ping for windows and linux

On Thursday 01 December 2005 3:06 pm, David McMillan wrote:
> No route. Just a crossover Cat5.
> > Here are some steps you should look at:
> > 1. Make sure your cables are correct.
> Used the same cable for the Windows and SuSE boxes.

ok, cable, windows box, industrial box are "known good"

> > 2. run netstat -nr on your system. You should have a route to the subnet
> > and a default route. Are you using DHCP or a static IP address? netstat
> > should look sim,ilar to this.
> Static IP. No routes, but I'll try netstat on it anyway next chance
> I get.
> > 3. Are you using a name or an IP address to ping the equipment?
> IP. The industrial box doesn't support named access, as far as I know.

No computers support names on tcp/ip. DNS servers (software), convert names
(for humans) to IP addresses (for computers). What the reply was getting at
is that if you were pinging a name, first, ping would have to as DNS for IP,
then uses IP to do actual ping.


brad@linux64:~/supers/mozilla> ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=251 time=14.7 ms
64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=251 time=14.7 ms

You can see the name getting converted before the ping, and used for the ping.

Anyway, that is now also known good. (We don't need DNS, you know the IP).

The only question we have then is, "Is the SuSE box known good?"

So, I'll ask. Can you / Have you been able to ping anything with that box?

Does it have internet access? (to test a ping like or your isp
or gateway or something)

Can you Windows box ping the SuSE box? (does it answer?)

Does the ping comand even work on the SuSE box? Can it ping itself?


rad@linux64:~/supers/mozilla> ping localhost
PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms

This should narrow down the possibilities anyway.

Like someone else pointed out. Ping is a TCP/IP protocal / networking thing.

It would be like saying Windows HTML is different than Linux's HTML, or
Windows Font is different that Linux's font.

See what I mean? PING, HTML, FONTS are their own independant things, not tied
to any one OS. The software that reads, write, implements uses these
standards are tied to their OS though. But, both softwares work right, You
shouldn't be able to tell the difference between a ping from a windows box
from a ping from a linux box, from a ping from a Mac or a ping from any
othere piece of hardware (routers, etc.) Just like a person looking at html
code can't tell if the original author wrote the html on a wintel, lintel, or
mac box. You should be able to tell what printed a document with fonts on
it.... etc.

Hope this clears things up and make it easier for you.





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