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转载 About Group!(ZT)

About Group Windows 2000 supports four types of security groups:·                     Local ·                     Domain local ·                     Global ·                     Universal Local Groups

2005-05-11 22:18:00 792

原创 About Dsmod,Dsadd,Dsquery,Dsmove,Dsget,Dsrm

About Dsmod,Dsadd,Dsquery,Dsmove,Dsget,DsrmIm just trying to use the toolsDSMODhttp://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/library/serverhelp/3558C421-BA3D-4B8F-A107-B9058CC0F286.m

2005-05-05 02:01:00 1378

原创 About Dynamic Volumes

Dynamic volumes Dynamic volumes are a new feature of Windows 2000 and can only be created on dynamic disks. With dynamic disks, you are no longer restricted to four volumes per disk. There are five ty

2005-05-04 03:46:00 1257

原创 About the type of backup!

Types of BackupThe Backup utility supports five methods of backing up data on your computer: a copy backup, daily backup, differential backup, incremental backup, and normal backup.Types of BackupType

2005-05-04 02:07:00 1077

转载 How to recover a system failure using Automated System Recovery(ASP)-ZT

To recover from a system failure using Automated System Recovery1.Make sure you have the following available before you begin the recovery procedure: •Your previously created Automated System Recovery

2005-05-04 01:04:00 990

原创 How to resolve the error:Event ID 1030 occur in conjunction with Event id 1058

This event is also reported in many instances of upgrades from Windows NT or Windows 2000 to Windows 2003 Server.Some other recommendations in regards to this (from newsgroup posts) is to verify that:

2005-05-02 09:00:00 1080

原创 How to configure Win2003 Cluster, SQL 2000 CLuster, IIS Cluster and Exchange 2003 CLuster

经过将近1个星期的实践,终于完全成功配置和测试了关于Win2003 CLuster, SQL 2000 CLuster, IIS Cluster and Exchange 2003 CLuster. 其中使用了Vmware GSX 3.1 server, Vm-Workstation 5和Virtual Server 2005多种工具进行实践和测试。1。Host machine:P4 2.4C,5

2005-04-28 22:00:00 2187

转载 How to use NTBACKUP to backup and recover Exchange storeage group (ZT)

http://www.winmag.com.cn/forum/itemdisplay.asp?boardid=12&id=491898使用NTBACKUP备份和恢复EXCHANGE存储组实战(附图)看到论坛一直有人对NTBACKUP能否备份和恢复EXCHANGE的存储组(邮箱存储)表示怀疑,特做了个实验.大家看看吧..一、实验环境* 安装有WIN2003的服务器一台* 安装有活动目录和IIS* 安

2005-04-21 23:08:00 661

转载 How to reset the Domain Admin Password under Windows Server 2003

Original ArticleAbstract I have recently installed a Windows 2003 Server at home and I set up a local domain using Active Directoryfeatures. Everything worked fine until I changed the Domain Admin pas

2005-04-20 22:27:00 1679

原创 How to manually configure a DNS server to support Active Directory!

如果在安装Active Directory 之前手动配置DNS服务器,而不采用程序自动配置的方式,或者将Domain controller和DNS Server分开在两台服务器上。这时我们需要手动配置DNS服务器,There are serval key points following:1。Setup Perferred DNS Server of DC as your DNS  server

2005-04-13 23:43:00 781

原创 Eventually,I activate my blog account on CSDN.NET

Working Hard to make my life better!Dont be lazy!

2005-04-07 08:09:00 676



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