<script><!-- YAHOO.example.treeExample = function() { var tree, currentIconMode; function changeIconMode() { var newVal = parseInt(this.value); if (newVal != currentIconMode) { currentIconMode = newVal; } buildTree(); } function loadNodeData(node, fnLoadComplete) { var nodeLabel = encodeURI(node.label); //prepare URL for XHR request: var sUrl = "assets/ysuggest_proxy.php?query=" + nodeLabel; //prepare our callback object var callback = { //if our XHR call is successful, we want to make use //of the returned data and create child nodes. success: function(oResponse) { YAHOO.log("XHR transaction was successful.", "info", "example"); //YAHOO.log(oResponse.responseText); var oResults = eval("(" + oResponse.responseText + ")"); if((oResults.ResultSet.Result) && (oResults.ResultSet.Result.length)) { //Result is an array if more than one result, string otherwise if(YAHOO.lang.isArray(oResults.ResultSet.Result)) { for (var i=0, j=oResults.ResultSet.Result.length; i<j; i++) { var tempNode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(oResults.ResultSet.Result[i], node, false); } } else { //there is only one result; comes as string: var tempNode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(oResults.ResultSet.Result, node, false) } } oResponse.argument.fnLoadComplete(); }, failure: function(oResponse) { YAHOO.log("Failed to process XHR transaction.", "info", "example"); oResponse.argument.fnLoadComplete(); }, argument: { "node": node, "fnLoadComplete": fnLoadComplete }, //timeout -- if more than 7 seconds go by, we'll abort //the transaction and assume there are no children: timeout: 7000 }; YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', sUrl, callback); } function buildTree() { tree = new YAHOO.widget.TreeView("treeDiv1"); tree.setDynamicLoad(loadNodeData, currentIconMode); var root = tree.getRoot(); var arrRoot=new Array(); DWREngine.setAsync(false); arrRoot=OrganizationService.getRootNodes(); OrganizationService.getRootNodes( function(data){ arrRoot=data; }); for (var m=0, n=arrRoot.length; m<n; m++) { var division = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(arrRoot[m], root, true); var div=encodeURI(division.label); division.href="#"; division.expanded=false; division.target="#"; var aStates=new Array(); DWREngine.setAsync(false); OrganizationService.getChildNodes(arrRoot[m], function(data){ aStates=data; }); for (var i=0, j=aStates.length; i<j; i++) { var depNode = new YAHOO.widget.TextNode(aStates[i], division, false); var department=encodeURI(aStates[i]); depNode.href="frameUserAction.html?department="+department; depNode.target="rightFrame"; depNode.isLeaf=true; } } tree.draw(); } return { init: function() { YAHOO.util.Event.on(["mode0", "mode1"], "click", changeIconMode); var el = document.getElementById("mode1"); if (el && el.checked) { currentIconMode = parseInt(el.value); } else { currentIconMode = 0; } buildTree(); } } } (); //once the DOM has loaded, we can go ahead and set up our tree: YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(YAHOO.example.treeExample.init, YAHOO.example.treeExample,true) --></script>
HTML code
<div id="treeDiv1" style="margin-top: 10px"></div>
<dwr> <allow> <create creator="new" javascript="validator"> <param name="class" value="org.apache.struts2.validators.DWRValidator"/> </create> <convert converter="bean" match="com.opensymphony.xwork2.ValidationAwareSupport"/> <convert converter="bean" match="com.byd.bqs.model.Organization" javascript="Organization"> <param name="include" value="division,department" /> </convert> <create creator="spring" javascript="OrganizationService"> <param name="class" value="com.byd.bqs.OrganizationService"/> <param name="beanName" value="organizationService"/> <include method="getChildNodes"/> <include method="getHelloworld"/> <include method="getRootNodes"/> </create> </allow> <signatures> <![CDATA[ import java.util.Map; import org.apache.struts2.validators.DWRValidator; DWRValidator.doPost(String, String, Map<String, String>); ]]> </signatures> </dwr>