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Build your own DebianInstaller.
After the crappy experience with btrfs (IO hang), I decided to try out Reiser4. Different with btrfs, DebianInstaller created root cannot be converted into Reiser4. Things must be done from the very ...
2011-01-17 10:40:57 147
webfsd + gnutls
Recently I'd like to transfer some private data to friends. Since my ssh is OTPed, so sftp is not the option. I decided to use webfs and gnutls (webfs does not support openssl). $ sudo apt-get instal...
2010-12-10 11:50:08 216
Using one time password with ssh.
With my host being public to internet, security now is the most concerning than it ever was. So, first step, using one time password when login with ssh. $ sudo apt-get install libpam-otpw --- ...
2010-12-03 13:22:38 182
上次搞了btrfs,于是决定把bfs也搞了。 1. axel http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux- 2. tar xf linux- 3. wget http://ck.kolivas.org/patches/bfs/2.6.34-sched-bfs-318.pat...
2010-08-03 10:54:18 145
btrfs in debian
听说btrfs有很多好处,目前也进了主线,因此决定在虚拟机上试一下。 1. 安装debian sid,根设备使用ext2/ext3文件系统。 2. 修改/etc/initramfs-tools/modules,添加btrfs\ncrc32c。 3. sudo apt-get install btrfs-tools 4. 修改/etc/fstab,修改/的挂载:文件系统改为btrfs或aut...
2010-07-07 17:45:38 545
原创 CalendarGenerator
一个简单的程序,使用gtk,接受 年份 宽度 高度 文件名 四个参数,生成如下日历图。 [img]http://dl.iteye.com/upload/attachment/262280/912d543d-38ef-3055-8fdf-fb098a382425.png[/img]...
2010-06-09 21:39:32 109
手头的笔记本装的是64位瘟7,无法使用友善胳膊提供的u sb写入驱动。所以第一步是配置个操作它的环境,使用不存在的盒子加得必安。 其中不存在的盒子的串口1配置使用host device,设备名COM1。 # apt-get install libusb-dev bzip2 make gcc # wget http://mini2440.googlecode.com/files/s3c2410...
2010-03-16 13:05:08 106
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