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原创 Linux服务器上11种网络连接状态

From http://www.vimer.cn/2009/11/%E7%94%A8netstat%E6%9F%A5%E7%9C%8B%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C%E7%8A%B6%E6%80%81%E8%AF%A6%E8%A7%A3.html连接状态:                                          图:TCP的状态机通常情况下:一个正常...

2010-11-30 15:55:42 174

原创 Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM 5709 Linux 驱动安装

http://www.yanghengfei.com/archives/470/有史以来最怪的问题,如果不是友人早前的提示,我还真得还要得耗半天找原。话说他们公司 Dell r710 用的操作系统是 RedHat As5.3 X64 会在正常运行中无故断网….而且并没有规律,择日而断…弄了好久,还以为是机房的问题,最后无奈之下打电话给 Dell 报修。他们的工程师立马就反应过来,这...

2010-11-16 17:39:32 2236

原创 NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out


2010-11-16 17:37:29 577


1.Permanent Head Damage,永久性脑残2.Pig Has Dream,猪也有梦想3.Public Hated Degree,没人喜欢4.Patiently Hoping for a Degree,耐心等待5.Pathetic Homeless Dreamer,可怜又无家可归,但是还有梦想~6.Professorship? hah! Dream on!,想要教...

2010-11-11 13:19:22 406


MAC SNAperture 3 [Volume SNS][SN]: E-346-DTS-276-WJE-172-UTP-074-KOZ-84X-5S7X[SN]: E-321-JAQ-387-KKC-187-GZN-111-NPT-1LB-5S7X[SN]: E-340-IGT-243-TLB-365-TBB-435-SXE-FFH-5S8XiWork' 09...

2010-08-13 15:43:12 841

原创 SN系列

GFI LANguard Network Security Scanner v9.0Serial:ufm1HeQV6zfhB-YCzdkubm9gnmU1Y5i0w-A-296669

2010-08-09 11:00:03 199

原创 Having Trouble with Java on Your Mac?

[url]http://mindsiview.wordpress.com/2009/07/15/having-trouble-with-java-on-your-mac/[/url]I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly playing with (read messing up) my Mac loading new software, tr...

2010-06-03 22:09:21 103


MobaXterm 不错,可惜没有搞定,启动完后会自动关闭。搞定了,原来是和环境变量中其他Unix工具冲突。附:MobaXterm是老外集成的cygwin/gnu for windows的一些工具小集合[打包为一个exe文件],提供一个类似linux下gnome-terminal的终端工具,还附带一个xwin界面登陆的工具、支持一些小插件。官方网址:http://mobax...

2010-02-04 09:20:11 162


自己的服务已经出现过两次这种情况了,linux下的jvm进程悄无声息的没了,却没有发现任何崩溃、转储的hs_err*/core.pid等日志文件;可以排除非人为kill、没有权限写文件这些低级错误。那jvm会在其他什么情况下会就这样一下子撒手啥都不管呢?google出来了些类似信息,但没一个网页能给个答案.. :oops: ...

2009-12-28 09:51:58 366

原创 RHEL 3/4/5 download addres

from http://rhel.ieesee.net/uingei/RHEL4-RHDS2.1-x86_64.iso 04-Sep-2008 01:14 332167168RHEL4-RHDS2.1-x86_64.iso.md5 04-Sep-2008 01...

2009-12-14 14:42:43 544

原创 JProfiler 5.1 LicenseKey

From http://serendipityspaces.spaces.live.com/Blog/cns!71616649A887E6A!604.entryJProfiler 5.1 LicenseKeyStop!,Don't request anything for keygen.L-Larry_Lau@163.com#70426-8uapae1iych2w#035...

2009-12-01 15:44:23 194

原创 Understanding CMS GC Logs

 http://blogs.sun.com/poonam/entry/understanding_cms_gc_logs Understanding CMS GC Logs CMS GC with -XX:+PrintGCDetails and -XX:+PrintGCTimeStampsprints a lot of information. Understanding ...

2009-11-19 11:45:24 85

原创 The most complete list of -XX options for Java 6 JVM

http://www.cnblogs.com/totti19841106/archive/2009/01/12/1374274.html The most complete list of -XX options for Java 6 JVMproduct flags are always settable / visibledevelop flags are s...

2009-11-19 11:43:48 149

原创 XMANAGER 连接到REDHAT AS 5 需要修改的地方

 已经找不到出处了... 一、 XMANAGER  连接到REDHAT AS 5  需要修改的地方。   rhel5与rhel4不同的地方是,rhel5裡没有/etc/X11/gdm/这个目录,rhel5的gdm的配置文件放在这裡/usr/share/gdm/defaults.comf,这一点可能是困扰大家...

2009-11-12 09:17:08 99

原创 Thread Management

From http://jikesrvm.org/Thread+ManagementThread ManagementThis section provides some explanation of how Java™ threads are scheduled and synchronized by Jikes™ RVM.All Java threads (appl...

2009-11-11 10:00:09 266

原创 Tips About JDK5.0' Tool

http://www.javaperformancetuning.com/news/newtips063.shtml Tips February 2006 About JDK5.0' Tool http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5/pdf/jdk50_ts_guide.pdfJSE 5.0 Trouble-Shooting and Diagnos...

2009-11-09 14:19:47 138

原创 Quick Troubleshooting Tips on Solaris OS and Linux for Java SE 6

 From http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/trouble/other/matrix6-Unix.htmlQuick Troubleshooting Tips on Solaris OS and Linux for Java SE 6This "Quick Start Guide" gives you some quick tips f...

2009-11-09 13:46:33 138

原创 Unix Toolbox

Unix ToolboxFrom http://cb.vu/unixtoolbox.xhtml

2009-10-26 16:08:05 78

JDK5 下载

Sun上下个JDK5还得注册,真是啰嗦,从这个地址进入不用再注册了,记下。 http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/5u21/jdk 不同的版本只需更换5u21部分即可 

2009-10-21 09:14:42 373

原创 19 Free Web Services That Keep Saving You Money

19 Free Web Services That Keep Saving You MoneyYoucan find lots of freebies on the Web, but these offerings provideuseful services--at no cost--that you would otherwise have to pay forevery ti...

2009-10-14 13:55:44 275

原创 Unix-like utilities for Windows

原文:http://www.geocities.com/lc_castro/winnt.htm <!-- following code added by server. PLEASE REMOVE --><!-- preceding code added by server. PLEASE REMOVE -->Unix-like uti...

2009-10-09 11:50:50 142

原创 Implementing Finite State Machines with Physhun and Spring

原文: Implementing Finite State Machines with Physhun and Springhttp://www.theserverside.com/tt/articles/article.tss?l=FiniteStateMachinesPhyshunandSpringJuly 18, 2008Discuss this Article...

2009-10-09 11:09:34 189

原创 Virtual Memory I: the problem

From Virtual Memory I: the problemThis article serves mostly as background to help understand why the kerneldevelopers are considering making fundamental virtual memory changes atthis point i...

2009-08-26 09:43:13 108

原创 Java Debian Tuning

From JavaDebianTuningDebianis a stable easy to maintain platform for Java Web Applications.However if you start using some caching frameworks, you may need to dosome JVM tuning and here's t...

2009-08-26 09:35:17 174

原创 Java Optimize Reference

Java SE 6 HotSpot[tm] Virtual Machine Garbage Collection TuningJavaDebianTuningTuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java[tm] Virtual MachineJVM Lies: T...

2009-08-26 09:33:55 122

原创 Out Of Memory Errors Refernece

From: confluenceOutOfMemoryError: Java Heap SpaceIfyou are running Fisheye/Crucible as a windows service, increasingmemory needs to be done in the wrapper.conf file. Refere to th...

2009-08-26 09:28:00 229

原创 idea resource


2009-07-15 19:49:09 88

原创 Linux TCP Tuning

reference: http://fasterdata.es.net/TCP-tuning/linux.html Linux TCP TuningThere are a lot of differences between Linux version 2.4 and 2.6, so first we'll coverthe tuning issues that...

2009-06-09 11:47:58 120

原创 15 Awesome Google Search Tips and Tricks

from http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/06/expertise-in-google-search/ You may be using Google search multiple times per day to locate something on the web. Learning how to use Google search eff...

2009-06-08 20:08:34 163

原创 Linux 资源 收集

CentOS: http://ftp.nara.wide.ad.jp/

2009-03-30 17:31:36 82

JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 8.0 序列号 注册机 keygen

JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 8.0 序列号 注册机 keygen[color=white]UserName: ideaSerial No : 12315-2CT5F-DXI8T-7RKX9-CWMZ9-49GU5[/color] :arrow: JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA 9.0 序列号 注册机 keygen[color=white]Us...

2008-12-06 08:04:11 291

原创 Locale 详解

http://www.linuxsky.org/doc/desktop/200704/20_2.htmllocale 是国际化与本土化过程中的一个非常重要的概念,个人认为,对于中文用户来说,通常会涉及到的国际化或者本土化,大致包含三个方面:看中文,写中文,与 window中文系统的兼容和通信。从实际经验上看来,locale的设定与看中文关系不大,但是与写中文,及window分区的挂载方式有...

2008-10-29 10:10:03 433

Process multimedia with the JMF API

REF: http://www.builderau.com.au/program/java/soa/Process-multimedia-with-the-Java-Media-Framework-API/0,339024620,339288502,00.htmThe Java Media Framework (JMF) API allows developers to process m...

2008-05-10 19:56:22 141


Java interface for collection system information.[list][*]System memory, swap, cpu, load average, uptime, logins [*]Per-process memory, cpu, credential info, state, arguments, environment, ope...

2008-01-05 08:06:57 157

What is Openfire?

XMPP && SIP Study. :)

2007-12-26 18:49:19 48



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