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IIS problem fix notes
Max, look in your machine.config file under the processModel element. Ensure that its username is set to "machine" and the password is set to "AutoGenerate" as this means that it is set up with the de...
2006-12-18 14:12:17 154
Crossing borders: Ajax on Rails
Crossing borders: Ajax on Rails Why Ajax works so well with Ruby ...
2006-12-07 17:07:37 180
转: Comparing Programming Languages in real life
转: Comparing Programming Languages in real lifeThere are so many programming languages available that it can be very difficult to get to know them all well enough to pick the right one for you. On t...
2006-12-01 16:11:28 494
转载 CSS Cheat Sheet
2006-11-29 15:45:43 118
Delphi中如何调用VC++创建的动态链接库 肖运勇 01-10-29 下午 02:06:09 ...
2006-11-28 20:20:10 137
David H. Hansson on the Future of Rails
2006-11-15 11:39:30 98
Device Hook
What is Device Hook?Device Hook (or DevHook for short) is a Homebrew App for PSPs running the 1.5 Firmware.DevHook is used to play your backed-up Game ISOs from your memory stick, or your UMDsIt...
2006-11-08 14:27:24 375
PSP tutorial
this tutorial can now also be seen at the site of lord ( a senior member here ) http://homebrewhowto.com/ look in the forums in the psp section/tutorails thanks to nukewire this Tutorial can also b...
2006-11-08 14:19:05 571
Installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Linux
2006-10-30 16:43:24 81
Oracle 向 Redhat 宣战
在一封写给Financial Times的信件里, Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulik 回复了Oracle CEO Larry Ellison's 关于该公司将涉足Linux事业的决定. 在信中RH CEO表示了一种疑问, 是否是因为RH收购了JBoss而让Oralce产生了担忧. Szulik 是这样发出疑问的 "Is it possible that the dominan...
2006-10-30 11:33:12 120
step by step 在Redhat 下部署rforum 为lighttpd + fastcgi
今天尝试了一下部署一个rails 应用到lighttpd + fastcgi的环境, 把步骤记了一下,希望对其他人也有用. Lighttpd 部分的配置有点粗糙,主要是图省事所以很多地方的路径都写死了. 我的操作系统是Redhat 4首先 在sudoers中加入一个可以使用sudo命令的用户. [color=olive]su[/color] [c...
2006-10-27 17:09:15 104
Installing Ruby on Rails with Lighttpd and MySQL on Fedora C
Following article is copied from [url]http://digitalmediaminute.com/howto/fc4rails/#installLighttpd[/url][quote]IntroductionThis how-to is aimed at getting you started with Ruby on Rails install...
2006-10-26 16:58:56 226
Common array query methods in Ruby
[b]Method name/sample call [/b] [b] Meaning[/b]a.size (synonym: length) Number of elements in the arraya.empty? True if a is an empty array; false...
2006-10-24 14:13:51 87
Date and Time format string
Specifier Description%Y Year (four digits)%y Year (last two digits)%b, %B Short month, full month%m Month (number)%d Day of month (left-padded with ze...
2006-10-24 13:43:24 101
最近听说一个朋友的公司里有这样一个同事: 平时上班10点到, 中午吃完饭经常一觉睡到3点半; 平时看他似乎很忙, 其实自己的事情经常外包给同事; 参加公益活动只是为了拿一件汗衫, 到了活动地点就往家走; 有好处就捞, 有责任就躲; 公司的电脑一直放在家里自己用, 到了2年就换个新的还是放在家里. 在办公室里到处逛, 看到孕妇同事桌上放了个香蕉立刻放到自己嘴里. 诸如此类, 云云.听...
2006-10-23 15:37:16 154
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