

LIBRARY           msgs.lib
LIBRARY           smcm.lib
LIBRARY           gsmu.lib
LIBRARY           mtur.lib


#ifndef __CSMSHANDLER_H__
#define __CSMSHANDLER_H__

#include <e32base.h>
#include <msvapi.h>
#include <mtuireg.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
const TInt KBfrLength = 20;

class CSmsAppUi;
class CClientMtmRegistry;
class CSmsClientMtm;

* CSmsHandler application engine class.
* Takes care of sending and receiveing SMS messages using the SMS client MTM.
* Interacts with the application UI class.
class CSmsHandler : public CActive, public MMsvSessionObserver
    public: // Constructors and destructor

        * NewL.
        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aSmsAppUi Pointer to AppUi instance.
        * @return Pointer to the created instance of CSmsHandler.
        static CSmsHandler* NewL( );

        * NewLC.
        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aSmsAppUi Pointer to AppUi instance.
        * @return Pointer to the created instance of CSmsHandler.
        static CSmsHandler* NewLC();

        * ~CSmsHandler
        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CSmsHandler();

    public: // New functions
  void ReadInbox(); //Added by Kiran
        * SendL.
        * Starts the process of creating and sending an SMS message.
        * @param aRecipientNumber The number of the recipent.
        * @param aMessageText The message text.
        * @return ETrue if successful, EFalse if not.
       TBool SendL( const TDesC& aRecipientNumber,
                    const TDesC& aMessageText );

        * ViewL.
        * Displays a received SMS message.
        void ViewL();

  void DeleteMessages();

    public: // Functions from base classes

        * From MMsvSessionObserver, HandleSessionEventL.
        * Handles notifications of events from the Message Server.
        * @param aEvent The event that has taken place
        * @param aArg1 Event type-specific argument value
        * @param aArg2 Event type-specific argument value
        * @param aArg3 Event type-specific argument value
        void HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent, TAny* aArg1,
                                  TAny* aArg2, TAny* aArg3 );

    protected: // Functions from base classes

        * From CActive, DoCancel.
        * Cancels any outstanding requests.
        void DoCancel();

        * From CActive, RunL.
        * Handles an active object抯 request completion event.
        void RunL();

    private: // Constructors

        * CSmsHandler.
        * C++ default constructor.
        * @param aSmsAppUi Pointer to AppUi instance.

        * ConstructL.
        * 2nd phase constructor.
        void ConstructL();

    private: // New functions

        * AccessMtmL.
        * Access the MTM Registry and create an SMS specific Client MTM instance.
        void AccessMtmL();

        * CreateMsgL.
        * Create an SMS message.
        * @return ETrue if successful, EFalse is unsuccessful.
     TBool CreateMsgL();

        * ScheduleL.
        * Schedule an SMS message for sending.
        void ScheduleL();

        * MessageReceivedL.
        * Handles a received SMS message.
        * @param aEntryId The message server id of the received message.
        void MessageReceivedL( TMsvId aEntryId );

        * ValidateL.
        * Validate an SMS message.
        * @return ETrue if successful, EFalse is unsuccessful.
        TBool ValidateL();

  void WriteToFile(const TPtrC8& aSMSContent8);

    private: // Enumeration

        * TState, enumeration for the state of the handler, used by RunL().
        enum TState
            EWaitingForMoving = 1,

    private: // Data

        * iState, the state of the handler.
        TState iState;

        * iSession, the contact database.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMsvSession* iSession;

        * iMtmRegistry, client MTM registry.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CClientMtmRegistry* iMtmRegistry;

        * iSmsMtm, SMS specific Client MTM.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CSmsClientMtm* iSmsMtm;

        * iOperation, the current message server operation.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMsvOperation* iOperation;

        * iRecipientNumber, telephone number of the recipient.
//        TBuf<EMaxTelephoneNumberLength> iRecipientNumber;
    TBuf<15> iRecipientNumber;

        * iMessageText, SMS message text.
//        TBuf<EMaxMessageLength> iMessageText;
    TBuf<160> iMessageText;

        * iSmsAppUi, application UI
        * Not owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CSmsAppUi* iSmsAppUi;

        * iMtmUiRegistry, User Interface MTM Registry.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMtmUiRegistry* iMtmUiRegistry;

        * iSelection, entry selection to hold received messages.
        * Owned by CSmsHandler object.
        CMsvEntrySelection* iSelection;

        * iNextUnread, index of the next unread message in iSelection.
        TInt iNextUnread;

#endif // __CSMSHANDLER_H__




#include <eikenv.h>
#include <coemain.h>
#include <e32std.h>
#include <msvids.h>
#include <msvstd.h>
#include <smsclnt.h>
#include <smut.h>
#include <mtclreg.h>
#include <txtrich.h>
#include <smscmds.h>
#include <mtmuibas.h>
#include <mtmdef.h>
#include <stringloader.h>
#include "SmsHandler.h"
#include "smutset.h"
#include "smuthdr.h"


// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::CSmsHandler()
// C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that might leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
: CActive( CActive::EPriorityStandard )
 CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
 iNextUnread = 0;            // index of next unread message in iSelection

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ConstructL()
// Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::ConstructL()
 // Session to message server is opened asynchronously.
 iSession = CMsvSession::OpenAsyncL( *this );

 // Entry selection for all received messages.
 iSelection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::NewL()
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmsHandler* CSmsHandler::NewL( )
 CSmsHandler* self = NewLC( );
 CleanupStack::Pop( self );
 return self;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::NewLC()
// Two-phased constructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CSmsHandler* CSmsHandler::NewLC()
 CSmsHandler* self = new ( ELeave ) CSmsHandler();
 CleanupStack::PushL( self );
 return self;

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::~CSmsHandler()
// Destructor.
// ----------------------------------------------------------
 Cancel();           // cancel any outstanding request

 delete iOperation;
 delete iMtmUiRegistry;
 delete iSelection;
 delete iSmsMtm;
 delete iMtmRegistry;
 delete iSession;    // session must be deleted last

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::DoCancel()
// Cancels a request.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::DoCancel()
 if ( iOperation )

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::RunL()
// Handles request completion events.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::RunL()
 User::LeaveIfError( iStatus != KErrNone );

 // Determine the current operations progress.
 // ProgressL returns an 8 bit descriptor.
 TBufC8<KMsvProgressBufferLength> progress( iOperation->ProgressL() );
 _LIT8( KCompare, "KErrNone" );
 User::LeaveIfError( !progress.Compare( KCompare ) );

 // The pointer to the current CMsvOperation object is no longer needed.
 delete iOperation;
 iOperation = NULL;

 // Determine which request has finished.
 switch ( iState )
 case EWaitingForMoving:
  // Once a message is moved to Outbox it is scheduled for sending.

 case EWaitingForScheduling:
   TMsvEntry entry( iSmsMtm->Entry().Entry() );
   TInt state( entry.SendingState() );

   if ( state == KMsvSendStateWaiting || state == KMsvSendStateScheduled)



// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::HandleSessionEventL()
// Handles notifications of events from the Message Server.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::HandleSessionEventL( TMsvSessionEvent aEvent,
           TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2, TAny* /*aArg3*/)
 switch ( aEvent )
  // Session to server established
 case EMsvServerReady:
   TMsvId serviceId( KUidMsgTypeSMS.iUid ); // SMS service id

   // Determine if the event was succesful.
   // ServiceProgress inserts TBuf8 value in progress.
   TBuf8<KBfrLength> progress;
   iSession->ServiceProgress( serviceId, progress );
   _LIT8( KCompare, "KErrNone" );

   if ( progress.Compare( KCompare ) )
    // Check that MtmRegistry has not already been accessed.
    if ( !iMtmRegistry )

  // A new entry has been created on the message server.
 case EMsvEntriesCreated:
   // Entry id is obtained from the session event arguments.
   TMsvId* entryId = STATIC_CAST( TMsvId*, aArg2 );

   // We are interested in messages that are created in Inbox.
   if ( *entryId != KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId )

   // We take the created entries into a selection
   CMsvEntrySelection* newEntries =
    STATIC_CAST( CMsvEntrySelection*, aArg1 );

   // Process each created entry.
   for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < newEntries->Count(); i++ )
    // We are interested in SMS messages.
    if ( ( iSession->GetEntryL( newEntries->At( i ) ) )
     ->Entry().iMtm == KUidMsgTypeSMS )
     // Add the entry to the selection of all received messages.
     iSelection->AppendL( newEntries->At( i ), 1 );

     // Set received messages visible.
     MessageReceivedL( newEntries->At( i ) );

 case EMsvCloseSession:
 case EMsvServerTerminated:
 case EMsvGeneralError:
 case EMsvServerFailedToStart:
   //            iSmsAppUi->ServerDown( aEvent );    // close application
 case EMsvEntriesMoved:
   /*从发送信息中删除短信( 在线模式 )
   这样你可以发送信息,并从已发送的信息文件夹中删除它 */

   // Entry id is obtained from the session event arguments.
   TMsvId* entryId = STATIC_CAST( TMsvId*, aArg2 ); // We are interested in messages that are moved to Sent Item Folder
   if ( *entryId == KMsvSentEntryId )
    TMsvSelectionOrdering sort;
    sort.SetShowInvisibleEntries(ETrue); // we want to handle also the invisible entries
    CMsvEntry* parentEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession, KMsvSentEntryId, sort);
    CMsvEntrySelection* entries = parentEntry->ChildrenL();
    for(TInt i = 0; i < entries->Count(); i++)
     if( parentEntry->ChildDataL(entries->At(i)).iMtmData3 != KUidMsgTypeSMS.iUid )
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entries ); 
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parentEntry ); 

  // All other events are ignored.

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::AccessMtmL()
// Access the MTM Registry and create a SMS specific Client MTM instance.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::AccessMtmL()
 // Create an MTM Registry object.
 iMtmRegistry = CClientMtmRegistry::NewL( *iSession );

 // Create an SMS Client MTM object.
 iSmsMtm = STATIC_CAST( CSmsClientMtm*, iMtmRegistry->NewMtmL( KUidMsgTypeSMS ) );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::SendL()
// Starts the process of creating and sending an SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSmsHandler::SendL( const TDesC& aRecipientNumber,
       const TDesC& aMessageText )
 iRecipientNumber = aRecipientNumber;
 iMessageText = aMessageText;

 if ( CreateMsgL() )
  return ETrue;

 return EFalse;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::CreateMsgL()
// Create an SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSmsHandler::CreateMsgL()
 // Current entry is the Draft folder.
 iSmsMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( KMsvDraftEntryId );

 // Create a new SMS message entry as a child of the current context.
 iSmsMtm->CreateMessageL( KUidMsgTypeSMS.iUid );

 CMsvEntry& serverEntry = iSmsMtm->Entry();
 TMsvEntry entry( serverEntry.Entry() );

 CRichText& body = iSmsMtm->Body();   // the body of the message
 // Insert the message text gotten as input from user.
 body.InsertL( 0, iMessageText );

 // Message will be sent immediately.
 entry.SetSendingState( KMsvSendStateWaiting );

 //Added by Kiran:for 3rd edition
 //    entry.iDate.HomeTime(); // insert current time //This was causing problem:SMS stays into Outbox only.
 entry.iDate.UniversalTime(); // insert current time //Solution for HomeTime()
 //Code Ends-Kiran
 // Set the SMS message settings for the message.
 CSmsHeader& header = iSmsMtm->SmsHeader();
 CSmsSettings* settings = CSmsSettings::NewL();
 CleanupStack::PushL( settings );

 settings->CopyL( iSmsMtm->ServiceSettings() );    // restore settings
 settings->SetDelivery( ESmsDeliveryImmediately ); // to be delivered immediately
 header.SetSmsSettingsL( *settings );              // new settings

 // Let's check if there is a service center address.
 if ( header.Message().ServiceCenterAddress().Length() == 0 )
  // No, there isn't. We assume there is at least one service center
  // number set and use the default service center number.
  CSmsSettings* serviceSettings = &( iSmsMtm->ServiceSettings() );

  // Check if number of service center addresses in the list is null.

  //Changed for 3rd Edition specially- Kiran - 30-10-06
  //        if ( !serviceSettings->NumSCAddresses() )
  if ( !serviceSettings->ServiceCenterCount() )
   return EFalse;     // quit creating the message

   //Changed for 3rd Edition specially- Kiran - 30-10-06
   //          CSmsNumber* smsCenter = &( serviceSettings->SCAddress( serviceSettings->DefaultSC() ) );
   CSmsNumber* smsCenter= CSmsNumber::NewL();
   smsCenter->SetAddressL((serviceSettings->GetServiceCenter( serviceSettings->DefaultServiceCenter())).Address());
   header.Message().SetServiceCenterAddressL( smsCenter->Address() );

 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( settings );

 // Recipient number is displayed also as the recipient alias.
 entry.iDetails.Set( iRecipientNumber );
 // Add addressee.
 iSmsMtm->AddAddresseeL( iRecipientNumber, entry.iDetails );

 // Validate message.
 if ( !ValidateL() )
  return EFalse;

 entry.SetVisible( ETrue );          // set message as visible
 entry.SetInPreparation( EFalse );   // set together with the visibility flag
 serverEntry.ChangeL( entry );       // commit changes  
 iSmsMtm->SaveMessageL();            // save message

 TMsvSelectionOrdering selection;
 CMsvEntry* parentEntry = CMsvEntry::NewL( iSmsMtm->Session(), KMsvDraftEntryId, selection );
 CleanupStack::PushL( parentEntry );

 // Move message to Outbox.
 iOperation =parentEntry->MoveL( entry.Id(), KMsvGlobalOutBoxIndexEntryId, iStatus );

 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( parentEntry );

 iState = EWaitingForMoving;

 return ETrue;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ValidateL()
// Validate an SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CSmsHandler::ValidateL()
 // Empty part list to hold the result.
 TMsvPartList result( KMsvMessagePartNone );

 // Validate message body.
 result = iSmsMtm->ValidateMessage( KMsvMessagePartBody );

 if ( result != KMsvMessagePartNone )
  return EFalse;

 // Validate recipient.
 result = iSmsMtm->ValidateMessage( KMsvMessagePartRecipient );

 if ( result != KMsvMessagePartNone )
  return EFalse;

 return ETrue;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ScheduleL()
// Schedule an SMS message for sending.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::ScheduleL()
 CMsvEntrySelection* selection = new ( ELeave ) CMsvEntrySelection;
 CleanupStack::PushL( selection );
 selection->AppendL( iSmsMtm->Entry().EntryId() ); // add message to selection

 // Add entry to task scheduler.
 TBuf8<1> dummyParams;   // dummy parameters needed for InvokeAsyncFunctionL
 iOperation = iSmsMtm->InvokeAsyncFunctionL( ESmsMtmCommandScheduleCopy,
  *selection, dummyParams, iStatus );

 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( selection );

 iState = EWaitingForScheduling;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::MessageReceivedL()
// Handles a received SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//void CSmsHandler::MessageReceivedL( TMsvId aEntryId )
//    {
//    CMsvEntry* serverEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( aEntryId );   // current entry
//    CleanupStack::PushL( serverEntry );
//    TMsvEntry entry = serverEntry->Entry(); // currently handled message entry
//    entry.SetNew( ETrue );
//    entry.SetUnread( ETrue );
//    entry.SetVisible( ETrue );
//    serverEntry->ChangeL( entry );  // commit changes
//    //iSmsAppUi->MessageReceived();   // let UI know we have received a message
//    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverEntry );
//    }

void CSmsHandler::MessageReceivedL( TMsvId aEntryId )
 CMsvEntry* serverEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( aEntryId );   // current entry
 CleanupStack::PushL( serverEntry );
 TMsvEntry entry = serverEntry->Entry(); // currently handled message entry
 entry.SetNew( ETrue );
 entry.SetUnread( ETrue );
 entry.SetVisible( ETrue );
 serverEntry->ChangeL( entry );  // commit changes  //Added to retrieve message body
 const TDesC& descp = entry.iDescription; // iDescription will have only first 32 characters from the message
 TBuf8<40> MessageArrived;
 MessageArrived.Copy(descp);  //Added to retrieve Phone Number of the Sender
 CSmsHeader& header = iSmsMtm->SmsHeader();
 TPtrC from = header.FromAddress();
 const TDesC& phoneNumber = from;
 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( serverEntry );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CSmsHandler::ViewL()
// Dispalys a received SMS message.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CSmsHandler::ViewL()
 // There is an own registry for UI MTM's.
 iMtmUiRegistry = CMtmUiRegistry::NewL( *iSession );

 // We are interested in the next unread message.
 TMsvId entryId( iSelection->At( iNextUnread ) );
 CMsvEntry* serverEntry = iSession->GetEntryL( entryId );
 CleanupStack::PushL( serverEntry );

 // Create new MTM.
 CBaseMtm* clientMtm = iMtmRegistry->NewMtmL( serverEntry->Entry().iMtm );
 CleanupStack::PushL( clientMtm );
 clientMtm->SwitchCurrentEntryL( serverEntry->EntryId() );

 // Check if there are more unreads messages.
 if ( iNextUnread < iSelection->Count() )
  //      iSmsAppUi->MessageReceived();   // still messages to read
  //        iSmsAppUi->NoMoreUnread();      // no more messages to read

 TMsvEntry entry( serverEntry->Entry() );
 entry.SetNew( EFalse );         // message is no longer new
 entry.SetUnread( EFalse );      // message is no longer unread
 serverEntry->ChangeL( entry );  // commit changes

 CBaseMtmUi* ui = iMtmUiRegistry->NewMtmUiL( *clientMtm ); // UI MTM for SMS
 CleanupStack::PushL( ui );

 // Display the SMS using the UI MTM.
 iOperation = ui->ViewL( iStatus );

 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 ); // ui, clientMtm, serverEntry

//下列代码演示了如何从收件箱获取信息. 这里使用了KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId.

void CSmsHandler::ReadInbox()
 HBufC* SMSContent = HBufC::NewLC(400);
 HBufC8* SMSContent8 = HBufC8::NewLC(400);
 TMsvSelectionOrdering sort;
 sort.SetShowInvisibleEntries(ETrue); // we want to handle also the invisible entries
 CMsvEntry* inboxContext=CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession,KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId,sort); // Reading Messages from Inbox Folder
 CMsvEntrySelection* entries = inboxContext->ChildrenL();
 CleanupStack::PushL( entries );
 TInt msgCount= entries->Count();
 for (TInt i=0; i<entries->Count(); i++)
  TMsvId entryID = entries->At(i);
  CMsvEntry* entry= iSession->GetEntryL((*entries)[i]);
  CMsvStore* inboxStore= entry->ReadStoreL();
  if (inboxStore->HasBodyTextL())
   TMsvEntry entry1 =  entry->Entry();
   TBufC<50> aText(entry1.iDetails); // Gives you phone Number

   TBuf16<20> msg;
   CRichText& richText= iSmsMtm->Body();
   const TInt length = richText.DocumentLength();
   SMSContent->Des().Copy(richText.Read(0,length)); // Gives you actual content(Body) of SMS
   WriteToFile(SMSContent8->Des()); // Write SMS Body in the SMSBody.txt file
  {  // no text in SMS



void CSmsHandler::WriteToFile(const TPtrC8& aSMSContent8)
 _LIT(KFileSpec,"//SMSBody.txt");//File, in which SMS Body will be stored
 TInt pos=0;
 RFs fs;

 RFile file;
 TInt err=file.Open(fs,KFileSpec,EFileWrite);

 fs.Close(); //File closed


void CSmsHandler::DeleteMessages()
 TMsvSelectionOrdering sort;
 sort.SetShowInvisibleEntries(ETrue); // we want to handle also the invisible entries
 CMsvEntry* inboxContext=CMsvEntry::NewL(*iSession,KMsvGlobalInBoxIndexEntryId,sort);
 CMsvEntrySelection* entries = inboxContext->ChildrenL();
 CleanupStack::PushL( entries );
 TInt msgCount= entries->Count();
 TInt i;

 for (i=0; i<entries->Count(); i++)
  TMsvId entryID = entries->At(i);
  CMsvEntry* entry= iSession->GetEntryL((*entries)[i]);


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