Alloy language

Boston University-CS511
Contributors: Andrei Lapets, MichalisPotamias, Mark Reynolds
Why write a Model
•To describe formally the components of a system and relationships between them
•Check properties about the model
•Exclude ill-formed examples of Models.
•Two kind of problems might arise
–Bugs (in the logic of the model)
–Errors (in the subject that you are modeling)
Why Alloy
•Conceptual simplicity and minimalism
–Very little to learn
–WYSIWYG: no special semantics
•high-level notation
–Constraints --can build up incrementally
–Relations flexible and powerful
–Much more succinct than most model checking notations

Alloy Case Studies•In Industry–Animating requirements (Venkatesh, Tata) –Military simulation (Hashii, NorthtropGrumman) –Role-based access control (Zao, BBN)–Generating network configurations (Narain, Telcordia)•In Research–security features (Pincus, MSR)–exploring design of switching systems (Zave, AT&T)

Alloy Characteristics
•Finite scope check:
–The analysis is sound, but incomplete
•Infinite model:
–Finite checking does not get reflected in your model
•Declarative: first-order relational logic
•Automatic analysis:
–visualization a big help
•Structured data:
Bad Things
•Sequences are awkward
•Recursive functions hard to express
Alloy model structures
•Structures are expressed as a set of tuples(vectors of atoms)
–individual elements are treated as singleton sets
•Atoms are Alloy's primitive entities
–Indivisible: can’t be broken down into smaller parts
–Immutable: it does not change.
–Associate atoms with one another.
–Consists of a set of tupleseachetuplebeing a sequence of atoms.
•The "arity" of the relation is the number of atoms in each tuple
•A relation with no tuplesis empty
Alloy declarations•First line module declaration–module chapter4/filesystem•sigObject {}–Defines a set named Object represents all objects–abstract sigObject{} abstract sighas no elements except those belonging to its extensions. •sigFile extends Object {} –A set can be introduced as a subset of another set
•sig A {}
•sig B extends A {}
•sig C extends A {}
–Bin A
–Cin A
–no B & C

•abstract sigA {}
•sigB extends A {}
•sigC extends A {}
•B in A
•C in A
•no B & C
•A = (B + C)
Declaring relations
•Relations are declared as fields of signatures
sigDir extends Object {
entries: set Object,
parent: lone Dir
•sig A {f: set X}
•sigB extends A {g: set Y}
–B in A
–f: A -> X
–g: B -> Y
Set Multiplicities
•set : any number.
•one: exactly one.
•lone: zero or one.
•some: one or more.
–sigMan extends Person { Wife: lone Woman}
–sigWoman extends Person {Husband: lone Man}
sigDir extends Object {
entries: set Object,
parent: lone Dir
Facts and Assertions
–Constraints that are assumed always to hold (used to restrict space of possible counterexamples)
–A Model can have any number of facts
sigA {}
fact { all z: A | F }
–Constraints that are intended to follow from the facts of the model
–Can be checked using the check command
assert, check
•fact F {…}
•assert A {…}
•check A
–fact: assume constraint F holds
–assert: believe that A follows from F
–check: find an instance that satisfies F and not A

•all x: e | F
•some x: e | F
•no x: e | F
•lone x: e | F
•one x: e | F
–fact EntriesSameName{all e1, e2 : entries | = => e1 = e2}
–fact nametoaddress{ all n:Name| lone d: Address| d in n.address}
–fact{no p: Person | p in p.^(mother+ father) }
–fact FourPassengersPerCar{ all c:Car| #{c.contents} <= 4 }
–fact OneVehiclePerPassenger{ all p:Passenger| one v:Vehicle| p in v.contents}
Examples of Asserts
•assert NoSelfFather{no m: Man | m = m.father}
•check NoSelfFather
•assert FileInDir{all f: File | some d: Dir | f in d.contents}
•check FileInDir
•assert RootTop{no o: Object | Root in o.contents}
•check RootTop
Constants and Operators
•The language of relations has its own constants and operators
–none = empty set
–univ= universal set
–iden= identity
Constants and Operators
•Name = {(N0), (N1)}
Addr= {(D0), (D1)}
univ= {(N0), (N1), (D0), (D1)}
iden= {(N0,N0), (N1,N1), (D0,D0), (D1,D1)}
•Operators fall into Two Categories
Set Operators
•+ : union
–sigVehicle {} {Vehicle = Car + Truck}
•& : intersection
–fact DisjSubtrees{ all t1, t2:Tree | (t1.^children) & (t2.^children) = none }
•-: difference
–fact dirinothers{ all d: Directory -Root | some contents.d}
•in : subset
–Sibling = (brother + sister)
–sister in sibling
•= : equality
Relational operators
•. : dot (Join)
–{(N0), (A0)} . {(A0), (D0)} = {(N0), (D0)}
•-> : arrow (product)
–s -> t is their cartesianproduct
–r: s -> t says r maps atoms in s to atoms in t
•^ : transitive closure
–fact DisjSubtrees{ all t1, t2:Tree | (t1.^children) & (t2.^children) = none }
–fact {no p: Person | p in p.^(mother+ father) }
•* : reflexive-transitive closure
–fact {Object in Root.*contents}
•~ : transpose
–Takes its mirror image s.~r= r.s(image of s navigating backwards through relr)
Relational Operators
•~ : transpose (continued)
–fact dirinothers{ all d: Directory -Root | some d.~contents}
–fact dirinothers{ all d: Directory -Root | some contents.d}
•[] : box (join)
–Semantically identical to join, takes arguments in different order. Expressions: e1[e2] = e2.e1
•<: :domain restriction
–Contains those tuplesof r that start with an element in s.
•:> : range restriction
–Contains the tuplesof r that end with an element in s
•++: Override
–Override p ++ q (just like union), except that tuplesof q can replace tuplesof p rather than augmenting them.
Relational Operators
•Alias = {(N0), (N1)}
•Addr= {(A0)}
•address = {(N0, N1), (N1, N2), (N2, A0)}
•Domain restriction
•Alias <: address = {(N0, N1), (N1, N2)}
•Range restriction:
•address :> Addr= {(N2, A0)}
•workAddress = {(N0, N1), (N1, A0)}
•address ++ workAddress = {(N0, N1), (N1, A0), (N2, A0)}
Logical operators
•! : negation
•&& : conjunction (and)
•|| : disjunction (OR)
•=> : implication
•else : alternative
•<=> : bi-implication (IFF)
Logic Cardinalities
•= equals•< less than•> greater than•=< less than or equal to•>= greater than or equal to•#r number of tuplesin r•0,1,... integer literal•+ plus•-minus•all b: Bag | #b.marbles=< 3all bags have 3 or less marbles•fact FourPassengersPerCar{ all c:Car| #{c.contents} <= 4 }
Functions and Predicates
•A function is a named expression
•Zero or more declarations for arguments
•fun grandpas [p: Person]: set Person {
p.(mother+ father).father
•fun colorSequence: Color -> Color {
Color <: iden+ Red->Green + Green->Yellow + Yellow->Red
Predicates and functions
•A predicate is a named constraint
•Zero or more declarations for arguments
•Can be used to represent an operation
•Only holds when invoked (unlike fact)
–sigName, Addr{}
sigBook { addr: Name -> Addr}
predadd (b, b': Book, n: Name, a: Addr) {
b'.addr= b.addr+ n->a
–predAbove(m, n: Man) {m.floor= n.ceiling}
Man m is “above”Man n if m's floor is n'sceiling
fact, pred, run
•fact F {…}
•predP () {…}
•run P
–fact: assume constraint F holds
–pred: define constraint P
–run: find an instance that satisfies P and F
Analyzing the model
•Write a command to analyze a model
•A run command searches for an instance of a predicate
–run ownGrandpa
•A check command searches for a counter example of an assertion
–check NoSelfFather
•You may give a scope that bounds the size of instances.
–run solve for 5 State
•Demo The File System.





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