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原创 兼容各浏览器的省市二级联动菜单
2012-02-13 17:56:52 158
原创 在windows的网络邻居中访问Ubuntu
最近在做CAS单点登录,因为要用到SSL,所以做了证书。因为还在开发阶段,还没有域名,所以证书中使用了我Ubuntu的主机名eric-desktop(应用部署在Ubuntu上)。接着遇到的问题是我在Ubuntu中可以访问,但是如果从另一台电脑访问应用,登录成功后会报错,没有办法正确导向原来的应用。 刚开始解决这个问题时,是在CAS客户端配置和证书的方向想办法,甚至想到要更改路由表。偶然间发现...
2010-09-19 14:46:29 430
原创 eclipse常用插件
Maven插件 m2eclipse http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e findbugs http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/eclipse/ checkstyle http://eclipse-cs.sf.net/update subclipse http://subclipse.tigris.org/upda...
2010-08-31 11:11:00 114
原创 maven 笔记(一)
今天使用maven的时候,遇到两个问题,第一个的错误如下: Downloading: https://maven-repository.dev.java.net/nonav/repository/javax.jms/poms/jms-1.1.pom 347b downloaded (jms-1.1.pom) [WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Check...
2010-07-29 17:48:58 200
原创 Ubuntu 10.04输入法
Ubuntu10.04自带了ibus输入法。但是其中的拼音输入法只能单字输入,而且翻页只能用上下方向键,这个输入法实在是不符合我的使用习惯。从网上找了好久,发现只要再安装一个包,这个输入法就好用了。 sudo apt-get install ibus-PinYin 注意P和Y是大写! ...
2010-07-23 09:43:49 107
Connect to MS SQL Server
Freetds is used to connect MS SQL Server in linux. and freetds depends on UnixODBC. In fedora, execute yum -y freetds, freetds-devel and freetds, unixodbc and freetds-devel will be installed. free...
2010-04-19 13:42:57 142
Install software using yum
yum search can be used to search software from the repository. chkconfig serviceName on is used to set service start automaticly. service serviceName start is used to start a service.
2010-04-18 14:07:35 83
Setup Java and Eclipse in fedora 12
After installing JDK from jdk.bin file downloaded from sun, JAVA_HOME and CLASSPATH must be set. If they are only exported in a shell, They take effect temporarily. They must be exported again if anot...
2010-04-16 16:43:32 123
Sudo list of Fedora 12
Newly created user is not in the sudo list of Fedora 12. To add a user to sudo list: 1. Switch user to root using su. 2. Execute the following code: echo username ALL=(ALL) ALL >> /etc/sudoe...
2010-04-16 16:18:10 84
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