
public class Mess {

/*-------------------ScannerFactory class-----------------------*/
final Names names;
final Source source;
final Keywords keywords;

/** Create a new scanner factory. */
protected ScannerFactory(Context context) {
context.put(scannerFactoryKey, this);
this.log = Log.instance(context);
this.names = Names.instance(context);/*---first, add name in the Names to table---*/
this.source = Source.instance(context);
this.keywords = Keywords.instance(context);/*---then, add Token constant to table---*/

/*----------------Scanner class---------------------------------*/
/** The name table. */
private final Names names;

/** The keyword table. */
private final Keywords keywords;

/** Common code for constructors. */
private Scanner(ScannerFactory fac) {
log = fac.log;
names = fac.names;
keywords = fac.keywords;
source = fac.source;
allowBinaryLiterals = source.allowBinaryLiterals();
allowHexFloats = source.allowHexFloats();
allowUnderscoresInLiterals = source.allowUnderscoresInLiterals();

/*----------------Names class----------------------------------*/
public static final Context.Key<Names> namesKey = new Context.Key<Names>();

public static Names instance(Context context) {
Names instance = context.get(namesKey);
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Names(context);
context.put(namesKey, instance);
return instance;

public final Name slash;
public final Name hyphen;
public final Name T;
public final Name slashequals;
public final Name deprecated;
public final Name init;
public final Name clinit;
public final Name error;
public final Name any;
public final Name empty;
public final Name one;
public final Name period;
public final Name comma;
public final Name semicolon;
public final Name asterisk;
public final Name _this;
public final Name _super;
public final Name _default;
public final Name _class;
public final Name java_lang;
public final Name java_lang_Object;
public final Name java_lang_Class;
public final Name java_lang_Cloneable;
public final Name java_io_Serializable;
public final Name serialVersionUID;
public final Name java_lang_Enum;
public final Name java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle;
public final Name package_info;
public final Name ConstantValue;
public final Name LineNumberTable;
public final Name LocalVariableTable;
public final Name LocalVariableTypeTable;
public final Name CharacterRangeTable;
public final Name StackMap;
public final Name StackMapTable;
public final Name SourceID;
public final Name CompilationID;
public final Name Code;
public final Name Exceptions;
public final Name SourceFile;
public final Name InnerClasses;
public final Name Synthetic;
public final Name Bridge;
public final Name Deprecated;
public final Name Enum;
public final Name _name;
public final Name Signature;
public final Name Varargs;
public final Name Annotation;
public final Name RuntimeVisibleAnnotations;
public final Name RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations;
public final Name RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations;
public final Name RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations;
public final Name RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations;
public final Name RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations;
public final Name Value;
public final Name EnclosingMethod;
public final Name desiredAssertionStatus;
public final Name append;
public final Name family;
public final Name forName;
public final Name toString;
public final Name length;
public final Name valueOf;
public final Name value;
public final Name getMessage;
public final Name getClass;
public final Name TYPE;
public final Name TYPE_USE;
public final Name TYPE_PARAMETER;
public final Name FIELD;
public final Name METHOD;
public final Name PARAMETER;
public final Name CONSTRUCTOR;
public final Name LOCAL_VARIABLE;
public final Name ANNOTATION_TYPE;
public final Name PACKAGE;
public final Name SOURCE;
public final Name CLASS;
public final Name RUNTIME;
public final Name Array;
public final Name Method;
public final Name Bound;
public final Name clone;
public final Name getComponentType;
public final Name getClassLoader;
public final Name initCause;
public final Name values;
public final Name iterator;
public final Name hasNext;
public final Name next;
public final Name AnnotationDefault;
public final Name ordinal;
public final Name equals;
public final Name hashCode;
public final Name compareTo;
public final Name getDeclaringClass;
public final Name ex;
public final Name finalize;
public final Name java_lang_AutoCloseable;
public final Name close;
public final Name addSuppressed;

public final Name.Table table;

public Names(Context context) {
Options options = Options.instance(context);
table = createTable(options);

slash = fromString("/");
hyphen = fromString("-");
T = fromString("T");
slashequals = fromString("/=");
deprecated = fromString("deprecated");

init = fromString("<init>");
clinit = fromString("<clinit>");
error = fromString("<error>");
any = fromString("<any>");
empty = fromString("");
one = fromString("1");
period = fromString(".");
comma = fromString(",");
semicolon = fromString(";");
asterisk = fromString("*");
_this = fromString("this");
_super = fromString("super");
_default = fromString("default");

_class = fromString("class");
java_lang = fromString("java.lang");
java_lang_Object = fromString("java.lang.Object");
java_lang_Class = fromString("java.lang.Class");
java_lang_Cloneable = fromString("java.lang.Cloneable");
java_io_Serializable = fromString("");
java_lang_Enum = fromString("java.lang.Enum");
java_lang_invoke_MethodHandle = fromString("java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle");
package_info = fromString("package-info");
serialVersionUID = fromString("serialVersionUID");
ConstantValue = fromString("ConstantValue");
LineNumberTable = fromString("LineNumberTable");
LocalVariableTable = fromString("LocalVariableTable");
LocalVariableTypeTable = fromString("LocalVariableTypeTable");
CharacterRangeTable = fromString("CharacterRangeTable");
StackMap = fromString("StackMap");
StackMapTable = fromString("StackMapTable");
SourceID = fromString("SourceID");
CompilationID = fromString("CompilationID");
Code = fromString("Code");
Exceptions = fromString("Exceptions");
SourceFile = fromString("SourceFile");
InnerClasses = fromString("InnerClasses");
Synthetic = fromString("Synthetic");
Bridge = fromString("Bridge");
Deprecated = fromString("Deprecated");
Enum = fromString("Enum");
_name = fromString("name");
Signature = fromString("Signature");
Varargs = fromString("Varargs");
Annotation = fromString("Annotation");
RuntimeVisibleAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleAnnotations");
RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations");
RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations");
RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations");
RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations");
RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations = fromString("RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations");
Value = fromString("Value");
EnclosingMethod = fromString("EnclosingMethod");

desiredAssertionStatus = fromString("desiredAssertionStatus");

append = fromString("append");
family = fromString("family");
forName = fromString("forName");
toString = fromString("toString");
length = fromString("length");
valueOf = fromString("valueOf");
value = fromString("value");
getMessage = fromString("getMessage");
getClass = fromString("getClass");

TYPE = fromString("TYPE");
TYPE_USE = fromString("TYPE_USE");
FIELD = fromString("FIELD");
METHOD = fromString("METHOD");
PACKAGE = fromString("PACKAGE");

SOURCE = fromString("SOURCE");
CLASS = fromString("CLASS");
RUNTIME = fromString("RUNTIME");

Array = fromString("Array");
Method = fromString("Method");
Bound = fromString("Bound");
clone = fromString("clone");
getComponentType = fromString("getComponentType");
getClassLoader = fromString("getClassLoader");
initCause = fromString("initCause");
values = fromString("values");
iterator = fromString("iterator");
hasNext = fromString("hasNext");
next = fromString("next");
AnnotationDefault = fromString("AnnotationDefault");
ordinal = fromString("ordinal");
equals = fromString("equals");
hashCode = fromString("hashCode");
compareTo = fromString("compareTo");
getDeclaringClass = fromString("getDeclaringClass");
ex = fromString("ex");
finalize = fromString("finalize");

java_lang_AutoCloseable = fromString("java.lang.AutoCloseable");
close = fromString("close");
addSuppressed = fromString("addSuppressed");

/*---------------Keywords class------------------------*/
public static final Context.Key<Keywords> keywordsKey = new Context.Key<Keywords>();

public static Keywords instance(Context context) {
Keywords instance = context.get(keywordsKey);
if (instance == null)
instance = new Keywords(context);
return instance;

private final Names names;

protected Keywords(Context context) {
context.put(keywordsKey, this);
names = Names.instance(context);

for (Token t : Token.values()) {
if ( != null)
enterKeyword(, t);
tokenName[t.ordinal()] = null;

key = new Token[maxKey + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= maxKey; i++)
key[i] = IDENTIFIER;
for (Token t : Token.values()) {
if ( != null)
key[tokenName[t.ordinal()].getIndex()] = t;

public Token key(Name name) {
return (name.getIndex() > maxKey) ? IDENTIFIER : key[name.getIndex()];

* Keyword array. Maps name indices to Token.
private final Token[] key;

* The number of the last entered keyword.
private int maxKey = 0;

* The names of all tokens.
private Name[] tokenName = new Name[Token.values().length];

private void enterKeyword(String s, Token token) {
Name n = names.fromString(s);
tokenName[token.ordinal()] = n;
if (n.getIndex() > maxKey)
maxKey = n.getIndex();

/*-------------------Token enum-----------------------*/
public enum Token implements Formattable {
BOOLEAN("boolean"), BREAK("break"), BYTE("byte"), CASE("case"),
CATCH("catch"), CHAR("char"), CLASS("class"), CONST("const"),
CONTINUE("continue"), DEFAULT("default"), DO("do"),
DOUBLE("double"), ELSE("else"), ENUM("enum"), EXTENDS("extends"),
FINAL("final"), FINALLY("finally"), FLOAT("float"), FOR("for"),
GOTO("goto"), IF("if"), IMPLEMENTS("implements"), IMPORT("import"),
INSTANCEOF("instanceof"), INT("int"), INTERFACE("interface"),
LONG("long"), NATIVE("native"), NEW("new"), PACKAGE("package"),
PRIVATE("private"), PROTECTED("protected"), PUBLIC("public"),
RETURN("return"), SHORT("short"), STATIC("static"),
STRICTFP("strictfp"), SUPER("super"), SWITCH("switch"),
SYNCHRONIZED("synchronized"), THIS("this"), THROW("throw"),
THROWS("throws"), TRANSIENT("transient"), TRY("try"),
VOID("void"), VOLATILE("volatile"), WHILE("while"), INTLITERAL,
STRINGLITERAL, TRUE("true"), FALSE("false"), NULL("null"),
LPAREN("("), RPAREN(")"), LBRACE("{"), RBRACE("}"), LBRACKET("["),
RBRACKET("]"), SEMI(";"), COMMA(","), DOT("."), ELLIPSIS("..."),
EQ("="), GT(">"), LT("<"), BANG("!"), TILDE("~"), QUES("?"),
COLON(":"), EQEQ("=="), LTEQ("<="), GTEQ(">="), BANGEQ("!="),
AMPAMP("&&"), BARBAR("||"), PLUSPLUS("++"), SUBSUB("--"),
PLUS("+"), SUB("-"), STAR("*"), SLASH("/"), AMP("&"), BAR("|"),
CARET("^"), PERCENT("%"), LTLT("<<"), GTGT(">>"), GTGTGT(">>>"),
PLUSEQ("+="), SUBEQ("-="), STAREQ("*="), SLASHEQ("/="),
AMPEQ("&="), BAREQ("|="), CARETEQ("^="), PERCENTEQ("%="),
LTLTEQ("<<="), GTGTEQ(">>="), GTGTGTEQ(">>>="), MONKEYS_AT("@"),

/*----------------SharedNameTable class--------------------*/
public class SharedNameTable extends Name.Table {

* The hash table for names.
private NameImpl[] hashes;

* The number of filled bytes in `names'.
private int nc = 0;

public Name fromChars(char[] cs, int start, int len) {
int nc =;
byte[] bytes = this.bytes;
while (nc + len * 3 >= bytes.length) {
// System.err.println("doubling name buffer of length " + names.length + " to fit " + len + " chars");//DEBUG
byte[] newnames = new byte[bytes.length * 2];
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, newnames, 0, bytes.length);
bytes = this.bytes = newnames;
int nbytes = Convert.chars2utf(cs, start, bytes, nc, len) - nc;
int h = hashValue(bytes, nc, nbytes) & hashMask;
NameImpl n = hashes[h];
while (n != null && (n.getByteLength() != nbytes || !equals(bytes, n.index, bytes, nc, nbytes))) {
n =;
if (n == null) {
n = new NameImpl(this);
n.index = nc;/*---this is the index of name---*/
n.length = nbytes; = hashes[h];
hashes[h] = n;/*---save the name in hashes array---*/ = nc + nbytes;
if (nbytes == 0) {;/*---index increase by 1---*/
return n;

static class NameImpl extends Name {
int index;

public int getIndex() {
return index;




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