#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/inotify.h> void get_event (int fd, const char * target); void handle_error (int error); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char target[FILENAME_MAX]; int result; int fd; int wd; /* watch descriptor */ if (argc < 2) { fprintf (stderr, "Watching the current directory\n"); strcpy (target, "."); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Watching %s\n", argv[1]); strcpy (target, argv[1]); } fd = inotify_init(); if (fd < 0) { handle_error (errno); return 1; } wd = inotify_add_watch (fd, target, IN_ALL_EVENTS); if (wd < 0) { handle_error (errno); return 1; } while (1) { get_event(fd, target); } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Allow for 1024 simultanious events */ #define BUFF_SIZE ((sizeof(struct inotify_event)+FILENAME_MAX)*1024) void get_event (int fd, const char * target) { ssize_t len, i = 0; char action[81+FILENAME_MAX] = {0}; char buff[BUFF_SIZE] = {0}; len = read (fd, buff, BUFF_SIZE); while (i < len) { struct inotify_event *pevent = (struct inotify_event *)&buff[i]; char action[81+FILENAME_MAX] = {0}; if (pevent->len) strcpy (action, pevent->name); else strcpy (action, target); if (pevent->mask & IN_ACCESS) strcat(action, " was read"); if (pevent->mask & IN_ATTRIB) strcat(action, " Metadata changed"); if (pevent->mask & IN_CLOSE_WRITE) strcat(action, " opened for writing was closed"); if (pevent->mask & IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE) strcat(action, " not opened for writing was closed"); if (pevent->mask & IN_CREATE) strcat(action, " created in watched directory"); if (pevent->mask & IN_DELETE) strcat(action, " deleted from watched directory"); if (pevent->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF) strcat(action, "Watched file/directory was itself deleted"); if (pevent->mask & IN_MODIFY) strcat(action, " was modified"); if (pevent->mask & IN_MOVE_SELF) strcat(action, "Watched file/directory was itself moved"); if (pevent->mask & IN_MOVED_FROM) strcat(action, " moved out of watched directory"); if (pevent->mask & IN_MOVED_TO) strcat(action, " moved into watched directory"); if (pevent->mask & IN_OPEN) strcat(action, " was opened"); /* printf ("wd=%d mask=%d cookie=%d len=%d dir=%s\n", pevent->wd, pevent->mask, pevent->cookie, pevent->len, (pevent->mask & IN_ISDIR)?"yes":"no"); if (pevent->len) printf ("name=%s\n", pevent->name); */ printf ("%s\n", action); i += sizeof(struct inotify_event) + pevent->len; } } /* get_event */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ void handle_error (int error) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: %s\n", strerror(error)); } /* handle_error */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */