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原创 Magento 移除标签 How to remove “Tags” block from a product page

This tutorial will show you how to remove Tags block from Magento product pageЖThere are 2 ways of removing the tagging feature from product pages: Navigate to System -> Configuration -&g...

2015-11-29 02:01:45 207

原创 Magento 购物车不能加载付款栏 Magento 1.8 and 1.9 Payment not loading on Checkout

I’ve updated one of my stores to the new version 1.8.0 of Magento and all was great until I try the checkout. On the customer onepage checkout I just stuck on step Shipping Method, I could not get th...

2015-11-29 02:00:35 144

原创 Magento 开启星级评价 How to add the yellow star rating system

It’s a common practice to use ratings for the products in the shopping website. This way visitors can rate the products according to their quality. By collecting rating results, website owners are ...

2015-11-29 01:58:11 156

原创 Linux/Ubuntu: 命令行任务(To-Do List)管理 task - A command line todo manager

 安装:sudo apt-get install task$ task add some very important task$ task You can also install vit if you want an alternative UI to this list. There are also some command line tools for ma...

2015-11-29 01:57:30 2661

原创 Bootstrap 3 栏居中 responsive centered columns

An easy solution to center multiple columns in Bootstrap 3, also on mobile The ProblemSometimes you want to center Bootstrap columns, usually when you have an uneven number of them, or when you...

2015-11-29 01:54:42 334

原创 论GNU、Linux和GNU/Linux之间的关系

相信很多人看到了这个标题就会产生疑问,这篇文章到底要讲什么东西?在回答这个问题之前,我先提出几个问题? 1. 什么是Linux? 2. 什么是GNU? 3. GNU/Linux是什么玩意儿? 在回答了以上问题后,大家自然也清楚我想说明的问题了。 什么是Linux 相信了解一些IT知识的人都听过Linux这个名词。维基百科上的Linux词条是最经典和最准确的说明(http://zh.wik...

2015-11-28 14:21:06 202

原创 Linux 死机了怎么办

今天在 Linuxgem.org 上面发现一篇很有意思的文章,和大家分享。{Via http://blog.upsuper.org.cn/what-to-do-if-linux-crash/} Linux 会死机么?我可以很肯定地说,会!要让 Linux 死机很容易,但难的是在死机以后如何安全的让他摆脱死机状态,本文讲述如何从 Linux 的死机状态中挣脱出来。 Linu...

2015-11-28 14:19:53 1202

原创 Bootstrap 3 input spinner 数字增减框

HTML<div class="container"><div class="page-header"><h1>Bootstrap 3 input-spinner</h1></div> <div class="input-group spinner">

2015-11-28 14:16:12 10957

原创 Bootstrap 3 移除输入框聚焦线 How to remove border (outline) around text/input boxes?

一般可以用:textarea:focus, input:focus{ outline: 0;} 或者*:focus { outline: 0;} 来源:http://stackoverflow.com/a/3397158 针对bootstrap可以用一下css来覆盖:.form-control:focus { border-c...

2015-11-28 14:14:38 167

原创 How to fix “System program problem detected” error on Ubuntu

Remove crash report filesThe apport system creates crash report files in the /var/crash directory. These crash report files cause the error message to appear everytime Ubuntu boots.$ cd /var/cras...

2015-11-28 14:13:34 83

原创 Ubuntu: 创建PlayOnLinux快捷键 Create PlayOnLinux Application Desktop

实例一 iTunes 12iTunes 12.desktop[Desktop Entry]Encoding=UTF-8Name=iTunes 12Comment=PlayOnLinuxType=ApplicationExec=/usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "iTunes 12" %FIcon=/home/gd/...

2015-11-25 08:36:16 208

原创 Magento 自定义分页代码 How to change pagination design in product listing page in magen

I have worked in the template\catalog\product\list\toolbar.phtml where you can change the total toolbar design. But there have a function<?php echo $this->getPagerHtml() ?> it's for th...

2015-11-25 08:23:48 145

原创 Magento 获取产品(filter过滤器)属性值 Magento Product Attributes Values and Labels

I have found that it is very useful to be able to get attributes from the system and use them in places other than a products category page. I always forget the exact syntax to use so, this is going ...

2015-11-25 08:23:00 494

原创 jQuery 去除表单空值 serialize how to eliminate empty fields

1.  Try adding this$('input', '#submForm').each(function(){ $(this).val() == "" && $(this).remove();}) OR$('input:text[value=""]', '#submForm').remove(); beforevar seriali...

2015-11-25 08:17:02 936

原创 jQuery: jscolor - color picker

Check out JSColor:http://jscolor.com/jscolor is a web color picker component that aims to be super easy both for developers to install and end users to use. 使用:<script src="jscolor.js"&g...

2015-11-25 08:15:06 508

原创 Linux Netcat 命令——网络工具中的瑞士军刀


2015-11-24 03:56:08 76

原创 Magento 1.9 : 获取产品图片 Get Image Gallery in list.phtml

$_product_images = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId())->getMediaGalleryImages();foreach($_product_images->getItems() as $_product_image) echo $_product_image-&...

2015-11-24 03:53:55 337

原创 Magento 获取系统设置 How to get data from Magento System Configuration

I just wandering on how I can get the configuration data for my custom module. The configuration can be set from the admin system->configuration and how to pull it in frontend?  解决:$config...

2015-11-24 03:51:41 103

原创 Magento: 解决 Bootstrap 3 与prototype并用的时候, 下拉菜单消失的问题 Bootstrap 3 dropdown menu dis...

方法一 :  使用友善的文件  EASY FIX: Just replace Magento’s prototype.js file with this bootstrap friendly one: https://raw.github.com/zikula/core/079df47e7c1f536a0d9eea2993ae19768e1f0554/src/java...

2015-11-24 03:48:05 144

原创 解决 TypeError: $.browser is undefined

$.browser has been removed from JQuery 1.9. You can to use Modernizr project instead  http://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/1.9/#jquery-browser-removedjust put the $.browser code in your jsvar matched,...

2015-11-24 03:46:42 393 1

原创 imagesLoaded-检测图片是否正确加载的js插件

简要教程imagesLoaded是一款用于检测页面中的图片是否被加载的js插件。imagesLoaded是非常有用的插件,当你的页面中某幅图片没有被加载时,默认会显示一个红叉或图片alt文本,imagesLoaded可以将未加载的图片替换为你设置的图片。 安装你可以通过Bower或npm来安装giantess分类过滤和排序插件。bower install images...

2015-11-19 08:02:01 753

原创 sed 执行错误:sed: 1: “…”: Invalid command code f

运行grep -l \'texttofind\' * | xargs sed -i 's/toreplace/replacewith/g' Im getting this error when I run the above command in the terminal.sed: 1: "forkliftDailyChecklistW ...": invalid command...

2015-11-19 07:56:38 3057

原创 Bootstrap 3 圆形按钮 circle button

 HTML:<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-circle"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></button><button type="button" class="bt

2015-11-19 07:51:40 3690

原创 Bootstrap 3 加半星 Star rating with half-stars

全星,零星<div class="ratings"> <p class="pull-right">15 reviews</p> <p> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span>

2015-11-19 07:50:10 523

原创 bootstrap 3 多选框 awesome bootstrap checkbox

Awesome Bootstrap CheckboxFont Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios plugin. Pure CSS way to make inputs look prettier. No Javascript!Demo UseFirst just include awesome-bootstrap-checkb...

2015-11-19 07:47:40 651

原创 bootstrap 3 下拉条选项 dropdown select

 <div class="container"> <div class="form-group"> <label for="platform" class="control-label col-xs-2">Platform:</label> <div

2015-11-18 02:38:47 238

原创 Magento 创建用户代码 Creating a new customer in Magento(RESTful,PHP)

$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer');//$customer = new Mage_Customer_Model_Customer(); $password = 'iks123456';$email = 'gotodiscuss@ikeepstudying.com'; $customer->setWebsi...

2015-11-18 02:37:06 136

原创 magento 1.9 用户无法登录 magento 1.9 customer can not login

Looks like an issue with form-keyGo to app/design/frontend/[Your-package]/[Your-theme]/template/customer/form/login.phtml and template/persistent/customer/form/login.phtml and underFind: <u...

2015-11-18 02:34:36 244

原创 Magento 数据库查询速记 select, insert, update, and delete data

   query.php<?phpinclude_once 'app/Mage.php';Mage::app();//====================================================================//$product = Mage::getModel('catalo...

2015-11-18 02:33:34 189

原创 Bootstrap 3 添加外部页面到弹出窗口Bootstrap 3 with remote Modal

If a remote URL is provided, content will be loaded via jQuery’s load method and injected into the root of the modal element.<a data-toggle="modal" href="to-another-url-page" data-target="#myMod...

2015-11-18 02:31:48 560

原创 禁止点击背景而关闭bootstrap弹出框 Disable click outside of bootstrap model area to close mod...

On Options chapter, in the page you linked, you can see the backdrop option. Passing this option with value 'static' will prevent closing the modal.As @PedroVagner pointed on comments, you also can p...

2015-11-17 02:00:08 1646

原创 调整谷歌reCAPTCHA大小 How to resize the Google noCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA

最近调试reCAPTCHA的时候,发现手机版的reCAPTCHA会不适应大小:经修改后应该为:代码如下:.g-recaptcha {transform:scale(0.77);-webkit-transform:scale(0.77);transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;} 或者:@media scr...

2015-11-17 01:58:47 883

原创 Magento 获取已登录用户的信息– Get Logged In Customer’s Full Name, First Name, Last Name an...

// Check if any customer is logged in or notif (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) { // Load the customer's data $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session'...

2015-11-17 01:57:20 201

原创 Magento 主题结构 The structure of a Magento theme

The structure of a Magento themeThe files in a Magento theme are divided into two main directories: app and skin, as shown in the following screenshot:The following is the descripti...

2015-11-17 01:56:16 321

原创 Bootstrap 字体图标 Bootstrap Glyphicon Components

 基本用法:<p>Envelope icon: <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span></p><p>Search icon: <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search">&

2015-11-17 01:53:58 321

原创 Bootstrap3 入门模板 Start Bootstrap Templates

CreativeA one page creative theme.View Source on GitHubClean BlogA clean blog theme.View Source on GitHubAgencyA one page agency theme.View...

2015-11-10 01:47:41 1445

原创 命令行导出和导入数据库 How to export and import MySQL database using command line Interface...

导出 :To export MySQL database, open putty on Windows or Terminal in either MAC or Linux OS, Go to the directory where you want this file to be stored using following command,cd /home/myfiles/...

2015-11-10 01:46:40 132

原创 iTerm – 让你的命令行也能丰富多彩

今天要给大家介绍一个工具: iTerm。这次我们讲的和开发技术无关,只是一个工具。但虽然是一个工具,却能让你的功力提升一个层级。下面我们就来一看究竟。每一位开发者都难免要用到命令行,从 git 版本库操作,到运行一些脚本,都离不开命令行。虽然现在的图形界面已经很强大了,但在很多情况下,使用命令行仍然是最快捷的方式。 iTerm 简介iTerm 是一款完全免费的,专为 Mac OS 用...

2015-11-10 01:44:56 489

原创 HTML5:多文件上传 Upload multiple files at once with HTML5, jQuery and PHP

n today’s modern web applications, uploading files to the server is a very common feature, however it is often the case that your application must allow multiple file uploads to the server. Today we ...

2015-11-10 01:43:04 162

原创 网页性能管理详解

你遇到过性能很差的网页吗?这种网页响应非常缓慢,占用大量的CPU和内存,浏览起来常常有卡顿,页面的动画效果也不流畅。网页性能管理详解你会有什么反应?我猜想,大多数用户会关闭这个页面,改为访问其他网站。作为一个开发者,肯定不愿意看到这种情况,那么怎样才能提高性能呢?本文将详细介绍性能问题的出现原因,以及解决方法。 一、网页生成的过程要理解网页性能为什么不好,就要了...

2015-11-10 01:40:57 92



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