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原创 Tiggo 瑞虎 DR

http://www.mychery.net/forum/bin/ut/topic_show.cgi?id=1280917&pg=1&age=0&bpg=1&del=&stamp=1294660408 瑞虎DR黑2.0AT 之 入手一年内的相关数字统计 2009.12.29-2010.12.27 瑞虎DR 黑 2.0 AT       序号  名目  金额 ...

2011-01-10 20:02:51 171

原创 Earthlings


2010-10-22 01:43:14 156

原创 HG520s怎么同时打开路由与iTV功能

HG520s软件版本 V100R001B010 CTB 先搞定HG520s的路由功能,可从网上搜索结果。或参考下面的http://cio.boleinfo.com/article.asp?id=3 打开iTV设备,按下iTV遥控器上的设置按钮,输入密码8288,进入系统设置网络设置->有线连接->下一步->从PPPoE改为DHCP->下一步->确定-&gt...

2010-07-27 22:07:26 218

原创 被 "嘉欣" 了


2010-07-22 23:30:22 146

原创 AMQ6709 The log for the Queue manager is full

AMQ6709The log for the Queue manager is full. Explanation: This message is issued when an attempt to write a log record is rejected because the log is full. The queue manager will attempt to ...

2010-01-28 09:43:43 350

Happy 11.11 Day!

Beautiful nightview of LongYan's Stadium to celebrate 11.11 

2009-11-11 22:50:45 110

Be good to yourself

女人一定要对自己好一点。一旦累死了,就会有别的女人花你的钱,住你的房,睡你的老公,打你的娃 So do men.

2009-10-29 14:06:38 112

Happy Birthday! My Motherland!

Happy Birthday!  :) 

2009-09-30 18:51:54 304

How to apply a certificate from IBM after having passed some IBM's tests

注意:有些认证IBM不提供证书,可能通过下面的步骤仍然得不到电子或纸质证书。1.拿到自己的考试成绩单,得到姓名和Prometric考试号  2.打开下列链接https://www-304.ibm.com/jct09001d/certify/member/ccsc.nsf/mainForm?OpenForm&page=0看到下列界面,如果已有账号,请登录,如果没有账号,请使用register...

2009-08-05 00:03:59 129

How to Cofigure starting WAS with WindowsXP's boot

WindowsXP上如何配置WebSphere Application Server7自启动WAS版本:WAS7.0.0.0操作系统:WindowsXP操作系统用户:administrator安装目录:C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer概要文件类型:单元(部署管理器和联合应用程序服务器)执行 <WAS_Root>\b...

2009-06-19 23:56:15 113

“此时不应有 \IBM\WMBT610”

After installing Message Broker v6.1.0.3 on Windows2008(including Standard and Enterprise versions), you will get an error as below when running any MQSI commands in the Command Console.  Questi...

2009-06-19 00:15:29 418

My lucky room number 888 in the BJ Traders Hotel

888 What a lucky number for me!A lot of thanks to the receptionist girl. 

2009-06-19 00:04:26 140

原创 NLP Coach Style Management


2009-06-13 23:02:58 107

How to configure ODBC 32bit on Windows2008 64bit

Don’t use the ODBC by clicking开始->管理工具->数据源(ODBC)Run c:/windows/sysWOW64/odbcad32.exe.To configure ODBC is an important step during configuring the famous ESB Message Broker....

2009-05-06 23:03:27 123

A cute dog with black and white face

A cute dog with black and white face and three legs.(It's disabled but very strong)

2009-04-18 12:54:24 178

原创 WebSphere Single Sign-On

The attachment is the ppt used in the WebSphere Technical Expert Salon at Guangzhou on Mar27th.  It's presented by my co-worker Vivian. Thanks to her.

2009-04-01 14:58:48 89

SOA Mindmap

A mindmap about SOA. enjoy it.  Please open the attached jpeg file by clicking it. 

2009-03-20 17:08:43 82

Sharing of PMP experience

Pls have a look at the image  and the zip attached

2009-01-14 19:12:34 188

SRVE0255E: 尚未定义要处理 /snoop 的 Web 组/虚拟主机

Below is the error in SystemOut.log when visiting such URL:http://localhost:9083/snoop:(中文)SRVE0255E: 尚未定义要处理 /snoop 的 Web 组/虚拟主机(English)SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle url has not bee...

2008-11-13 21:55:57 7429

How does WAS connect to MQ?

Steps of how WAS connects to MQ:1.configure MQ2.configure WAS3.write Java web project pls download the attachment for detailed example

2008-10-06 12:06:39 109

Connect to remote MQ Server using MQ Explorer


2008-06-15 14:28:10 108

How to connect to remote MB Server using WMBT?

Please have a look at the attachment.

2008-05-12 10:37:46 146

books about IBM

《逆风飞扬》 吴士宏《Who Says Elephants Can't Dance?》《谁说大象不能跳舞?》 郭士纳  

2008-02-17 20:22:40 110

Out of memory error of websphere process server

Problem:Out of memory error jump when creating deployment management profile for websphere process server by using the pcatAIX.bin.Cause:java's max memory size is too small to run to the end.Solut...

2007-12-18 23:13:55 108

My employer

3>2007.10-??? : Advisory I/T Specialist : IBM CAN branch2>2003.8-2007.10: R&D Director,PM,IT Engineer: TravelSky1>2003.7-2003.8 :IT Engineer: Shenzhen Airline  

2007-12-12 19:20:50 292

Being a Driver

After having passed the final test on 21Sep, I am being a driver , and waiting the coming C1 Driver Certificate.  

2007-09-24 21:27:37 141

getSession(true) or getSession(false)

"getSession(true)" or "getSession(false)", it is a very big problem for NXFFP.When userA using the system, userA suddenly was changed userB with userB was online. This is the big problem. App server...

2007-07-25 19:16:55 78

No.1 Program

Do you know the No.1 Program between CZ and 1E?The program is composed of 9 projects,such as SkyTeam,Electronic Ticket,Oversea Departure Control System,Switch from DCP to OSME, Fare, Electronic Comme...

2007-07-04 18:52:46 109

I lost my blog http://tomshen.blogsome.com

http://tomshen.wordpress.comhttp://tomshen.blogsome.comIf you can not visit both two blogs from Mainland, you'd better go abroad.I still staying in mainland without going abroad, so I give up the b...

2007-06-27 10:39:58 139



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