Nokia Sees Hope Amid Handset Slump

诺基亚(Nokia Corp.)公布第一季度利润下滑90%,但这家全球最大的手机制造商表示,疲软的手机市场已经浮现了需求企稳的迹象。诺基亚首席执行长康培凯(Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo)周四在一个电话会议上表示,市场已经不再以难以控制的方式下滑了,第一季度末浮现的市场持稳迹象令我感到振奋。康培凯说,由于第一季度商店和仓库的手机库存显著减少,行业前景变得更加可预测了。但他说,现在谈论全球消费者需求滑坡是否已经触底还为时过早。在此次经济衰退中,诺基亚的状况要好于许多竞争对手,但也同样遭受了消费者支出显著下降的冲击。截至3月31日的3个月,该公司利润从上年同期的12.2亿欧元锐减至1.22亿欧元(1.613亿美元)。销售额下滑27%,从上年同期的126.6亿欧元下滑至92.7亿欧元。诺基亚表示,当季共售出9,320万部手机,较上年同期下滑19%,较去年第四季度减少18%。诺基亚第一季度的市场占有率持平于去年第四季度的37%,和诺基亚1月份发布的预期一致。诺基亚手机的平均售价从前一个季度的71欧元下滑至65欧元。诺基亚预计,2009年整个手机行业的销售量将较2008年下滑10%,大多数降幅将发生在今年上半年。诺基亚预计,第二季度销售量将持平或略高于第一季度。Gartner的分析师米拉尼斯(Carolina Milanesi)说,诺基亚维持原有预期对很多市场观察人士来说是个积极信号。米拉尼斯说,值得关注的是,尽管诺基亚当季销量好于市场预期,但财报中手机均价较上一季度下滑6美元明显反映了市场的疲软。 诺基亚股价过去一年下滑了将近50%,一度触及近10年低点6.91美元,但过去一个月显著回升。业绩公布后,诺基亚美国存托凭证的价格在纽约证交所上涨11%,报收于14.88美元。诺基亚表示,由于诺基亚5800 摸屏音乐手机销量强劲,第一季度公司在智能手机市场的占有率有所上升。这款手机面临着苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone和诺基亚另一款商务手机E71的竞争。5800于去年11月上市销售,今年第一季度销量达到了280万部。诺基亚首席财务长西蒙森(Rick Simonson)说,第一季度诺基亚在智能手机市场的占有率从去年第四季度的32%上升至38%。Adam Ewing 相关阅读富士康将削减资本支出 2009-04-15智能手机一枝独秀 2009-04-06华为进军美国电讯市场取得重大进展 2009-03-26诺基亚推出自愿离职方案 2009-02-25 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月17日11:48', 'NOK'));诺基亚公司英文名称:Nokia Co. (ADS)总部地点:芬兰(Finland)上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:NOKdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月17日11:48', 'NOK1V.HE'));诺基亚公司英文名称:Nokia Co.总部地点:芬兰(Finland)上市地点:HELS股票代码:NOK1V

Nokia Corp. reported a 90% drop in first-quarter profit, but the world's top cellphone maker said it saw signs of stabilizing demand in the weak handset market. 'The market is no longer falling in an uncontrolled manner,' said Nokia Chief Executive Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo during a conference call Thursday. 'I'm encouraged by the signs of stabilization seen at the end of the first quarter.' Mr. Kallasvuo said the industry's outlook was more predictable as the inventory of unsold cellphones in stores and warehouses had decreased substantially in the first quarter. But he said it is too early to say whether the drop in global consumer demand has reached bottom. Nokia has fared better than many rivals during the recession, but it too has been hit by a sharp decline in consumer spending. For the three months ended March 31, Nokia's profit plummeted to 122 million euros ($161.3 million) from 1.22 billion euros a year ago. Sales fell 27% to 9.27 billion euros from 12.66 billion euros a year earlier. The Espoo, Finland, company said it sold 93.2 million handsets during the first quarter, down 19% from a year earlier and down 18% from the fourth quarter. The company's first-quarter market share remained flat from the fourth quarter at 37%, in line with Nokia's outlook from January. The average selling price, or ASP, of its phones slipped to 65 euros from 71 euros the prior quarter. Nokia said it still expects 2009 industry handset volumes to fall some 10% from 2008 levels, with most of the decline to happen in the first half of the year. It expects volumes in the second quarter to be flat or slightly up on the first quarter. Gartner analyst Carolina Milanesi said the fact that Nokia maintained its outlook is a positive signal for many market watchers. 'The bottom line is that although sales were a bit better than anticipated, the strain on the market is clearly seen in the financial results with an ASP that dropped $6 quarter-on-quarter,' Ms. Milanesi said. Nokia shares have fallen nearly 50% in the past year, bottoming out at a near 10-year low of 6.91 euros before rebounding sharply in the past month. After the earnings release, Nokia's American depositary receipts rose 11% to close at $14.88 on the New York Stock Exchange. Nokia said it gained smart-phone market share in the first quarter due to robust sales of its 5800 touch-screen music phone, which rivals Apple Inc.'s iPhone and the E71 business phone. The 5800, which went on sale in November, sold 2.8 million units in the first quarter. Chief Financial Officer Rick Simonson said the company's smart-phone market share increased to 38% in the first quarter from 32% in the fourth quarter of last year. Adam Ewing




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