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原创 Matrix and ImageView
[code="java"]imageView.getImageMatrix()float[] values = new float[9];matrix.getValues(values);matrix.getValues(values);float mtrans_x = values[Matrix.MTRANS_X];//左上顶点X坐标float mtrans_y = ...
2011-03-28 18:23:15 104
原创 Working with the Android Calendar
Working with the Android CalendarDecember 14, 2009By Lauren Darcey,Shane ConderBio »Send Email »More Articles »IntroductionAndroid handsets ship with a built-in Calendar appl...
2011-03-28 14:38:01 131
原创 Writing code that captures videos on Android
http://integratingstuff.com/2010/10/18/writing-code-that-captures-videos-on-android/Writing code that captures videos on Android18/10/2010 BY STEFFEN LUYPAERT 5 COMMENTSAlthough the Go...
2011-03-24 22:21:59 128
原创 Record video
[code="java"]import java.io.IOException;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;import android.app.Activity;import android.hardware.Camera;import android.hardware.Camera.S...
2011-03-24 21:10:27 1193
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