
记得在4年以前,在下刚刚读完linux 1.0内核源码,当时意气风发,无惧无畏。总感觉看任何c代码都没有问题,如履平地。甚至跟北京一家中科院的博士(某存储公司的cto,是我朋友)掷下豪言说:自己的c语言编程水准,敢于接受任何的挑战。


− − − − T a n g s h u n c a i \color{#222514}{-}\color{#222514}{-}\color{#222514}{-}\color{#222514}{-}\color{#4285f4}{T}\color{#ea4335}{a}\color{#fbbc05}{n}\color{#4285f4}{g}\color{#34a853}{s}\color{#ea4335}{h}\color{#4285f4}{u}\color{#fbbc05}{n}\color{#34a853}{c}\color{#ea4335}{a}\color{#fbbc05}{i} Tangshuncai

2020年,这个难忘的春节,这个漫长的假期。 做了三件事情:第一 ,完善一个去块链存储、第二、阅读EOS/bitcoin/ceph源码、第三c的开源项目源码。
本文的fastdfs是因为一次面试,一个公司说如何为IM服务器搭建文件存储。我就告诉他:用mysql存储文字(blob),表情,存储图片和文件的元数据(doamin:ip:port:dir),图片用fastdfs存储,大文件用ceph(访问量没有那么大,gluster是条带)或gluster存储(访问量比较大时用ceph,因为是分块的)。 不过那个面试官可能是偷到了方案,或者误以为我很菜(我口语表达能力远远不及编程和写文档的能力),或者觉得要价太高,必有一个原因导致最终没有合作。




* Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQing
* FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.
* Please visit the FastDFS Home Page for more detail.

#ifndef _HASH_H_
#define _HASH_H_

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "common_define.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define CRC32_XINIT 0xFFFFFFFF      /* initial value */
#define CRC32_XOROT 0xFFFFFFFF		/* final xor value */

// 散列函数
typedef int (*HashFunc) (const void *key, const int key_len);

#define HASH_CODE(pHash, hash_data)   hash_data->hash_code
#define HASH_CODE(pHash, hash_data)   ((unsigned int)pHash->hash_func(hash_data->key, hash_data->key_len))

// 可以存储key:value和哈希管理结构体的内存大小
#define CALC_NODE_MALLOC_BYTES(key_len, value_size) \
		sizeof(HashData) + key_len + value_size

// pHash指向HashArray结构体,hash_data指向HashData结构体
#define FREE_HASH_DATA(pHash, hash_data) \
	pHash->item_count--; \
	pHash->bytes_used -= CALC_NODE_MALLOC_BYTES(hash_data->key_len, \
				hash_data->malloc_value_size); \

// 哈希节点
typedef struct tagHashData
	int key_len;
	int value_len;
	int malloc_value_size;

	unsigned int hash_code;

	char *value;				// 指向该哈希节点存储的content部分
	struct tagHashData *next;		// list解决哈希冲突解决冲突
	char key[0];				// 作为计算本哈希节点_>哈希值的输入
} HashData;

typedef int64_t (*ConvertValueFunc)(const HashData *old_data, const int inc,
	char *new_value, int *new_value_len, void *arg);

// 哈希管理器,被管理的哈希节点以散列表+list的形式挂载
typedef struct tagHashArray
	HashData **buckets;			// 哈希节点指针数组
	HashFunc hash_func;			// 哈希函数
	int item_count;				// 哈希节点实际count
	unsigned int *capacity;			// 哈希节点设计容量(指向prime_array[]阶梯常量数组 or 指向变量)
	double load_factor;			// 负载因子,在FastDFS中大于1.0进行rehash。默认值为0.5
	int64_t max_bytes;			// 最大占用字节,用于计算负载因子,也用于作为熔断机制避免哈希节点一次性耗尽系统内存
	int64_t bytes_used;			// *pHash->capacity个哈希节点需要的字节,用于计算负载因子
	bool is_malloc_capacity;		// true:capacity使用阶梯容量(全局数组);false:capacity使用增1
	bool is_malloc_value;			// true:标识HashData哈希节点的*value指向的是malloc()空间;false:指向静态变量
	unsigned int lock_count;		// 互斥锁数组元素数量
	pthread_mutex_t *locks;			// 互斥锁数组首地址,分别一对一保护buckets[]下面的链表
} HashArray;

typedef struct tagHashStat
	unsigned int capacity;			// 哈希管理器的设计(哈希节点)容量
	int item_count;				// 已挂载的哈希节点count
	int bucket_used;			// 已经被挂载了至少一个节点的槽位的数量
	double bucket_avg_length;		// 槽位所挂载链表的平均节点长度
	int bucket_max_length;			// 挂载在槽位下面,最长的一条链表的长度
} HashStat;

 * hash walk function
 * parameters:
 *         index: item index based 0
 *         data: hash data, including key and value
 *         args: passed by hash_walk function
 * return 0 for success, != 0 for error
typedef int (*HashWalkFunc)(const int index, const HashData *data, void *args);

#define hash_init(pHash, hash_func, capacity, load_factor) \
	hash_init_ex(pHash, hash_func, capacity, load_factor, 0, false)

#define hash_insert(pHash, key, key_len, value) \
	hash_insert_ex(pHash, key, key_len, value, 0, true)

 * hash init function
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         hash_func: hash function
 *         capacity: init capacity
 *         load_factor: hash load factor (or watermark), >= 0.10 for auto rehash. eg. 0.75
 *         max_bytes:  max memory can be used (bytes)
 *         bMallocValue: if need malloc value buffer
 * return 0 for success, != 0 for error
int hash_init_ex(HashArray *pHash, HashFunc hash_func, \
		const unsigned int capacity, const double load_factor, \
		const int64_t max_bytes, const bool bMallocValue);

 * set hash locks function
 * parameters:
 *         lock_count: the lock count
 * return 0 for success, != 0 for error
int hash_set_locks(HashArray *pHash, const int lock_count);

 * convert the value
 * parameters:
 *         HashData: the old hash data
 *         inc: the increasement value
 *         new_value: return the new value
 *         new_value_len: return the length of the new value
 *         arg: the user data
 * return the number after increasement
int64_t hash_inc_value(const HashData *old_data, const int inc,
	char *new_value, int *new_value_len, void *arg);

#define hash_inc(pHash, key, key_len, inc, value, value_len) \
	hash_inc_ex(pHash, key, key_len, inc, value, value_len, \
		hash_inc_value, NULL)

 * atomic increase value
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to insert
 *         key_len: length of th key 
 *         inc: the increasement value
 *         value: return the new value
 *         value_len: return the length of the new value
 *         convert_func: the convert function
 *         arg: the arg to convert function
 * return  0 for success, != 0 for error (errno)
int  hash_inc_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
		const int inc, char *value, int *value_len,
		ConvertValueFunc convert_func, void *arg);

 * hash destroy function
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 * return none
void hash_destroy(HashArray *pHash);

 * hash insert key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to insert
 *         key_len: length of th key 
 *         value: the value
 *         value_len: length of the value
 *         needLock: if need lock
 * return >= 0 for success, 0 for key already exist (update), 
 *        1 for new key (insert), < 0 for error
int hash_insert_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len, \
		void *value, const int value_len, const bool needLock);

 * hash find key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to find
 *         key_len: length of th key 
 * return user data, return NULL when the key not exist
void *hash_find(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len);

 * hash find key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to find
 *         key_len: length of th key 
 * return hash data, return NULL when the key not exist
HashData *hash_find_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len);

 * hash find key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to find
 * return user data, return NULL when the key not exist
static inline void *hash_find1(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key)
    return hash_find(pHash, key->str, key->len);

 * hash get the value of the key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to find
 *         value: store the value
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_find2(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key, string_t *value);

 * hash find key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to find
 * return hash data, return NULL when the key not exist
HashData *hash_find1_ex(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key);

 * hash get the value of the key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to find
 *         key_len: length of th key
 *         value: store the value
 *         value_len: input for the max size of the value
 *                    output for the length fo the value
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_get(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
	void *value, int *value_len);

 * hash partial set 
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to insert
 *         key_len: length of th key 
 *         value: the value
 *         offset: the offset of existed value
 *         value_len: length of the value
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_partial_set(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
		const char *value, const int offset, const int value_len);

 * hash delete key
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         key: the key to delete
 *         key_len: length of th key 
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_delete(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len);

 * hash walk (iterator)
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         walkFunc: walk (interator) function
 *         args: extra args which will be passed to walkFunc
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_walk(HashArray *pHash, HashWalkFunc walkFunc, void *args);

 * get hash item count
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 * return item count
int hash_count(HashArray *pHash);

 * hash best optimize
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         suggest_capacity: suggest init capacity for speed
 * return >0 for success, < 0 fail (errno)
int hash_best_op(HashArray *pHash, const int suggest_capacity);

 * hash stat
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         pStat: return stat info
 *         stat_by_lens: return stats array by bucket length
 *              stat_by_lens[0] empty buckets count
 *              stat_by_lens[1] contain 1 key buckets count
 *              stat_by_lens[2] contain 2 key buckets count, etc
 *         stat_size: stats array size (contain max elments)
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_stat(HashArray *pHash, HashStat *pStat, \
		int *stat_by_lens, const int stat_size);

 * print hash stat info
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 * return none
void hash_stat_print(HashArray *pHash);

 * lock the bucket of hash table
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         bucket_index: the index of bucket
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_bucket_lock(HashArray *pHash, const unsigned int bucket_index);

 * unlock the bucket of hash table
 * parameters:
 *         pHash: the hash table
 *         bucket_index: the index of bucket
 * return 0 for success, != 0 fail (errno)
int hash_bucket_unlock(HashArray *pHash, const unsigned int bucket_index);

int RSHash(const void *key, const int key_len);

int JSHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int JSHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int PJWHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int PJWHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int ELFHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int ELFHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int BKDRHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int BKDRHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int SDBMHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int SDBMHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int Time33Hash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int Time33Hash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int DJBHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int DJBHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int APHash(const void *key, const int key_len);
int APHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int calc_hashnr (const void* key, const int key_len);

int calc_hashnr1(const void* key, const int key_len);
int calc_hashnr1_ex(const void* key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int simple_hash(const void* key, const int key_len);
int simple_hash_ex(const void* key, const int key_len, \
	const int init_value);

int CRC32(const void *key, const int key_len);
int64_t CRC32_ex(const void *key, const int key_len, \
	const int64_t init_value);

#define CRC32_FINAL(crc)  (crc ^ CRC32_XOROT)

#define INIT_HASH_CODES4(hash_codes) \
	hash_codes[0] = CRC32_XINIT; \
	hash_codes[1] = 0; \
	hash_codes[2] = 0; \
	hash_codes[3] = 0; \

#define CALC_HASH_CODES4(buff, buff_len, hash_codes) \
	hash_codes[0] = CRC32_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[0]); \
	hash_codes[1] = ELFHash_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[1]); \
	hash_codes[2] = simple_hash_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[2]); \
	hash_codes[3] = Time33Hash_ex(buff, buff_len, hash_codes[3]); \

#define FINISH_HASH_CODES4(hash_codes) \
	hash_codes[0] = CRC32_FINAL(hash_codes[0]); \

unsigned int *hash_get_prime_capacity(const int capacity);

#ifdef __cplusplus


* Copyright (C) 2008 Happy Fish / YuQing
* FastDFS may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General
* Public License V3, which may be found in the FastDFS source kit.
* Please visit the FastDFS Home Page for more detail.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "pthread_func.h"
#include "hash.h"

// 哈希节点容量增长表。这里没有采用2^N的方式进行增长,而是使用科学统计最优值
static unsigned int prime_array[] = {
    1,              /* 0 */
    3,              /* 1 */
    17,             /* 2 */
    37,             /* 3 */
    79,             /* 4 */
    163,            /* 5 */
    331,            /* 6 */
    673,            /* 7 */
    1361,           /* 8 */
    2729,           /* 9 */
    5471,           /* 10 */
    10949,          /* 11 */
    21911,          /* 12 */
    43853,          /* 13 */
    87719,          /* 14 */
    175447,         /* 15 */
    350899,         /* 16 */
    701819,         /* 17 */
    1403641,        /* 18 */
    2807303,        /* 19 */
    5614657,        /* 20 */
    11229331,       /* 21 */
    22458671,       /* 22 */
    44917381,       /* 23 */
    89834777,       /* 24 */
    179669557,      /* 25 */
    359339171,      /* 26 */
    718678369,      /* 27 */
    1437356741,     /* 28 */
    2147483647      /* 29 (largest signed int prime) */

#define PRIME_ARRAY_SIZE  30

// 按照*pHash->capacity指定的槽位数申请槽位
static int _hash_alloc_buckets(HashArray *pHash, const unsigned int old_capacity)
	size_t bytes;

	bytes = sizeof(HashData *) * (*pHash->capacity);
	if (pHash->max_bytes > 0 && pHash->bytes_used + bytes > pHash->max_bytes)
		return ENOSPC;

	pHash->buckets = (HashData **)malloc(bytes);
	if (pHash->buckets == NULL)
		return ENOMEM;

	memset(pHash->buckets, 0, bytes);
	pHash->bytes_used += bytes - sizeof(HashData *) * old_capacity;
	//pHash->bytes_used = bytes;	// 上面一行也可以这样写,结果是一样的。old_capacity的值,就是在哈希槽位未扩容缩容之前的字节数

	return 0;

// 获取最优哈希节点count(够本次使用,够未来一段时间使用,避免一次性申请过大的空间造成闲置,也避免频繁扩容)
unsigned int *hash_get_prime_capacity(const int capacity)
	unsigned int *pprime;
	unsigned int *prime_end;
	prime_end = prime_array + PRIME_ARRAY_SIZE;
	for (pprime = prime_array; pprime!=prime_end; pprime++)
		if (*pprime > capacity)
			return pprime;

	return NULL;

// 初始化哈希管理器
int hash_init_ex(HashArray *pHash, HashFunc hash_func,
		const unsigned int capacity, const double load_factor,
		const int64_t max_bytes, const bool bMallocValue)
	int result;

	memset(pHash, 0, sizeof(HashArray));
	pHash->capacity = hash_get_prime_capacity(capacity);
	if (pHash->capacity == NULL)
		return EINVAL;

	if ((result=_hash_alloc_buckets(pHash, 0)) != 0)
		return result;

	pHash->hash_func = hash_func;
	pHash->max_bytes = max_bytes;
	pHash->is_malloc_value = bMallocValue;

	if (load_factor >= 0.00 && load_factor <= 1.00)
		pHash->load_factor = load_factor;
		pHash->load_factor = 0.50;

	return 0;

// 为哈希管理器申请lock_count个互斥锁
int hash_set_locks(HashArray *pHash, const int lock_count)
	size_t bytes;
	pthread_mutex_t *lock;
	pthread_mutex_t *lock_end;

	if (pHash->locks != NULL)
		return EEXIST;

	if (lock_count <= 0)
		return EINVAL;

	//do NOT support rehash
	if (pHash->load_factor >= 0.10)
		return EINVAL;

	bytes = sizeof(pthread_mutex_t) * lock_count;
	pHash->locks = (pthread_mutex_t *)malloc(bytes);
	if (pHash->locks == NULL)
		return ENOMEM;

	pHash->lock_count = lock_count;
	lock_end = pHash->locks + lock_count;
	for (lock=pHash->locks; lock<lock_end; lock++)

	return 0;

void hash_destroy(HashArray *pHash)
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData **bucket_end;
	HashData *pNode;
	HashData *pDelete;

	if (pHash == NULL || pHash->buckets == NULL)

	bucket_end = pHash->buckets + (*pHash->capacity);
	for (ppBucket=pHash->buckets; ppBucket<bucket_end; ppBucket++)
		pNode = *ppBucket;
		while (pNode != NULL)
			pDelete = pNode;
			pNode = pNode->next;

	pHash->buckets = NULL;
	if (pHash->is_malloc_capacity)
		pHash->capacity = NULL;
		pHash->is_malloc_capacity = false;

	pHash->item_count = 0;
	pHash->bytes_used = 0;

// 将hash_data哈希节点、挂在ppBucket开头的槽位链表头、哈希管理器哈希节点数+1
#define ADD_TO_BUCKET(pHash, ppBucket, hash_data) \
	hash_data->next = *ppBucket; \
	*ppBucket = hash_data; \


#define DELETE_FROM_BUCKET(pHash, ppBucket, previous, hash_data) \
	if (previous == NULL) \
	{ \
		*ppBucket = hash_data->next; \
	} \
	else \
	{ \
		previous->next = hash_data->next; \
	} \
	pHash->item_count--; \
	pHash->bytes_used -= CALC_NODE_MALLOC_BYTES(hash_data->key_len, \
				hash_data->malloc_value_size); \

// 上锁哈希相关的一个互斥锁。互斥锁为index 对哈希管理器全部互斥锁取余
#define HASH_LOCK(pHash, index) \
	if (pHash->lock_count > 0) \
	{ \
		pthread_mutex_lock(pHash->locks + (index) % pHash->lock_count); \

// 解锁指定相关的一个互斥锁
#define HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, index) \
	if (pHash->lock_count > 0) \
	{ \
		pthread_mutex_unlock(pHash->locks + (index) % pHash->lock_count); \

int hash_stat(HashArray *pHash, HashStat *pStat,
		int *stat_by_lens, const int stat_size)
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData **bucket_end;
	HashData *hash_data;
	int totalLength;
	int last;
	int count;
	int i;

	memset(stat_by_lens, 0, sizeof(int) * stat_size);
	pStat->bucket_max_length = 0;
	pStat->bucket_used = 0;
	last = stat_size - 1;
	bucket_end = pHash->buckets + (*pHash->capacity);
	for (ppBucket=pHash->buckets; ppBucket<bucket_end; ppBucket++)
		if (*ppBucket == NULL)

		count = 0;
		hash_data = *ppBucket;
		while (hash_data != NULL)
			hash_data = hash_data->next;

		if (count > last)
			return ENOSPC;

		if (count > pStat->bucket_max_length)
			pStat->bucket_max_length = count;

	// 计算实际总的哈希节点数量
	totalLength = 0;
	for (i=0; i<=pStat->bucket_max_length; i++)
		if (stat_by_lens[i] > 0)
			totalLength += i * stat_by_lens[i];

	pStat->capacity = *(pHash->capacity);
	pStat->item_count = pHash->item_count;
	pStat->bucket_avg_length = pStat->bucket_used > 0 ? \
		(double)totalLength / (double)pStat->bucket_used : 0.00;

	return 0;

void hash_stat_print(HashArray *pHash)
#define STAT_MAX_NUM  64

	HashStat hs;
	int stats[STAT_MAX_NUM];

	if (hash_stat(pHash, &hs, stats, STAT_MAX_NUM) != 0)
		printf("hash max length exceeds %d!\n", STAT_MAX_NUM);

	printf("collision stat:\n");
	for (i=0; i<last; i++)
		if (stats[i] > 0) printf("%d: %d\n", i+1, stats[i]);
	if (stats[i] > 0) printf(">=%d: %d\n", i+1, stats[i]);

	printf("capacity: %d, item_count=%d, bucket_used: %d, " \
		"avg length: %.4f, max length: %d, bucket / item = %.2f%%\n", 
		hs.capacity, hs.item_count, hs.bucket_used,
		hs.bucket_avg_length, hs.bucket_max_length, 

/* 哈希管理器(槽位)扩容/缩容。哈希节点重新映射到新的槽位。
返回值:0,成功;		!=0失败,哈希管理器的内容不发生任何变化
static int _rehash1(HashArray *pHash, const int old_capacity,
		unsigned int *new_capacity)
	HashData **old_buckets;
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData **bucket_end;
	HashData *hash_data;
	HashData *pNext;
	int result;

	old_buckets = pHash->buckets;			// 保存老的槽位
	pHash->capacity = new_capacity;
	if ((result=_hash_alloc_buckets(pHash, old_capacity)) != 0)
		pHash->buckets = old_buckets;		// 如果申请新的槽位失败,重新指向老的槽位
		return result;

	//printf("old: %d, new: %d\n", old_capacity, *pHash->capacity);

	// 将老槽位下非空链表上的哈希节点取下,重新挂载到新槽位
	pHash->item_count = 0;
	bucket_end = old_buckets + old_capacity;
	for (ppBucket=old_buckets; ppBucket<bucket_end; ppBucket++)
		if (*ppBucket == NULL)

		hash_data = *ppBucket;
		while (hash_data != NULL)
			pNext = hash_data->next;	// 从老槽位取下哈希节点,直接插入新槽位

			ADD_TO_BUCKET(pHash, (pHash->buckets + \
				(HASH_CODE(pHash, hash_data) % \
				(*pHash->capacity))), hash_data)

			hash_data = pNext;

	free(old_buckets);				// 释放老槽位
	return 0;

// 哈希管理器扩容到下一个阶梯容量,
static int _rehash(HashArray *pHash)
	int result;
	unsigned int *pOldCapacity;

	pOldCapacity = pHash->capacity;
	if (pHash->is_malloc_capacity)
		pHash->capacity = hash_get_prime_capacity(*pOldCapacity);

	if ((result=_rehash1(pHash, *pOldCapacity, pHash->capacity)) != 0)
		pHash->capacity = pOldCapacity;  //rollback
		if (pHash->is_malloc_capacity)
			pHash->is_malloc_capacity = false;

	/*printf("rehash, old_capacity=%d, new_capacity=%d\n", \
		old_capacity, *pHash->capacity);
	return result;

/* 统计哈希冲突的数量
static int _hash_conflict_count(HashArray *pHash)
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData **bucket_end;
	HashData *hash_data;
	HashData *pNext;
	int conflicted;
	int conflict_count;

	// 遍历哈希管理器的所有槽位、遍历非NULL槽位下面的节点、对比发现任意一个节点的哈希值与其它节点不一致即视为一条哈希冲突
	bucket_end = pHash->buckets + (*pHash->capacity);
	conflict_count = 0;
	for (ppBucket=pHash->buckets; ppBucket<bucket_end; ppBucket++)
		if (*ppBucket == NULL || (*ppBucket)->next == NULL)

		conflicted = 0;
		hash_data = *ppBucket;
		while (hash_data != NULL)
			pNext = hash_data->next;
			while (pNext != NULL)
				if (HASH_CODE(pHash, hash_data) != \
					HASH_CODE(pHash, pNext))
					conflicted = 1;

				pNext = pNext->next;

			if (conflicted)

			hash_data = hash_data->next;

		conflict_count += conflicted;

	return conflict_count;

/* 如果发生哈希冲突,用建议的容量尝试解决哈希冲突,如果未解决 则用在建议容量的基础上扩容,并用阶梯容量确定最终真实容量,直到解决哈希冲突 */
int hash_best_op(HashArray *pHash, const int suggest_capacity)
	int old_capacity;
	int conflict_count;
	unsigned int *new_capacity;
	int result;

	// 如果未发生任何哈希冲突,则返回0
	if ((conflict_count=_hash_conflict_count(pHash)) == 0)
		return 0;

	// 发生哈希冲突则申请变量用于存储新的哈希节点容量,并设置未建议容量
	old_capacity = *pHash->capacity;
	new_capacity = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
	if (new_capacity == NULL)
		return -ENOMEM;

	if ((suggest_capacity > 2) && (suggest_capacity >= pHash->item_count))
		*new_capacity = suggest_capacity - 2;
		if (*new_capacity % 2 == 0)
		*new_capacity = 2 * (pHash->item_count - 1) + 1;

	// 用建议容量重新映射哈希( _rehash1() ),直到没有发生任何哈希冲突为止。退出循环
			*new_capacity += 2;
		} while ((*new_capacity % 3 == 0) || (*new_capacity % 5 == 0) \
			 || (*new_capacity % 7 == 0));

		if ((result=_rehash1(pHash, old_capacity, new_capacity)) != 0)
			pHash->is_malloc_capacity = \
					(pHash->capacity == new_capacity);
			*pHash->capacity = old_capacity;
			return -1 * result;

		old_capacity = *new_capacity;
		/*printf("rehash, conflict_count=%d, old_capacity=%d, " \
			"new_capacity=%d\n", conflict_count, \
			old_capacity, *new_capacity);
	} while ((conflict_count=_hash_conflict_count(pHash)) > 0);

	pHash->is_malloc_capacity = true;

	return 1;

// 查找哈希值相同(key相同)的链表的入口节点的指针
static HashData *_chain_find_entry(HashData **ppBucket, const void *key,
		const int key_len, const unsigned int hash_code)
	HashData *hash_data;

	hash_data = *ppBucket;
	while (hash_data != NULL)
		if (key_len == hash_data->key_len && \
			memcmp(key, hash_data->key, key_len) == 0)
			return hash_data;

		hash_data = hash_data->next;

	return NULL;

// 带互斥锁保障的 查找哈希值入口节点
HashData *hash_find_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len)
	unsigned int hash_code;
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData *hash_data;

	hash_code = pHash->hash_func(key, key_len);
	ppBucket = pHash->buckets + (hash_code % (*pHash->capacity));

	HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	hash_data = _chain_find_entry(ppBucket, key, key_len, hash_code);
	HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)

	return hash_data;

// 在哈希管理器中查找入口哈希节点的存储值的地址
void *hash_find(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len)
	unsigned int hash_code;
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData *hash_data;

	hash_code = pHash->hash_func(key, key_len);
	ppBucket = pHash->buckets + (hash_code % (*pHash->capacity));

	HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	hash_data = _chain_find_entry(ppBucket, key, key_len, hash_code);
	HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)

	if (hash_data != NULL)
		return hash_data->value;
		return NULL;

// 在哈希管理器中查找入口哈希节点的存储值,返回值的地址和值的长度
int hash_find2(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key, string_t *value)
	HashData *hdata;
	if ((hdata=hash_find1_ex(pHash, key)) == NULL)
		return ENOENT;

	value->str = hdata->value;
	value->len = hdata->value_len;
	return 0;

// 带互斥锁保障的 查找哈希值入口节点
HashData *hash_find1_ex(HashArray *pHash, const string_t *key)
	return hash_find_ex(pHash, key->str, key->len);

// 获取符合条件的(符合哈希值)哈希的值,写入value[value_len]中
int hash_get(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
	void *value, int *value_len)
	unsigned int hash_code;
	int result;
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData *hash_data;

	hash_code = pHash->hash_func(key, key_len);
	ppBucket = pHash->buckets + (hash_code % (*pHash->capacity));

	HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	hash_data = _chain_find_entry(ppBucket, key, key_len, hash_code);
	if (hash_data != NULL)
		if (hash_data->value_len <= *value_len)
			*value_len = hash_data->value_len;
			memcpy(value, hash_data->value, hash_data->value_len);
			result = 0;
			result = ENOSPC;
		result = ENOENT;
	HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	return result;

// 插入一个哈希节点(存在则覆盖值)到哈希管理器
int hash_insert_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
		void *value, const int value_len, const bool needLock)
	unsigned int hash_code;
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData *hash_data;
	HashData *previous;
	char *pBuff;
	int bytes;
	int malloc_value_size;

	hash_code = pHash->hash_func(key, key_len);
	ppBucket = pHash->buckets + (hash_code % (*pHash->capacity));

	previous = NULL;

	if (needLock)
		HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)

	// 冲突哈希链表,由两部分组成:A类哈希链表(头插入)(A是临时挂靠) + B类哈希链表(尾插)(B是本家)。中间有一条分界线,不存在混合插入
	hash_data = *ppBucket;
	while (hash_data != NULL)
		if (key_len == hash_data->key_len && \
			memcmp(key, hash_data->key, key_len) == 0)

		previous = hash_data;
		hash_data = hash_data->next;

	if (hash_data != NULL) //exists 此时previous指向A类哈希链表的尾,hash_data指向B类哈希链表的头,本家节点已经存在(覆盖值即可)
		if (!pHash->is_malloc_value)
			hash_data->value_len = value_len;
			hash_data->value = (char *)value;
			if (needLock)
				HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
			return 0;
			if (hash_data->malloc_value_size >= value_len && \
				(hash_data->malloc_value_size <= 128 ||
				 hash_data->malloc_value_size / 2 < value_len))
				hash_data->value_len = value_len;
				memcpy(hash_data->value, value, value_len);
				if (needLock)
					HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
				return 0;

			DELETE_FROM_BUCKET(pHash, ppBucket, previous, hash_data)
	if (needLock)
		HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)

	if (!pHash->is_malloc_value)
		malloc_value_size = 0;
		malloc_value_size = MEM_ALIGN(value_len);

	// 本家节点不存在,则new一个节点挂载在B链表(本家链表)尾巴
	bytes = CALC_NODE_MALLOC_BYTES(key_len, malloc_value_size);
	if (pHash->max_bytes > 0 && pHash->bytes_used+bytes > pHash->max_bytes)
		return -ENOSPC;

	pBuff = (char *)malloc(bytes);
	if (pBuff == NULL)
		return -ENOMEM;

	pHash->bytes_used += bytes;

	hash_data = (HashData *)pBuff;
	hash_data->malloc_value_size = malloc_value_size;

	hash_data->key_len = key_len;
	memcpy(hash_data->key, key, key_len);
	hash_data->hash_code = hash_code;
	hash_data->value_len = value_len;

	if (!pHash->is_malloc_value)
		hash_data->value = (char *)value;
		hash_data->value = hash_data->key + hash_data->key_len;
		memcpy(hash_data->value, value, value_len);

	if (needLock)
		HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
		ADD_TO_BUCKET(pHash, ppBucket, hash_data)
		HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
		ADD_TO_BUCKET(pHash, ppBucket, hash_data)

	if (pHash->load_factor >= 0.10 && (double)pHash->item_count /
		(double)*pHash->capacity >= pHash->load_factor)

	return 1;

int64_t hash_inc_value(const HashData *old_data, const int inc,
	char *new_value, int *new_value_len, void *arg)
	int64_t n;
	if (old_data != NULL)
		if (old_data->value_len < *new_value_len)
			memcpy(new_value, old_data->value, old_data->value_len);
                        new_value[old_data->value_len] = '\0';
                        n = strtoll(new_value, NULL, 10);
                        n += inc;
			n = inc;
		*new_value_len = sprintf(new_value, "%"PRId64, n);
		n = inc;
		*new_value_len = sprintf(new_value, "%"PRId64, n);

	return n;

// 插入一个哈希节点(存在则覆盖值)到哈希管理器。convert_func会根据arg参数去改变哈希节点的属性(显然,可以改变的属性只有key)
int hash_inc_ex(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
		const int inc, char *value, int *value_len,
		ConvertValueFunc convert_func, void *arg)
	unsigned int hash_code;
	int result;
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData *hash_data;

	hash_code = pHash->hash_func(key, key_len);
	ppBucket = pHash->buckets + (hash_code % (*pHash->capacity));

	HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	hash_data = _chain_find_entry(ppBucket, key, key_len, hash_code);
	convert_func(hash_data, inc, value, value_len, arg);
	if (hash_data != NULL)
		if (!pHash->is_malloc_value)
			hash_data->value_len = *value_len;
			hash_data->value = (char *)value;
			HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
			return 0;
			if (hash_data->malloc_value_size >= *value_len)
				hash_data->value_len = *value_len;
				memcpy(hash_data->value, value, *value_len);
				HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
				return 0;
	result = hash_insert_ex(pHash, key, key_len, value, *value_len, false);
	if (result < 0)
		*value = '\0';
		*value_len = 0;
		result *= -1;
		result = 0;
	HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)

	return result;

// 设置目标哈希节点的部分/全部value
int hash_partial_set(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len,
		const char *value, const int offset, const int value_len)
	unsigned int hash_code;
	int result;
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData *hash_data;
	char *pNewBuff;

	hash_code = pHash->hash_func(key, key_len);
	ppBucket = pHash->buckets + (hash_code % (*pHash->capacity));

	HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	hash_data = _chain_find_entry(ppBucket, key, key_len, hash_code);
		if (hash_data != NULL)
			if (offset < 0 || offset >= hash_data->value_len)
				result = EINVAL;
			// 目标哈希节点存在,且原有value的空间足以承载新写入的数据,则覆盖并跳出到函数末尾进行解锁处理
			if (offset + value_len <= hash_data->value_len)
				memcpy(hash_data->value+offset, value, value_len);
				result = 0;

			// 原因目标不足以承载新写入的节点,则new一个新空间存在新写入数据,并插入槽位(value全覆盖)
			pNewBuff = (char *)malloc(offset + value_len);
			if (pNewBuff == NULL)
				result = errno != 0 ? errno : ENOMEM;

			if (offset > 0)
				memcpy(pNewBuff, hash_data->value, offset);
			memcpy(pNewBuff + offset, value, value_len);
			result = hash_insert_ex(pHash, key, key_len, pNewBuff,
				offset + value_len, false);
			if (offset != 0)
				result = ENOENT;
			// 目标哈希节点不存在,则设置全值插入槽位
			result = hash_insert_ex(pHash, key, key_len, (void *)value,
				value_len, false);

		if (result < 0)
			result *= -1;
			result = 0;
	} while (0);

	HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	return result;

/* 删除目标哈希链表。注意不会删除临时挂载的那一截链表 */
int hash_delete(HashArray *pHash, const void *key, const int key_len)
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData *hash_data;
	HashData *previous;
	unsigned int hash_code;
	int result;

	hash_code = pHash->hash_func(key, key_len);
	ppBucket = pHash->buckets + (hash_code % (*pHash->capacity));

	result = ENOENT;
	previous = NULL;
	HASH_LOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)
	hash_data = *ppBucket;
	while (hash_data != NULL)
		if (key_len == hash_data->key_len && \
			memcmp(key, hash_data->key, key_len) == 0)
			DELETE_FROM_BUCKET(pHash, ppBucket, previous, hash_data)
			result = 0;

		previous = hash_data;
		hash_data = hash_data->next;
	HASH_UNLOCK(pHash, ppBucket - pHash->buckets)

	return result;

// 对全部哈希节点(从第一个槽位上面链表开始遍历,逐步走完全部节点)进行某种操作(例如读,写,打印)
int hash_walk(HashArray *pHash, HashWalkFunc walkFunc, void *args)
	HashData **ppBucket;
	HashData **bucket_end;
	HashData *hash_data;
	int index;
	int result;

	index = 0;
	bucket_end = pHash->buckets + (*pHash->capacity);
	for (ppBucket=pHash->buckets; ppBucket<bucket_end; ppBucket++)
		hash_data = *ppBucket;
		while (hash_data != NULL)
			result = walkFunc(index, hash_data, args);
			if (result != 0)
				return result;

			hash_data = hash_data->next;

	return 0;

// 返回哈希节点总数量
int hash_count(HashArray *pHash)
	return pHash->item_count;

// 如果哈希管理器在创建时,有槽位互斥锁,则上锁对应的槽位
int hash_bucket_lock(HashArray *pHash, const unsigned int bucket_index)
	if (pHash->lock_count <= 0)
		return 0;

	return pthread_mutex_lock(pHash->locks + bucket_index %

// 如果哈希管理器在创建时,有槽位互斥锁,则解锁对应的槽位
int hash_bucket_unlock(HashArray *pHash, const unsigned int bucket_index)
	if (pHash->lock_count <= 0)
		return 0;

	return pthread_mutex_unlock(pHash->locks + bucket_index %

// RS Hash Function. RS散列函数
int RSHash(const void *key, const int key_len)
	unsigned char *pKey;
	unsigned char *pEnd;
	int a = 63689;
	int hash = 0;

	pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len;
	for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++)
		hash = hash * a + (*pKey);
		a *= 378551;

	return hash;

// JS散列函数宏实现
#define JS_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
    unsigned char *pKey; \
    unsigned char *pEnd; \
    int hash; \
    hash = init_value; \
    pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
    for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
    { \
        hash ^= ((hash << 5) + (*pKey) + (hash >> 2)); \
    } \
    return hash; \

// JS Hash Function. JS散列函数api
int JSHash(const void *key, const int key_len)

// JS Hash Function. JS散列函数api 
int JSHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)
#define BITS_IN_UNIGNED_INT (int)(sizeof(int) * 8)
#define THREE_QUARTERS      (int)((BITS_IN_UNIGNED_INT * 3) / 4)
#define HASH_ONE_EIGHTH     (int)(BITS_IN_UNIGNED_INT / 8)
#define HASH_HIGH_BITS      (int)((unsigned int)(0xFFFFFFFF) << \

// PJW散列函数
#define PJW_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
    unsigned char *pKey; \
    unsigned char *pEnd; \
    int hash; \
    int test; \
    hash = init_value; \
    pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
    for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
    { \
        hash = (hash << HASH_ONE_EIGHTH) + (*(pKey)); \
        if ((test = hash & HASH_HIGH_BITS) != 0) \
        { \
            hash = ((hash ^ (test >> THREE_QUARTERS)) & (~HASH_HIGH_BITS)); \
        } \
    } \
    return hash; \

// P.J.Weinberger Hash Function, same as ELF Hash
int PJWHash(const void *key, const int key_len)
int PJWHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)
#define ELF_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
    unsigned char *pKey; \
    unsigned char *pEnd; \
    int hash; \
    int x; \
    hash = init_value; \
    pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
    for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
    { \
        hash = (hash << 4) + (*pKey); \
        if ((x = hash & 0xF0000000) != 0) \
        { \
            hash ^= (x >> 24); \
            hash &= ~x; \
        } \
    } \
    return hash; \

// ELF Hash Function, same as PJW Hash. ELF散列函数api
int ELFHash(const void *key, const int key_len)

// ELF散列函数api
int ELFHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

#define BKDR_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
    unsigned char *pKey; \
    unsigned char *pEnd; \
    int seed = 131;  /* 31 131 1313 13131 131313 etc..*/ \
    int hash; \
    hash = init_value; \
    pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
    for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
    { \
        hash = hash * seed + (*pKey); \
    } \
    return hash; \

// BKDR Hash Function.
int BKDRHash(const void *key, const int key_len)

int BKDRHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

#define SDBM_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
    unsigned char *pKey; \
    unsigned char *pEnd; \
    int hash; \
    hash = init_value; \
    pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
    for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
    { \
        hash = (*pKey) + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash; \
    } \
    return hash; \

// SDBM Hash Function
int SDBMHash(const void *key, const int key_len)

int SDBMHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

#define TIME33_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
	int nHash; \
	unsigned char *pKey; \
	unsigned char *pEnd; \
	nHash = init_value; \
	pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
	for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
	{ \
		nHash += (nHash << 5) + (*pKey); \
	} \
	return nHash; \

int Time33Hash(const void *key, const int key_len)

int Time33Hash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

#define DJB_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
    unsigned char *pKey; \
    unsigned char *pEnd; \
    int hash; \
    hash = init_value; \
    pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
    for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
    { \
        hash += (hash << 5) + (*pKey); \
    } \
    return hash; \

// DJB Hash Function
int DJBHash(const void *key, const int key_len)

int DJBHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

#define AP_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
    unsigned char *pKey; \
    unsigned char *pEnd; \
    int i; \
    int hash; \
    hash = init_value; \
    pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
    for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key, i=0; pKey != pEnd; pKey++, i++) \
    { \
        if ((i & 1) == 0) \
        { \
            hash ^= ((hash << 7) ^ (*pKey) ^ (hash >> 3)); \
        } \
        else \
        { \
            hash ^= (~((hash << 11) ^ (*pKey) ^ (hash >> 5))); \
        } \
    } \
    return hash; \

// AP Hash Function
int APHash(const void *key, const int key_len)

int APHash_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

int calc_hashnr (const void* key, const int key_len)
	unsigned char *pKey;
	unsigned char *pEnd;
	int nr = 1, nr2 = 4;

	pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len;
	for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++)
		nr ^= (((nr & 63) + nr2) * (*pKey)) + (nr << 8);
		nr2 += 3;

	return nr;

#define CALC_HASHNR1_FUNC(init_value) \
  unsigned char *pKey; \
  unsigned char *pEnd; \
  int hash; \
  hash = init_value; \
  pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
  for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
  { \
    hash *= 16777619; \
    hash ^= *pKey; \
  } \
  return hash; \

int calc_hashnr1(const void* key, const int key_len)

int calc_hashnr1_ex(const void* key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

#define SIMPLE_HASH_FUNC(init_value) \
  int h; \
  unsigned char *p; \
  unsigned char *pEnd; \
  h = init_value; \
  pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
  for (p = (unsigned char *)key; p!= pEnd; p++) \
  { \
    h = 31 * h + *p; \
  } \
  return h; \

int simple_hash(const void* key, const int key_len)

int simple_hash_ex(const void* key, const int key_len,
	const int init_value)

static unsigned int crc_table[256] = {
	0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA,
	0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3,
	0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988,
	0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91,
	0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE,
	0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7,
	0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC,
	0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5,
	0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172,
	0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B,
	0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940,
	0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59,
	0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116,
	0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F,
	0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924,
	0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D,
	0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A,
	0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433,
	0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818,
	0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01,
	0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E,
	0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457,
	0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C,
	0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65,
	0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2,
	0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB,
	0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0,
	0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9,
	0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086,
	0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F,
	0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4,
	0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD,
	0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A,
	0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683,
	0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8,
	0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1,
	0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE,
	0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7,
	0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC,
	0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5,
	0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252,
	0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B,
	0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60,
	0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79,
	0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236,
	0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F,
	0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04,
	0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D,
	0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A,
	0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, 0x72076785, 0x05005713,
	0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38,
	0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21,
	0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E,
	0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777,
	0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C,
	0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45,
	0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2,
	0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB,
	0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0,
	0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9,
	0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6,
	0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF,
	0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94,
	0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D

#define CRC32_BODY(init_value) \
	unsigned char *pKey; \
	unsigned char *pEnd; \
	int64_t crc; \
	crc = init_value; \
	pEnd = (unsigned char *)key + key_len; \
	for (pKey = (unsigned char *)key; pKey != pEnd; pKey++) \
	{ \
		crc = crc_table[(crc ^ *pKey) & 0xFF] ^ (crc >> 8); \
	} \

// crc32 api
int CRC32(const void *key, const int key_len)

	return (int)(crc ^ CRC32_XOROT);

// crc32 api
int64_t CRC32_ex(const void *key, const int key_len,
	const int64_t init_value)

	return crc;

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