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原创 Virtualbox调整Linux虚拟机硬盘大小
记录一下使用CS144提供镜像时遇到的问题。2024年CS144提供的Ubuntu 23.10镜像设置的硬盘的大小为10GB,不足以安装图形环境,所以需要调整硬盘大小,按网上的一些调整方法没有成功,自己摸索了下。
2024-02-19 22:57:03 671 1
原创 跨进程修改Numpy数据 基于multiprocessing.shared_memory
multiprocessing.shared_memory Python3.8新特性官方文档import numpy as npfrom multiprocessing import shared_memoryfrom multiprocessing import Processfrom multiprocessing.managers import SharedMemoryManagerdef change(name): a = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
2021-04-14 15:05:43 1818 1
原创 Electron踩坑日记
禁止鼠标双击放大窗口mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({ //不允许用户调整窗口大小 resizable: false })
2021-02-05 19:41:00 471
原创 在VS中使用VSCode的快捷键
在VS中 工具=>选项=>环境=>键盘 中选择VSCode的键盘映射方案测试了一下不能使用shift+alt+方向键的组合
2021-01-30 16:30:00 294
原创 pip install ray 失败解决办法
首先安装pytest-runnerpip install pytest-runner然后再安装ray即可环境:Windows10 Anaconda Python3.7.9
2021-01-03 00:01:11 4170
原创 Python 实现OpenCV DNN人脸检测
import cv2modelFile = "./model/res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel"configFile = "./model/deploy.prototxt"faceDetect = cv2.dnn_DetectionModel(modelFile, configFile)if __name__ == "__main__": cap = cv2.VideoCapture(1) cap.set(3, 1920)
2020-12-16 19:01:18 543
原创 Numpy sctypeNA and typeNA will be removed in 1.18
The type dictionaries numpy.core.typeNA and numpy.core.sctypeNA are deprecated. They were buggy and not documented and will be removed in the 1.18 release. Usenumpy.sctypeDict instead.
2020-11-26 00:12:00 274
原创 numpy.frombuffer+cv2.imdecode读取内存中的图像
nparr = np.frombuffer(image, np.uint8) img_decode = cv2.imdecode(nparr, 1)DeprecationWarning: The binary mode of fromstring is deprecated, as it behaves surprisingly on unicode inputs. Use frombuffer instead
2020-11-26 00:05:56 2101
转载 用类编写Tkinter实例的正确姿势
代码来自Tkinter官方文档import tkinter as tkclass Application(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): super().__init__(master) self.master = master self.pack() self.create_widgets() def create_widgets(self): s
2020-08-13 16:00:40 3310 1
原创 在Tkinter中实时更新摄像头画面的正确姿势
def cv2VideoON(self): ''' 摄像头初始化 ''' cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap.set(3, 640) cap.set(4, 480) while True: ret_flag, color_frame = cap.read() BGR_image = cv2.cvtColor(color_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) tk_image = Image.fromar..
2020-08-13 15:53:51 1537
DS3231最新中文数据手册 Rev8
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