
SQL code
-- 合并分拆表 /* ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** 合并分拆表数据 整理人:中国风(Roy) 日期:2008.06.06 ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** */ -- > --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id ( ' Tab ' ) is null drop table Tab Go Create table Tab( [ Col1 ] int , [ Col2 ] nvarchar ( 1 )) Insert Tab select 1 ,N ' a ' union all select 1 ,N ' b ' union all select 1 ,N ' c ' union all select 2 ,N ' d ' union all select 2 ,N ' e ' union all select 3 ,N ' f ' Go 合并表: SQL2000用函数: go if object_id ( ' F_Str ' ) is not null drop function F_Str go create function F_Str( @Col1 int ) returns nvarchar ( 100 ) as begin declare @S nvarchar ( 100 ) select @S = isnull ( @S + ' , ' , '' ) + Col2 from Tab where Col1 = @Col1 return @S end go Select distinct Col1,Col2 = dbo.F_Str(Col1) from Tab go SQL2005用XML: 方法1: select a.Col1,Col2 = stuff (b.Col2.value( ' /R[1] ' , ' nvarchar(max) ' ), 1 , 1 , '' ) from ( select distinct COl1 from Tab) a Cross apply ( select COl2 = ( select N ' , ' + Col2 from Tab where Col1 = a.COl1 For XML PATH( '' ), ROOT( ' R ' ), TYPE))b 方法2: select a.Col1,COl2 = replace (b.Col2.value( ' /Tab[1] ' , ' nvarchar(max) ' ), char ( 44 ) + char ( 32 ), char ( 44 )) from ( select distinct COl1 from Tab) a cross apply ( select Col2 = ( select COl2 from Tab where COl1 = a.COl1 FOR XML AUTO, TYPE) .query( ' <Tab> {for $i in /Tab[position()<last()]/@COl2 return concat(string($i),",")} {concat("",string(/Tab[last()]/@COl2))} </Tab> ' ) )b SQL05用CTE: ; with roy as ( select Col1,Col2,row = row_number() over (partition by COl1 order by COl1) from Tab) ,Roy2 as ( select COl1, cast (COl2 as nvarchar ( 100 ))COl2,row from Roy where row = 1 union all select a.Col1, cast (b.COl2 + ' , ' + a.COl2 as nvarchar ( 100 )),a.row from Roy a join Roy2 b on a.COl1 = b.COl1 and a.row = b.row + 1 ) select Col1,Col2 from Roy2 a where row = ( select max (row) from roy where Col1 = a.COl1) order by Col1 option (MAXRECURSION 0 ) 生成结果: /* Col1 COl2 ----------- ------------ 1 a,b,c 2 d,e 3 f (3 行受影响) */ 拆分表: -- > --> (Roy)生成測試數據 if not object_id ( ' Tab ' ) is null drop table Tab Go Create table Tab( [ Col1 ] int , [ COl2 ] nvarchar ( 5 )) Insert Tab select 1 ,N ' a,b,c ' union all select 2 ,N ' d,e ' union all select 3 ,N ' f ' Go SQL2000用辅助表: if object_id ( ' Tempdb..#Num ' ) is not null drop table #Num go select top 100 ID = Identity ( int , 1 , 1 ) into #Num from syscolumns a,syscolumns b Select a.Col1,COl2 = substring (a.Col2,b.ID, charindex ( ' , ' ,a.Col2 + ' , ' ,b.ID) - b.ID) from Tab a,#Num b where charindex ( ' , ' , ' , ' + a.Col2,b.ID) = b.ID -- 也可用 substring(','+a.COl2,b.ID,1)=',' SQL2005用Xml: select a.COl1,b.Col2 from ( select Col1,COl2 = convert (xml, ' <root><v> ' + replace (COl2, ' , ' , ' </v><v> ' ) + ' </v></root> ' ) from Tab)a outer apply ( select Col2 = C.v.value( ' . ' , ' nvarchar(100) ' ) from a.COl2.nodes( ' /root/v ' )C(v))b SQL05用CTE: ; with roy as ( select Col1,COl2 = cast ( left (Col2, charindex ( ' , ' ,Col2 + ' , ' ) - 1 ) as nvarchar ( 100 )),Split = cast ( stuff (COl2 + ' , ' , 1 , charindex ( ' , ' ,Col2 + ' , ' ), '' ) as nvarchar ( 100 )) from Tab union all select Col1,COl2 = cast ( left (Split, charindex ( ' , ' ,Split) - 1 ) as nvarchar ( 100 )),Split = cast ( stuff (Split, 1 , charindex ( ' , ' ,Split), '' ) as nvarchar ( 100 )) from Roy where split > '' ) select COl1,COl2 from roy order by COl1 option (MAXRECURSION 0 ) 生成结果: /* Col1 COl2 ----------- ----- 1 a 1 b 1 c 2 d 2 e 3 f */
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