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< title > 陈虎的主页 </ title >
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< tr >
< td  width ="33%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 姓  名: </ font ></ td >
< td  width ="58%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 陈虎 </ font ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="33%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 英 文 名: </ font ></ td >
< td  width ="58%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > Jack H Chan </ font ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="33%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 性  别: </ font ></ td >
< td  width ="58%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 男生 </ font ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="33%"  valign ="top" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 家  乡: </ font ></ td >
< td  width ="58%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 江苏 连云港市 </ font ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="33%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 生  日: </ font ></ td >
< td  width ="58%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 1986-4-29 </ font ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  width ="33%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 星  座: </ font ></ td >
< td  width ="58%" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 金牛 </ font ></ td >
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< td  style ="border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px" >< font  size ="5"  face ="Arial Black" >
< font  color ="#FECA43" > Yellow Submarine </ font >  
</ font >  
< p >

< font  size ="2" > 歌手:The Beatles 专辑:《Yellow Submarine》 < br >
< br >
< br >
In the town 
< br >
where I was born
< br >
Lived a man 
< br >
who sailed to sea
< br >
And he told 
< br >
us of his life
< br >
In the land
< br >
of submarines
< br >
< br >
So we sailed 
< br >
up to the sun
< br >
Till we found 
< br >
the sea of green
< br >
And we lived 
< br >
beneath the waves
< br >
In our yellow 
< br >
< br >
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
< br >
< br >
And our friends
< br >
are all on board
< br >
Many more of them 
< br >
live next door
< br >
And the band 
< br >
begins to play
< br >
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
< br >
< br >
As we live 
< br >
a life of ease
< br >
Everyone of us
< br >
has all we need 
< br >
Sky of blue 
< br >
and sea of green
< br >
In our yellow 
< br >
< br >
< br >
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
< br >
< br >
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
< br >
We all live in a yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine,
< br >
yellow submarine
</ font >< align ="right" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" >
< href ="index3/index3.htm" >< font  color ="#FECA43" > 更多 </ font ></ a ></ font ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td  style ="border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-width: 1px" >< embed  src ="http://www.ent9.com/music/ys.wma"  type =audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin  controls ="ControlPanel,StatusBar"  autostart ="true"  loop ="true"   ></ td >
</ tr >
< tr >
< td >
< target ="_blank"  title ="大白鲨"  href ="1/index.htm" >
< img  border ="0"  src ="1.gif"  width ="350"  height ="193" ></ a ></ td >
</ tr >
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< td >
< target ="_blank"  title ="伊瓜苏瀑布"  href ="6/index.htm" >
< img  border ="0"  src ="暴风截屏-156.jpg"  width ="350"  height ="193" ></ a ></ td >
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< td >
< target ="_blank"  title ="石开书法篆刻作品"  href ="7/index.htm" >
< img  border ="0"  src ="sklg2005.jpg"  width ="244"  height ="350" ></ a ></ td >
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< target ="_blank"  title ="奥黛丽·赫本 "  href ="2/index.htm" >
< img  border ="0"  src ="1.jpg"  width ="264"  height ="350" ></ a >< align ="right" >
< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" >
< href ="index4/index4.htm" >
< font  color ="#FECA43" > 更多 </ font ></ a ></ font ></ td >
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< td  align ="center" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > 联系方式 </ font ></ td >
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< tr >
< td  align ="center" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > E-mail:chenhu1905@hotmail.com </ font ></ td >
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< td  align ="center" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > QQ:410074262 </ font ></ td >
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< td  align ="center" >< font  size ="2"  color ="#FECA43" > MSN:chenhu1905@hotmail.com </ font ></ td >
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