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原创 prime

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2013-12-07 01:14:04 8076

转载 JavaScript Elites

new operator in JavaScripthttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/1646698/what-is-the-new-keyword-in-javascriptIIFEhttp://benalman.com/news/2010/11/immediately-invoked-function-expression/1.

2013-03-27 23:52:23 900

原创 build ckeditor4.0.x


2013-01-19 12:47:34 530

原创 readline wrap

home page, http://utopia.knoware.nl/~hlub/rlwrap/# support backspace, up/down to turn to previous/next input.sudo apt-get install rlwrapalias ruby='rlwrap ruby'alias perl='rlwrap perl'alia

2012-11-04 19:00:40 517

转载 startup debian wireless

http://www.cnblogs.com/eaglet/archive/2011/11/01/2231021.html通过 Windows 7 共享上网Posted on 2011-11-01 09:41 eaglet 阅读(1448) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏要实现多台机器共享上网通常有两种方法,一种是通过路由器共享上网,一种是通过软网关共享上网。在某些情况

2012-10-03 23:35:51 1432

原创 echo colorful text in shell.

#!/bin/sh                                                                                                                   # foregroundC1_BLACK=30C1_RED=31C1_GREEN=32C1_YELLOW=33C1_BL

2012-08-04 11:33:57 450

转载 CPAN install

http://hi.baidu.com/thinke365/blog/item/113c82c5422244a28226acfe.htmlsudo perl -MCPAN -e shellinstall JSON::XS

2012-06-09 21:43:37 690

翻译 Myers Diff paper -- 0

Declaration: Here is the original paper link . It is written by Eugene W. Myers at 1986. I (j_now. You may also call me cydooc) translated parts of the thesis in to Chinese with a few annotations. I

2012-05-26 21:22:21 1520

翻译 Myers Diff paper -- 2

Declaration: Here is the original paper link . It is written by Eugene W. Myers at 1986. I (j_now. You may also call me cydooc) translated parts of the thesis in to Chinese with a few annotations. I

2012-05-26 09:35:39 1067

原创 Junit 多线程测试

Enjoy it. Here are the codes.import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;import java.lang.annotation.Retention;import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;import java.lang.annotation.Target;

2012-03-17 23:51:54 1147

转载 What's the difference between parallel and concurrent?

For java, http://drdobbs.com/article/print?articleId=219401061&dept_url=/java/Parallelism and Concurrency When speaking about garbage collection algorithms, parallelism describes the collector's

2012-03-11 21:11:22 550

原创 OOM tools

http://www.eclipse.org/mat/    eclipse memory analyzer tool

2012-02-18 22:13:45 528

转载 dojo references


2012-01-24 15:41:20 433

原创 gem ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error)

cydoo@whale:~$ gem list -r rails*** REMOTE GEMS ***ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::Error)    not in gzip formatcydoo@whale:~$ gem list -r *** REMOTE GEMS ***ERROR:

2012-01-23 20:29:12 2795

原创 install apache mason

What is mason?  http://www.masonhq.com/Why mason? You are a PERL fan like me.1. download Apache and makewget http://www.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.2.21.tar.bz2tar xjvf httpd-2.2.21.ta

2012-01-23 18:23:10 864

原创 linux firefox flashplayer

Firefox version 9.0.1Before you take any operations below, you should disable all of the installed flash plugins which is enabled in firefox. Click Tools/Add-ons, disable all the flash associated pl

2012-01-20 00:39:07 667

原创 Apache with subversion & php

---apache./configure --prefix=/home/$USER/local/httpd \    --enable-so    \    --enable-cgi \    --enable-info \    --enable-rewrite \    --enable-speling \    --enable-usertrack \

2012-01-16 17:19:45 538

转载 my links


2012-01-12 22:11:20 450

转载 Compiz in Debian (nvidia)

Linux whale 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Thu Nov 3 04:23:54 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linuhttp://www.howtoforge.com/enabling-compiz-fusion-on-a-debian-squeeze-desktop-nvidia-geforce-8200

2012-01-12 16:41:38 455

原创 安装Linux学习环境 [For Beginner] Virtual Box

使用Virutal Box可以在windows下建立一个linux环境,Virtual Box是一个开源软件,功能类似vmware,两者之间主要区别就是后者是收费的软件。Virtual Box是Oracle资助的一个开源软件,虽然不太喜欢Oracle,但是Virtual Box is a good one, indeed.完成本文操作,你会得到一个免费的shell环境,不会得到xwin

2012-01-08 23:24:20 983

转载 Apache/2.2.19 + PHP 5.3.8 + Mysql

See http://dan.drydog.com/apache2php.htmlApache/2.2.19PHP 5.3.8./configure --prefix=/home/haifengw/local/httpd \    --enable-so    \    --enable-cgi \    --enable-info \    --enable-

2011-12-29 15:28:49 620

原创 hsqldb memory mode

import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.Statement;public class Deleteme {

2011-08-18 11:32:07 462

转载 gcc & g++

The actual compiler is "cc1" for C and "cc1plus" for C++; both gcc and g++ are drivers (which call the preprocessor/compiler/assembler/linke

2011-07-17 12:31:50 454

原创 my svn host

svn co svn://www.oksvn.com/samplessvn co svn://www.oksvn.com/mysql_mynot check: http://www.oksvn.com/User/Files.aspx?id=8911&Path=/

2011-05-29 22:21:00 576

原创 玩三国杀 adobe air

OUT OF DATE....  SEE http://blogs.adobe.com/flashplayer/2011/06/adobe-air-and-linux-increasing-distribution-on-devices.html挺好玩的 呵呵我的环境是4年前的了。。。  fc8 ,libc++版本太低、不了firefox4,firefox3直接使用网页版有

2011-05-05 00:37:00 915

原创 brk 45

brk gcc asm

2011-05-03 21:07:00 974 3

原创 stack of gcc

堆栈 gcc asm 函数调用

2011-04-30 23:11:00 537

原创 Programing Group Up

at&t asm

2011-04-25 17:53:00 558

原创 cpuid.h

<br />/usr/include/cpuid.h<br /> <br />checking cpuid.h usability... no<br />checking cpuid.h presence... no<br />checking for cpuid.h... no<br />configure: error: gcc must provide the <cpuid.h> header<br /> <br /> <br />/*<br /> * Copyright (C) 20

2011-04-17 22:09:00 4994

原创 3n+1

如果n是偶数,就把n除以2,如果n是奇数,就把n乘3加1最后要输出1 但是没人证明成功

2011-04-02 14:59:00 644

转载 vimrc & vim short key 1

vimrc & vim short key 1

2011-03-28 00:15:00 715

原创 mysql事务隔离级别

脏读、不可重复读、幻读 Read-uncomitted Read-committed repeatable-read serializable

2011-03-23 21:40:00 392

原创 java remote debug

jpda java

2011-03-05 11:51:00 362

原创 支持 https 的 svn client 安装方法

使用 shared 方式安装,相关的tar包去 http://download.csdn.net/source/3017919 下载  WORKSPACE=$PWDTARGET=$HOME/localSUBVERSION_INSTALL_NAME=subversionZLIB=zlibOPENSSL=opensslNEON=neonAPR=apr

2011-02-11 19:39:00 1699

原创 使用 jconsole 监控java程序


2011-01-13 14:49:00 494

原创 paxos 资料整理

paxos 资料整理

2010-11-21 12:11:00 422

原创 struts2 unit test

struts2 junit testng

2010-11-20 01:46:00 753

原创 shell kits

1. make a iso file:        mkisofs -l -J -L -r -o thinkinc++2.iso  /mnt        dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/root/rh1.iso

2010-09-21 22:33:00 436

原创 compile mysql from source code

kernel: 2.6.18-128.1.14.el5a02xen gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20070925 (Red Hat 4.1.2-33) mysql version : mysql5.1.30tarball:  mysql-5.1.30.tar.gz steps: $ wget http://d

2009-11-30 21:46:00 1095

转载 java.lang.ref 的引用

 入门比较参考这里:http://mindprod.com/jgloss/phantom.html  可以参考这里,已经很全面了,有时间应该翻译一下吧http://www.kdgregory.com/index.php?page=java.refobj这里的讨论很不错http://www.javalobby.org/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=1

2009-11-21 00:25:00 952


If you want to create a svn server, you can download this package. turn to my blog to see the manual.


programing ground up

linux assembly at&t en version, but a good one for newbie, such as me





hadoop definitive guide(June, 2009)

attention: english version, rather than chinese one


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firefox 加入jkhl,支持滚屏

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