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原创 Sap Number Range Object (SNRO)

Brief Examplehttp://www.saptechnical.com/Tutorials/ABAP/SNRO/SNRO.htm Example With More Detailhttp://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=50004015  CALL FUNCTION 'NUMBER_GET_...

2010-12-21 16:11:23 331

原创 ROM - Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate

Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate ("ROM")Order of Magnitude - 数量级Estimated cost based on approximate cost models or expert analysis. It is usually based on top level requirements or specifications, ...

2010-12-15 14:41:19 496

原创 Call SAP Tcode using Webdynpro for ABAP

Source: http://sapignite.com/call-sap-tcode-using-webdynpro-for-abap/ Problem DescriptionIt will help to call SAP Tcode from the Webbrowser using webdynpro for ABAP.Solution DescriptionSAP I...

2010-12-10 14:38:39 329

原创 WD - URL Parameters and Application Parameters

SAP help on this point:http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/7b/fb57412df8091de10000000a155106/content.htm To read the URL parameters, we need below codes in the HANDLEDEFAULT method of a...

2010-12-10 14:27:46 176

原创 SAP R/3 Security Tables

Below the list of SAP R/3 Security Table that could be used for your referrencesUSR02Logon dataUSR04User master authorization (one row per user)UST04User profiles (multiple rows pe...

2010-12-09 15:27:09 102

原创 Class def & impl, Inherit & overwriting, interface & using it, event & handler

Below codes is a simply and rough example could be used as a reference if you have a long time or never touch ABAP OO but would like to use it right now in you project. REPORT  YT_OO_T01.*Interf...

2010-12-08 10:05:31 93

原创 High performance of Web dynpro ABAP

Performance for Web dynpro is very important, because it cover more than normal ABAP program, it's also related to Wgate, the HTTP request/response cycle, so the whole design is critical.First we st...

2010-12-07 22:56:18 136


1. Example of how to use ALV in WD application: http://www.sapdev.co.uk/sap-webapps/sap-webdynpro/wdp-alv.htm2. Classes hierarchy of WD ALV configuration model3. Attachment is a valuable WD AL...

2010-12-07 22:54:34 146

原创 WD Application for ABAP - WD App components/classes/methods

WD App Components ContextIF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE  get_child_node  get_element (lead selection)  bind_structure  bind_table  set_lead_selectionIF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT  get_attribute  g...

2010-12-07 22:35:18 172

原创 IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS with error msg RV45A-VBAP_SELKZ (2) is not input field

[Issue]Hi I am creating a multiple line sales order from Idoc and using the FM IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS. The idoc is processed with status 51 with error message RV45A-VBAP_SELKZ (2) is not input field. It ...

2010-11-08 14:51:03 538

原创 SAP ALV Trees


2010-11-05 14:07:34 213

原创 Creating a SAP shortcut for any transaction and sending it by mail

Refer to SAP wiki: http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/Snippets/Creating+a+SAP+shortcut+for+any+transaction+and+sending+it+by+mail Key Points:1. Create the shortcut content for the required tra...

2010-11-02 11:12:06 236

原创 Note 573128 - Debugging programs in the background

Note 573128 - Debugging programs in the backgroundSymptomHow can you debug a program that runs in the background?Other termsBackground, jobReason and PrerequisitesInformation about troubleshooting...

2010-11-01 20:13:58 184

原创 SAP应用/开发之外的关注Blog

吕震宇 ICTCLAS(分词)/DP*http://www.cnblogs.com/zhenyulu/ 张逸 (.NET Architecture/DP/dev thinking)http://www.cnblogs.com/wayfarer/

2010-10-29 15:41:08 107

原创 Running tally for flying to Harrisburg

Check-in  Get onboarding card  Get membership points  Check baggagePass through customs  take computer out from bag/backpack  off trousers belt and shoes  take out cellphone, watch, coins and other ...

2010-08-18 02:58:47 198

原创 常见的名字与昵称


2010-08-18 01:11:47 426

原创 Trigger batch job via background event

1. Use transaction SM64 to create a background event. (also can start events in it) 2. We can use FM BP_EVENT_RAISE to create the event in runtimeCALL FUNCTION 'BP_EVENT_RAISE' "Trigger Backgrou...

2010-08-02 17:44:46 183

原创 Function Module related on Date calculations (ZT)

http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/Function+Module+related+on+Date+calculations Function Modules Description /SAPNEA/J_SC_CONVERT_DATE Covert Date in Japanese Format /SDF/CMO_...

2010-07-20 17:00:07 270

原创 航空公司代码

1 1A: 西班牙艾玛迪斯全球旅游分销系统公司(Amadeus Global Travel Distribution) 1B: 新加坡环亚旅游资讯系统有限公司(Abacus International) 1C: EDS InFORMation Business (瑞士) 1D: Radixx Solutions International (美国) 1E: 中国民航信息网络股份有限公司(Trave...

2010-07-13 16:13:58 1376

原创 SAP SDN Interesting Topics

Web Dynpro ABAP Performance ToolsPart 1 - Performance Monitor Part 2 - HTTP Watch Part 3 - STAD Part 4 - SQL Trace Tool Part 5 - Runtime Analysis tool Part 6 - Memory Snapshot  Blog se...

2010-06-29 09:48:45 137

原创 Booking hotel and train ticket (ES) for Euro trip

Hotelhttp://www.ibishotel.com (Hotel Ibis Paris Gare du Nord Chateau Landon)http://www.booking.com http://www.hoteldirect.co.uk/ (recommended by U.K team member) Trainhttp://www.raileurope...

2010-06-22 17:14:13 133

原创 弱点->该善

容易被语言激怒,情绪激动后,逻辑思维能力大幅度下降,言无所指,容易陷入被动的语言环境。笨人改善反思123:1. 明确具体想要到达什么样的效果/目的 2. 围绕目的作清楚的表述3. 要观察对方,分析其前后所说,洞察对方破绽从而以彼之矛攻彼之盾。事后诸葛亮不如阿斗,临场应变解决问题才是关键!  ...

2010-06-21 09:50:41 90

原创 SE16N &SAP_EDIT, ICON at Selection Screen

摘录From blog of 翱翔云天1. SE16N &SAP_EDITUsually we use SE16N to dispaly table data and only few tables can be maintained by it directly, BUT we can use internal command &SAP_EDIT to switch on...

2010-06-12 17:35:31 386

原创 a MM Task Memo

MB03 - Display Material DocumentMB51 - Material Document List (Material, Plant, SL, Batch, Vendor, Customer, Movement Type...)MMBE - Stock overview (Material, Plant, Storage Location and Batch)MB58 ...

2010-06-04 17:17:48 103

原创 Folder used for importing PreDeliverred XI Content


2010-05-26 11:30:01 76

原创 177本名著浓缩成了177句话!经典收藏!

1、真正有气质的淑女,从不炫耀她所拥有的一切,她不告诉人她读过什么书,去过什么地方,有多少件衣服,买过什么珠宝,因为她没有自卑感。《圆舞》 2、如此情深,却难以启齿。原来你若真爱一个人,内心酸涩,反而会说不出话来,甜言蜜语,多数说给不相干的人听。《她的二三事》 3、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。《开到荼蘼》 4、爱得不够,才借口多多。《紫薇愿》 5、最佳的报复不是仇恨,而...

2010-05-25 12:27:42 158

原创 值得背的电影台词

值得背的电影台词 ㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道,有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。 2.There is something inside ,that the...

2010-05-25 12:22:02 463

原创 http://www.spokeo.com - give you a jump if you live in U.S.

http://www.spokeo.com Domain Names which are still open for registering...http://www.myspokeo.comhttp://www.myspokeo.cn 

2010-05-24 13:20:46 423

XI Case Study - IDoc to IDoc

In this scenario we are sending an IDOC from an R/3 system to the IDOC in other R/3 system through XI.  http://www.saptechnical.com/Tutorials/XI/IDocToIDoc/page1.htm

2010-05-01 16:46:41 66

XI Case Study - IDoc to File - File to File

IDoc to File1. http://www.saptechnical.com/Tutorials/XI/IDocToFile/IDocToFile1.htm 2. http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/e07dcaa0-a92b-2a10-3a96-b3d942bd1539?langua...

2010-05-01 16:45:06 92

XI/PI: SAP XI Troubleshooting Guide

http://www.riyaz.net/blog/xipi-sap-xi-troubleshooting-guide/technology/sap/372/Here’s a list of common errors/problems in SAP XI and their possible resolutions. This Guide will help you troubleshoot...

2010-05-01 00:59:15 427

Runtime Workbench

1. Component Monitoring Integration Engine -> Test Message payload2. Message Monitoring Check messages from Adapter Engine (AE is java based and executed prior to messages received at IS)3....

2010-04-24 23:52:56 97

Runtime - Integration Server - Pipeline Services

Pipeline Services1. Messages received at the integration server are processed through a defined series of steps called Pipeline Services.2. When a message is received at the IS, the message is exa...

2010-04-24 23:31:11 125

Runtime - Integration Server - Adapter Engine & Adapter Framework

1. From the XI architecture, we can see Adapter Engine is a part of Integration Sever, and Adapter Engine comprises of Adapter Framework and Resource Adapters. Usually we say AE is based on AF.NOT...

2010-04-24 22:39:49 227 1

Web Dynpro for Java Demo Kit

Introduction The goal of the Web Dynpro for Java Demo Kit is to provide a comprehensive overview about the capabilities available within Web Dynpro for Java. The Web Dynpro for Java Demo Kit consist...

2010-04-23 10:22:53 151

IDoc related process programs

StatusProcess ProgramComment30: IDoc ready for dispatch (ALE service)RSEOUT00Process All Selected IDocs (EDI)02: Error passing data to port04: Error within control informatio...

2010-04-22 17:52:22 158

PI 7.0 & 7.1 Mapping - Blogs,Articles,Wiki,Code Samples and Videos Collections

http://wiki.sdn.sap.com/wiki/display/XI/Mapping+Concepts+in+SAP+XIHaving seen so many forums dealing with the mapping concepts & Techniques, Mapping errors and how to use various mapping in XI, ...

2010-04-20 10:21:19 203

How to guides - XI for NW 2004 - ERP Genie.com

http://www.erpgenie.com/sap/netweaver/xi/howto.htmComponentsHow to Monitor Integration Processes - ccBPM (PDF 583.2KB) This guide explains the detailed procedure of using the transactions f...

2010-04-20 10:15:06 127


SLD命名规范Product       Product Name :命名以”I_” 开头,例如:I_POS_RETALIX       Product Vendor :命名以”.com” 结尾,例如:retalix.com       Product Version :数字格式表示,例如:1.0       Sofeware units: 接口含义描述,例如:POS_OBDSof...

2010-04-17 22:33:25 204

Imported Objects of SW Comp Version

Imported objects can be used in the place where message interface be used, but use single XSD/WSDL definition instead of separate data type, message type definition  Two types of imported objects...

2010-04-17 22:26:39 77



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