Hessian 协议解析

Hessian 是由 caucho 提供的一个基于 binary-RPC 实现的远程通讯 library 。它是高性能二进制协议,支持很多种语言,众所周知大名鼎鼎的开源rpc的框架中都有使用。



1. 设计目标

2. 数据类型

2.1 null

2.2 boolean

2.3 int

2.4 long

2.5 double

2.6 date

2.7 string

2.8 xml

2.9 binary

2.10 list

2.11 map

2.12 ref

2.13 remote

3. call

3.1 非规约对象命名

3.2 Methods and Overloading

3.3 Arguments

3.4 Headers

3.5 Versioning

4. Reply

4.1 Value

4.2 Faults

5. 非规约元数据

6. Micro Hessian

7. 格式定义

8. 变更

changes in 1.0.2

changes in 1.0

changes in V3

changes in V2

9. 实例

1. 设计目标

The Hessian web services protocol was created as a lightweight binary alternative to the XML-based web services protocols.

Hessian Web服务协议是作为基于XML的Web服务协议的轻量级二进制备选方案创建的。

Unlike older binary protocols, Hessian is both self-describing and portable across languages. The wire protocol for web services should be invisible to application writers. Wire protocols should not require external schema or IDL.


Given the EJB environment, the Hessian protocol has the following requirements:


  • It must support XML as a first class object.   
  • It must not require external IDL or schema definitions; it should be invisible to application writers.
  • It must have sufficient power to serialize Java.
  • It must have sufficient power to support EJB.
  • It must allow non-Java clients to use web services.
  • It must allow web services to deployed as a Servlet.
  • It must be simple so it can be effectively tested.
  • It must be as fast as possible.
  • It should support transaction contexts.

2. 数据类型

Hessian的对象序列化有9种基本类型:boolean、32-bit int、64-bit long、64-bit double、64-bit date、UTF8-encoded string、UTF8-encoded xml、raw binary data、remote objects


  1. list for lists and arrays
  2. map for objects and hash tables


  1. null for null values
  2. ref for shared and circular object references.

2.1 null

NULL表示空指针。字节“N”表示空指针。允许null代替任何string, xml, binary, list, map, or remote。

request: null

2.2 boolean


request: true

2.3 int


request: 300
response:I x00 x00 x01 x2c

2.4 long


request: 300
response:L x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x01 x2c

2.5 double


request: 12.25
response:D x40 x28 x80 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00

2.6 date


request: 2:51:31 May 8, 1998
response:d x00 x00 x00 xd0 x4b x92 x84 xb8

2.7 string

A 16-bit unicode character string encoded in UTF-8. Strings are encoded in chunks. 'S' represents the final chunk and 's' represents any initial chunk. Each chunk has a 16-bit length value.The length is the number of characters, which may be different than the number of bytes.

request: "Hello"
response:S x00 x05 hello

2.8 xml

An XML document encoded as a 16-bit unicode character string encoded in UTF-8. XML data is encoded in chunks. 'X' represents the final chunk and 'x' represents any initial chunk.Each chunk has a 16-bit length value. The length is the number of characters, which may be different than the number of bytes.

request: <top>hello</top>
response:X x00 x10 <top>hello</top>

2.9 binary


2.10 list


语法:list ::= V type? length? object* z

request: int[] = {0, 1}
response:V t x00 x04 [int
                     l x00 x00 x00 x02
                     I x00 x00 x00 x00
                     I x00 x00 x00 x01

request2: list = {0, "foobar"}
response:V I x00 x00 x00 x00
                     S x00 x06 foobar

2.11 map


语法: M t b16 b8 type-string (object, object)* z

request: //Java Object
    public class Car implements Serializable {
      String model = "Beetle";
      String color = "aquamarine";
      int mileage = 65536;
    M t x00 x13 com.caucho.test.Car
      S x00 x05 model
      S x00 x06 Beetle
      S x00 x05 color
      S x00 x0a aquamarine

      S x00 x07 mileage
      I x00 x01 x00 x00

request2: //A sparse array
    map = new HashMap();
    map.put(new Integer(1), "fee");
    map.put(new Integer(16), "fie");
    map.put(new Integer(256), "foe");
    M I x00 x00 x00 x01
      S x00 x03 fee

      I x00 x00 x00 x10
      S x00 x03 fie

      I x00 x00 x01 x00
      S x00 x03 foe


2.12 ref

An integer referring to a previous list or map instance. As each list or map is read from the input stream, it is assigned the integer position in the stream, i.e. the first list or map is '0', the next is '1', etc. A later ref can then use the previous object. Writers are not required to generate refs, but parsers must be able to recognize them.ref can refer to incompletely-read items. For example, a circular linked-list will refer to the first link before the entire list has been read.A possible implementation would add each map and list to an array as it's read. The ref will return the corresponding object from the array. To support circular structures, the implementation would store the map or list immediately, before filling in the object's contents.Each <list> or <array> is stored into an array as it is parsed. <ref> selects one of the stored objects. The first object is numbered '0'.

语法:R b32 b24 b16 b8

    list = new LinkedList();
    list.head = 1;
    list.tail = list;
    M t x00 x0a LinkedList
      S x00 x04 head
      I x00 x00 x00 x01
      S x00 x04 tail
      R x00 x00 x00 x00

2.13 remote

对远程对象的引用。remote 有一个type 和一个UTF-8字符串,表示对象的URL。

语法:r t b16 b8 type-name S b16 b8 url

request: EJB Session Reference
response:r t x00 x0c test.TestObj S x00 x24 http://slytherin/ejbhome?id=69Xm8-zW

3. call

一个Hessian调用调用一个带有参数列表的对象的方法。对象是由容器指定的,例如对于HTTP请求,它是HTTP URL。参数由Hessian序列化指定。

语法:c x01 x00 header* m b16 b8 method-string (object)* z

request: c x01 x00   //obj.add2(2,3)
          m x00 x04 add2
          I x00 x00 x00 x02
          I x00 x00 x00 x03
response:r x01 x00
          I x00 x00 x00 x05

3.1 非规约对象命名



http://hostname/hessian 标识EJB容器。在树脂EJB中,这将引用EJB servlet。/hessian”是servlet前缀(url-pattern)。HTTP只是用作示例;Hessian不需要使用HTTP。

/ejb-name, 请求的路径信息,标识EJB名称,特别是Home接口。EJB容器可以包含多个实体和会话bean,每个bean都有自己的EJB Home。EJB名称对应于部署描述符中的EJB名称。

object-id ,标识特定对象。对于实体bean,对象ID对主键进行编码。对于会话bean,对象ID编码唯一的会话标识符。家庭接口没有“;EJBID=…”部分。

3.2 Methods and Overloading

方法名称必须是唯一的。支持两种类型的重载:参数数重载和参数类型重载。通过对方法名称中的参数类型进行编码,允许重载。必须使用实际参数的类型来选择方法。保留了从 _hessian_ 开始的方法名称。服务器应该接受带有已损坏的方法名或未加密的方法名的调用。客户端应该发送被损坏的方法名。

3.3 Arguments


remote.eq(bean, bean)

bean = new qa.Bean("foo", 13);

System.out.println(remote.eq(bean, bean));
c x01 x00
  m x00 x02 eq
  M t x00 x07 qa.Bean
    S x00 x03 foo
    I x00 x00 x00 x0d
  R x00 x00 x00 x00

3.4 Headers

Headers 是(string、object)对参数的预处理。标头的值可以是任何序列化对象。例如,请求可能包括头中的事务上下文。

Call with Distributed Transaction Context

c x01 x00
  H x00 x0b transaction
  r t x00 x28 com.caucho.hessian.xa.TransactionManager
    S x00 x23 http://hostname/xa?ejbid=01b8e19a77
  m x00 x05 debug
  I x00 x03 x01 xcb

3.5 Versioning


4. Reply

valid-reply语法:r x01 x00 header* object z
fault-reply语法:r x01 x00 header* fault z

4.1 Value


request: xx
response:r x01 x00        //result  5
        I x00 x00 x00 x05

4.2 Faults

失败的调用返回fault。每个故障都有许多信息字段,如<map >条目。定义的字段是code, message, and detail。code是下面定义的字符串的一个简短列表之一。message是用户可读的消息。detail是表示异常的对象。在java中,detail将是序列化的异常。

request: xx
response:r x01 x00        //Remote Call throws FileNotFoundException
          S x00 x04 code
          S x00 x10 ServiceException

          S x00 x07 message
          S x00 x0e File Not Found

          S x00 x06 detail
          M t x00 x1d java.io.FileNotFoundException

ProtocolExceptionThe Hessian request has some sort of syntactic error.
NoSuchObjectExceptionThe requested object does not exist.
NoSuchMethodExceptionThe requested method does not exist.
RequireHeaderExceptionA required header was not understood by the server.
ServiceExceptionThe called method threw an exception.

5. 非规约元数据


_hessian_getAttribute(String key) returns a string.

"java.api.class" returns the client proxy's Java API class for the current URL. 
"java.home.class" returns the API class for the factory URL, i.e. without any "?id=XXX" query string. 
"java.object.class" returns the API class for object instances.



6. Micro Hessian

"Micro Hessian"实现可以省略对“双”类型的支持。

7. 格式定义

top     ::= call
        ::= replycall    ::= c x01 x00 header* methodobject* z

reply   ::= r x01 x00 header* object z
        ::= r x01 x00 header* fault z

object  ::= null
        ::= boolean
        ::= int
        ::= long
        ::= double
        ::= date
        ::= string
        ::= xml
        ::= binary
        ::= remote
        ::= ref
        ::= list
        ::= mapheader  ::= H b16 b8 header-string objectmethod  ::= m b16 b8 method-string

fault   ::= f (objectobject)* z

list    ::= V type? length? object* z
map     ::= M type? (objectobject)* z
remote  ::= r type? stringtype    ::= t b16 b8 type-string
length  ::= l b32 b24 b16 b8

null    ::= N
boolean ::= T
        ::= F
int     ::= I b32 b24 b16 b8
long    ::= L b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8
double  ::= D b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8
date    ::= d b64 b56 b48 b40 b32 b24 b16 b8
string  ::= (s b16 b8 string-data)* S b16 b8 string-data
xml     ::= (x b16 b8 xml-data)* X b16 b8 xml-data
binary  ::= (b b16 b8 binary-data)* B b16 b8 binary-data
ref     ::= R b32 b24 b16 b8

8. 变更

changes in 1.0.2

  • Clarified that length of XML and strings is in characters (Petr Gladkikh)

changes in 1.0

  • Removed unidirectional messages.

changes in V3

  • Added unidirectional messages
  • Removed 'v' from reply
  • changed length code to 'l'
  • made type and length optional

changes in V2

  • EJB naming: clarified examples especially for session beans (John Mitchell)
  • Formal definitions: clarified grammar and added missing object (John Mitchell)
  • Formal definitions: initial binary should use 'b' (John Mitchell

9. 实例

public static <T> byte[] serialize(T input) {
        if (input == null) throw new NullPointerException("input is requird.");
        byte[] result = null;
        ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        HessianSerializerOutput hessianSerializerOutput = null;
        try {
            hessianSerializerOutput = new HessianSerializerOutput(outputStream);
            result = outputStream.toByteArray();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        } finally {
        return result;

    public static <T> T deserialize(Class<T> retCls, byte[] input) {
        if (input == null) throw new NullPointerException();
        T result = null;
        ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = null;
        try {
            byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(input);
            HessianSerializerInput hessianInput = new HessianSerializerInput(byteArrayInputStream);
            result = (T) hessianInput.readObject();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } finally {
        return result;

dubbo 协议基于 hessian 作为序列化协议。使用的场景是:传输数据量小(每次请求在 100kb 以内),但是并发量很高。

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