topic, since this is supposed to be a history of Lisp at JPL, but some aspects of my experience at Google might nonetheless be of interest. One of the...

2007-02-27 21:55:46 82

InfoQ对 Joshua Bloch 访问

What is Google doing with Java? Google uses Java in many places. We use it a lot in the middle tier obviously on the client, we use Ajax, we use Javascript and typical...

2007-02-27 21:00:25 77

转:Python in Google(notes took in PyCon)

TITLE OF PAPER: Python at GoogleURL OF PRESENTATION: --not available--PRESENTED BY: Greg SteinREPRESENTING: GoogleCONFERENCE: PyCon 2005DATE: March 25, 2005LOCATION: Marvin Theater--------------------...

2007-02-27 19:56:32 135

Yahoo:PHP+C++ Amazon:Perl/Mason+C++/Java

This is true even within single applications. Yahoo mandates PHP at the surface, but uses C++ for most back-ends because they need to handle a few billion page views per day. Amazon too has lots of co...

2007-02-26 12:13:37 138

转: walmart.com 迁移到 java5

June 2005 Discussion How do you upgrade one of the busiest web applications of the whole Internet to Java 1.5? This is a challenge under the best conditions, considering that the applicat...

2007-02-26 11:46:52 141

转: Street Fight: PHP vs Java(Part 1)

Street Fight: PHP vs Java (Part 1) Please welcome our newest regular GJ blogger: The BlackdoodOoooo! fight! fight! fight!.This is a fight that has been going on for as long ...

2007-02-14 16:10:10 111

转: C++ vs. Java 1.6 - A fair Benchmark

C++ vs. Java 1.6 - A fair Benchmark For one of my small private projects, I wanted to know if I could implement the program in Java instead of C++. The only critical feature for this program wa...

2007-02-14 16:02:35 187

转:论Web 2.0时代的PHP(注:侧面看java)

随着所谓WEB2.0时代来临,程序员从来没有时代象今天那样受人注意,很多程序员对于语言的争论也从来没有象今天这样剧烈,JAVA、C++、PHP、ASP等等,最近又出来一个Ruby,加上Python。无数的FANS在中间进行争论不休,也就是在网路上,如果是在现实生活中, 大概会象《倚天屠龙记》里描述的那样,会决战光明顶来定一个胜负,或者说定出天下第一大门派。而现在定出谁是天下第一大其实很方便,看一下...

2007-02-14 15:45:09 65


技术对谈-看Google怎么用Java文/李延华 (记者) 2006-08-29Google首席Java架构师Joshua Bloch与Google专任工程师兼Java讲师Neal Gafter,与七位台湾Java社群专家对谈。席卷全球Java界的《Java Puzzlers》作者-Google首席Java架构师Joshua Bloch与Google专任工程师兼Java讲师Neal Ga...

2007-02-13 18:23:24 119


From:俊麟 Michael’s blog (http://www.toplee.com/blog/?p=71)我在CERNET做过拨号接入平台的搭建,而后在Yahoo&3721从事过搜索引擎前端开发,又在MOP处理过大型社区猫扑大杂烩的架构升级等 工作,同时自己接触和开发过不少大中型网站的模块,因此在大型网站应对高负载和并发的解决方案上有一些积累和经验,可以和大家一起探讨一下。一...

2007-02-09 18:41:18 555

thoughts on ebay arch

From: http://www.manageability.org/blog/stuff/about-ebays-architecture An accurate way of knowing what really works is looking at what truly works in practice. The software industry is plagued with ...

2007-02-09 18:38:25 53

ebay Architecure notes

From: http://netmesh.info/jernst/Comments/sdforum-ebay-architecture.htmlThis week, I attended a very interesting presentation by Dan Pritchett and Randy Shoup, both senior technologists at eBay, ...

2007-02-09 17:44:57 143



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