Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server

本文档介绍了如何配置Oracle数据库网关以连接到SQL Server,包括初始化参数文件设置、Oracle Net配置、数据库配置、数据库链接创建、两阶段提交等步骤。配置过程中,需要为每个SQL Server数据库选择一个系统标识符,并定制初始化参数文件。

该文章来自Oracle 透明网关安装方便的帮助文档,在这里需要注意,连接sql server2000时,请确认你的sql server2000已经打好SP3,SP4补丁,我因为没打这两个补丁折腾了一个晚上,总是提示sa用户不能登录。

After installing the gateway, perform the following tasks to configure Oracle Database Gateway for SQL Server:

  1. Configure the Gateway Initialization Parameter File

  2. Configure Oracle Net for the Gateway

  3. Configure the Oracle Database for Gateway Access

  4. Create Database Links

  5. Configure Two-Phase Commit

  6. Create SQL Server Views for Data Dictionary Support

  7. Encrypt Gateway Initialization Parameter Values

  8. Configure the Gateway to Access Multiple SQL Server Databases

Configure the Gateway Initialization Parameter File

Perform the following tasks to configure the gateway initialization parameter file:

  1. Choose a System Identifier for the Gateway

  2. Customize the Initialization Parameter File

Choose a System Identifier for the Gateway

The gateway system identifier (SID) is an alphanumeric character string that identifies a gateway instance. You need one gateway instance, and therefore one gateway SID, for each SQL Server database you are accessing. The SID is used as part of the file name for the initialization parameter file. The default SID is dg4msql.

You can define a gateway SID, but using the default of dg4msql is easier because you do not need to change the initialization parameter file name. However, if you want to access two SQL Server databases, you need two gateway SIDs, one for each instance of the gateway. If you have only one SQL Server database and want to access it sometimes with one set of gateway parameter settings, and other times with different gateway parameter settings, then you will need multiple gateway SIDs for the single SQL Server database.

Customize the Initialization Parameter File

The initialization parameter file must be available when the gateway is started. During installation, the following default initialization parameter file is created:


Where ORACLE_HOME is the directory under which the gateway is installed.

This initialization file is for the default gateway SID. If you are not using dg4msql as the gateway SID, you must rename the initialization parameter file using the SID you chose in the preceding step "Choose a System Identifier for the Gateway". This default initialization parameter file is sufficient for starting the gateway, verifying a successful installation, and running the demonstration scripts.

A number of initialization parameters can be used to modify the gateway behavior. Refer to Appendix C, "Initialization Parameters" for the complete list of initialization parameters that can be set. Changes made to the initialization parameters only take effect in the next gateway session. The most important parameter is the HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO which describes the connection to the non-Oracle system.

The default initialization parameter file already has an entry for this parameter. The syntax for HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO is as follows:

HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO= host_name/[instance_name][/database_name]


Variable Description
host_name is the host name or IP address of the machine hosting the SQL Server database.
instance_name is the instance of SQL Server running on the machine.
database_name is the SQL Server Database database name.

Both instance_name and database_name are optional. If instance_name is omitted and database_name is provided, the slash (/) is required. This can be shown as follows:

HS_FDS_CONNECT_INFO= host_name//database_name

See Also:

Appendix C, "Initialization Parameters" and Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide for more information about customizing the initialization parameter file.

Configure Oracle Net for the Gateway

The gateway requires Oracle Net to communicate with the Oracle database. After configuring the gateway, perform the following tasks to configure Oracle Net to work with the gateway:

  1. Configure Oracle Net Listener for the Gateway

  2. Stop and Start the Oracle Net Listener for the Gateway

Configure Oracle Net Listener for the Gateway

The Oracle Net Listener listens for incoming requests from the Oracle





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