
OK, so working on the Aladdin VR, I described it as a once in every five years opportunity, and I stand by that assessment. And it forever changed me. It wasn't just that it was good work and I got to be a part of it. But it got me into the place of working with real people and real HCI user interface issues. Most HCI people live in this fantasy world of white collar laborers with Ph.D.s and masters degrees. And you know, until you got ice cream spilled on you, you're not doing field work. And more than anything else, from Jon Snoddy I learned how to put artists and engineers together, and that's been the real legacy.


We published a paper. Just a nice academic cultural scandal. When we wrote the paper, the guys at Imagineering said, well let's do a nice big picture. Like you would in a magazine. And the SIGGRAPH committee, which accepted the paper, it was like this big scandal. Are they allowed to do that? [laughter] There was no rule! So we published the paper and amazingly since then there's a tradition of SIGGRAPH papers having color figures on the first page. So I've changed the world in a small way. [laughter] And then at the end of my six months, they came to me and they said, you want to do it for real? You can stay. And I said no. One of the only times in my life I have surprised my father. He was like, you're what? He said, since you were, you know, all you wanted, and now that you got it, and you'rehuh? There was a bottle of Maalox in my desk drawer. Be careful what you wish for. It was a particularly stressful place. Imagineering in general is actually not so Maalox-laden, but the lab I was inoh, Jon left in the middle. And it was a lot like the Soviet Union. It was a little dicey for awhile. But it worked out OK. And if they had said, stay here or never walk in the building again, I would have done it. I would have walked away from tenure, I would have just done it. But they made it easy on me. They said you can have your cake and eat it too. And I basically become a day-a-week consultant for Imagineering, and I did that for about ten years. And that's one of the reasons you should all become professors. Because you can have your cake and eat it too.

我们发表了一篇文章。那真是一个学术文化丑闻。当我们写文章时,幻想工程的人说,也让我们放一张漂亮大照片上去。就像你在商业杂志上看见的那样。对计算机图形学专业组,尽管接受了文章,这是离经叛道的行为。能允许他们这样做? [] 真是没有规矩!所以,我们发表了文章,而令人惊奇的是从此以后计算机图形学专业组接受的论文都有了在第一页放彩图的传统。所以我把世界改变了一点点。 [] ,六个月结束后,他们来对我说,你想真的做幻想工程师吗,你可以留下来。我说不。这是我一生唯一一次我让我的父亲出乎意料。他说,“你什么?你打小就,你就要这个,现在你得到了,你又……啊”?我书桌抽屉里曾放有一瓶抗酸药。当心你许下的愿望(译者注:实现愿望会带给你一些你不想要的东西)。那是一个特别紧张的工作。幻想工程总体上压力并不是那么压抑,但我在的哪个室, -- 哦,乔恩中途就离开了。它很多地方像前苏联。曾经有点鹤唳风声。不过最后还好。如果他们说,“留下来,要不就再别走进这座楼”,我可能就干了。我可能就不要终身教职,而留下来。但他们让我很容易选择。他们说,你可以因为你们可以既有蛋糕,又吃蛋糕。所以我基本上成了幻想工程一星期干一天的顾问,而我做了 10 年左右。这也是你们都应该做教授的原因。因为你们可以既吃蛋糕,又有蛋糕。

I went and consulted on things like DisneyQuest. So there was the Virtual Jungle Cruise. And the best interactive experience I think ever done, and Jesse Schell gets the credit for this, Pirates of the Caribbean. Wonderful at DisneyQuest.


And so those are my childhood dreams. And that's pretty good. I felt good about that. So then the question becomes, how can I enable the childhood dreams of others. And again, boy am I glad I became a professor. What better place to enable childhood dreams? Eh, maybe working at EA, I don't know. That'd probably be a good close second. And this started in a very concrete realization that I could do this, because a young man named Tommy Burnett, when I was at the University of Virginia, came to me, was interested in joining my research group. And we talked about it, and he said, oh, and I have a childhood dream. It gets pretty easy to recognize them when they tell you. And I said, yes, Tommy, what is your childhood dream? He said, I want to work on the next Star Wars film. Now you got to remember the timing on this. Where is Tommy, Tommy is here today. What year would this have been? Your sophomore year.


Tommy (汤米):

It was around '93.

大约 93

Randy Pausch:

Are you breaking anything back there young man? OK, all right, so in 1993. And I said to Tommy, you know they're probably not going to make those next movies. [laughter] And he said, no, THEY ARE. And Tommy worked with me for a number of years as an undergraduate and then as a staff member, and then I moved to Carnegie Mellon, every single member of my team came from Virginia to Carnegie Mellon except for Tommy because he got a better offer. And he did indeed work on all three of those films.

你在那打破什么东西吗,年轻人?好, 1993 年。我对汤米说,你知道他们很可能不会拍下一部星战电影了。 [] 他说,不,他们会。汤米和我工作了好几年,先作为本科生,然后作为职工,然后我转到卡内基梅隆大学,我研究组的每个人,除汤米外,都从弗吉尼亚来了。因为他有一个更好的机会。他的确参与了三部星战电影的拍摄。

And then I said, well that's nice, but you know, one at a time is kind of inefficient. And people who know me know that I'm an efficiency freak. So I said, can I do this in mass? Can I get people turned in such a way that they can be turned onto their childhood dreams? And I created a course, I came to Carnegie Mellon and I created a course called Building Virtual Worlds.

It's a very simple......
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