基于JAVA的开源工作流引擎(Open Source Workflow Engines Written in Java)

A review of active open source workflow projects that are written in Java.
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Open Source Workflow Engines in Java


Twister is a whole open source workflow (or business process management) solution, written in Java, using the WS-BPEL standard . It's web services oriented but also supports other ways of interaction.

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jBpm is a flexible, extensible workflow management system. Business processes , expressed in a simple and powerfull language and packaged in process archives, serve as input for the jBpm runtime server. jBpm bridges the gap between managers and developers by giving them a common language : the jBpm Process definition language (jPdl).

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Enhydra Shark

Shark is an extendable workflow engine framework including a standard implementation completely based on WfMC specifications using XPDL (without any proprietary extensions !) as its native workflow process definition format and the WfMC "ToolAgents" API for serverside execution of system activitie

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OpenSymphony OSWorkflow

OSWorkflow can be considered a "low level" workflow implementation. Situations like "loops" and "conditions" that might be represented by a graphical icon in other workflow systems must be "coded" in OSWorkflow.

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con:cern is a workflow engine based on an extended case handling approach. A process is described as a set of activities with pre- and postconditions. An activity is executed when its preconditions are met. It manipulates the process item, thereby creating postconditions. The process flow is determined at run-time.

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Werkflow is a flexible, extensible process- and state-based workflow engine. It aims to satisfy a myriad of possible workflow scenarios, from enterprise-scale business processes to small-scale user-interaction processes. Using a pluggable and layered architecture, workflows with varying semantics can easily be accomodated. Processes can revolve around documents, objects or any other entity. The core werkflow engine can be accessed through a Java API, EJB, JMS, SOAP and other conduits.

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ObjectWeb Bonita

Bonita is a flexible cooperative workflow system, compliant to WfMC specifications, based on the workflow model proposed by the ECOO Team, which incorporates the anticipation of activities as a more flexible mechanism of workflow execution. Bonita is Open Source and is downloadable in LGPL License.

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Bossa is a workflow engine written in Java. The engine is very fast and lightweight, uses a very expressive Petri net notation to define workflows, does not require a RDBMS and is very simple to use and to integrate with java applications.

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Open Business Engine

The Open Business Engine is an open source workflow engine written in Java. OBE workflow definitions are written in XPDL, the WfMC's XML process definition language and are typically executed inside of a J2EE container.

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The Open for Business Workflow Engine

The Open for Business Workflow Engine is based on the WfMC and OMG spec; (See the related documents for information on these specs.) it is a member of the Services Framework, and is tightly integrated with the Entity Engine. It uses the entities found in entitymodel_workflow.XML for definition information and entitymode_workeffort for runtime storage. All changes to a process or activity are persisted real-time. Therefore, the engine does not run in a thread, it is simply a group of APIs and common objects which handle the flow. When a change to the workflow is made, the engine then processes that change. When finished, the engine returns. Hence, if the application does crash, or the system reboots, the workflow will continue right where it left off upon restart.

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OpenWFE is an open source java workflow engine. It is a complete Business Process Management suite, with 4 components : an engine, a worklist, a webclient and a reactor (host for automatic agents). A python access library is available : your python application / client can interact with an OpenWFE REST worklist.

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WfMOpen is a J2EE based implementation of a workflow facility workflow engine) as proposed by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and the Object Management Group (OMG).

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XFlow is a pure J2EE platform for building, executing and managing business processes and workflows. It is a basis for building collaborative applications as well as integrating processes across an enterprise. XFlow has a small footprint but is extremely powerful. It is designed to be easy to use from the development, deployment and management standpoints.

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JFolder (formerly PowerFolder) is workflow server and development studio. It can be configured to work on J2EE application servers and a variety of persistance stores (databases).

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The Taverna project aims to provide a language and software tools to facilitate easy use of workflow and distributed compute technology within the eScience community. As a component of the EPSRC funded myGrid project, Taverna is available freely under the terms of the LGPL.

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Freefluo is a workflow orchestration tool for web services initially developed by IT Innovation but now available to all from the Freefluo Sourceforge Site. It can handle WSDL based web service invocation. It supports two XML workflow languages, one based on IBM's WSFL and another named XScufl that is under development as part of the Taverna Sourceforge project.

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The micro-workflow framework targets developers who want to separate the control and logic aspects in their programs, thus making them flow independent. A well-factored flow independent application facilitates change because the most frequent business changes translate into process changes, thus leaving the code intact.

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JFlower is a very light workflow handler. You can write complex flow, with conditions and other flow invocations, and JFlower evaluate each step of the flow to the end of the flow.

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YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language), an open source workflow language/management system, is based on a rigorous analysis of existing workflow management systems and workflow languages. Unlike traditional systems it provides direct support for all of the workflow patterns (http://www.workflowpatterns.com). YAWL supports the control-flow perspective, the data perspective, and is able to interact with web services declared in WSDL. It is based on a distributed, web-friendly infrastructure.



An adaptive workflow engine based on simple concepts. It offers full persistence, so that work is never lost, and deals with partial failure in a distributed setup. Syrup is also used reliably as a distributed scheduler to replace cron.

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PXE (short for Process eXecution Engine and pronounced like "pixie") is a runtime component for executing processes defined by the BPEL4WS 1.1 specification.



ActiveBPEL engine is a robust runtime environment that is capable of executing process definitions created to the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS, or just BPEL) 1.1 specifications.

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Zebra is a workflow engine - originally developed to fill in the gaps in some commercial and open source workflow engines. The key differences between it and other workflow systems are able to model all the workflows described in workflow patterns, a GUI designer and Hibernate persistence layer.

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Apache Agila

A simple business process management (BPM) product that can be easily embedded in other applications and run on a range of devices, including handheld computers.

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AntFlow is a tool for the automation and scheduiling of data system tasks, including those with complex dependencies and workflow logic. Antflow represents a new approach to simplifying system automation that leverages pipelines of hot folders chained together to perform a given task. Using XML, Antflow associates an automated task, such as data transfer, compression, or encryption, with a directory on the local system. Whenever a file is copied or written into the hot folder, the associated task is executed and the file is moved to the next hot folder in the pipeline for further processing.

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Bexee is a BPEL engine capable of executing deployed business processes described in BPEL by orchestrating existing Web Services.

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The heart of the engine is an ability to capture the execution state of a thread and resume it later. Many applications of today need to have a part of the program that waits for other entities. . Often there are multiple conversations running concurrently. Those are what we call "workflow" applications. Today, those applications can be written, but one can't write it very productively. Dalma makes it very easy to write those workflow applications by letting you write it as an ordinary procedural program without any boilerplate.

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Swish is an open source web services-based workflow API/Engine. The name Swish is an acronym derived from the phrase Simple Web services Interface to Shark. Swish provides a convenient web services layer on top of Enhydra Shark, offering two key benefits: 1. It opens Shark to a wider range of developers by supporting both Java and non-Java clients. Java clients are supported natively and can use Swish in 'embedded' mode in addition to the web services alternative. 2. It greatly simplifies access to the more commonly-used features of Shark.

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BpmScript is a continuation based scripting platform for Business Process Management. Features include:

* Clustered processes
* Worklist Support
* ServiceMix JBI integration
* Web Management Console
* Versioned Processes
* Child Processes
* Remote API
* Half Async Processes
* Parallel Processes

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RUNA WFE is an open source workflow/BPM environment based on JBoss JEMS stack engine. It's main features are: -rich web interface containing work list handler, process monitor and form player - graphical process designer - bots for automated business process steps - powerful role based task assignment - security system with LDAP/MS Active Directory, NTLM, SSO support - easy integration with all SQL database management systems - localization to English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish,Italian,Chinese and Russian - platform independent pure Java solution



JawFlow is a Workflow Engine partially conformal to WfMC (www.wfmc.org) directives, completely written in Java using JMX technology. It understands XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) and can be customized using activities written in Java or in any scripting language supported by BSF

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Pegasus (Planning for Execution in Grids) is a workflow mapping engine that automatically maps high-level workflow descriptions onto distributed resources. It takes a description of computational tasks to be performed and adds the necessary data transfers and data registration tasks (optionally). Pegasus uses the Condor DAGMan execution engine to execute on Condor pools, and clusters managed by PBS and LSF. Pegasus can optimize the workflow performance and reliability.




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