《TestComplete Made Easy》读书笔记

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TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 1-TestComplete 简介

TestComplete 是这几年测试工具领域异军突起的一款自动化测试工具,由 AutomatedQA 出品,这几年迅速发展,并且屡获大奖,例如最近就获得 Jolt08 年度测试工具 Productivity 奖。

TestComplete 的最大特点是支持 VBScriptDelphiScriptJScriptC#ScriptC++Script 多种脚本语言,可以让测试人员选择自己熟悉的脚本语言进行自动化脚本的编写。

另外, TC 支持 .NET DelphiJava 等流行语言和平台下的软件的自动化功能测试,支持 WEB 功能和性能测试,支持分布式测试、单元测试等多种测试方式。

QTPRobot 等主流大牌厂商的自动化测试工具相比, TC 的优势除了上面所说的,还有价格也是其主要竞争优势之一。

国内目前对 TC 的关注和使用人数都不是很多,《软件测试技术大全》这本书中有部分章节介绍了 TestComplete 工具的使用。

目前能找到的关于 TC 的书就仅有《 TestComplete Made Easy 》这本了。为此,特辟此专栏,通过研习《 TestComplete Made Easy 》来达到掌握 TC 的目的。

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 2-TestComplete 安装

可到 www.AutomatedQA.com 下载 TC 的最新版本。

TC 安装的要求:

1 Minimum System Requirements (最小系统需求)

Ø Intel Pentium II 400 MHz or higher (Pentium III 800 MHz recommended).

Ø Microsoft Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions),Windows Vista (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions), Windows Server 2003 (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions) or Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or later.

Important: If you use a computer that has several processors or a multiple-core processor (for example, dual-core CPU) and has Windows XP Service Pack 2, then you must install the Windows update #896256 in order for TestComplete to be able to record user actions correctly.

The update is available on Microsoft’s web site: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/896256

Ø Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later.

Ø Memory: 128MB of RAM (256MB or more recommended).

Ø 250MB hard disk space.

Ø VGA or higher resolution monitor.

Ø Mouse or other pointing device.

2 Additional Requirements (额外需求)

Ø To test Java Open Applications, you must have one of the following Java virtual machines installed on your computer:

o MSVM, build 3309 or later.

o Sun JDK (or JRE) v. 1.1.8 or later.

o BEA JRockit 5.0.

Ø To test .NET Open Applications, the Microsoft .NET Framework v. 1.0.3705 or later is required.

Ø To execute TestComplete tests from test projects created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Suite ver. 8.0.50727.42 or later or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Testers ver. 8.0.50727.42 or later are required.

Ø To install TestComplete’s Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Integration package,Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server Release is required.

Ø To perform load testing of web servers, Microsoft Windows 2000, Window XP, Windows Vista,Windows Server 2003 or Windows NT with Service Pack 6.0 or later is required. Also, it is recommended that your computer meets the following requirements:

· Minimal Configuration

o Intel Pentium III 800 MHz

o 256 of RAM (for 300 virtual users)

· Recommended Configuration

o Intel Pentium 4 3 GHz with HyperThreading

o 1 Gb of RAM

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 3-TestComplete 支持的测试类型

3.3 节中列举了 TC 支持的各种测试类型,包括:

1 Manual Testing (手工测试)

Manual Testing is where a tester methodically exercises the features of a product or product area without the aid of test automation. The single greatest strength of manual testing is that it is truly real-world testing, meaning that the tester can utilize the application under test the same way an end user would.

Through manual testing the tester can provide a wide variety of feedback about the application under test not limited to simply reproducing bugs.

The major weakness of manual testing is that it is time consuming, tedious and requires extended periods of very focused attention which can be very difficult to perform on a regular basis. Manual testing tends to be quite error prone, leading to situations where consistently reproducing a bug can be very difficult.

2 Functional Testing (功能测试)

Functional Testing focuses on interactions with an application's user interface (UI) via the mouse, keyboard or other input device with particular attention to how the application visually responds to input.

The goal of Functional Testing is to methodically cover all of the various UI features exposed by an application. Functional Testing should be highly organized and structured in a manner that allows for additional tests to easily be incorporated as new features are added.

3 Unit Testing (单元测试)

Unit Testing is testing that focuses on smaller atomic portions of an application. Typically, Unit Testing requires internal knowledge of how an application performs and seeks to test portions (objects, methods and function) of an application in isolation. In many cases, applications have to be designed with Unit Testing in mind in order for this type of testing to be truly effective. The benefit of unit testing is that it tends to force application developers to write smaller more well defined routines with fewer dependencies allowing for more highly specific tests to be developed.

4 Regression Testing (回归测试)

Regression Testing is process of executing tests in a repeatable manner and comparing the latest results with previous test executions to ensure that the same outcome is achieved. Regression Testing is extremely important and is the means of realizing the value of test automation. Repeatedly executing tests over time allows you to verify the application is still performing in the manner in which it was intended.

5 Distributed Testing (分布式测试)

Distributed Testing is the act of farming different portions of a test out to separate machines for execution. Distributed Testing is useful for simulating real world interactions on a networked application such as a web site or web service and can exercise functionality designed to handle concurrent use of application resources including, but not restricted to data.

6 HTTP Performance Testing HTTP 性能测试)

HTTP Performance Testing is the simulation of real-world interactions with a web application from multiple machines. TestComplete provides the ability to leverage networked computers and virtual users to simultaneously submit HTTP transactions to a web application.

TC 是目前市面上少有的以低廉的价格在一个工具内提供对多种类型测试支持的工具。

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 4- 冒烟测试


The smoke test is crucial because of the time savings it can provide both R&D and QA.

冒烟测试能为开发和 QA 节省大量的时间,一个好的冒烟测试应该:

· 快速运行 - a smoke test should not last for hours but minutes and test the most crucial


· 快速发现错误并报告错误 - as soon as a failure is detected in the smoke test should end and trigger a failure notification

· 覆盖大范围的功能 - Cover a broad range of functionality, focusing on breadth not depth

· 需要的配置不多 - Require minimal setup/configuration of the application under test

· 对每个 Build 都运行冒烟测试 - Be setup to run against every build

· 需要随着被测试应用程序的修改而不断修改冒烟测试 - Adapt over time as the application under test evolves

· 作为新创建的自动化测试的基础模型 - Serve as a model for new test automation

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 5- 白盒应用程序

TestComplete will be able to automatically see deeply inside .NET and Java application without any changes to the application just because of the nature of metadata generation of .NET and Java application which are easy to reflect. Reflection is the ability to retrieve internal objects, properties, methods and events. So these are always called White Box Applications.

.NETJava 程序是基于中间代码构建的,所以 TC 可以直接通过反射读取其中的内部对象、属性、方法和事件。

Some Applications are written in C, C++ or Delphi , these applications are mainly Black Box applications but could be compiled in such a way to enable them to become White Box Applications. That would require compiling with Debug information enabled and the inclusion of some TestComplete files into the project to enable reflection of all program metadata.

CC++Delphi 这类程序如果在编译时做相应的设置,则也可以变成 White Box Applications.

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 6- 创建 Project

可通过 Project Wizard 创建测试项目,其中 Project Item 包括:

· ActiveX - This project item allows you to load an ActiveX object in TestComplete's memory space and use that object in your tests. For example you could use the Microsoft ADO Data Control to work with databases.

· Events - This project item is used to hook to TestComplete events (and those of other application,such as ActiveX controls). This item is not required but is highly recommended.

· HTTP Load Testing - Necessary for the creation of a load on a web server using TestComplete.

· Low-Level Procedure Collection - A virtual folder for holding low-level (screen coordinate based tests) procedures.

· Manual Test - A virtual folder for holding manual tests.

· Name Mapping - Used to map the name of an object to a shorter name (aliasing).

· Network Suite - Used in distributed testing.

· ODT - Object Driven Testing used to add pseudo class structure to script code.

· Script - Holds a collection of script units. THIS ITEM IS REQUIRED.

· Stores - Holds collections of checkpoints used in a project

· Unit Testing - A virtual folder for holding Unit Tests.

· User Forms - A virtual folder for holding User Forms (Forms presented to the user during the test run, such a progress dialog, etc).

· Web Services - A virtual folder for holding connection, methods and type of web services

(Information from the WSDL file).

· Win32 Tested Application - Holds information for managing the Application(s) under test.

其中 Win32 Tested Application 中可设置被测试应用程序的 Run Mode ,包括 4 种运行模式:

· Simple - Launches the application under the same user account as TestComplete. Parameters can be passed in Simple mode.

· RunAs - Launches the application under the user account specified by the parameters dialog.

· Debug - Launches the application under the same user account as TestComplete, then TestComplete attaches to the application as a "debugger". The stack trace of any exception that occurs in the application while the test(s) are being run will be recorded in the TestLog. This option requires debug information in the application under test.

· Profile - Launches the application inside of AQTime using the profile (or AQTime project) specified in the parameters dialog. For example code coverage profiling could be used to see how much of the code is being tested by your automated tests.

一般都选择 Simple ,如果希望在 AQTime 下运行程序以便获得测试覆盖率、代码执行效率等信息的话则可选用 Profile

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 7- Test Log

感觉 TCTest Log 要比 QTP 的做得好些, TCLog 可以写 6 种类型的信息:

· Message - Can come from TestComplete or from the script code (Log.Message), will not cause the test to fail.

· Warning - Can come from TestComplete or from the script code (Log.Warning), not necessary a failure for the test but could be an indicator for why a test failed.

· Error - Can come from TestComplete or from the script code (Log.Error), this indicates a failure for the test.

· Events - Usually comes from TestComplete but can come from the script as well (Log.Event), does not cause the test to fail. TestComplete generates an event for every mouse-click or keyboard entry in the test.

· Image - Usually comes from script code (Log.Picture) but TestComplete can generate as well (Region Checkpoints).

· File - There are two types of File log items. Log.File, will copy the file into the directory holding the log XML file and creates a hyperlink to the file. Log.Link just creates a hyperlink to the file without copying the file.

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 8- Name Mappings

TC 没有像 QTP 一样的对象库以及对象库管理功能,但是对于那些“又长又臭”的代码行,可以通过 Named Mappings Aliases 来缩短代码行,并且让测试对象的命名更加有意义,从而让录制和编写的脚本更加清晰、直观易懂。

TestComplete provides Named Mappings and Aliases to tame extremely long object identifiers that have meaningless default names. For example:

Sys.Process( "Hello" ).Panel1.Panel2.Container1.Container2.button1

Clearly there are numerous issues with this identifier, its long and awkward not to mention we have no clue about the purpose or identity of "Container1", "Container2" or "button1". Named Mappings allow you to rename Panel1, Panel2, Container1, Container2 and button1 to useful names like MyPanel,myInsidePanel, myTabs, myPages and btnSubmit. The issue here is that you still need to type:


TestComplete lets you create an Alias to represent this long string. If you create the Alias "btnSubmit",you only need to type:


TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 9- 单元测试

TC 支持 5 种单元测试框架,包括:

· DUnit - A unit test framework for Delphi Applications, require that the test application be compiled as

open and include the tcDUnitSupport.pas file.

· JUnit - A de-facto standard unit test framework for Java Applications.

· MSTest - A unit test framework designed by Microsoft for unit testing .NET applications, comes with

Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition.

· NUnit - An open-source unit test framework based on JUnit, used for unit testing .NET applications.

· TCUnitTest - A unit test frame work that allows unit testing of any open application.

其中 TCUnitTestTC 自己的单元测试框架。 TC 可以整合这几种测试框架的单元测试,并与其他自动化测试脚本一起运行。

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 10- CheckPoint

Region CheckPoint 的例子:

Sub RegionCompareExample

If ( Not Regions .Compare("Logo", Sys .Process("iexplore"). _

Page("http://www.activefocus.net/").Table(0).Cell(1, 0). _

Link(0).Image("nav_r1_c1"), False, False, True , 0)) Then

Call Log .Error("The regions are not identical.")

End If

End Sub

File CheckPoint 的例子:

Sub FileCompareExample

If ( Not Files .Compare("Sample1.txt", "Sample2.txt", 0, True )) Then

Call Log .Error("The files are not identical.")

End If

End Sub

Object CheckPoint 的例子:

Sub ObjectCompareExample

If ( Not Objects .Compare( Sys .Process("iexplore").Page("http://www.activefocus.net/").Panel(0), "Panel", True )) Then

Call Log .Error("The objects are not identical.")

End If

End Sub

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 11- 数据驱动

TCDDT 来支持数据驱动测试, DDT 包括 3 种类型:

· CVSDriver is used to read text file such as comma delimited (default) or tab delimited (using a schema.ini file). By default the first row is the header information (or column names) for the driver.





· ExcelDriver is used to read an Excel spreadsheet. The first row of the sheet is the header information for the driver.

· ADODriver is a generic driver to read in ADO compatible data source.

DDT 中几个常用的方法和属性:

· ColumnCount : The number of column in the data source.

· ColumnName : The name of a given column from the data source.

· Name : The Name of the Driver.

· Value : Returns the value of a column based on the column name or index.

· EOF : Indicates if the driver is at the end of the data source.

· DriveMethod : Iterates through all the records of the database, and executes a script routine for each records.

· Next : Move to the next record in the data source


Dim MyDriver

Sub Main

Dim SQLStatement

Dim ConnectionString

' Start Notepad

TestedApps .Notepad.Run

' Limit to 100 records

SQLStatement = "SELECT TOP (100) CustomerID, FirstName, LastName FROM" & _

" Sales.vIndividualCustomer"

ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _

"Persist Security Info=False;" & _

"Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Data Source=./SQLExpress"

' Create Driver

Set MyDriver = DDT .ADODriver(ConnectionString,SQLStatement)

' Call Method 100 times


End Sub

Sub Test1

Dim p1

Dim w1

Dim w2

Dim KeyStr

Set p1 = Sys .Process("Notepad")

Set w1 = p1.Window("Notepad", "*")

Set w2 = w1.Window("Edit")

w2.VScroll.Pos = 0

' Create String with Customer Information

KeyStr = MyDriver.Value("CustomerID")& "," & _

MyDriver.Value("FirstName")& "," & _

MyDriver.Value("LastName")& "[Enter]"

Call w2.Keys( KeyStr)

End Sub

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 12- Event Handling

QTP 中有“ Recovery Scenario ”,在 TC 中则有 Event Handling

Events occur based on certain actions and activities that occur in TestComplete, or some otherapplication that is being tested. For example, every time an error is logged (by TestComplete or your script), TestComplete generates an OnLogError event.

TC 中可处理的一般事件包括:

OnLogCloseNode Occurs when a log folder is pop off the log.

OnLogCreateNode Occurs when a new log folder is appended on the log.

OnLogError Occurs when an error message is posted to the log.

OnLogEvent Occurs when an event message is posted to the log.

OnLogFile Occurs when a file is posted to the log.

OnLogLink Occurs when a file reference (link) is posted to the log.

OnLogMessage Occurs when a information message is posted to the log.

OnLogPicture Occurs when a picture (image) is posted to the log.

OnLogWarning Occurs when a warning message is posted to the log.

OnOverlappingWindow Occurs when a overlapping window appears.

OnTimeout Occurs when a timeout expires in a project or project suite.

OnUnexpectedWindow Occurs when an unexpected window appears.

OnValidate Occurs when the objects Validate method is called.

下面的脚本用于处理 OnLogError 事件,当 Log 一个错误时,把当前的桌面截屏并写入日志:

Sub GeneralEvents_OnLogError(Sender, LogParams)

Call Log .Picture( Sys .Desktop,LogParams.Str)

End Sub

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 13- ADO

TC 可通过两种方式访问 ADO 数据源:











ADO 的一般使用步骤:

1. Create an Connection to the database.

2. Open the Connection.

3. Create an Query Command.

4. Execute the Query Command.

5. Do something with the returned RecordSet.

6. Close the Connection.


Sub Main

' Create a new Connection object

Set AConnection = ADO .CreateConnection

' Note that you can also create an ADO connection using the following code:

' Set AConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

' Specify the connection string

AConnection.ConnectionString = _

"Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;" & _

"Persist Security Info=False;" & _

"Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks;Data Source=./SQLExpress"

' Activate the connection


' Create a new Command object

Set Cmd = ADO .CreateCommand

' To create an ADO command you can also use the following code:

' Set Cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")

' Specify the connection

Cmd.ActiveConnection = AConnection

' Specify command type and text

Cmd.CommandText = _

"SELECT CustomerID, TerritoryID, AccountNumber, CustomerType," & _

" rowguid, ModifiedDate FROM Sales.Customer WHERE (CustomerType = ?)"

Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

' Create a new parameter

Set Prm = Cmd.CreateParameter("@CustType", DB .adVarChar, DB .adParamInput)

' Specify the parameter value

Prm.Size= 1

Prm.Value = "S"


' Execute the command

Set RecSet = Cmd.Execute

' Execute the command


While Not RecSet.EOF

Log .Message(RecSet("CustomerID").Value & " has account " & _





End Sub

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 14- Web 测试

TC 支持 4 种类型的 WEB 页面模型:

· DOM - Document Object Model, the native way that Internet Explorer looks at web pages. The DOM model creates a very flat tree in the Object Browser. All items on the web page need to be re-read each time the web page is updated. This is the slowest method for using web pages.

· TAG - All HTML elements are sorted by their TAG value. If a link (<A> HTML tag) gets created, only the "A" node part of the Object Browser tree gets updated.

· Tree - Treats a web page like a normal application. This model creates a very deep tree for most web pages. This is the fastest method for using web pages.

· Hybrid - This uses both DOM and Tree. All new recording will use the Tree model, while any old TestComplete code using the DOM will continue to work.

TC 中可创建两种专门针对 WEBcheckpoint

1Web Comparison checkpoint A Web Comparison checkpoint is used to compare two web pages.

Web Comparison checkpoint 包括 3 种方式:

· Compare entire page - The whole HTML page is save and is compared.

· Compare only tab structure - Only tag names are compared, not attributes, attributes' values and elements' values.

· Compare only specified tags - Only the selected elements will be compared.

o Compare links - Only A elements are compared (text and attributes of the element are compare as well).

o Compare images - Only IMG elements are compared.

o Compare input elements - Only INPUT elements are compare.

2Web Accessibility Checkpointverify accessibility compliance.

Web Accessibility Checkpoint 可检查以下方面的可访问性的遵循情况:

· Check "alt" attribute - All IMG, APPLET, AREA and INPUT elements must have a non-empty ALT attribute.

· Check "mailto:" - Web page must have at least one A element (link), whose HREF attribute starts with mailto:

· Check image sizes - All IMG elements must have the WIDTH and HEIGHT attributes specified.

· Check "title" tag - The web page must have a non-empty TITLE elment.

· Check tab indexes - All INPUT, SELECT, and TEXTAREA elements must have the TABINDEX attribute.

· Check link accessibility - Checks for broken links.

· Check ActiveX objects - Verifies there are no ActiveX objects on the web page.

· Check Applet object - Verifies there are no Applet objects on the web page.

· Check multimedia links - Verifies there are not AVI or SWF files on the web page.

· Check server-side images - Verifies that none of the IMG elements contain SRC attribute with parameters.

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 15- 查找 Web 页面元素

TC 中,可使用两种方式查找 Web 页面元素:

1NativeWebObject.Find() 方法


Sub NativeFind

Dim PageObj

Dim ProductLink

Set PageObj = Sys .Process("iexplore").


Set ProductLink = PageObj.NativeWebObject.Find("title","Products","A")

if ProductLink.Exists Then


End If

End Sub

2TestedObject.Find() 方法


Sub TestedObjFind

Dim PropArray, ValuesArray

Dim PageObj

Dim ProductLink

' Creates arrays of properties and values

PropArray = CreateVariantArray(0, 1)

ValuesArray = CreateVariantArray(0, 1)

' Specifies property names

PropArray(0) = "title"

PropArray(1) = "tagName"

' Specifies the property values

ValuesArray(0) = "Products"

ValuesArray(1) = "A"

Set PageObj = Sys .Process("iexplore").Page("http://www.automatedqa.com/")

Set ProductLink = PageObj.Find(PropArray,ValuesArray,3)

if ProductLink.Exists Then


End If

End Sub

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 16- HTTP 性能测试

通过录制产生 Task ,然后创建性能测试场景,例如:

Sub Test1

Dim HTTPTask

Dim VirtualUser

Set HTTPTask = LoadTesting .HTTPTaskByName("Task")

Set VirtualUser = LoadTesting .CreateVirtualUser("VirtualUser1")

Set VirtualUser.Task = HTTPTask

Call VirtualUser.Run("Task")

End Sub


Sub Test1

Dim HTTPTask

Dim Request

Dim VirtualUser

Set HTTPTask = LoadTesting .HTTPTaskByName("Order")

Set Request = HTTPTask.Connection(0).Request(0)


Request.Variables.Item("paints") = Int(1000 * Rnd()) + 1

Request.Variables.Item("pencils") = Int(1000 * Rnd()) + 1

Request.Variables.Item("albums") = Int(1000 * Rnd()) + 1

Set VirtualUser = LoadTesting .CreateVirtualUser("VirtualUser1")

Set VirtualUser.Task = HTTPTask

Call VirtualUser.Run("Order")

End Sub

也可以在 OnLoadTestingRequest 事件中进行参数化,例如:

Sub Test1

Dim HTTPTask

Dim VirtualUser

Set HTTPTask = LoadTesting .HTTPTaskByName("Task")

HTTPTask.Connection(0).Request(0).RequestEventTrigger = True

Set VirtualUser = LoadTesting .CreateVirtualUser("VirtualUser1")

Set VirtualUser.Task = HTTPTask

Call VirtualUser.Run("Task")

End Sub

Sub GeneralEvents_OnLoadTestingRequest(Sender, User, Request)

Request.Variables.Item("paints") = Int(1000 * Rnd()) + 1

Request.Variables.Item("pencils") = Int(1000 * Rnd()) + 1

Request.Variables.Item("albums") = Int(1000 * Rnd()) + 1

End Sub

TC 通过 Remote Agent 来分配 HTTP 压力的产生任务。

TestComplete Made Easy 》读书笔记( 17- 分布式测试

TC 通过 Network Suites 来支持分布式测试。

什么是分布式测试: Distributed Testing is the ability of TestComplete to control test cases running on several computers at the same time.


1In order to perform a distributed test, all projects involved must contain the Network Suite project item.

2all the computers involved must have the same version of TestComplete/TestExecute on them (including the minor version number).

同步点: SynchPoints delay execution of the test until all computers with that synch point name reach the synchronization point. When all the computers with a named SynchPoint hit that Synchronize Point, they will continue on with their test.

如果希望模拟多个用户同时编辑一条记录的情况,则可以使用 SynchPoints





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