
栈有后进先出(last in ,first out ,LIFO)的特性,即放到栈中的最后一个项目将第一个被删除。


#ifndef STACK_EXCEPTION_H_ #define STACK_EXCEPTION_H_ #include<stdexcept> #include<string> using namespace std; class stackException :public logic_error { stackException(const string &message="") :logic_error(message.c_str()) {} }; #endif

栈基于数组的实现:header file stack_array.h

//the ADT stack is based on an array //header file stack_array.h for ADT stack //Arrary based implementation #ifndef STACK_ARRAY_H_ #define STACK_ARRAY_H_ #include"stack_exception.h" const int MAX=30; template<class T> class Stack { public: //constructor and destructor Stack();//default constructor //copy constructor and destructor are //supplied by teh compiler //stack operator bool isEmpty()const; //detemines whether the stack is empty //precondition :none //postcondition :return the true if the stack is empty //otherwise returns false void push(T newitem)throw(stackException); //adds an items to the top of a stack. //precondition :newitem is the item to be added. //postcondition :newitem is successful ,newitem is on //on the top of the stack. //Exception :throw exception if the newitem cannot be //placed on the stack. void pop()throw(stackException); //removes the top of a stack //precondition :none //postcondition :if the stack is not empty,the item //that was added most recently is removed ,however,if //the stack is empty ,deletion is impossible //Exception :Throws stackExceptaion if the stack is empty void pop(T&stacktop)throw(stackException); //retrieves and removes the top of a stack //precondition :none //postcondition :if stack is not empty stackTop //contains the item that was added most recently and //the item is impossible and stacktop is unchanged //Exception :throws stackexception if the stack is empty void getTop(T &stackTop)const throw(stackException); //retrieve the top of the stack //precondition :none //postcondition :if the stack is not empty, stackTOp //contains the item that was added most recently //however if the stack is empty ,the operation fails //and stacktop is unchanged the stacktop is unchanged //Exception :throw stackExcetpion the stack is empty private: T items[MAX]; int top; }; #endif

#include"stack_array.h" template<class T> Stack<T>::Stack() { top=0; } template<class T> bool Stack<T>::isEmpty()const { return top==-1; } template<class T> void Stack<T>::push(T newitem)throw(stackException) { if(top>=MAX-1) throw stackException("stackException :push newitem failed !"); else { top++; items[top]=newitem; } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop()throw(stackException) { if(top<0) throw stackException("stackException :pop item faild !"); else --top; } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop(T &stacktop)throw(stackException) { if(top<0) throw stackException("stackException :pop item failed !"); else { stacktop=items[top]; --top; } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::getTop(T&stackTop)const throw(stackException) { if(top<0) throw stackException("stackException :getTOp item failed !"); else stackTop=items[top]; }


#ifndef STACK_DYNAMIC_H_ #define STACK_DYNAMIC_H_ #include"stack_exception.h" const int MAX=20; template<class T> class Stack { public: //constructor and destructor Stack(); Stack(const Stack &astack); ~Stack(); //operator functions bool isEmpty()const; void push(T newitem)throw(stackException); void pop()throw(stackException); void pop(T &topstack)throw(stackException); void getTop(T &topstack)const throw(stackException); private: T *items; int top; int numb; }; #endif #include<cstddef> #include<cassert> #include"stack_dynamic.h" template<class T> Stack<T>::Stack() { items=new T[MAX]; top=-1; numb=1; } template<class T> Stack<T>::Stack(const Stack &astack) { top=astack.top; numb=astack.numb; items=new T[numb*MAX]; assert(items!=NULL); for(int i=0;i<=top;i++) { items[i]=astack.items[i]; } } template<class T> Stack<T>::~Stack() { delete []items; } template<class T> bool Stack<T>::isEmpty()const { return top<0; } template<class T> void Stack<T>::push(T newitem)throw(stackException) { if(top==numb*MAX-1) { T *newitems=new T[(numb+1)*MAX]; if(newitems==NULL) throw stackException("stackException :push newitem failed !"); else { numb++; top++; newitems[top]=newitem; delete []items; items=newitems; } } else { top++; items[top]=newitem; } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop()throw(stackException) { if(isEmpty()) throw stackException("stackException :pop the item failed !"); else top--; } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop(T &topstack)throw(stackException) { if(isEmpty()) throw stackException("stackException :pop the item faild !"); else { topstack=items[top]; top--; } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::getTop(T &topstack)const throw(stackException) { if(isEmpty()) throw stackException("stackException :get top items failed !"); else topstack=items[top]; }


#ifndef STACK_POINTER_H_ #define STACK_POINTER_H_ #include"stack_exception.h" template<class T> class Stack { public: //constructor and destructor Stack(); //default constructor Stack(const Stack &astack);//copy constructor ~Stack();//destructor //stack operations; bool isEmpty()const; void push(T newitem)throw(stackException); void pop()throw(stackException); void pop(T &stacktop)throw(stackException); void getTop(T & stacktop)const throw(stackException); private: struct stackNode { T item; stackNode *next; }; stackNode *topPtr; }; #endif #include"stack_pointer.h" #include<cstdlib> #include<cstddef> template<class T> Stack<T>::Stack() { } template<class T> Stack<T>::Stack(const Stack<T> &astack) { if(astack.topPtr==NULL) topPtr=NULL; else { topPtr=new stackNode; assert(topPtr!=NULL); stackNode *newPtr=topPtr; stackNode *tempPtr=astack.topPtr->next; topPtr->item=tempPtr->item; while(tempPtr!=NULL) { newPtr->next=new stackNode; assert(newPtr->next!=NULL); newPtr=newPtr->next; newPtr->item=tempPtr->item; tempPtr=tempPtr->next; } newPtr->next=NULL; } } template<class T> Stack<T>::~Stack() { while(!isEmpty()) pop(); } template<class T> bool Stack<T>::isEmpty()const { return topPtr==NULL; } template<class T> void Stack<T>::push(T newitem)throw(stackException) { stackNode newPtr=new stackNode; if(newPtr==NULL) throw stackException("stackExcepation :push item failed !"); else { newPtr->item=newitem; newPtr->next=topPtr; topPtr=newPtr; } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop()throw(stackException) { if(isEmpty()) throw stackException("stackException :pop the items failed !"); else { stackNode *tempPtr=topPtr; topPtr=topPtr->next; tempPtr->next=NULL; delete tempPtr; } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop(T &stacktop)throw(stackException) { if(isEmpty()) throw stackException("stackException :pop the items failed !"); else { stackNode *tempPtr=topPtr; stacktop=topPtr->item; topPtr=topPtr->next; tempPtr->next=NULL; delete tempPtr; } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::getTop(T & stacktop )const throw(stackException) { if(isEmpty()) throw stackException("stackException :getTOp item failed !"); else stacktop=topPtr->item; }


#ifndef STACK_ADT_H_ #define STACK_ADT_H_ #include<list> #include"stack_exception.h" using namespace std; template<class T> class Stack { public: //constructor and destructor Stack();//default constructor Stack(const Stack &astack);//copy constructor ~Stack(); bool isEmpty()const; void push(T newitem)throw(stackException); void pop()throw(stackException); void pop(T & topstack)throw(stackException); void getTop(T & topstack)throw(stackException); private: list<T> alist; }; #endif

#include"stack_adt.h" template<class T> Stack<T>::Stack() { } template<class T> Stack<T>::Stack(const Stack<T> &astack) { alist=astack.alist; } template<class T> Stack<T>::~Stack<T>() { } template<class T> bool Stack<T>::isEmpty()const { return alist.empty(); } template<class T> void Stack<T>::push(T newitem)throw(stackException) { try{ alist.insert(1,newitem); } catch(...) { throw stackException("stackexception :push new item failed !"); } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop()throw(stackException) { try{ alist.remove(1); }catch(...) { throw stackException("stackexception :pop item failed !"); } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::pop(T &topstack)throw(stackException) { try{ alist.retrieve(1,topstack); alist.remove(1); }catch(...) { throw stackException("stackException :pop item failed !"); } } template<class T> void Stack<T>::getTop(T & topstack)throw(stackException) { try{ alist.retrieve(1,topstack); }catch(...) { throw stackException("stackException :getTop item failed !"); } }


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