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原创 virtual box ubuntu no eth0

each time you give a new MAC address (in VBox guest settings) Debian and Ubuntu guests udev assigns a new eth numberedit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules or delete the file: it will be recr...

2013-06-09 12:11:12 219

原创 ps select area export

Make your selectionEdit -> Copy Merged(ctrl+shift+c)File -> New (Photoshop should automatically suggest a new canvas size to match the selection size)(ctrl+n)Edit -> Paste(ctrl+v)File -> Save ...

2013-06-03 18:29:55 170

原创 nginx php-fpm 504 gateway timeout

make following changes to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf in http { sectionproxy_connect_timeout 600s;proxy_send_timeout 600s;proxy_read_timeout 600s;fastcgi_send_timeout 600s;fastcgi_read_timeout ...

2013-05-20 16:37:51 244

原创 mac tar ._foo files

mac tar files 解压后存在大量._foo 文件set[code="shell"]export COPY_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES_DISABLE=true[/code]on Tiger, or[code="shell"]export COPYFILE_DISABLE=true[/code]on Leopard and newer O...

2013-04-12 11:37:13 200

原创 lua important

[code="java"]>if 0 then print("true") else print("false") end>true[/code]

2013-03-15 22:47:22 132

原创 lua find plain mode

lua sring.find() default reg patern match;set string.find("asdf?te",'f?t',1,true) use plain find

2013-03-08 16:45:23 140

原创 OPENSSL_1.0.1 not found

OPENSSL_1.0.1 not foundsudo apt-get install openssl

2013-03-07 22:51:31 1660

原创 mysql change data dir

[ubuntu]MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon (mysqld) and many different client programs/libraries.If you wa...

2013-03-07 15:09:34 142

原创 Windows 7 fails to install; Status: 0xc0000225

changed chipset from PIIX3 to ICH9enabled IO APICenabled absolute pointing device (although this is probably not important)

2013-03-07 13:14:58 278

原创 android gdb ndk so lib

[code="shell"]1. adb root 手机需要rooted,并且开发者选项中设置adb可以获得root权限; ro...

2013-02-26 15:57:34 266

原创 wxpython mac osx

cd wxPython/sudo python build-wxpython.py --install --osx_cocoa

2013-02-21 00:49:37 129

原创 mac gcc hello world

[code="shell"]xcrun -sdk macosx10.7 -run gcc -isysroot $(xcodebuild -version -sdk macosx10.7 Path) test.m -o test[/code]test.m[code="c"]#include int main(){ printf("hello world"); ...

2013-01-24 12:15:33 141

原创 iOS auto build

http://www.weste.net/2011/12-3/78382.htmlxcodebuild和xcrun实现自动打包iOS应用程序2011-12-03 20:30:07来源:百度搜索研发部作者:随着苹果手持设备用户的不断增加,ios应用也增长迅速,同时随着iphone被越狱越来越多的app 的渠道也不断增多,为各个渠道打包成了一件费时费力的工作,本文提供一种比较智能的打包...

2013-01-24 11:37:25 182

原创 ubuntu server android sdk platforms

1. tools/android list sdk --extended2. tools/android update sdk -u

2013-01-17 14:27:13 151

原创 lua coroutine


2013-01-07 19:03:52 121

原创 sox ubuntu

sudo apt-get install sox libsox1b libsox-dev libsox-fmt-all

2012-12-27 13:19:16 208

原创 adb shell tar

adb shelltar cvf aaa.tar /storage/sdcard0/your/pathlinux shell rename(批量修改文件后缀名)find -name '*.my'|xargs -n1 -P2 rename 's/\.my$//'

2012-12-25 12:31:24 1206

原创 php compile source to support mysqli

php installed; but mysqli not supported.1. php -i |grep -i configure,找到编译时的configure,拷贝出来。2. 在拷出的./configure 串后附加上--with-mysqli ,重新编译安装(make;sudo make install)3. php -i |grep -i mysqli应该已经支持...

2012-12-20 12:08:57 120

原创 xshell disable beep sound

Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Terminal :Disable bell sound

2012-12-19 10:40:01 382

原创 cannot find the flags to link with boost thread

ubuntu cannot find the flags to link with boost threadsudo apt-get install libboost-thread-dev

2012-12-18 11:09:13 284

原创 ubuntu x64 32 dev

Ubuntu apt-get install ia32 for 32-bit on 64-bitTo install 32-bit libraries on a 64-bit linux systemInstall: $ apt-get install ia32-libsTo install 32-bit libraries for developmentInstall:...

2012-12-04 18:02:50 131

原创 seo

1.What Is Search Engine Ranking Authority?2. http://searchengineland.com/guide/seo/personalization-search-engine-rankings3. http://searchengineland.com/priceline-to-buy-travel-search-engine-kayak-...

2012-11-29 22:50:35 89

原创 ubuntu 64 pil

Ubuntu11.10上,libjpeg.so、libz.so和libfreetype.so都在路径/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu下,在/usr/lib下为这3个包创建软链接后执行ldconfig安装libjpeg,libfreetype等。$ python setup.py build_ext -i测试$ python selftest.py通过后 pyt...

2012-11-18 17:53:29 59

原创 The cpu has been disabled by the guest operating system

[url]http://communities.vmware.com/message/2105362#2105362[/url] Re: Can't boot any Linux 3.x kernels in WS7/Player3 on Intel i5. Any ideas?Long story short, this is because of SMEP (Supervisor ...

2012-11-13 00:14:54 242

原创 file

1. swish2. wikidpad3. crengine

2012-11-11 23:18:34 83

原创 geo nearby

1. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4774274/listing-geo-places-near-a-user-location2. http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/api/search/facets/geo-distance-facet.html

2012-11-04 22:56:18 91

原创 linux process memory

How Does a Process Use Memory? When a process starts, the operating system allocates the amount of memory the process requires to run. Each process has four memory segments for exec...

2012-10-24 12:28:17 272

原创 com android phone crash 手机已停止运行

刷的cm10 不知为何突然狂报手机停止运行,crash 的原因是apn的问题,系统不知为何找不到apn的配置my nexus s continue poping up com.android.phone crashing,but wifi and usb debug working well. finally found the reason is system can not find ap...

2012-10-04 18:19:59 309

原创 nutch 2.0 search accumulo solr

1. http://www.covert.io/post/18414889381/accumulo-nutch-and-gora2. http://blog.packetloop.com/2012/03/packetpig-open-source-big-data-security.html3. http://blog.csdn.net/lengyue365/article/details...

2012-10-03 02:39:36 271

原创 nexus s

1. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=8830322. http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Nexus_S:_Full_Update_Guide3. for win 7 x64 can not connect nexus by adb ,refer to this :http://stack...

2012-08-30 01:04:37 94

原创 open source android

1. http://osliving.com/sourced/open-source/10-essential-free-and-open-source-android-apps/2. http://www.techdrivein.com/2010/11/12-open-source-android-applications.html3. https://github.com/guardi...

2012-08-13 23:37:46 90

原创 kivy android app error

1. [code="java"]git clone git://github.com/kivy/python-for-android[/code]2. [code="java"]./distribute.sh -m "openssl pygame pil ffmpeg kivy"[/code]3. [code="java"]cd python-for-android/build/pytho...

2012-08-12 17:00:51 181

原创 cassandra ssd


2012-07-20 11:16:07 142

原创 flash upload content md5


2012-07-04 11:55:03 95

原创 php curl upload file

三种方式:1. post[code="php"]curl_setopt($s, CURLOPT_URL, $url);curl_setopt($s, CURLOPT_POST, true);curl_setopt($s, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array('file'=>'@'.$filePath));[/code]2. put[code="php...

2012-06-17 16:02:11 149

原创 cap cassandra hbase

from: [url]http://rdc.taobao.com/team/jm/archives/915[/url]cassandra aphbase cpthe main result why facebook choose hbase[table]| |Cassandra|HBase||一致性| Quorum NRW策略 通过Gossip协议同步Merkle Tree...

2012-06-17 10:03:08 139

原创 hbase

1. [url]http://blog.163.com/javaee_chen/blog/static/1791950772012229505237/[/url]2. [url]http://www.searchtb.com/2011/01/understanding-hbase.html[/url]

2012-06-13 14:20:27 85

原创 cassandra源码分析

from:1.[url]http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_672e41a00100judt.html[/url]2. [url]http://blog.csdn.net/firecoder/article/details/5865559[/url]主要分析一下它的在收到读写请求的时候的大致逻辑:cassandra很大程度上简化了写操作,把复杂留给...

2012-06-08 16:57:04 207

原创 gdb tips

1. follow fork child set follow-fork-mode child2. gcc -gdwarf-2 -g3 info macro xxx

2012-06-07 19:09:57 78

原创 spawn-fcgi 进程数

今天下了spawn-fcgi的源码,花了点时间,终于明白线上2400个php-cgi的由来了,给大家分享下。常用的lighttpd+fastcgi的配置有以下几个关键参数:(我们线上在/home/work/local/lighttpd/bin/fastcgi_control里都有对应,下面这个可能更容易理解)[code="java"]fastcgi.server = ( ".php" ...

2012-06-06 18:20:38 339



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