
HTML5的video和audio标签是用来在网页中加入视频和音频的标签,在支持html5的浏览器中不需要预先加载Adobe Flash浏览器插件就能轻松快速的播放视频和音频文件。而html5media.js可以在不支持html5的浏览器上使video和audio标签生效。


How to enable <video> and <audio> tags in all major browsers

To make HTML5 video and audio tags work in all major browsers, simply add the following line of code somewhere in the <head> of your document.

<script src="//api.html5media.info/1.1.8/html5media.min.js"></script>

That's it! There is no second step!


How to embed video

You can embed video into your page using the following code.

<video src="video.mp4" width="320" height="200" controls preload></video>

For more information and troubleshooting, please visit the video wiki page.


How to embed audio

You can embed audio into your page using the following code.

<audio src="audio.mp3" controls preload></audio>

For more information and troubleshooting, please visit the audio wiki page.


Why use html5media?

HTML5 video and audio tags were designed to make embedding a video as easy as embedding an image. They were also designed to give users a faster experience by doing away with browser plugins such as Adobe Flash.


Unfortunately, older browsers don't support HTML5 video and audio tags, and even modern browsers don't support a consistent set of video codecs, making embedding a video rather difficult.


The html5media project makes embedding video or audio as easy as it was meant to be. It's a fire-and-forget solution, and doesn't require installing any files on your server. Unlike many other HTML5 video players, it allows people to use the video controls supplied by their own web browser. It's one of the smallest, fastest solutions available, and as browser technology improves it will become even faster.


More information

The html5media project is open source and can be found on GitHub. You can find out more information on the html5media wiki, or the main html5media project page.





 * HTML 5 media compatibility layer.
 * Copyright 2010 Dave Hall <dave@etianen.com>.
 * This script is part of the html5media project. The html5media project enables
 * HTML5 video and audio tags in all major browsers.
 * The html5media project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * The html5media project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with html5media.  If not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Developed by Dave Hall.
 * <http://www.etianen.com/>

(function(window, document, undefined) {    
    "use strict";

    // Tagnames for the different types of media tag.
    var VIDEO_TAG = "video";
    var AUDIO_TAG = "audio";
    // If no video tag is supported, go ahead and enable all HTML5 elements.
    if (!document.createElement(VIDEO_TAG).canPlayType) {
    // Checks whether this is a broken Android implementation.
    var isBrokenAndroid = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/android 2\.[12]/) !== null;
    // Checks if this is opera.
    var isOpera = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(/opera/) !== null;
    // Checks whether the given element can play the fiven format.
    function canPlayFormat(element, format) {
        return element.canPlayType(format) || (isBrokenAndroid && format.search("mp4") > -1);
    // Scans over elements with the given tag name, creating fallbacks if required.
    function scanElementsByTagName(tagName) {
        var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
        var elementsList = [];
        for (var n = 0; n < elements.length; n++) {
        for (n = 0; n < elementsList.length; n++) {
            var element = elementsList[n];
            var requiresFallback = true;
            // Test if the media tag is supported.
            if (element.canPlayType) {
                // If the media has a src attribute, and can play it, then all is good.
                if (element.src) {
                    if (canPlayFormat(element, guessFormat(tagName, element.src))) {
                        requiresFallback = false;
                } else {
                    // Check for source child attributes.
                    var sources = element.getElementsByTagName("source"); 
                    for (var m = 0; m < sources.length; m++) {
                        var source = sources[m];
                        if (canPlayFormat(element, guessFormat(tagName, source.src, source.type))) {
                            requiresFallback = false;
            // If cannot play media, create the fallback.
            if (requiresFallback || html5media.forceFallback(tagName, element)) {
                html5media.createFallback(tagName, element);
            } else {
                // HACK: Enables playback in android phones.
                if (isBrokenAndroid) {
                    element.addEventListener("click", function() {
                    }, false);
     * Replaces all video tags with flowplayer video player if the browser does
     * not support either the video tag the h.264 codex.
     * This is run automatically on document ready, but can be run manually
     * again after dynamically creating HTML5 video tags.
    function html5media() {
     * Callback to allow conditional forcing of the fallback player.
     * Return true to force the flash fallback. The default implementation never
     * forces the flash fallback.
    html5media.forceFallback = function(tagName, element) {
        return false;
    // Removes the final filename from the given path.
    function dirname(path) {
        return path.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/") + "/";
     * The locations of the flowplayer and flowplayer controls SWF files.
     * Override this if they are not located in the same folder as the 
    var scriptRoot = (function() {
        var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
        for (var n = 0; n < scripts.length; n++) {
            var script = scripts[n];
            if (script.src.match(/html5media(\.min|)\.js/)) {
                return dirname(script.src);
        return "";
    html5media.flowplayerSwf = scriptRoot + "flowplayer.swf";
    html5media.flowplayerAudioSwf = scriptRoot + "flowplayer.audio.swf";
    html5media.flowplayerControlsSwf = scriptRoot + "flowplayer.controls.swf";
    html5media.expressInstallSwf = scriptRoot + "expressInstall.swf";
    // Known media formats.
    var THEORA_FORMAT = 'video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"';
    var H264_FORMAT = 'video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"';
    var VORBIS_FORMAT = 'audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"';
    var WEBM_FORMAT  = 'video/webm;';
    var M4A_FORMAT = 'audio/x-m4a;';
    var MP3_FORMAT = 'audio/mpeg;';
    var WAV_FORMAT = 'audio/wav; codecs="1"';
     * The video format to assume if it cannot be determined what format a media
     * file is.
    var assumedFormats = {
        video: H264_FORMAT,
        audio: MP3_FORMAT
     * Formats that the fallback Flash player is able to understand.
    var fallbackFormats = [H264_FORMAT, M4A_FORMAT, MP3_FORMAT];
     * Known file extensions that can be used to guess media formats in the
     * absence of other information.
    var fileExtensions = {
        video: {
            "ogg": THEORA_FORMAT,
            "ogv": THEORA_FORMAT,
            "avi": H264_FORMAT,
            "mp4": H264_FORMAT,
            "mkv": H264_FORMAT,
            "h264": H264_FORMAT,
            "264": H264_FORMAT,
            "avc": H264_FORMAT,
            "m4v": H264_FORMAT,
            "3gp": H264_FORMAT,
            "3gpp": H264_FORMAT,
            "3g2": H264_FORMAT,
            "mpg": H264_FORMAT,
            "mpeg": H264_FORMAT,
            "webm": WEBM_FORMAT
        audio: {
            "ogg": VORBIS_FORMAT,
            "oga": VORBIS_FORMAT,
            "aac": M4A_FORMAT,
            "m4a": M4A_FORMAT,
            "mp3": MP3_FORMAT,
            "wav": WAV_FORMAT
    // Trys to determine the format of a given video file.
    function guessFormat(tag, src, type) {
        // An explicit type is always best.
        if (type) {
            return type;
        // Try to match based on file extension.
        var extensionMatch = (/\.([a-z1-9]+)(\?|#|\s|$)/i).exec(src);
        if (extensionMatch) {
            var format = fileExtensions[tag][extensionMatch[1]];
            if (format) {
                return format;
        return assumedFormats[tag];
    // Detects presence of HTML5 attributes.
    function hasAttr(element, attr) {
        var val = element.getAttribute(attr);
        return !!val || typeof val == "string";
    // Standardizes URLs to avoid confusing Flowplayer.
    function fixPath(url) {
        var link = document.createElement("a");
        link.href = url;
        return link.href;
    // Calculates the given dimension of the given element.
    function getDimension(element, dimension, fallback) {
        // Attempt to use it's attribute value.
        var result = element.getAttribute(dimension);
        if (result) {
            return result + "px";
        // Attempt to use it's computed style.
        var style;
        if (element.currentStyle) {
            style = element.currentStyle[dimension];
        } else if (window.getComputedStyle) {
            style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(dimension);
        } else {
            return fallback;
        if (style == "auto") {
            return fallback; 
        return style;
    // Extracts the mimetype from a format string.
    function getMimeType(format) {
        return format.match(/\s*([\w-]+\/[\w-]+)(;|\s|$)/)[1];
    // Checks whether the two formats are equivalent.
    function formatMatches(format1, format2) {
        return (getMimeType(format1) == getMimeType(format2));

     * Callback for adding custom configuration options to Flowplayer before it
     * launches. This callback is supplied with the tagname of the element being
     * replaced ("video" or "audio"), the element being replaced, and the
     * generated Flowplayer configuration.
     * This callback should return the updated Flowplayer configuration. By
     * The default implementation leaves the generated configuration intact.
    html5media.configureFlowplayer = function(element, config) {
        return config;
     * Default callback for creating a fallback for html5 media tags.
     * This implementation creates flowplayer instances, but this can
     * theoretically be used to support all different types of flash player.
    html5media.createFallback = function(tagName, element) {
        var hasControls = hasAttr(element, "controls");
        // Standardize the src and poster.
        var poster = element.getAttribute("poster") || "";
        var src = element.getAttribute("src") || "";
        if (!src) {
            // Find a compatible fallback file.
            var sources = element.getElementsByTagName("source");
            for (var sn = 0; sn < sources.length; sn++) {
                var source = sources[sn];
                var srcValue = source.getAttribute("src");
                if (srcValue) {
                    for (var fn = 0; fn < fallbackFormats.length; fn++) {
                        var fallbackFormat = fallbackFormats[fn];
                        if (formatMatches(fallbackFormat, guessFormat(tagName, srcValue, source.getAttribute("type")))) {
                            src = srcValue;
                if (src) {
        // If there is no src, then fail silently for now.
        if (!src) {
        // Create the replacement element div.
        var replacement = document.createElement("span");
        replacement.id = element.id;
        replacement.style.cssText = element.style.cssText;
        replacement.className = element.className;
        replacement.title = element.title;
        replacement.style.display = "block";
        replacement.style.width = getDimension(element, "width", "300px");
        if (tagName == "audio") {
            replacement.style.height = "26px";
        } else {
            replacement.style.height = getDimension(element, "height", "200px");
        // Replace the element with the div.
        element.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, element);
        var preload = (element.getAttribute("preload") || "").toLowerCase();
        // Activate flowplayer.
        var playlist = [];
        if (poster) {
            playlist.push({url: fixPath(poster)});
        if (src) {
                url: fixPath(src),
                autoPlay: hasAttr(element, "autoplay"),
                autoBuffering: hasAttr(element, "autobuffer") || (hasAttr(element, "preload") && (preload === "" || preload == "auto")),
                onBeforeFinish: function() {
                    return !hasAttr(element, "loop");
        // Determine which plugins should be loaded.
        var plugins = {
            controls: hasControls && {
                url: fixPath(html5media.flowplayerControlsSwf),
                opacity: 0.8,
                backgroundColor: "#181818",
                backgroundGradient: "none",
                fullscreen: tagName == VIDEO_TAG,
                autoHide: tagName == VIDEO_TAG && {
                    fullscreenOnly: false,
                    enabled: true,
                    hideStyle: "fade",
                    mouseOutDelay: 0
                } || {
                    enabled: false
            } || null
        // HACK: Opera cannot autohide controls, for some reason.
        if (isOpera && plugins.controls) {
            plugins.controls.autoHide.enabled = false;
        // Audio-specific config.
        if (tagName == "audio") {
            // Load the audio plugin.
            plugins.audio = {
                url: fixPath(html5media.flowplayerAudioSwf)
            // HACK: The Flowplayer audio plugin requires that the controls plugin is present.
            if (!hasControls) {
                plugins.controls = {
                    url: fixPath(html5media.flowplayerControlsSwf),
                    display: "none"
                replacement.style.height = 0;
            // HACK: Disable autoBuffering, since a flowplayer audio bug can cause uncontrollable autoplaying.
            playlist[playlist.length - 1].autoBuffering = false;
        // Load the Flowplayer.
        var config = {
            play: null,
            playlist: playlist,
            clip: {
                scaling: "fit",
                fadeInSpeed: 0,
                fadeOutSpeed: 0
            canvas: {
                backgroundGradient: "none",
                backgroundColor: "#000000"
            plugins: plugins
        config = html5media.configureFlowplayer(element, config);
        flowplayer(replacement, {
            src: fixPath(html5media.flowplayerSwf),
            expressInstall: fixPath(html5media.expressInstallSwf),
            wmode: "opaque"
        }, config);

    // Automatically execute the html5media function on page load.
    // Expose html5media to the global object.
    window.html5media = html5media;
})(this, document);



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