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原创 TreeView 树的查找/遍历

   最近几个项目用到 TreeView控件,遍历/查找 TreeView树节点使用较多。每次都写,多有不便,干脆写个相关的类,以后用就方便了。       TreeView 遍历可分为“递归”和“非递归”两种。递归的简单,但是效率低,占内存也多。非递归的麻烦些,但效率高些。递归:        ///        ///递归查找某节点下指定显示文本的树节点。        ///        ///父节点        ///查找的显示文本        ///        publicstatic

2010-10-29 12:54:00 1171


TortoiseSVN- 最新版 子文件夹里去掉了.svn文件夹,好用多了



最新版 AnkhSvn-2.3.10838.msi 解决了很多BUG 支持vs2005、vs2008、vs2010、vs11


Programming C#中文版(第4版).part3

Programming C#中文版(第4版).part3 很经典的C#教程,O'reilly出的。 挺清晰,但不是高清。


DevComponents.DotNetBar v8.8.0.0.for.NET.part2.rar

功能极其强大的UI控件,适合DotNet全系列使用,效果在这里就不发了,可以去官方网站 www.devcomponents.com 。能够完美模仿Office2007风格,兼之更加强大的可以替代VS.Net自带控件。8.8新增了很多功能,包括 Office2010 样式、Ribbon 等等。 DotNetBar is world's first component to introduce fully featured Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style Ribbon controls, first to provide full Windows XP Theme support, first to provide Diamond Docking Guides for dockable windows etc. With DotNetBar you always get latest advancements in user interface technology in your applications before anyone else. Partial list of DotNetBar Ribbon Control features: Office 2010 Styling with new Application Button and Windows 7 and Windows Vista Glass support Office 2010 style Backstage Application Menu Windows 7 Styling Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) support with full customization and placement control Black, Silver and Blue color schemes included Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 Style Application Button Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 Style form support Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 Style popup Galleries Integrated support for Contextual Tabs concept Predefined color schemes for tabs and tab groups Office 2010, 2007 style KeyTips (accelerator keys) both single key and multi-key are fully supported You can create Drop-down menus, even drop-down toolbars are fully supported You can add any standard DotNetBar items to the RibbonControl header One or more tabs can belong to Tab Groups. Tab groups are used to visually group similar tab commands. Usually they are used for contextual tabs that are shown based on active selection and disappear once something else is selected Full control over Tab Group header is provided. It can be hidden, font changed, height changed and appearance completely customized through ElementStyle appearance object (in Office 2003 style) You can add any VS.NET Windows Forms control to a Ribbon tabs. Keyboard Shortcuts are fully supported as well Windows Vista Glass support Custom Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style color scheme generator based on single color Intelligent resizing of buttons on the Ribbon to fit the screen size


DevComponents.DotNetBar v8.8.0.0.for.NET.part1.rar

功能极其强大的UI控件,适合DotNet全系列使用,效果在这里就不发了,可以去官方网站 www.devcomponents.com 。能够完美模仿Office2007风格,兼之更加强大的可以替代VS.Net自带控件。8.8新增了很多功能,包括 Office2010 样式、Ribbon 等等。 DotNetBar is world's first component to introduce fully featured Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style Ribbon controls, first to provide full Windows XP Theme support, first to provide Diamond Docking Guides for dockable windows etc. With DotNetBar you always get latest advancements in user interface technology in your applications before anyone else. Partial list of DotNetBar Ribbon Control features: Office 2010 Styling with new Application Button and Windows 7 and Windows Vista Glass support Office 2010 style Backstage Application Menu Windows 7 Styling Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) support with full customization and placement control Black, Silver and Blue color schemes included Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 Style Application Button Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 Style form support Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 Style popup Galleries Integrated support for Contextual Tabs concept Predefined color schemes for tabs and tab groups Office 2010, 2007 style KeyTips (accelerator keys) both single key and multi-key are fully supported You can create Drop-down menus, even drop-down toolbars are fully supported You can add any standard DotNetBar items to the RibbonControl header One or more tabs can belong to Tab Groups. Tab groups are used to visually group similar tab commands. Usually they are used for contextual tabs that are shown based on active selection and disappear once something else is selected Full control over Tab Group header is provided. It can be hidden, font changed, height changed and appearance completely customized through ElementStyle appearance object (in Office 2003 style) You can add any VS.NET Windows Forms control to a Ribbon tabs. Keyboard Shortcuts are fully supported as well Windows Vista Glass support Custom Office 2010, Windows 7 and Office 2007 style color scheme generator based on single color Intelligent resizing of buttons on the Ribbon to fit the screen size


(C#)ListViewEx--扩展 ListView

一个扩展ListView的源代码和Demo。 这个Listview的项可以编辑修改,使用ComboBox,DateTimePicker等。具体功能慢慢研究吧,代码也写的不错,有一定学习价值。


(C#) 玻璃效果按钮

一个很好仿照Vista 系统的按钮,玻璃效果,很漂亮。内含源代码(C#)。





DotNetBar 7.X Source 源码

DotNetBar 一款极强的控件库,界面很好看,支持VisualStudio 2008。这是源码


使用 Sniffer 工具进行TCPIP分析

使用 Sniffer 工具进行TCPIP分析



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