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[Flex] to display unrecognizable characters correctly of trace()

By adding these two at the startup line of Eclipse.[quote]-Dfile.encoding=utf-8-Dsun.jnu.encoding=utf-8[/quote]

2011-03-04 17:06:14 107

原创 [IPod] Scroll problems with IPOD

Try this method.[quote]Move the hold button to on. Press the middle button. Move the hold to off & switch on the ipod. The scroll will start working again.[/quote]

2010-12-08 18:38:41 108

原创 [MySql] Generate random string

[quote]SELECT SUBSTRING(MD5(RAND()) FROM 1 FOR 6) AS password[/quote]The characters are from the MD5 command (and therefore in the range a-z and 0-9).

2010-12-01 13:54:10 205

[Flex3] CSS type selectors are not supported in components XXX

This warning probably means CSS type selectors are defined or the css file is referenced in a custom component.Solution one:Move the type selectors definition into the main application.Sol...

2010-11-30 11:35:36 115

[Flex3] can't switch to design view

[b]Issue[/b]When switching to design view after changing flex sdk to 3.2 in FB 3.0, I hit an error message:[quote]This component is based on Canvas, which is not a visual component. Switch to ...

2010-11-12 11:19:42 86

原创 [CentOS 5.4] error while loading shared libraries

Today I got an error like this one:[quote]error while loading shared libraries: libmp3lame.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory[/quote]After checking the system,...

2010-10-29 15:16:57 157

原创 [Flex] compilation error

If this error occurs:[i]Access of possibly undefined property DIRECT_CONNECTIONS through a reference with static type Class.[/i]Flex compiler settings need to be changed to compile for flash...

2010-10-19 18:35:15 79

原创 [Hibernate] one cause of LazyInitializationException

Sometimes a LazyInitializationException will be thrown on getHibernateTemplate().load(). Reason being when using load(), Hibernate simply retrieves you a Proxy, which has only the id set, rest of ...

2010-10-19 16:08:36 65

原创 [Java] IllegalArgumentException of method inflection

If this exception is encountered:[code="java"]java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class[/code]Check whether the object instance is correct:[code=...

2010-10-19 15:04:56 90

原创 [Flex] two ways of loading modules

There're two ways of loading and unloading modules:ModuleLoader - higher level APIModuleManager - lower level API1. Using ModuleLoader1) define a ModuleLoader[code="xml"][/code]...

2010-10-14 22:42:02 82

原创 [Flex4] Could not resolve <mx:X> to a component implementation

The namespace for halo components is incorrect.new one:[code="xml"]xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx[/code]not the old one:[code="xml"]xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/fle...

2010-10-04 09:27:49 300

[Flex] to see trace() info

First of all, must define an [b]mm.cfg[/b] under the following directory:Windows 2000/XP : C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Windows Vista : C:\Users\user_name\The [b]content [/b]of mm.cfg...

2010-05-07 13:05:33 85

[Windows XP] Cannot copy ... Access is denied.

If you encounter the stated problem, that means you need to take the ownership of the file or folder.Prerequisites:[b]1. Log on as an administrator[/b][b]2. Start Windows XP Home Edition i...

2010-05-07 00:06:00 205

[Java] Provider org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl not found

When unit testing a remote service with Spring today, I got an error like the one below:[code="java"]org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Unexpected exception parsing ...

2010-03-18 16:06:30 341

[Flex3] An internal compiler error occurred

If you encounter the "An internal compiler error occurred" in Flex Builder, open the error log view (window > show view > other > PDE Runtime > Error Log) and double click the error item.If someth...

2009-10-16 14:29:37 179

[Hibernate 3] Index not created by SchemaUpdate

A normal index like the one below won't get created automatically if hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto is set to [b]update[/b].[code="xml"] [/code]If the property is a primary key or it's unique, the...

2009-09-30 16:55:57 95

[Flex3] painful ‘Unable to resolve asset for transcoding’ error

I ran into this error when I was trying to embed an swf into one of my classes like this:[code="java"] [Embed(source='assets/aaa.swf',symbol='bbb')] private var bbb:Class;[/code]It...

2009-09-23 10:33:33 136

[Flex 3] Start multiple AIR instances on a single machine

The AIR runtime does not allow more than one instance of a given AIR app to run on a single machine. Instead, a second invocation of the same app sends an event to the running app instead of starting...

2009-09-05 20:43:17 61

[Hibernate 3] bug about string "call"

Once there's a string "call" involved in an hql, hibernate will throw an exception like the one below:HibernateSystemException: ordinal parameter mismatchThis is an open bug reported here:...

2009-09-01 18:56:16 86

[Flex3] Unable to resolve resource bundle

copy and overwrite the default problematic framework_rb.swc and rpc_rb.swc under WEB-INF\locale\en_US

2009-08-25 17:55:03 153

原创 [Flex] Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet

Solution found here: http://viconflex.blogspot.com/2008/04/invalid-embed-directive-in-stylesheet.htmlWhat ended up being the root cause of our problem is that in several places in the application ...

2009-08-12 14:31:09 105

[Log4j] listener order matters

The order of the two listeners ContextLoaderListener and Log4jConfigListener in web.xml [b]does[/b] matter. [b]Log4jConfigListener should be in front of ContextLoaderListener[/b]. Otherwise, the start...

2009-03-26 17:14:12 58

[Log4j] set up logging priority level

To set up the logging priority level, put an element like the one below inside [code="xml"] [/code]If the lower level logging info is still output after the category pri...

2009-02-27 16:18:10 111

[Java] RandomAccess

RandomAccess is a marker interface. It doesn't define methods; instead, it identifies a class as having a particular capability.According to the online document:[code="java"]The primary purp...

2008-12-19 13:16:21 90

[linux] tar and gzip a folder

tar -cvzpf filename.tar.gz /path/foldername

2008-11-12 20:21:08 258

[linux] chmod subdirectories and files

To chmod the contents and subdirectories of a directory, append -R after the chmod command. Beware of the upper case.

2008-11-06 17:40:56 90

[Mysql] dump blob

By appending "--hex-blob" after mysqldump.

2008-11-05 18:19:38 88

[Eclipse] Fixing: resource is out of sync

Sometimes when we try to synchronize with the cvs repository, we hit an error like this:[i]Resource is out of sync with the file system: filename[/i]It's due to the changes outside can't be re...

2008-11-04 11:26:11 119

[linux] Adjust Time

We use the command below to find out the current system time:[code="java"]date[/code]If it's incorrect and we wish to change it, we can issue a command below:[code="java"]date nnddhh...

2008-11-04 11:09:40 287

[linux] nohup - keeps job running at backend

Normally we log in a Linux machine using ssh. And when we logs out, those jobs started by the shell will get killed if they're not deamon or running at backend. [b]nohup[/b] is a useful tool to keep t...

2008-11-04 10:51:14 90

Fixing: a jvm error

"[b]An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine[/b]" keeps popping up everytime when i tried the Selenium 0.9.2 test cases using IE7 as the opening browser. It fails with both jvm...

2008-10-02 15:25:30 86

about rtmp channel

LCDS provides a RTMP channel which is a duplex socket connection between the SWF file and the server. It means the server is immediately notified when the underlying SWF file is disconnected. In a...

2008-09-30 13:27:02 97

[flex] Quotes from tips for performance

[b][size=medium]1. Architecting Flex Applications That Perform Well[/size][/b]1) Use the Flex navigator containers (Accordion, TabNavigator, and ViewStack). Flex navigator containers help control ...

2008-05-30 13:37:36 109

[flex] 12个Flex常用功能代码

1. Copy content to clipboard[code="java"]System.setClipboard(strContent);[/code]2. Clone an ArrayCollection[code="java"]//dummy solution( well, it works ) var bar:ArrayCollection =...

2008-05-29 14:03:51 143

[flex3] 关于crossdomain.xml

在jboss4.2中设置crossdomain.xml应该放在[jboss home]/server/default/deploy/jboss-web.deployer/Root.war下,内容为[code="xml"] [/code]这个目录是jboss的根目录,可以通过以下的url访问crossdomain.xml:http://doma...

2008-04-17 17:05:44 94

[jboss 4.2] 创建虚拟目录

在[jboss home]\server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer下找到server.xml,在[code="xml"][/code]里面加入:[code="xml"][/code]另外,若想在tomcat中创建虚拟目录:在[tomcat home]\conf\Catalina\localhost下创...

2008-04-11 10:47:58 91

[xfire 1.2.6] try out xfire 1.2.6

1. server side:(1) To demonstrate there's no issue with transferring objects, create a TestObj first:[code="java"]package ws;public class TestObj { private String name; pub...

2008-02-05 15:53:52 76

[Tapestry 4.1.1] Popup child window

I thought it's supposed to be pretty easy before I tried to implement.The requirement is like this: when a link on the parent window is clicked, a child window pops up and after a series of proces...

2008-01-17 10:06:23 71



2008-01-14 13:57:09 752 1

[JBoss 4.2] change the default 8080 port

1. go to [Jboss home]\server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer and find server.xml2. modify [code][/code]to[code][/code]

2007-12-10 11:31:50 59



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