


Objects (32)

  • Geoserver
    Last update: 2009-03-11 16:35:08
    The GeoServer project is a full transactional Java (J2EE) implementation of the OpenGIS Consortiums Web Feature Server (WFS) specification. Additionally a OGC Web Map Server (WMS) and support for WCS (Web Coverage Service) and WMS Raster is realised.
  • UMN MapServer
    Last update: 2009-12-22 17:13:12
    The heart of UMN MapServer is a CGI-based application for delivering dynamic GIS and image processing content via the World-Wide Web (WWW). The package also contains a number of stand alone applications for building maps, scalebars and legends offline. Access to the development environment of MapServer is possible with a number of different programming languages.
  • UMN MapServer
    Last update: 2010-05-31 15:36:26
    The heart of UMN MapServer is a CGI-based application for delivering dynamic GIS and image processing content via the World-Wide Web (WWW). The package also contains a number of stand alone applications for building maps, scalebars and legends offline. Access to the development environment of MapServer is possible with a number of different programming languages.
  • PostGIS
    Last update: 2008-12-16 08:11:29
    PostGIS adds support for geographic objects to the PostgreSQL object-relational database. In effect, PostGIS "spatially enables" the PostgreSQL server, allowing it to be used as a backend for GIS.

    PostGIS/PostgreSQL includes the following functionality:

    • Simple Features as defined by the OpenGIS Consortium (OGC)
    • Support for Well-Known Text and Well-Known Binary representations of GIS objects
    • Fast spatial indexing using GiST
    • Geospatial analysis functions
    • PostgreSQL JDBC extension objects corresponding to the geometries
    • Support for OGC access functions as defined by the Simple Features Specification
  • Quantum GIS (QGIS)
    Last update: 2010-03-02 15:55:08
    Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly Geographic Information System (GIS). QGIS supports vector, raster, and database formats. It supports many common spatial data formats. QGIS supports plugins to do things like display tracks from GPS or served online spatial data as OGC-compliant WMS or WFS.
  • Thuban
    Last update: 2009-09-23 11:11:50
    Thuban is an interactive geographic data viewer. Main features are its cross-plattform GUI, extensability and flexibility for deriving individual GIS applications. Thuban is implemented with wxPython which allows its GUI to blend in with desktop on different platforms.
  • geos (Geometry Engine Open Source (GEOS))
    Last update: 2009-03-20 09:29:36
    GEOS (Geometry Engine - Open Source) is a C++ port of the Java Topology Suite (JTS). As such, it aims to contain the complete functionality of JTS in C++. This includes all the OpenGIS "Simple Features for SQL" spatial predicate functions and spatial operators, as well as specific JTS topology functions such as IsValid().
  • uDig
    Last update: 2008-10-31 20:32:31
    uDig is a spatial data viewer/editor, with special emphasis on the OGC standards for internet GIS, the Web Map Server and Web Feature Server standards. uDig provides a common Java/Eclipse platform for building spatial applications with open source components.
  • edbs2wkt
    Last update: 2007-09-04 19:26:47
    Konverting the GIS-Format EDBS to Spatial-Database PostGIS and other using the Well Known Text-Interface. EDBS is a German Fileformat from ALK (Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte).
  • edbsilon
    Last update: 2007-09-04 19:28:55
    edbsilon is a converter for data coming in EDBS or BZSN. After reading the EDBS- resp. BZSN-files the converter exports into various format, such as Oracle, PostGIS, Shapefiles and many others.
  • GeoTools
    Last update: 2008-10-09 22:02:05
    GeoTools is Java code library which provides standards compliant methods for the manipulation of geospatial data, for example to implement Geographic Information Systems. The GeoTools library implements OGC specifications as they are developed, in close collaboration with the GeoAPI and GeoWidgets projects.
  • PrimaGIS
    Last update: 2006-02-22 11:22:51
    PrimaGIS is a collaborative Web mapping application for Plone that is built on top of MapServer, Python Cartographic Library (PCL), and Cartographic Objects for Zope (ZCO). In addition to supporting traditional spatial data sources (e.g. shapefiles, PostGIS databases, raster images, and WMS/WFS services), it allows users to combine data from a content management system (Plone) within the maps.
  • OrbisCAD
    Last update: 2006-03-10 10:49:27
    OrbisCAD is the community precise cartography editor which allows reading shapefiles, postGIS, DXF, DGN (7.0) and DWG (2000) and writing shapefiles and postGIS. It can access any vectorial format since it is built upon GDBMS. OrbisCAD is a plugin driven application so it can be extended easily by writing plugins, creating editing tools, scripting and vectorial format drivers.
  • e00pg
    Last update: 2007-09-04 19:20:20
    e00ps translates e00 tables to sql scripts suitable to be run in a PostGIS-enabled PostgreSQL database. e00pg does not support raster grids. Polygon topology is not formed in output features. The PAL section is copied "as is". All arcs come output as LINESTRING geometries.
  • shp2svg
    Last update: 2006-09-07 22:43:53
    shp2svg is a converter from Shapefile format to Scaleable Vector Graphic format (SVG).
  • mezoGIS
    Last update: 2007-02-05 15:33:19
    mezoGIS is a desktop GIS application operating on external PostGIS databases. The goal of mezoGIS is to provide a tool for geo-spatial analysis with PostGIS, through on-the-fly SQL queries as well as through larger, external plugin scripts.
  • pgRouting
    Last update: 2007-06-21 22:52:48
    This project's main objective is to provide routing functionality to PostGIS / PostgreSQL. pgRouting is part of PostLBS, which provides core tools for Location Based Services (LBS). Core functionalities are Shortest Path Dijkstra (routing without heuristics), Shortest Path A* (routing for large data sets), Shortest Path Shooting Star (routing with turn restrictions), Traveling Sales Person (TSP) and Driving Distance calculation.
  • zigGIS
    Last update: 2007-11-23 21:18:23
    ESRI ArcGIS connector for connecting to PostGIS.
  • kvwmap
    Last update: 2008-02-23 11:00:43
    kvwmap is a complex WebGIS-Client and -Server solution especially for eGovernment-purposes written in PHP using UMN-Mapserver-technologies, MySQL- and PostgreSQL/PostGIS-databases, SVG. The MapClient GUI use HTML, SVG, JavaScript and partly AJAX, is user and role dependent and configurable in a MySQL Database. The application is dealing with map content available through umn-mapserver-mapscript and direct PostGIS data access. Developers can create their own custom templates. Special prepared GUI′s provide a set of functionality to manipulate data set.
  • AV PostGIS Connection Extension (avpgcon)
    Last update: 2006-10-19 22:46:41
    An ArcView 3.x extension for upload/download to/from PostGIS tables. Supports PostGIS theme queries.
  • Mapyrus
    Last update: 2009-02-19 09:19:02
    Mapyrus is software for creating plots of points, lines, polygons and labels to PostScript, PDF and web image output formats. The software combines the following three components: A Logo or turtle graphics language, reading of GIS datasets and RDBMS tables, running as a stand-alone program or as a web-server.
  • Open 3D GIS
    Last update: 2005-09-20 09:12:35
    The main goal is a simple way to display 3D objects from a Geodatabase on the Web. The core idea is to use a Blender 3D game engine and a PostGIS connection to generate a ".blend" file to the Blender WEB plug-in.
  • AppForMap
    Last update: 2006-03-14 00:26:27
    AppForMap is a web based client for OGC Web Map Servers (WMS), php/mapscript and spatial enabled databases (PostGIS). It provides an HTML / javascript interface for querying wms servers/mapscript and querying/inserting/updating features in PostGreSQL/PostGIS.
  • Hibernate Spatial
    Last update: 2009-02-19 09:00:11
    Hibernate Spatial is a extension to the Hibernate Object Relational Mapping Java library for handling geographic data. It abstracts away from the specific way a database supports geographic data, and provides a standardized, cross-database interface to geographic data storage and query functions. Hibernate Spatial supports most of the functions of the OGC Simple Feature Specification. Supported databases are: Oracle 10g/11g and Postgresql/Postgis.
  • GeoTypes
    Last update: 2007-10-21 15:50:37
    GeoTypes is a python library that implements both the OpenGIS/Postgis and standard Postgresql geometry types, it integrates with the psycopg python/Postgresql interface.
  • dxf2postgis
    Last update: 2007-10-21 16:02:05
    A tool to convert DXF files to PostGIS geometry tables. A single DXF file is converted to a PostgreSQL/PostGIS SQL script to create and populate 4 tables, using the AutoCAD information of point, line, polyline, text, circle, insert.
  • PostGIS - ArcMap Connector Project (PgArc)
    Last update: 2006-01-10 12:10:20
    This project produces an Extension and VBA module that allows ESRIs ArcMap (v8.x) product to access Open Source Postgresql/PostGIS spatial data tables. Includes importing tables and exporting/updating back to the database.
  • phpPgGIS
    Last update: 2006-05-25 01:45:14
    phpPgGIS is a PHP Web system to manage PostgreSQL/PostGIS. It was developed based on phpPgAdmin and MapServer.
  • IvyGIS
    Last update: 2006-08-21 21:42:25
    IvyGIS is a framework for producing Google-maps style displays of MapServer maps and PostGIS data in Rails applications.
  • acadmap2pgsql
    Last update: 2007-08-22 08:29:13
    The program is an converter of Autodesk Map to the PostgreSQL/PostGIS database management system. The function of the program is to convert all geometrical information and the combined object data into SQL-commands and to issue a pgsql-dump.
  • WKB4J
    Last update: 2003-09-10 17:40:39
    WKB4J is a small Java toolkit designed to parse the WKB format and convert the data into Java objects. It is portable and can work with different Java geographical toolkits. Right now, WKB4J supports the following toolkits:
    • OpenMap,
    • JTS,
    • PostGIS
  • GeoRuby
    Last update: 2007-01-26 11:30:05
    GeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC "Simple Features" specification. A plugin for Rails which manages PostGIS and MySQL geometric columns in a transparent way is also provided. Other stuff: some support for GeoRSS, KML, SHP.

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一个牛人提供的GIS源码(很好 下面文字非本人所写,文件提到的下载的东西我全部放包里了。 最后的礼物:校园多媒体系统和校园WEBGIS系统 为什么说是最后的礼物,大概是因为我突然想这个blog不更新了。为什么呢?可能是今天晚上喝多了酒,呵呵,原因等下一篇中也许会阐述,同时我会对这个blog的文章等做个总结。其实,这两个东西至少我暂时是不大想放出来的,只是觉得反正这里也不更新了,仅仅将这些东西作为礼物吧,再说毕竟这些东西太过于菜菜了。还是先来介绍下最后的两个礼物吧: 校园多媒体系统: 这个大概是今年过年后做的东西了,是给师弟做毕业设计用的。应该讲这也仅仅是电子地图查询系统的更新而已,没有太大的特色,只是做了些比较花的功能而已。 特色一:系统采用了双重数据库,对于如果无法连接SQL Server数据库的情况将提供备用的ACCESS数据库支持。 特色二:系统采用了实时在线更新的方法对软件进行升级,升级仅仅需要设置好服务端以及更新文件列表等即可。 特色三:界面上有所创新,吸取Google的WEB地图的界面,对部分控制条进行显示和隐藏。可以看我以前的截图,做了个界面,请大家PP http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/03/16/351640.html 特色四:简单的加密方式也可以学习下。这个加密方式可以对移植性进行控制。 特色五:移植性强,许多东西没有写死,只需要改变设置文件、启动画面文件、地图文件和数据库文件即可成为一套全新的系统。 开发环境:Visual Basic 6.0,MAPX5.02中文版,ACCESS,SQL SERVER 2000,AutodeskExpressViewe3.1、Windows Media Player 9.0等。 下载地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Campus_Multimedia_Infomation_System_Source.rar 压缩包中为源代码和生成的程序,同时还赠送了一个基于SF6的MAPX打包文件以及整个校园的地图文件,提供了开放环境中需要的插件支持文件(System目录下),同时由于文件大小原因,删除了许多Img目录下的图片并且在数据库中删除了部分Img记录(不然会出错),仅保留了1号楼的图片供参考。 相关或参考文章: 电子地图查询系统_v1.0_源代码(VB6+MAPX5) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/15/331375.htmlGoogle ┕电子地图查询系统源代码:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/MapSearch_Source.rar 用SetupFactory打包MapX(带打好的包和打包文档以及录像) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/05/325842.html ┕打包以及文档和录像:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Mapx_Pack.rar 再谈MAPX打包以及MAPX的安装 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/05/31/414361.html 校园WEBGIS: 这个应该是05年的时候做的毕业设计,用超图的Supermap IS 2003+SQL Server 2000建立的一个比较的简单的系统,只是玄乎了下就变的有点意思了,甚至也有点学习或者创新的意思。 加上上次发布的论文部分,这样整个系统也算是补全了。原来论文部分请见:校园WebGIS开发与实践(论文部分) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/13/316918.html 特色一:提出了地图接口的概念(其实当时的想法是将网络上的所谓企业标注移植到了这个系统上,只是这个功能免费提供给了学校的部门使用)。 特色二:部分搜索功能是通过搜索SQL输出XML来实现。 特色三:系统已经详细到每个楼房楼层的办公室以及办公室内的电话和教师名单、教学楼的班级以及课程表、宿舍的成员组成联系方式等。 特色四:空间数据库和属性数据库通过SQL Server的视图功能实现关联。 开发环境:Supermap Desktop 2003(地图编辑工具),Supermap IS 2003(GIS服务端),ASP+SQL Server 2000(开发语言和数据库环境),IIS 5.0(WEB服务端),AutodeskExpressViewe3.1(Autodesk公司发布的浏览DWF文件的的客户端插件)等。 安装方法请见论文的附录部分,请不要再询问如何安装。 由于当时将每个楼层平面图的CAD数据也同时存入了SQL Server,所以导致数据库文件过于庞大,大概90M多,经过压缩大概21.8M左右。由于文件过大没有地方存放,所以这部分也不提供。所以可能会导致系统功能无法实现。数据库不提供,请不要索取。 下载地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Campus_WebGIS_Source.rar 压缩包中为WEB主程序,以及答辩用的演讲稿。 相关或参考文章: 校园WebGIS开发与实践(论文部分) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/13/316918.html ┕校园WEBGIS的论文下载:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Campus_WebGIS.rar 由于各种原因,压缩包中已经删除了无关紧要的楼层平面图的DWF部分。同时由于文件大小原因,AutodeskExpressViewe3.1程序也没有提供,请从网上下载。 特别说明:两个程序中已经提供了比较完整的数据和代码,可以复制、修改、传播,传播情保证文件完整性,并且包含Readme文件同时注明出处,但禁止用于商业用途。谢谢。 但愿我的礼物能够给您带来一些帮助。 ==================================================================== 公告:Rover's Official Blog停止更新 想了几天,终于决定写这么一个公告了。并不是因为写些东西太累或者太占时间而停止了更新,也许就如同前文说是因为今天喝多了酒(呵呵,玩笑),也许如同MSN副标题所言:严重的压力和抑郁,强烈的人格分裂和精神分裂,等待崩溃(呵呵,又一个玩笑)。可能是觉得写的东西没什么水准,并且也不能时常的更新,加上个人感觉自己技术的下降(呵呵,也许本来就没有什么技术),考虑甚多,终于作了这么个决定:Rover's Official Blog停止更新 同时停止更新的是Rover's GIS Blog,是3snews上面的Blog,不过上面的基本上也都是本站的复制。生活类Blog会不定时更新,停靠在了Space和新浪,由于关系自己暴露隐私等问题,所以本文不详细提供连接地址。从元旦开博到现在也已经八个月的时间了,发了40多篇的随笔和0篇的文章,非常开心能够在博客园作为我的主blog的停靠站,能够让我在这里结识这么多的朋友,并同他们交流,让我学到甚多、收益菲浅,非常的感谢博客园感谢大家。 也许我还会回来,说不定有一天我会发公告说本Blog重新开始更新,很有可能的事情。希望这段日子能够安静些,能够思考更多些,能够明确些方向,能够做出些实质性的东西,能够提高些自身的技术能力。非常的希望,不知道能否实现。 也许我也会偶然的更新一下本日志,大概是在有东西发布或者有好东西同大家分享的情况下吧。不过这篇日志就置顶了吧。 正准备经营的东西,希望能够得到大家的帮助,非常的感谢: www.gpsplayer.cn:GPS玩家。GPS资讯类网站。类似一个简单的新闻系统,加上一些简单的留言板等等功能,可能会添加一些Gmap API开发类的内容。 www.wikish.cn:维基上海。有了点想法和思路,但暂时由于技术能力等原因无法实现。 其他:还有两个玉米没有想好(呵呵)。 由于个人比较自私,所以想法上即使有所创意也不大会和大家分享(请见谅),加上自身没有技术,所以个人基本上是宁烂也不实现或者让别人实现(是有点自私了)。请原谅我的自私,Google是有创意的,但他的技术壁垒是他人所无法逾越的,而我即使有创意也没有任何技术壁垒,所以不讲了。加上大陆地区太多的炮制太另人失望了(去年非常红火的百万首页,在大陆地区做的烂的一塌,只会炮制没有几个是有创意或者在人家创意的基础上增加自己创意的,唉)。 非常的希望大家能够给我意见或者建议,对大家提供的帮助非常的感谢。 如果您对这一段有想法或者其他愿意和我交流,那么请给我mail。谢谢。 我的联系方式和需要注意的地方: E-mail:tfljh@163.com(基本上是每天晚上登陆一次) MSN:tfljh@msn.com(基本上是开机登陆,不过状态一般为忙碌,Mail会不定时登陆) Gmail:tangf2004@gmail.com(基本上是两三天登陆一次,Gtalk则不定时登陆了) QQ:65985498(基本上是每天晚上隐身登陆一次,并且一般在十分钟内关闭) 以后的联系通过E-Mail联系,谢绝一切的及时通讯工具,请尽量不要添加我为好友,包括QQ/MSN/Gtalk,如果您发的Mail足够的诚恳并且也足够的值得聊天的理由,那么我会添加你的。不希望通过聊天的方式来解决问题,聊了半天的问题最后做公安局调查户口的事情了(呵呵,说的严重了),或者说是聊了半天后就无聊了然后再也不聊了,多么的没有意思。我倒还是很愿意花上十分钟的时间来阅读您的Mail并将我知道的所答复给您。当然如果有邮件不回复,那么基本上我是不懂而无法回答或者觉得没有任何答复的价值,请多多的包涵。 以前写的部分日志以及提供的下载文件整理: 最后的礼物:校园多媒体系统和校园WEBGIS系统 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/08/05/468257.html ┕校园多媒体系统源代码下载:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Campus_Multimedia_Infomation_System_Source.rar ┕校园WEBGIS系统源代码下载:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Campus_WebGIS_Source.rar Google卫星地图的URL计算 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/23/457902.html 两点坐标间距离的算法以及验证 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/23/457884.html 极索(Gsuo)推出新版地图采用Gmap设计思路 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/23/457521.html 浅谈LBS(基于位置的服务) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/17/452498.html MapBar地图更新啦 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/13/450215.html 推荐一款软件:Global Mapper http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/11/448411.html 51ditu、清华地图以及Google地图 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/02/440953.html 计算最近点和最近线段 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/07/01/440311.html ┕最近点和最近线段算法示例代码(脱离MAPX5,VB6实现):http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/neardis_new.rar Garmin Nuvi 350试用手记 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/06/17/428045.html ┕全文下载(供转载专用):http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Nuvi350.rar MapBar中坐标的加密和解密(JS实现) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/06/06/419124.html 发现一个SVG做的地图网站:ChinaQuest http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/06/04/417110.html boot.ini文件的修复 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/06/04/416915.html 再谈MAPX打包以及MAPX的安装 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/05/31/414361.html 寻找MapBar的地图切割方法 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/05/28/411397.html ┕我自己切割的Mapbar地图,并且可以在本地运行:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/MapBar_My.rar 已知一点求最近点(问题请教) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/05/28/411182.html ┕求最近点示例代码(基于MAPX5,VB6实现):http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/neardis.rar 基于数据库的公交换乘算法(一点思路一点问题) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/05/28/411065.html MapInfo/ArcInfo交流(提问解答,不定时更新) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/05/09/395489.html (收集)Shape转KML工具(更新:Google正式收购SketchUp) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/04/26/386092.html ┕两个SHape转KML工具:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/shape2kml.rar 地图投影 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/04/17/377638.html 容器透明(如PictureBox) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/04/05/367885.html Google地图切割以及类似Google的开源API http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/03/29/362110.html 获取字符串中的指定位置的子字符串 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/03/25/358311.html 做了个界面,请大家PP http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/03/16/351640.html [存点资料]车载导航电子地图走向标准化 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/03/04/342733.html [ZT]谈谈 wiki 的缺点 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/03/01/340725.html [转贴]Web地图服务:GIS走近你我 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/23/336493.html 算我给Google本地和E都市做个广告吧 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/18/333076.html 电子地图查询系统_v1.0_源代码(VB6+MAPX5) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/15/331375.htmlGoogle ┕电子地图查询系统源代码:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/MapSearch_Source.rar 地图的配色问题(以及MapBar和51ditu) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/12/329162.html [分享]上海市样图 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/08/327310.html ┕上海市样图:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Map_SH.rar 用SetupFactory打包MapX(带打好的包和打包文档以及录像) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/02/05/325842.html ┕打包以及文档和录像:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Mapx_Pack.rar ArcGIS9、MapObject2.2和ArcExplorer2.0连接ArcSDE9.0问题 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/26/323698.html MapBar和MapInfo中的比例尺[更新:MapBar比例尺是正确的] http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/24/322854.html MapBar研究(百度地图中的JS部分) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/22/321756.html ┕本地浏览,调用远程图片:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/MapBar_baidu.rar 浅谈WEBGIS运用栅格地图实现原理[更新:Google Maps带来的新型WebGIS设计模式] http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/14/317327.html 校园WebGIS开发与实践(论文部分) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/13/316918.html ┕校园WEBGIS的论文下载:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/Campus_WebGIS.rar MapInfo中按区域分割地图的方法(带MapBasic方法) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/13/316363.html MIFtoSHP通用转换工具 http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/06/312654.html ┕MIFtoSHP通用转换工具:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/MIFtoSHP.rar MIFtoTAB and TABtoMIF(MIF和TAB互转小工具) http://www.cnblogs.com/Tangf/archive/2006/01/01/309375.html ┕MIFandTAB互转工具:http://www.cnblogs.com/Files/Tangf/MIFandTAB.rar 『浪人|努力』唐丰,Rover.Tang 2006.08.05




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