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原创 apk包
apk文件,即Android application package文件。 每个要安装到Android平台的应用都要被编译打包为一个单独的文件,后缀名为.apk,其中包含了应用的二进制代码、资源、配置文件等。APK文件其实是zip格式,但后缀名被修改为apk, 在Android 系统安装时,APK 程序会被存放在系统默认的APP 目录中。 既然是一个Zip压缩包,那我们就不妨先解压...
2010-07-13 18:16:21 183
原创 Passing Complex Types to Services
Passing complex types to and from services requires more work than passing Java primitive types. Before embarking on this work, you should get an idea of AIDL’s support for nonprimitive types: 1. AI...
2010-07-09 21:44:26 118
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