* FSNamesystem does the actual bookkeeping work for the
* DataNode.
* It tracks several important tables.
* 1) valid fsname --> blocklist (kept on disk, logged)
* 2) Set of all valid blocks (inverted #1)
* 3) block --> machinelist (kept in memory, rebuilt dynamically from reports)
* 4) machine --> blocklist (inverted #2)
* 5) LRU cache of updated-heartbeat machines
public class FSNamesystem implements FSConstants, FSNamesystemMBean, FSClusterStats,
NameNodeMXBean, MetricsSource
[quote] //
// Stores the correct file name hierarchy
public FSDirectory dir;[/quote]
// Mapping: Block -> { INode, datanodes, self ref }
// Updated only in response to client-sent information.
final BlocksMap blocksMap = new BlocksMap(DEFAULT_INITIAL_MAP_CAPACITY,
* Stores the datanode -> block map.
* <p>
* Done by storing a set of {@link DatanodeDescriptor} objects, sorted by
* storage id. In order to keep the storage map consistent it tracks
* all storages ever registered with the namenode.
* A descriptor corresponding to a specific storage id can be
* <ul>
* <li>added to the map if it is a new storage id;</li>
* <li>updated with a new datanode started as a replacement for the old one
* with the same storage id; and </li>
* <li>removed if and only if an existing datanode is restarted to serve a
* different storage id.</li>
* </ul> <br>
* The list of the {@link DatanodeDescriptor}s in the map is checkpointed
* in the namespace image file. Only the {@link DatanodeInfo} part is
* persistent, the list of blocks is restored from the datanode block
* reports.
* <p>
* Mapping: StorageID -> DatanodeDescriptor
NavigableMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor> datanodeMap =
new TreeMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor>();[/quote]
* FSNamesystem does the actual bookkeeping work for the
* DataNode.
* It tracks several important tables.
* 1) valid fsname --> blocklist (kept on disk, logged)
* 2) Set of all valid blocks (inverted #1)
* 3) block --> machinelist (kept in memory, rebuilt dynamically from reports)
* 4) machine --> blocklist (inverted #2)
* 5) LRU cache of updated-heartbeat machines
public class FSNamesystem implements FSConstants, FSNamesystemMBean, FSClusterStats,
NameNodeMXBean, MetricsSource
[quote] //
// Stores the correct file name hierarchy
public FSDirectory dir;[/quote]
// Mapping: Block -> { INode, datanodes, self ref }
// Updated only in response to client-sent information.
final BlocksMap blocksMap = new BlocksMap(DEFAULT_INITIAL_MAP_CAPACITY,
* Stores the datanode -> block map.
* <p>
* Done by storing a set of {@link DatanodeDescriptor} objects, sorted by
* storage id. In order to keep the storage map consistent it tracks
* all storages ever registered with the namenode.
* A descriptor corresponding to a specific storage id can be
* <ul>
* <li>added to the map if it is a new storage id;</li>
* <li>updated with a new datanode started as a replacement for the old one
* with the same storage id; and </li>
* <li>removed if and only if an existing datanode is restarted to serve a
* different storage id.</li>
* </ul> <br>
* The list of the {@link DatanodeDescriptor}s in the map is checkpointed
* in the namespace image file. Only the {@link DatanodeInfo} part is
* persistent, the list of blocks is restored from the datanode block
* reports.
* <p>
* Mapping: StorageID -> DatanodeDescriptor
NavigableMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor> datanodeMap =
new TreeMap<String, DatanodeDescriptor>();[/quote]