



在GIS领域,拓扑(topology)算法是一个很重要的算法。它把平面上的线段、折线,自动连接成网络,进而构成封闭的区域。 从而形成面和面之间、面和线之间、线和结点之间等各种空间关系。 通过这个算法,可以把给定区域内的线的集合构成网络或面,因此拓扑是数据处理、空间分析领域的一个极为重要的运算工具。几乎所有的重要的GIS系统都提供这样的算法。然而即使是最出名的系统,提供的算法仅是让用户使用而已。本文根据作者多年的经验,总结出这样一套C语言的算法,不敢说是目前出现的最好的算法,起码在互联网上,搜索不到比这个更精炼和优美的算法实现。 (和那些国内发表的关于地理数据拓扑的所谓的论文相比,你一定要把他们全都扔到垃圾堆里。然后再来看我的文章。) 如果算法中存在 BUG,请告诉我,也算对我的辛勤劳动的最大鼓励。


* --------------------------
* topo Implementation


* Copyright (C) cheungmine
* This software is available under the "FreeBSD" license,
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* --------------------------


/****************************************************************************** * topo.h - 2D topology implementation * * Author: cheungmine. cheungmine@gmail.com * -------------------------- * * Copyright (C) cheungmine * * This software is available under the "FreeBSD" license, * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * -------------------------- * Oct. 2000 - First Created using C++/MFC * Feb. 2008 - Rewritten with C++/STL * Jul. 2008 - Created with C only ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _TOPO_H_INCLUDED #define _TOPO_H_INCLUDED #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #include "list.h" /*============================================================================ Public Structure Abbr: T - Type V - Vertex E - Edge A - Arc P - Polygon lst - list_t nod - listnode_t ============================================================================*/ #define TOPO_EPSILON 1.0e-10 /** * Hung Arc Flag: * Since it's a unsigned int type, we MUST test with if (flag==-1) or * if(flag==TOPO_ERRINDEX) * NOT: if(flag<0), it's WRONG! */ #define TOPO_ERRINDEX 0xffffffff typedef listnode_t nodVertexT, nodEdgeT, nodEdge2vT, nodArcT, nodPolygonT; typedef list_t lstVertexT, lstEdgeT, lstEdge2vT, lstArcT, lstPolygonT; /** * VertexT* pData = NodData(nodV, VertexT); */ #define NodData(nodePtr,dataType) ((dataType*)((nodePtr)->data)) #define NodDataC(nodePtr,dataType) ((const dataType*)((nodePtr)->data)) /** * Vertex 2 V structure */ typedef struct { double x, y; } tVertex2v; /** * Rect 2V structure, must be same as RTREEMBR */ typedef struct { union{ struct{ double Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax; }; double mbr[4]; }; } tRect2v; /** * Edge2v structure */ typedef struct { tVertex2v v1; tVertex2v v2; } tEdge2v; /** * topo vertex structure */ typedef struct { union { struct{ double x; double y; }; tVertex2v _tV; }; void *_Id; /* vertex id, used by caller, NOT necessary */ lstEdgeT *_lstE; /* edges share the vertex */ }topo_vertex, VertexT; /** * topo polygon consists of arc list * a "C" flaged Polygon consists of counter-clockwise vertices - CCW * a "W" flaged Polygon consists of clockwise vertices - CW */ typedef struct { void *_Id; /* polygon id, used by caller, NOT necessary */ lstVertexT *_lstV; /* a list of vertex ptr to vertex consists of polygon */ double _area; /* area of polygon */ int _flag; /* 0: bad polygon; 1: counter-clockwise; -1: clockwise */ }topo_polygon, PolygonT; typedef struct { void *_Id; /* arc id, used by caller, NOT necessary */ lstVertexT *_lstE; /* a list of edges consists of arc */ double _length; /* length of arc */ }topo_arc, ArcT; /** * topo edge */ typedef struct { void *_Id; /* edge id, used by caller, NOT necessary */ VertexT *_V1; /* ptr to start vertex */ VertexT *_V2; /* ptr to end vertex */ nodEdgeT *_nodEV1; /* ptr to start vertex's edges' list node */ nodEdgeT *_nodEV2; /* ptr to end vertex's edges' list node */ PolygonT *_leftP; /* ptr to polygon lies left to V1->V2 */ PolygonT *_rightP; /* ptr to polygon lies right to V1->V2 */ ArcT *_A; /* ptr to arc which the edge belongs to */ nodEdgeT *_EA; /* ptr to arc's edge list node */ }topo_edge, EdgeT; /** * topo net opaque structure */ typedef struct _topo_net_t *topo_net; /*=========================================================================== Public Functions 作者: cheungmine@gmail 日期: 2008-5 声明: 拓扑代码, 作者版权所有, 保留所有权利. ===========================================================================*/ void toponet_create(topo_net* tp, double snap /* =0.001? */); void toponet_free (topo_net t); void toponet_clear (topo_net t, BOOL clear_edges); void toponet_set_snap(topo_net t, double snap); double toponet_get_snap(topo_net t); void toponet_add_edge (topo_net t, const tVertex2v* v1, const tVertex2v* v2, BOOL split); void toponet_build (topo_net t, BOOL build_polygons, BOOL build_arcs, BOOL clear_edges); /* same as: * toponet_build(t, TRUE, TRUE, clear_edges); */ void toponet_build_all (topo_net t, BOOL clear_edges); lstVertexT* toponet_get_vertex_list (topo_net t); lstEdgeT* toponet_get_edge_list (topo_net t); lstArcT* toponet_get_arc_list (topo_net t); lstPolygonT* toponet_get_polygon_list (topo_net t); void toponet_output_all (topo_net t, FILE* fpOut); void toponet_output_verts (topo_net t, FILE* fpOut); void toponet_output_edges (topo_net t, FILE* fpOut); void toponet_output_arcs (topo_net t, FILE* fpOut); void toponet_output_polygons (topo_net t, FILE* fpOut); /*============================================================================*/ #endif /*_TOPO_H_INCLUDED*/

/****************************************************************************** * topo.c - 2D topology implementation * * Author: cheungmine. cheungmine@gmail.com * -------------------------- * * Copyright (C) cheungmine * * This software is available under the "FreeBSD" license, * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * -------------------------- * Oct. 2000 - First Created using MFC * Feb. 2008 - Rewritten with C++ * Jul. 2008 - Updated with C ******************************************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <memory.h> #include "topo.h" #include "rtree_2d.h" /*----------------------------------------------- Topo Marcos -----------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifndef M_HFPI #define M_HFPI 1.57079632679489661923 #endif #ifndef M_DBPI #define M_DBPI 6.28318530717958647692 #endif #ifndef MinVal #define MinVal(a, b) ((a)<(b)? (a):(b)) #endif #ifndef MaxVal #define MaxVal(a, b) ((a)>(b)? (a):(b)) #endif #define _CreateNod list_node_create #define tSnap (t->_snap) /** * CCW3V * returns: TRUE is CounterClockWise of (Vi->Vj->Vk); FALSE is for ClockWise * y Vk * | // * | / / * |/ / * --Vi====>Vj------> x * | */ #define SS3V(Vi, Vj, Vk) ((Vi)->x*((Vj)->y-(Vk)->y)+(Vj)->x*((Vk)->y-(Vi)->y)+(Vk)->x*((Vi)->y-(Vj)->y)) #define CCW3V(Vi, Vj, Vk) (SS3V(Vi, Vj, Vk) > 0) #define DistSq(v1, v2) (((v1)->x-(v2)->x)*((v1)->x-(v2)->x) + ((v1)->y-(v2)->y)*((v1)->y-(v2)->y)) #define DimsV(v) ((v)->_lstE->size) #define EdgeLen(E) sqrt(DistSq(&E->v1, &E->v2)) /*=========================================================================== Private Structure/Functions ===========================================================================*/ typedef pfunc_list_callback pfnLstNodeDataFree; /** * topo net */ typedef struct _topo_net_t { double _snap; /* topo tolerance which if ditance between vertices is less than the vertices will be looked as same one */ lstVertexT *_lstV; /* vertex list */ lstEdgeT *_lstE; /* edge list */ lstEdge2vT *_lstE2v; /* edge2v list */ HRTREEROOT _hTreeE2v; /* edge2vs' tree, must create */ lstEdge2vT *_lstTmpE2v; /* temp edge2vs' list */ lstArcT *_lstA; /* arc list */ lstPolygonT *_lstP; /* polygon list */ HRTREEROOT _hTreeE; /* edges' tree */ lstEdgeT *_lstTmpE; /* temp edges' list */ }topo_net_t, TopoNetT; /* get union of two rect */ static void UnionRect(const tRect2v* rc1, const tRect2v* rc2, tRect2v* rcUnion) { rcUnion->Xmin = rc1->Xmin<rc2->Xmin? rc1->Xmin : rc2->Xmin; rcUnion->Xmax = rc1->Xmax>rc2->Xmax? rc1->Xmax : rc2->Xmax; rcUnion->Ymin = rc1->Ymin<rc2->Ymin? rc1->Ymin : rc2->Ymin; rcUnion->Ymax = rc1->Ymax>rc2->Ymax? rc1->Ymax : rc2->Ymax; } static int SnapDig(double snap) { int n = 0; while(snap < 1) { n++; snap *= 10; } return n; } /*----------------------------------------------- Vertex Private Functions -----------------------------------------------*/ static VertexT* VertexCreate(const tVertex2v* tV) { VertexT* V = (VertexT*) malloc(sizeof(VertexT)); assert(V); V->_tV = (*tV); V->_lstE = list_create(); V->_Id = 0; return V; } static void VertexFree(VertexT* V) { assert(V); list_destroy(V->_lstE, 0); free(V); } /** * callback function to free list vertex node data */ static void pfcb_lstV_free(nodVertexT *nodV) { VertexFree(NodData(nodV, VertexT)); } /** * get rounding box of vertex */ static void VertexRect(const VertexT* V, double snap, tRect2v* rc) { rc->Xmin = V->x - snap; rc->Xmax = V->x + snap; rc->Ymin = V->y - snap; rc->Ymax = V->y + snap; } static void VertexListAdd(topo_net t, nodVertexT *nodV) { list_push_back(t->_lstV, nodV); NodData(nodV, VertexT)->_Id = (void*)(t->_lstV->size); } static BOOL VertexEqual(double snap, const tVertex2v* v1, const tVertex2v* v2) { assert(snap >= TOPO_EPSILON); if (fabs(v1->x-v2->x) > snap || fabs(v1->y-v2->y) > snap || DistSq(v1, v2) > snap*snap) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * bind an edge to vertex. Vo is node vertex */ static void VertexBindEdge(VertexT *V, EdgeT *E) { EdgeT *Ei; nodEdgeT *nodEi, *nodEp, *nodEv; VertexT *Vi, *Ve = 0; /* Vo->V must be edge E */ assert(V==E->_V1 || V==E->_V2); if (V==E->_V1) { nodEv = E->_nodEV1 = _CreateNod(E); Ve = E->_V2; } else { nodEv = E->_nodEV2 = _CreateNod(E); Ve = E->_V1; } assert(Ve && Ve != V); nodEi = V->_lstE->head; nodEp = 0; while (nodEi) { Ei = NodData(nodEi, EdgeT); assert(V==Ei->_V1 || V==Ei->_V2); Vi = (V==Ei->_V1? Ei->_V2 : Ei->_V1); assert(Vi != V); if (CCW3V(V, Vi, Ve)) break; nodEp = nodEi; nodEi = nodEi->next; } /* create and insert nodE after nodEp */ if (nodEp) list_insert_after(V->_lstE, nodEp, nodEv); else list_push_front(V->_lstE, nodEv); } /*----------------------------------------------- Edge Private Functions -----------------------------------------------*/ static EdgeT* EdgeCreate(VertexT *V1, VertexT *V2) { EdgeT* E = (EdgeT*) malloc(sizeof(EdgeT)); assert(E); E->_leftP = E->_rightP = 0; E->_V1 = V1; E->_V2 = V2; E->_nodEV1 = 0; E->_nodEV2 = 0; E->_Id = 0; E->_A = 0; E->_EA = 0; VertexBindEdge(V1, E); VertexBindEdge(V2, E); return E; } static void EdgeFree(EdgeT* E) { assert(E); free(E); } /** * callback function to free list data */ static void pfcb_lstE_free(nodEdgeT *nodE) { EdgeFree(NodData(nodE, EdgeT)); } static RTREEMBR* EdgeRect(const EdgeT* E, double snap, tRect2v* rc) { rc->Xmin = MinVal(E->_V1->x, E->_V2->x) - snap; rc->Xmax = MaxVal(E->_V1->x, E->_V2->x) + snap; rc->Ymin = MinVal(E->_V1->y, E->_V2->y) - snap; rc->Ymax = MaxVal(E->_V1->y, E->_V2->y) + snap; return (RTREEMBR*) rc; } static RTREEMBR* Edge2vRect(const tEdge2v* E, double snap, tRect2v* rc) { rc->Xmin = MinVal(E->v1.x, E->v2.x) - snap; rc->Xmax = MaxVal(E->v1.x, E->v2.x) + snap; rc->Ymin = MinVal(E->v1.y, E->v2.y) - snap; rc->Ymax = MaxVal(E->v1.y, E->v2.y) + snap; return (RTREEMBR*) rc; } static void EdgeListAdd(topo_net t, nodEdgeT *nodE) { EdgeT* E = NodData(nodE, EdgeT); list_push_back(t->_lstE, nodE); E->_Id = (void*)t->_lstE->size; if (t->_hTreeE) { tRect2v rc; RTreeInsert(t->_hTreeE, EdgeRect(E, tSnap, &rc), E, 0); } } static int pfcbEdgesSearchCallback(void* data_id, void* pfnParam){ /** * data_id is EdgeT* * pfnParam is ptr to t->_lstTmpE */ list_push_back(pfnParam, _CreateNod(data_id)); return 1; } #define ListCycNextNode(lst, nod) ((nod)==(lst)->tail? (lst)->head:(nod)->next) static EdgeT *NextEdge(VertexT *Vo, EdgeT *Eo) { /** * get edge node joint with Vo */ nodEdgeT *nodE = (Vo==Eo->_V1?Eo->_nodEV1:Eo->_nodEV2); assert(nodE && NodData(nodE, EdgeT)==Eo); nodE = ListCycNextNode(Vo->_lstE, nodE); assert(nodE); return NodData(nodE, EdgeT); } static tEdge2v * Edge2vCreate (const tVertex2v* v1, const tVertex2v* v2) { tEdge2v* E2v = (tEdge2v*) malloc(sizeof(tEdge2v)); assert(E2v); E2v->v1 = *v1; E2v->v2 = *v2; return E2v; } static void Edge2vFree(tEdge2v* E2v) { assert(E2v); free (E2v); } static void Edge2vListAdd(topo_net t, nodEdge2vT *nodE2v, RTREEMBR* mbr) { list_push_back(t->_lstE2v, nodE2v); RTreeInsert(t->_hTreeE2v, mbr, NodData(nodE2v, tEdge2v), 0); } static void pfcb_lstE2v_free(nodEdge2vT *nodE2v) { Edge2vFree(NodData(nodE2v, tEdge2v)); } static int SignOf (double v) { return (v>0? 1:(v<0?-1:0)); } /** * relation between 2 edges * 2 - line a is parallel to line b * 1 - edge a has no joint with line b: the start and end vertices of edge a are on the same side of line b * 0 - edge a's start or end vertex is on the line b *-1 - edge a has an inner joint with line b: the joint vertex is on the edge a except for start and end vertices. * to justify edge a and edge b is joint, must call this function twice as below: * if (Edge2vRelation(a, b)==EDGE_INNERJOINT && Edge2vRelation(b, a)==EDGE_INNERJOINT) * printf("edge a and edge b is joint!/n"); */ #define EDGE_PARALLEL 2 #define EDGE_NOTJOINT 1 #define EDGE_VERTEXJOINT 0 #define EDGE_INNERJOINT -1 static int Edge2vRelation(const tEdge2v * a, const tEdge2v * b) { double dxb = b->v2.x - b->v1.x; double dyb = b->v2.y - b->v1.y; double dxa = a->v2.x - a->v1.x; double dya = a->v2.y - a->v1.y; double dx1 = a->v1.x - b->v1.x; double dy1 = a->v1.y - b->v1.y; double dx2 = a->v2.x - b->v2.x; double dy2 = a->v2.y - b->v2.y; if ( fabs(dyb*dxa-dxb*dya) < TOPO_EPSILON ) return EDGE_PARALLEL; return (SignOf(dxb*dy1-dyb*dx1) * SignOf(dxb*dy2-dyb*dx2)); } static BOOL VertexInEdge(const tVertex2v* V, const tEdge2v * E) { return ((E->v2.y-V->y)*(V->y-E->v1.y) > 0 || (E->v2.x-V->x)*(V->x-E->v1.x) > 0); } /* distance square from vertex to line */ static double DistV2ESq (const tVertex2v* V, const tEdge2v* E, double sqE) { double s = SS3V(&E->v1, &E->v2, V); return s*s / sqE; } /* middle vertex of two vertices * V1======Vmid======V2 */ #define MidVertex(V1,V2,Vmid) (Vmid).x=((V1).x+(V2).x)/2; (Vmid).y=((V1).y+(V2).y)/2 /* get vertex(Vp) inter edge(Ev1--->Ev2) to where dist is sEv1 from Ev1: * * Ev1----sEv1------Vp------>Ev2 */ static void Edge2vInsVp (const tVertex2v* Ev1, const tVertex2v* Ev2, double sE, double sEv1, tVertex2v* Vp) { sEv1 /= sE; Vp->x = Ev1->x + (Ev2->x-Ev1->x)*sEv1; Vp->y = Ev1->y + (Ev2->y-Ev1->y)*sEv1; } /* clips T with E and returns T1 or T2 */ static void Edge2vClip(double sqSnap, tEdge2v* E, const tEdge2v* T, double sqE, double sqT, double sqEv1_T, double sqEv2_T, tEdge2v **pT1, tEdge2v **pT2) { double sqEv1_Tv1, sqEv1_Tv2, sqEv2_Tv1, sqEv2_Tv2, sqTv1_F1, sqTv2_F1, sqTv1_F2, sqTv2_F2; tVertex2v F1, F2; BOOL bF1 = FALSE; BOOL bF2 = FALSE; if (sqEv1_T <= sqSnap){ sqEv1_Tv1 = DistSq(&E->v1, &T->v1); sqEv1_Tv2 = DistSq(&E->v1, &T->v2); sqTv1_F1 = sqEv1_Tv1 - sqEv1_T; sqTv2_F1 = sqEv1_Tv2 - sqEv1_T; if ((sqTv1_F1+sqTv2_F1)<sqT) { double sT = sqrt(sqT); double Tv1_F1 = sqrt(sqTv1_F1); double Tv2_F1 = sqrt(sqTv2_F1); if ((Tv1_F1+Tv2_F1) < (sT+TOPO_EPSILON)) { bF1 = TRUE; if (Tv1_F1>Tv2_F1) Edge2vInsVp(&T->v1, &T->v2, sT, Tv1_F1, &F1); else Edge2vInsVp(&T->v2, &T->v1, sT, Tv2_F1, &F1); } } } if (sqEv2_T <=sqSnap){ sqEv2_Tv1 = DistSq(&E->v2, &T->v1); sqEv2_Tv2 = DistSq(&E->v2, &T->v2); sqTv1_F2 = sqEv2_Tv1 - sqEv2_T; sqTv2_F2 = sqEv2_Tv2 - sqEv2_T; if ((sqTv1_F2+sqTv2_F2)<sqT) { double sT = sqrt(sqT); double Tv1_F2 = sqrt(sqTv1_F2); double Tv2_F2 = sqrt(sqTv2_F2); if ((Tv1_F2+Tv2_F2) < (sT+TOPO_EPSILON)) { bF2 = TRUE; if (Tv1_F2 > Tv2_F2) Edge2vInsVp(&T->v1, &T->v2, sT, Tv1_F2, &F2); else Edge2vInsVp(&T->v2, &T->v1, sT, Tv2_F2, &F2); } } } if (!bF1 && !bF2) return; if (bF1 && !bF2) { MidVertex(F1, E->v1, E->v1); *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v1, &E->v1); *pT2 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v1, &T->v2); return; } if (bF2 && !bF1) { MidVertex(F2, E->v2, E->v2); *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v1, &E->v2); *pT2 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v2, &T->v2); return; } assert(bF1 && bF2); E->v1 = F1; E->v2 = F2; if ((T->v2.y-T->v1.y)*(F2.y-F1.y)>0 || (T->v2.x-T->v1.x)*(F2.x-F1.x)>0) { /* Tv1=====F1(Ev1)---E--->(Ev2)F2=====>Tv2 */ *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v1, &E->v1); *pT2 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v2, &T->v2); } else { /* Tv1=====F2(Ev2)<---E---(Ev1)F1=====>Tv2 */ *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v1, &E->v2); *pT2 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v1, &T->v2); } } static void Edge2vSplit(double snap, tEdge2v *T, tEdge2v *E, tEdge2v **pT1, tEdge2v **pT2, tEdge2v **pE1, tEdge2v **pE2) { double sqT, sqE, sqTv1_E, sqTv2_E, sqEv1_T, sqEv2_T; double sqSnap; *pT1 = *pT2 = *pE1 = *pE2 = 0; /* MUST set to ZERO */ /* check repeat edges */ if ((VertexEqual(snap,&T->v1,&E->v1)&&VertexEqual(snap,&T->v2,&E->v2)) || (VertexEqual(snap,&T->v1,&E->v2)&&VertexEqual(snap,&T->v2,&E->v1))) return; /* dist squre */ sqSnap = snap*snap; sqT = DistSq(&T->v1, &T->v2); sqE = DistSq(&E->v1, &E->v2); sqTv1_E = DistV2ESq(&T->v1, E, sqE); sqTv2_E = DistV2ESq(&T->v2, E, sqE); sqEv1_T = DistV2ESq(&E->v1, T, sqT); sqEv2_T = DistV2ESq(&E->v2, T, sqT); /* two edges disparts */ if (MinVal(sqTv1_E, sqTv2_E) > sqSnap && MinVal(sqEv1_T, sqEv2_T) > sqSnap) { /* crossing edges */ if (Edge2vRelation(T, E)==EDGE_INNERJOINT && Edge2vRelation(E, T)==EDGE_INNERJOINT) { tVertex2v Vp; tEdge2v T1, T2, E1, E2; double dx1 = T->v2.x - T->v1.x; double dy1 = T->v2.y - T->v1.y; double dx2 = E->v2.x - E->v1.x; double dy2 = E->v2.y - E->v1.y; double B = dy1*dx2 - dx1*dy2; assert(fabs(B) >= TOPO_EPSILON); Vp.x = ((E->v1.y-T->v1.y)*dx1*dx2 + T->v1.x*dx2*dy1-E->v1.x*dx1*dy2) / B; Vp.y = ((T->v1.x-E->v1.x)*dy1*dy2 - T->v1.y*dx1*dy2+E->v1.y*dy1*dx2) / B; T1 = T2 = *T; /* not using T */ E1 = E2 = *E; /* not using E */ T1.v2 = Vp; T2.v1 = Vp; E1.v2 = Vp; E2.v1 = Vp; if (!VertexEqual(snap, &T1.v1, &T1.v2)) *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&T1.v1, &T1.v2); if (!VertexEqual(snap, &T2.v1, &T2.v2)) *pT2 = Edge2vCreate(&T2.v1, &T2.v2); if (!VertexEqual(snap, &E1.v1, &E1.v2)) *pE1 = Edge2vCreate(&E1.v1, &E1.v2); if (!VertexEqual(snap, &E2.v1, &E2.v2)) *pE2 = Edge2vCreate(&E2.v1, &E2.v2); } return; } /* two verts coincided */ if (VertexEqual(snap, &T->v1, &E->v1)) { if (sqT < sqE) { if (sqTv2_E<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&T->v2, E)) *pE1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v2, &E->v2); } else { if (sqEv2_T<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&E->v2 ,T)) *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v2, &T->v2); } return; } if (VertexEqual(snap, &T->v2, &E->v1)) { if (sqT < sqE) { if (sqTv1_E<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&T->v1, E)) *pE1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v1, &E->v2); } else { if (sqEv2_T<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&E->v2 ,T)) *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v2, &T->v1); } return; } if (VertexEqual(snap, &T->v1, &E->v2)) { if (sqT < sqE) { if (sqTv2_E<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&T->v2, E)) *pE1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v2, &E->v1); } else { if (sqEv1_T<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&E->v1 ,T)) *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v1, &T->v2); } return; } if (VertexEqual(snap, &T->v2, &E->v2)) { if (sqT < sqE) { if (sqTv1_E<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&T->v1, E)) *pE1 = Edge2vCreate(&T->v1, &E->v1); } else { if (sqEv1_T<=sqSnap && VertexInEdge(&E->v1 ,T)) *pT1 = Edge2vCreate(&E->v1, &T->v1); } return; } /* no verts coincided but closer */ Edge2vClip(sqSnap, E, T, sqE, sqT, sqEv1_T, sqEv2_T, pT1, pT2); Edge2vClip(sqSnap, T, E, sqT, sqE, sqTv1_E, sqTv2_E, pE1, pE2); } static BOOL BuildEdge(topo_net t, const tVertex2v* v1, const tVertex2v* v2) { EdgeT *E; nodEdgeT *nodE; tRect2v rc; VertexT *V1 = 0; VertexT *V2 = 0; /** * too close of two vertices to add */ if (VertexEqual(tSnap, v1, v2)) return FALSE; /** * look up the nearest edges */ if (t->_hTreeE) { /* Have Edges RTree */ list_clear(t->_lstTmpE, 0); VertexRect((const VertexT*)v1, tSnap, &rc); RTreeSearch(t->_hTreeE, (RTREEMBR*)&rc, t->_lstTmpE); VertexRect((const VertexT*)v2, tSnap, &rc); RTreeSearch(t->_hTreeE, (RTREEMBR*)&rc, t->_lstTmpE); nodE = t->_lstTmpE->head; } else nodE = t->_lstE->head; while(nodE) { E = NodData(nodE, EdgeT); if (!V1 && VertexEqual(tSnap, (const tVertex2v*) E->_V1, v1)) V1 = E->_V1; if (!V1 && VertexEqual(tSnap, (const tVertex2v*) E->_V2, v1)) V1 = E->_V2; if (!V2 && VertexEqual(tSnap, (const tVertex2v*) E->_V1, v2)) V2 = E->_V1; if (!V2 && VertexEqual(tSnap, (const tVertex2v*) E->_V2, v2)) V2 = E->_V2; if ((V1==E->_V1 && V2==E->_V2) || (V2==E->_V1 && V1==E->_V2)) return FALSE; nodE = nodE->next; } /** * cannot find same one, add new vertex into verts */ if (!V1) { V1 = VertexCreate(v1); VertexListAdd(t, _CreateNod(V1)); } if (!V2) { V2 = VertexCreate(v2); VertexListAdd(t, _CreateNod(V2)); } assert(V1 && V2); /* add a new edge */ E = EdgeCreate(V1, V2); EdgeListAdd(t, _CreateNod(E)); return TRUE; } /*----------------------------------------------- Arc Private Functions -----------------------------------------------*/ static ArcT* ArcCreate() { ArcT* A = (ArcT*)malloc(sizeof(ArcT)); assert(A); A->_Id = 0; A->_length = 0; A->_lstE = list_create(); assert(A->_lstE); return A; } static void ArcFree(ArcT* A) { assert(A); list_destroy(A->_lstE, 0); free(A); } static void pfcb_lstA_free(nodArcT *nodA) { ArcFree(NodData(nodA, ArcT)); } static void ArcAddEdge(ArcT *A, EdgeT *E) { E->_EA = _CreateNod(E); list_push_back(A->_lstE, E->_EA); E->_A = A; } static double ArcLength(ArcT *A) { nodEdgeT *nodE; EdgeT *E; A->_length = 0; nodE = A->_lstE->head; while (nodE) { E = NodData(nodE, EdgeT); A->_length += sqrt(DistSq(E->_V1, E->_V2)); nodE = nodE->next; } return A->_length; } static void ArcListAdd (topo_net t, ArcT *A) { list_push_back(t->_lstA, _CreateNod(A)); A->_Id = (void*) t->_lstA->size; ArcLength(A); } /*----------------------------------------------- Polygon Private Functions -----------------------------------------------*/ static PolygonT* PolygonCreate() { PolygonT* P = (PolygonT*)malloc(sizeof(PolygonT)); assert(P); P->_area = 0; P->_flag = 0; P->_lstV = list_create(); assert(P->_lstV); return P; } static void PolygonFree(PolygonT* P) { assert(P); /** * since we do NOT call VertexCreate for vertex node, * so we need NOT set a vertex free callback */ list_destroy(P->_lstV, 0); free(P); } static void PolygonAddVertex(PolygonT *P, VertexT *V) { list_push_back(P->_lstV, _CreateNod(V)); } static void PolygonReverse(PolygonT *P) { list_reverse(P->_lstV); P->_flag *= (-1); } static void pfcb_lstP_free(nodPolygonT *nodP) { PolygonFree(NodData(nodP, PolygonT)); } static void PolygonBuild (PolygonT *P, EdgeT *E0, VertexT *V0) { EdgeT *E = E0; VertexT *V = V0; assert(E && V); PolygonAddVertex(P, V); do{ if (E->_V1==V) { assert(E->_leftP==0); E->_leftP = P; V = E->_V2; } else { assert(E->_rightP==0); E->_rightP = P; V = E->_V1; } assert(V); PolygonAddVertex(P, V); E = NextEdge(V, E); assert(E); }while (((V0==E->_V1&&E->_leftP==0)||(V0==E->_V2&&E->_rightP==0)) || (V != V0)); } static double PolygonArea(PolygonT* P) { nodVertexT *nodV, *nodPrev, *nodNext; VertexT *V, *Prev, *Next; P->_area = 0; P->_flag = 0; if (P->_lstV->size > 3) { nodPrev = P->_lstV->head; nodV = nodPrev->next; nodNext = nodV->next; assert(nodPrev && nodV && nodNext); while(nodNext) { Prev = NodData(nodPrev, VertexT); V = NodData(nodV, VertexT); Next = NodData(nodNext, VertexT); P->_area += V->x*(Next->y - Prev->y); nodPrev = nodV; nodV = nodNext; nodNext = nodNext->next; } assert(!nodNext); nodNext = P->_lstV->head->next; assert(nodV==P->_lstV->tail); Prev = NodData(nodPrev, VertexT); V = NodData(nodV, VertexT); Next = NodData(nodNext, VertexT); P->_area += V->x*(Next->y - Prev->y); P->_flag = (P->_area>0? 1 : (P->_area<0? -1 : 0)); P->_area = fabs(P->_area)/2; } return P->_area; } static void PolygonListAdd(topo_net t, PolygonT *P) { list_push_back(t->_lstP, _CreateNod(P)); P->_Id = (void*)t->_lstP->size; PolygonArea(P); } /*----------------------------------------------- Toponet Private Functions -----------------------------------------------*/ static void ToponetBuildEdges (topo_net t) { nodEdge2vT *nodE2v; tEdge2v *E2v; assert(t->_lstE->size == 0); nodE2v = t->_lstE2v->head; while (nodE2v) { E2v = NodData(nodE2v, tEdge2v); BuildEdge(t, &E2v->v1, &E2v->v2); nodE2v = nodE2v->next; } } static void ToponetBuildArcs(topo_net t) { #define NextV(E,V) (E->_V1==V?E->_V2:E->_V1) #define NextE(V,E) (E==NodData(V->_lstE->head,EdgeT)?NodData(V->_lstE->tail,EdgeT):NodData(V->_lstE->head,EdgeT)) nodVertexT *nodV; nodEdgeT *nodE; EdgeT *E; VertexT *V, *V0; assert(t->_lstA->size == 0); /* build node arcs or hung arcs */ nodV = t->_lstV->head; while (nodV) { V0 = NodData(nodV, VertexT); if (DimsV(V0) != 2) { nodE = V0->_lstE->head; while (nodE) { E = NodData(nodE, EdgeT); if (E->_A==0){ /* create new arc */ ArcT *A = ArcCreate(); ArcAddEdge(A, E); V = NextV(E,V0); while (DimsV(V)==2) { E = NextE(V,E); ArcAddEdge(A, E); V = NextV(E,V); } ArcListAdd(t, A); } nodE = nodE->next; } } nodV = nodV->next; } /* build self-closed arcs MUST after building node arcs */ nodV = t->_lstV->head; while (nodV) { V0 = NodData(nodV, VertexT); if (DimsV(V0) == 2) { E = NodData(V0->_lstE->head, EdgeT); if (E->_A == 0) { ArcT *A = ArcCreate(); ArcAddEdge(A, E); V = NextV(E,V0); while (DimsV(V)==2 && V != V0) { E = NextE(V,E); ArcAddEdge(A, E); V = NextV(E,V); } ArcListAdd(t, A); } } nodV = nodV->next; } #undef NextE #undef NextV } static void ToponetBuildPolygons(topo_net t) { PolygonT *P; nodEdgeT *nodE; EdgeT *E; assert(t->_lstP->size==0); nodE = t->_lstE->head; while (nodE) { E = NodData(nodE, EdgeT); if (E->_leftP==0) { P = PolygonCreate(); PolygonBuild(P, E, E->_V1); assert(E->_leftP); PolygonListAdd(t, P); } assert(E==NodData(nodE, EdgeT)); if (E->_rightP==0) { P = PolygonCreate(); PolygonBuild(P, E, E->_V2); assert(E->_rightP); PolygonListAdd(t, P); } nodE = nodE->next; } } /*=========================================================================== Public Algorithm Functions ===========================================================================*/ void toponet_create(topo_net* pTN, double snap) { topo_net t = (topo_net) calloc(1, sizeof(TopoNetT)); assert(t); toponet_set_snap(t, snap); t->_lstV = list_create(); assert(t->_lstV); t->_lstE = list_create(); assert(t->_lstE); t->_lstE2v = list_create(); assert(t->_lstE2v); t->_lstA = list_create(); assert(t->_lstA); t->_lstP = list_create(); assert(t->_lstP); t->_lstTmpE = list_create(); assert(t->_lstTmpE); t->_lstTmpE2v = list_create(); assert(t->_lstTmpE2v); t->_hTreeE = 0; t->_hTreeE2v = RTreeCreate(pfcbEdgesSearchCallback); assert(t->_hTreeE2v); *pTN = t; } void toponet_free(topo_net t) { assert(t); list_destroy(t->_lstV, pfcb_lstV_free); list_destroy(t->_lstE, pfcb_lstE_free); list_destroy(t->_lstE2v, pfcb_lstE2v_free); list_destroy(t->_lstA, pfcb_lstA_free); list_destroy(t->_lstP, pfcb_lstP_free); list_destroy(t->_lstTmpE, 0); list_destroy(t->_lstTmpE2v, 0); if (t->_hTreeE) { RTreeDestroy(t->_hTreeE); t->_hTreeE = 0; } if (t->_hTreeE2v) { RTreeDestroy(t->_hTreeE2v); t->_hTreeE2v = 0; } free(t); } void toponet_set_snap(topo_net t, double snap) { t->_snap = (snap < TOPO_EPSILON? TOPO_EPSILON : snap); } double toponet_get_snap(topo_net t) { return t->_snap; } /** * this is the most important method for splitting and cleaning edges */ void toponet_add_edge(topo_net t, const tVertex2v* v1, const tVertex2v* v2, BOOL split) { lstEdge2vT *lstE; tEdge2v *E, *T, *E1, *E2, *T1, *T2; tRect2v rc; nodEdge2vT *nodT; nodEdge2vT *nodE, *nodEprev; BOOL bBreakT; /* must first check: EDGE IS TOO SMALL */ if (VertexEqual(tSnap, v1, v2)) return; /* create new edge */ E = Edge2vCreate(v1, v2); assert(E); if (!split) { Edge2vListAdd(t, _CreateNod(E), Edge2vRect(E, tSnap, &rc)); return; } /* search near edges in edges tree */ assert(t->_hTreeE2v); list_clear(t->_lstTmpE2v, 0); /* must clear TEMP list first! */ RTreeSearch(t->_hTreeE2v, Edge2vRect(E, tSnap, &rc), t->_lstTmpE2v); if (t->_lstTmpE2v->size==0) { Edge2vListAdd(t, _CreateNod(E), (RTREEMBR*)&rc); return; } /* create new edge list lstE whose contains edges to be added in */ assert(t->_lstTmpE2v->size>0); lstE = list_create(); assert(lstE); list_push_back(lstE, _CreateNod(E)); nodT = t->_lstTmpE2v->head; while (nodT) { T = NodData(nodT, tEdge2v); bBreakT = FALSE; nodE = lstE->head; nodEprev = 0; while(nodE && T) { E = NodData(nodE, tEdge2v); bBreakT = FALSE; Edge2vSplit(tSnap, T, E, &T1, &T2, &E1, &E2); /* if T is split into T1, T2, add to front of _lstE2v and drop T at once */ if (T1 || T2) { if (T1) Edge2vListAdd(t, _CreateNod(T1), Edge2vRect(T1, tSnap, &rc)); if (T2) Edge2vListAdd(t, _CreateNod(T2), Edge2vRect(T2, tSnap, &rc)); RTreeDelete(t->_hTreeE2v, Edge2vRect(T, tSnap, &rc), T); T->v1 = T->v2; /* mark invalid edge by set v1=v2 since we cannot get actual edge node's addr */ /* move next T? */ bBreakT = TRUE; nodT = nodT->next; T = (nodT? NodData(nodT, tEdge2v) : 0); } /* if E is split into E1, E2, add to back of lstE and drop E */ if (E1 || E2) { if (E1) list_push_back(lstE, _CreateNod(E1)); if (E2) list_push_back(lstE, _CreateNod(E2)); nodE = nodE->next; list_node_free(list_node_erase(lstE, nodEprev), pfcb_lstE2v_free); } else { assert(!E1 && !E2); nodEprev = nodE; nodE = nodE->next; } } /* traverse to next node */ if (!nodT) break; if (!bBreakT) nodT = nodT->next; } /* clear TEMP list after use */ list_clear(t->_lstTmpE2v, 0); /* add new edges into edges list */ list_concat(t->_lstE2v, lstE); list_destroy(lstE, pfcb_lstE2v_free); } void toponet_clear (topo_net t, BOOL clear_edges) { list_clear(t->_lstV, pfcb_lstV_free); list_clear(t->_lstE, pfcb_lstE_free); list_clear(t->_lstA, pfcb_lstA_free); list_clear(t->_lstP, pfcb_lstP_free); if (t->_hTreeE) RTreeDestroy(t->_hTreeE); t->_hTreeE = RTreeCreate(pfcbEdgesSearchCallback); assert(t->_hTreeE); if (clear_edges) { RTreeDestroy(t->_hTreeE2v); t->_hTreeE2v = RTreeCreate(pfcbEdgesSearchCallback); list_clear(t->_lstE2v, pfcb_lstE2v_free); } } void toponet_build (topo_net t, BOOL build_polygons, BOOL build_arcs, BOOL clear_edges) { toponet_clear (t, FALSE); ToponetBuildEdges(t); if (build_arcs) ToponetBuildArcs(t); if (build_polygons) ToponetBuildPolygons(t); list_clear(t->_lstTmpE, 0); list_clear(t->_lstTmpE2v, 0); if (clear_edges) { RTreeDestroy(t->_hTreeE2v); t->_hTreeE2v = RTreeCreate(pfcbEdgesSearchCallback); list_clear(t->_lstE2v, pfcb_lstE2v_free); } } void toponet_build_all (topo_net t, BOOL clear_edges) { toponet_build (t, TRUE, TRUE, clear_edges); } /*=========================================================================== Public Output Functions ===========================================================================*/ #define AddrOf(ptr) ((size_t)(void*)(ptr)) lstVertexT* toponet_get_vertex_list (topo_net t){ return t->_lstV; } lstEdgeT* toponet_get_edge_list (topo_net t){ return t->_lstE; } lstArcT* toponet_get_arc_list (topo_net t){ return t->_lstA; } lstPolygonT* toponet_get_polygon_list (topo_net t){ return t->_lstP; } void toponet_output_all (topo_net t, FILE* fp) { fprintf(fp, "********* TOPONET OUTPUT - cheungmine@gmail.com *********/n"); toponet_output_verts (t, fp); toponet_output_edges (t, fp); toponet_output_arcs (t, fp); toponet_output_polygons (t, fp); } void toponet_output_verts (topo_net t, FILE* fp) { const nodVertexT *nodV; const VertexT *V; const nodEdgeT *nodE; const EdgeT *E; int dig = SnapDig(tSnap); fprintf(fp, "*Vert: %d/n V X Y E{n}/n", t->_lstV->size); fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n"); nodV = t->_lstV->head; while(nodV) { V = NodDataC(nodV, VertexT); fprintf(fp, " %d %10.*f %10.*f {%d}", AddrOf(V->_Id), dig, V->x, dig, V->y, DimsV(V)); nodE = V->_lstE->head; while(nodE) { E = NodDataC(nodE, EdgeT); fprintf(fp, "=[%d]", AddrOf(E->_Id)); nodE = nodE->next; } fprintf(fp, "/n"); nodV = nodV->next; } fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n/n"); } void toponet_output_edges (topo_net t, FILE* fp) { const nodEdgeT *nodE; const EdgeT *E; fprintf(fp, "*Edge: %d/n E V1 V2 LeftP RightP A/n", t->_lstE->size); fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n"); nodE = t->_lstE->head; while(nodE) { E = NodDataC(nodE, EdgeT); fprintf(fp, " [%d] %d %d <%d> <%d> (%d)/n", AddrOf(E->_Id), AddrOf(E->_V1->_Id), AddrOf(E->_V2->_Id), AddrOf(E->_leftP->_Id), AddrOf(E->_rightP->_Id), AddrOf(E->_A->_Id)); nodE = nodE->next; } fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n/n"); } void toponet_output_arcs (topo_net t, FILE* fp) { const nodArcT *nodA; const ArcT *A; const nodEdgeT *nodE; const EdgeT *E; int dig = SnapDig(tSnap); fprintf(fp, "*Arc: %d/n A Length E{n}/n", t->_lstA->size); fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n"); nodA = t->_lstA->head; while(nodA) { A = NodDataC(nodA, ArcT); fprintf(fp, " (%d) %10.*f {%d}", AddrOf(A->_Id), dig, A->_length, A->_lstE->size); nodE = A->_lstE->head; while(nodE) { E = NodDataC(nodE, EdgeT); fprintf(fp, "=[%d]", AddrOf(E->_Id)); nodE = nodE->next; } fprintf(fp, "/n"); nodA = nodA->next; } fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n/n"); } void toponet_output_polygons (topo_net t, FILE* fp) { const nodPolygonT *nodP; const PolygonT *P; const nodVertexT *nodV; const VertexT *V; int dig = SnapDig(tSnap); fprintf(fp, "*Polygon: %d/n P Area Flag V{n}/n", t->_lstP->size); fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n"); nodP = t->_lstP->head; while(nodP) { P = NodDataC(nodP, PolygonT); fprintf(fp, " <%d> %10.*f %2d {%d}", AddrOf(P->_Id), dig, P->_area, P->_flag, P->_lstV->size); nodV = P->_lstV->head; while(nodV) { V = NodDataC(nodV, VertexT); fprintf(fp, "-%d", AddrOf(V->_Id)); nodV = nodV->next; } fprintf(fp, "/n"); nodP = nodP->next; } fprintf(fp, "----------------------------------------------------------------/n/n"); }


// // test.c - test topology // cheungmine@gmail.com // 2008-3 // / // 内存泄漏检测 // 在需要检测的地方放置语句: // _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); // 以下3句的次序不能改变 #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #include<stdlib.h> #include<crtdbg.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/timeb.h> #include "../topo.h" #include <windows.h> void TestSampleA() { #define NUMEDGES 1000 const tEdge2v edges[] = { {{50,50},{100,0}}, {{0,0},{100,0}}, {{0,0},{0,100}}, {{0,0},{-100,0}}, {{0,0},{-50,50}}, {{-50,50},{0,100}}, {{-50,50},{-100,0}}, {{200,200},{300,200}}, {{300,300},{300,200}}, {{200,200},{300,300}} }; DWORD t0; int i, j; topo_net topo; BOOL useRTree = TRUE; int N = sizeof(edges)/sizeof(edges[0]); toponet_create(&topo, 0.001); printf("TOPO: add %d edges...", NUMEDGES*N); t0 = GetTickCount(); // test for big data for (j=0; j<NUMEDGES; j++){ for (i=0; i<N; i++) { tVertex2v v1 = edges[i].v1; tVertex2v v2 = edges[i].v2; v1.x += j*100; v1.y += j*100; v2.x += j*100; v2.y += j*100; toponet_add_edge(topo, &v1, &v2, TRUE); } } printf("%d msec./n/nTOPO: build...", GetTickCount()-t0); t0 = GetTickCount(); toponet_build_all(topo, TRUE); printf("%d msec./n/nTOPO: build OK, press <Enter> for output/n", GetTickCount()-t0); getchar(); toponet_output_verts (topo, stdout); toponet_output_edges (topo, stdout); toponet_output_arcs (topo, stdout); toponet_output_polygons (topo, stdout); toponet_free(topo); _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); printf("Press <Enter> for Quit/n"); getchar(); } #define TEST_FILE "C://topo.lin" void TestSampleB() { FILE *fp = 0; FILE *fpOut = 0; topo_net topo; tVertex2v v1, v2; int i, nEdges = 0; float fSnap = 0.0f; fopen_s(&fp, TEST_FILE, "r"); assert(fp); fscanf_s(fp, "%d,%f", &nEdges, &fSnap); toponet_create(&topo, fSnap); printf("TOPO: add %d edges.../n", nEdges); for (i=0; i<nEdges; i++){ fscanf_s(fp, "%lf,%lf,%lf,%lf/n", &v1.x, &v1.y, &v2.x, &v2.y); toponet_add_edge (topo, &v1, &v2, 1); } fclose(fp); toponet_build_all(topo, TRUE); fopen_s(&fpOut, "C://topo_output.txt", "w"); assert(fpOut); toponet_output_all (topo, fpOut); fclose(fpOut); toponet_free(topo); _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); printf("Press <Enter> for Quit/n"); getchar(); } void TestSampleC() { /* y | | (2)---+-----+---- | | (1)---+-----+---- ===>x | | (3) (4) */ const tEdge2v edges2[] = { {{-190,0},{190,0}}, // (0) error edge {{-80,0.0008},{100,-0.0002}}, // (1) {{-100,100},{100,100}}, // (2) {{-50,-50},{-50,200}}, // (3) {{50,-50},{50,200}} // (4) }; const tEdge2v edges[] = { {{100,0},{0,0}}, {{100,0},{100,100}}, {{0,0},{100,100}} }; int i, j=0; topo_net topo; int N = sizeof(edges)/sizeof(edges[0]); toponet_create(&topo, 0.001); for (i=0; i<N; i++) toponet_add_edge (topo, &edges[i].v1, &edges[i].v2, TRUE); toponet_build_all (topo, TRUE); toponet_output_all (topo, stdout); toponet_free (topo); _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); printf("Press <Enter> for Quit/n"); getchar(); } void TestSampleD() { /* {1,4} {2,4} {3,4} {0,4} +----+----+----+---+ {4,4} | | | {0,3} + +{2,3} + {4,3} | {1,2}{2,2}{3,2} | {0,2} +----+----+----+---+ {4,2} | | | {0,1} + +{2,1} + {4,1} | | | {0,0} +----+----+----+---+ {4,0} {1,0} {2,0} {3,0} */ const tEdge2v edges[] = { { {0,0}, {0,1}}, { {0,1}, {0,2}}, { {0,2}, {0,3}}, { {0,3}, {0,4}}, { {0,4}, {1,4}}, { {1,4}, {2,4}}, { {2,4}, {3,4}}, { {3,4}, {4,4}}, { {4,4}, {4,3}}, { {4,3}, {4,2}}, { {4,2}, {4,1}}, { {4,1}, {4,0}}, { {4,0}, {3,0}}, { {3,0}, {2,0}}, { {2,0}, {1,0}}, { {1,0}, {0,0}}, { {2,2}, {2,3}}, { {2,3}, {2,4}}, { {2,2}, {3,2}}, { {3,2}, {4,2}}, { {2,2}, {2,1}}, { {2,1}, {2,0}}, { {2,2}, {1,2}}, { {1,2}, {0,2}} }; const tEdge2v edges2[] = { { {0,0}, {4,0}}, { {0,2}, {4,2}}, { {0,4}, {4,4}}, { {0,0}, {0,4}}, { {2,0}, {2,4}}, { {4,0}, {4,4}} }; int i, j=0; topo_net topo; int N = sizeof(edges)/sizeof(edges[0]); toponet_create(&topo, 0.001); for (i=0; i<N; i++) toponet_add_edge (topo, &edges[i].v1, &edges[i].v2, TRUE); toponet_build_all (topo, TRUE); toponet_output_all (topo, stdout); toponet_free (topo); _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks(); printf("Press <Enter> for Quit/n"); getchar(); } int main() { // TestSampleA(); // TestSampleB(); // TestSampleC(); TestSampleD(); return 0; }






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