ckeditor 去高级


Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or

var imageDialog = function( editor, dialogType )
// Load image preview.
var IMAGE = 1,
LINK = 2,
regexGetSize = /^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$/i,
regexGetSizeOrEmpty = /(^\s*(\d+)((px)|\%)?\s*$)|^$/i,
pxLengthRegex = /^\d+px$/;

var onSizeChange = function()
var value = this.getValue(), // This = input element.
dialog = this.getDialog(),
aMatch = value.match( regexGetSize ); // Check value
if ( aMatch )
if ( aMatch[2] == '%' ) // % is allowed - > unlock ratio.
switchLockRatio( dialog, false ); // Unlock.
value = aMatch[1];

// Only if ratio is locked
if ( dialog.lockRatio )
var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
if ( == 'txtHeight' )
if ( value && value != '0' )
value = Math.round( oImageOriginal.$.width * ( value / oImageOriginal.$.height ) );
if ( !isNaN( value ) )
dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth', value );
else // = txtWidth.
if ( value && value != '0' )
value = Math.round( oImageOriginal.$.height * ( value / oImageOriginal.$.width ) );
if ( !isNaN( value ) )
dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight', value );
updatePreview( dialog );

var updatePreview = function( dialog )
//Don't load before onShow.
if ( !dialog.originalElement || !dialog.preview )
return 1;

// Read attributes and update imagePreview;
dialog.commitContent( PREVIEW, dialog.preview );
return 0;

// Custom commit dialog logic, where we're intended to give inline style
// field (txtdlgGenStyle) higher priority to avoid overwriting styles contribute
// by other fields.
function commitContent()
var args = arguments;
var inlineStyleField = this.getContentElement( 'advanced', 'txtdlgGenStyle' );
inlineStyleField && inlineStyleField.commit.apply( inlineStyleField, args );

this.foreach( function( widget )
if ( widget.commit && != 'txtdlgGenStyle' )
widget.commit.apply( widget, args );

// Avoid recursions.
var incommit;

// Synchronous field values to other impacted fields is required, e.g. border
// size change should alter inline-style text as well.
function commitInternally( targetFields )
if ( incommit )

incommit = 1;

var dialog = this.getDialog(),
element = dialog.imageElement;
if ( element )
// Commit this field and broadcast to target fields.
this.commit( IMAGE, element );

targetFields = [].concat( targetFields );
var length = targetFields.length,
for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ )
field = dialog.getContentElement.apply( dialog, targetFields[ i ].split( ':' ) );
// May cause recursion.
field && field.setup( IMAGE, element );

incommit = 0;

var switchLockRatio = function( dialog, value )
var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;

// Dialog may already closed. (#5505)
if( !oImageOriginal )
return null;

var ratioButton = CKEDITOR.document.getById( btnLockSizesId );

if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
if ( value == 'check' ) // Check image ratio and original image ratio.
var width = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth' ),
height = dialog.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight' ),
originalRatio = oImageOriginal.$.width * 1000 / oImageOriginal.$.height,
thisRatio = width * 1000 / height;
dialog.lockRatio = false; // Default: unlock ratio

if ( !width && !height )
dialog.lockRatio = true;
else if ( !isNaN( originalRatio ) && !isNaN( thisRatio ) )
if ( Math.round( originalRatio ) == Math.round( thisRatio ) )
dialog.lockRatio = true;
else if ( value != undefined )
dialog.lockRatio = value;
dialog.lockRatio = !dialog.lockRatio;
else if ( value != 'check' ) // I can't lock ratio if ratio is unknown.
dialog.lockRatio = false;

if ( dialog.lockRatio )
ratioButton.removeClass( 'cke_btn_unlocked' );
ratioButton.addClass( 'cke_btn_unlocked' );

var lang = dialog._.editor.lang.image,
label = lang[ dialog.lockRatio ? 'unlockRatio' : 'lockRatio' ];

ratioButton.setAttribute( 'title', label );
ratioButton.getFirst().setText( label );

return dialog.lockRatio;

var resetSize = function( dialog )
var oImageOriginal = dialog.originalElement;
if ( oImageOriginal.getCustomData( 'isReady' ) == 'true' )
dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtWidth', oImageOriginal.$.width );
dialog.setValueOf( 'info', 'txtHeight', oImageOriginal.$.height );
updatePreview( dialog );

var setupDimension = function( type, element )
if ( type != IMAGE )

function checkDimension( size, defaultValue )
var aMatch = size.match( regexGetSize );
if ( aMatch )
if ( aMatch[2] == '%' ) // % is allowed.
aMatch[1] += '%';
switchLockRatio( dialog, false ); // Unlock ratio
return aMatch[1];
return defaultValue;

var dialog = this.getDialog(),
value = '',
dimension = (( == 'txtWidth' )? 'width' : 'height' ),
size = element.getAttribute( dimension );

if ( size )
value = checkDimension( size, value );
value = checkDimension( element.getStyle( dimension ), value );

this.setValue( value );

var previewPreloader;

var onImgLoadEvent = function()
// Image is ready.
var original = this.originalElement;
original.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'true' );
original.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
original.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
original.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );

// Hide loader
CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );

// New image -> new domensions
if ( !this.dontResetSize )
resetSize( this );

if ( this.firstLoad ) function(){ switchLockRatio( this, 'check' ); }, 0, this );

this.firstLoad = false;
this.dontResetSize = false;

var onImgLoadErrorEvent = function()
// Error. Image is not loaded.
var original = this.originalElement;
original.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
original.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
original.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );

// Set Error image.
var noimage = CKEDITOR.getUrl( editor.skinPath + 'images/noimage.png' );

if ( this.preview )
this.preview.setAttribute( 'src', noimage );

// Hide loader
CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
switchLockRatio( this, false ); // Unlock.

var numbering = function( id ){ return id +; },
btnLockSizesId = numbering( 'btnLockSizes' ),
btnResetSizeId = numbering( 'btnResetSize' ),
imagePreviewLoaderId = numbering( 'ImagePreviewLoader' ),
imagePreviewBoxId = numbering( 'ImagePreviewBox' ),
previewLinkId = numbering( 'previewLink' ),
previewImageId = numbering( 'previewImage' );

return {
title : ( dialogType == 'image' ) ? editor.lang.image.title : editor.lang.image.titleButton,
minWidth : 420,
minHeight : 310,
onShow : function()
this.imageElement = false;
this.linkElement = false;

// Default: create a new element.
this.imageEditMode = false;
this.linkEditMode = false;

this.lockRatio = true;
this.dontResetSize = false;
this.firstLoad = true;
this.addLink = false;

var editor = this.getParentEditor(),
sel = this.getParentEditor().getSelection(),
element = sel.getSelectedElement(),
link = element && element.getAscendant( 'a' );

//Hide loader.
CKEDITOR.document.getById( imagePreviewLoaderId ).setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
// Create the preview before setup the dialog contents.
previewPreloader = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'img', editor.document );
this.preview = CKEDITOR.document.getById( previewImageId );

// Copy of the image
this.originalElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
this.originalElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
this.originalElement.setCustomData( 'isReady', 'false' );

if ( link )
this.linkElement = link;
this.linkEditMode = true;

// Look for Image element.
var linkChildren = link.getChildren();
if ( linkChildren.count() == 1 ) // 1 child.
var childTagName = linkChildren.getItem( 0 ).getName();
if ( childTagName == 'img' || childTagName == 'input' )
this.imageElement = linkChildren.getItem( 0 );
if ( this.imageElement.getName() == 'img' )
this.imageEditMode = 'img';
else if ( this.imageElement.getName() == 'input' )
this.imageEditMode = 'input';
// Fill out all fields.
if ( dialogType == 'image' )
this.setupContent( LINK, link );

if ( element && element.getName() == 'img' && !element.getAttribute( '_cke_realelement' )
|| element && element.getName() == 'input' && element.getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'image' )
this.imageEditMode = element.getName();
this.imageElement = element;

if ( this.imageEditMode )
// Use the original element as a buffer from since we don't want
// temporary changes to be committed, e.g. if the dialog is canceled.
this.cleanImageElement = this.imageElement;
this.imageElement = this.cleanImageElement.clone( true, true );

// Fill out all fields.
this.setupContent( IMAGE, this.imageElement );

// Refresh LockRatio button
switchLockRatio ( this, true );
this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );

// Dont show preview if no URL given.
if ( ! this.getValueOf( 'info', 'txtUrl' ) ) )
this.preview.removeAttribute( 'src' );
this.preview.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
onOk : function()
// Edit existing Image.
if ( this.imageEditMode )
var imgTagName = this.imageEditMode;

// Image dialog and Input element.
if ( dialogType == 'image' && imgTagName == 'input' && confirm( editor.lang.image.button2Img ) )
// Replace INPUT-> IMG
imgTagName = 'img';
this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
this.imageElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );
editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
// ImageButton dialog and Image element.
else if ( dialogType != 'image' && imgTagName == 'img' && confirm( editor.lang.image.img2Button ))
// Replace IMG -> INPUT
imgTagName = 'input';
this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
type : 'image',
alt : ''
editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
// Restore the original element before all commits.
this.imageElement = this.cleanImageElement;
delete this.cleanImageElement;
else // Create a new image.
// Image dialog -> create IMG element.
if ( dialogType == 'image' )
this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'img' );
this.imageElement = editor.document.createElement( 'input' );
this.imageElement.setAttribute ( 'type' ,'image' );
this.imageElement.setAttribute( 'alt', '' );

// Create a new link.
if ( !this.linkEditMode )
this.linkElement = editor.document.createElement( 'a' );

// Set attributes.
this.commitContent( IMAGE, this.imageElement );
this.commitContent( LINK, this.linkElement );

// Remove empty style attribute.
if ( !this.imageElement.getAttribute( 'style' ) )
this.imageElement.removeAttribute( 'style' );

// Insert a new Image.
if ( !this.imageEditMode )
if ( this.addLink )
//Insert a new Link.
if ( !this.linkEditMode )
this.linkElement.append(this.imageElement, false);
else //Link already exists, image not.
editor.insertElement(this.imageElement );
editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
else // Image already exists.
//Add a new link element.
if ( !this.linkEditMode && this.addLink )
editor.insertElement( this.linkElement );
this.imageElement.appendTo( this.linkElement );
//Remove Link, Image exists.
else if ( this.linkEditMode && !this.addLink )
editor.getSelection().selectElement( this.linkElement );
editor.insertElement( this.imageElement );
onLoad : function()
if ( dialogType != 'image' )
this.hidePage( 'Link' ); //Hide Link tab.
var doc = this._.element.getDocument();
this.addFocusable( doc.getById( btnResetSizeId ), 5 );
this.addFocusable( doc.getById( btnLockSizesId ), 5 );

this.commitContent = commitContent;
onHide : function()
if ( this.preview )
this.commitContent( CLEANUP, this.preview );

if ( this.originalElement )
this.originalElement.removeListener( 'load', onImgLoadEvent );
this.originalElement.removeListener( 'error', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
this.originalElement.removeListener( 'abort', onImgLoadErrorEvent );
this.originalElement = false; // Dialog is closed.

delete this.imageElement;
contents : [
id : 'Upload',
hidden : true,
filebrowser : 'uploadButton',
label : editor.lang.image.upload,
elements :
type : 'file',
id : 'upload',
label : editor.lang.image.btnUpload,
style: 'height:40px',
size : 38
type : 'fileButton',
id : 'uploadButton',
filebrowser : 'info:txtUrl',
label : editor.lang.image.btnUpload,
'for' : [ 'Upload', 'upload' ]

CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'image', function( editor )
return imageDialog( editor, 'image' );

CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'imagebutton', function( editor )
return imageDialog( editor, 'imagebutton' );




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钱包余额 0


