Error 1017 received logging on to the standby


oracle ,linux


Mon Dec 10 22:12:58 2012
Mon Dec 10 22:12:58 2012
ARC0 started with pid=18, OS id=19461
ARC0: Archival started
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 328 (thread open)
Mon Dec 10 22:13:00 2012
ARC2 started with pid=20, OS id=19465
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 328
  Current log# 3 seq# 328 mem# 0: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/test/redo03.log
Successful open of redo thread 1
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
SMON: enabling cache recovery
Mon Dec 10 22:13:00 2012
ARC3 started with pid=21, OS id=19467
Mon Dec 10 22:13:00 2012
ARC1 started with pid=19, OS id=19463
Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 1.
Verifying file header compatibility for 11g tablespace encryption..
Verifying 11g file header compatibility for tablespace encryption completed
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK
No Resource Manager plan active
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
ARC1: Archival started
ARC2: Archival started
ARC3: Archival started
ARC0: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
ARC0: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
ARC1: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
Archived Log entry 189 added for thread 1 sequence 327 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
Mon Dec 10 22:13:02 2012
NSA2 started with pid=22, OS id=19469
Starting background process QMNC
Mon Dec 10 22:13:02 2012
QMNC started with pid=23, OS id=19471
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/stdby/stdby/trace/stdby_arc1_19463.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
PING[ARC1]: Heartbeat failed to connect to standby 'test'. Error is 16191.
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/stdby/stdby/trace/stdby_arc3_19467.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
FAL[server, ARC3]: Error 16191 creating remote archivelog file 'test'
FAL[server, ARC3]: FAL archive failed, see trace file.
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/stdby/stdby/trace/stdby_arc3_19467.trc:
ORA-16055: FAL request rejected
ARCH: FAL archive failed. Archiver continuing
ORACLE Instance stdby - Archival Error. Archiver continuing.

Mon Dec 10 12:29:49 2012
ARC2 started with pid=20, OS id=19442
Mon Dec 10 12:29:49 2012
ARC1 started with pid=19, OS id=19439
ARC1: Archival started
ARC2: Archival started
ARC2: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
ARC1: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
Mon Dec 10 12:29:49 2012
ARC3 started with pid=21, OS id=19444
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, ARC1]: Error 16191 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_arc1_19439.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_arc1_19439.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
ARC3: Archival started
Mon Dec 10 12:29:56 2012
 alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session
Attempt to start background Managed Standby Recovery process (test)
Mon Dec 10 12:29:56 2012
MRP0 started with pid=22, OS id=19446
MRP0: Background Managed Standby Recovery process started (test)
Serial Media Recovery started
Managed Standby Recovery not using Real Time Apply
Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived...
All non-current ORLs have been archived.
Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 266
Fetching gap sequence in thread 1, gap sequence 266-268
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 16191 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Completed:  alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session
Mon Dec 10 12:30:12 2012
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 16191 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Mon Dec 10 12:30:22 2012
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 16191 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Mon Dec 10 12:30:32 2012
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 16191 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Mon Dec 10 12:30:42 2012
Error 1017 received logging on to the standby
Check that the primary and standby are using a password file
and remote_login_passwordfile is set to SHARED or EXCLUSIVE,
and that the SYS password is same in the password files.
      returning error ORA-16191
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 16191 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19446.trc:
ORA-16191: Primary log shipping client not logged on standby
Mon Dec 10 12:30:52 2012
FAL[client]: Failed to request gap sequence
 GAP - thread 1 sequence 266-268
 DBID 2096627248 branch 798480819
FAL[client]: All defined FAL servers have been attempted.
Check that the CONTROL_FILE_RECORD_KEEP_TIME initialization
parameter is defined to a value that is sufficiently large
enough to maintain adequate log switch information to resolve
archivelog gaps.

SQL> show parameter sec_case

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sec_case_sensitive_logon             boolean     FALSE

[oracle@redhat31 dbs]$ sqlplus
sys/oracle1@test as sysdba   

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec 10 12:49:58 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
[oracle@redhat31 dbs]$ sqlplus
sys/oracle1@stdby as sysdba       

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Mon Dec 10 12:50:01 2012

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

用sqlplus 是可以互连通的。

orapwd file=orapwtest password=oracle1 entries=10 force=y
orapwd file=orapwstdby password=oracle1 entries=10 force=y

orapwd file=orapwtest password=oracle1 entries=10 force=y ignorecase=y
orapwd file=orapwstdby password=oracle1 entries=10 force=y ignorecase=y

Serial Media Recovery started
Managed Standby Recovery not using Real Time Apply
Waiting for all non-current ORLs to be archived...
All non-current ORLs have been archived.
Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 266
Fetching gap sequence in thread 1, gap sequence 266-268
Error 1034 received logging on to the standby
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1034 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19538.trc:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available       ------------此时主库还未启动,所以需要等待即可。
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19538.trc:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Completed: alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session
Mon Dec 10 12:36:32 2012
Error 1034 received logging on to the standby
FAL[client, MRP0]: Error 1034 connecting to stdby for fetching gap sequence
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19538.trc:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_mrp0_19538.trc:
ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
Mon Dec 10 12:36:33 2012
Using STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter default value as /archivelog/
RFS[1]: Assigned to RFS process 19548
RFS[1]: Identified database type as 'physical standby': Client is ARCH pid 19588
Mon Dec 10 12:36:34 2012
RFS[2]: Assigned to RFS process 19550
RFS[2]: Identified database type as 'physical standby': Client is ARCH pid 19600
RFS[2]: No standby redo logfiles of size 654 blocks available
RFS[2]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 329 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Mon Dec 10 12:36:34 2012
RFS[3]: Assigned to RFS process 19552
RFS[3]: Identified database type as 'physical standby': Client is LGWR ASYNC pid 19602
Primary database is in MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE mode
Archived Log entry 285 added for thread 1 sequence 329 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[3]: No standby redo logfiles of size 102400 blocks available
Mon Dec 10 12:36:35 2012
RFS[4]: Assigned to RFS process 19554
RFS[4]: Identified database type as 'physical standby': Client is ARCH pid 19588
RFS[3]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 330 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Mon Dec 10 12:36:35 2012
RFS[5]: Assigned to RFS process 19556
RFS[5]: Identified database type as 'physical standby': Client is ARCH pid 19600
RFS[4]: Selected log 5 for thread 1 sequence 266 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 286 added for thread 1 sequence 330 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Selected log 4 for thread 1 sequence 267 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Mon Dec 10 12:36:36 2012
Archived Log entry 287 added for thread 1 sequence 266 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
RFS[3]: Selected log 5 for thread 1 sequence 331 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[4]: Selected log 6 for thread 1 sequence 268 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Mon Dec 10 12:36:36 2012
Archived Log entry 288 added for thread 1 sequence 267 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
Mon Dec 10 12:36:36 2012
Archived Log entry 289 added for thread 1 sequence 268 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_rfs_19554.trc:
ORA-16401: archive log rejected by Remote File Server (RFS)
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_rfs_19556.trc:
ORA-16401: archive log rejected by Remote File Server (RFS)
Mon Dec 10 12:36:37 2012
RFS[6]: Assigned to RFS process 19558
RFS[6]: Identified database type as 'physical standby': Client is ARCH pid 19598
Errors in file /u02/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/test/test/trace/test_rfs_19558.trc:
ORA-16401: archive log rejected by Remote File Server (RFS)
Mon Dec 10 12:36:42 2012
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_266_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_267_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_268_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_269_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_270_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Waiting for thread 1 sequence 271
Fetching gap sequence in thread 1, gap sequence 271-273
Mon Dec 10 12:36:47 2012
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 273 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Mon Dec 10 12:36:47 2012
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 272 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 290 added for thread 1 sequence 273 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Mon Dec 10 12:36:47 2012
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 271 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 291 added for thread 1 sequence 272 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 292 added for thread 1 sequence 271 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 277 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 279 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 293 added for thread 1 sequence 277 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 278 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 294 added for thread 1 sequence 279 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 295 added for thread 1 sequence 278 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 280 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 281 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 296 added for thread 1 sequence 280 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 282 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 297 added for thread 1 sequence 281 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 298 added for thread 1 sequence 282 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 283 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 284 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 299 added for thread 1 sequence 283 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 285 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 300 added for thread 1 sequence 284 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 301 added for thread 1 sequence 285 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 286 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 287 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 302 added for thread 1 sequence 286 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Selected log 7 for thread 1 sequence 288 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 303 added for thread 1 sequence 287 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Selected log 8 for thread 1 sequence 289 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 291 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Mon Dec 10 12:36:50 2012
Archived Log entry 304 added for thread 1 sequence 288 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
RFS[4]: Selected log 9 for thread 1 sequence 290 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 305 added for thread 1 sequence 291 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Mon Dec 10 12:36:50 2012
Archived Log entry 306 added for thread 1 sequence 289 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 292 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 307 added for thread 1 sequence 292 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 293 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Mon Dec 10 12:36:50 2012
Archived Log entry 308 added for thread 1 sequence 290 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
Archived Log entry 309 added for thread 1 sequence 293 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 294 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 310 added for thread 1 sequence 294 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 295 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 311 added for thread 1 sequence 295 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 296 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 297 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 312 added for thread 1 sequence 296 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 298 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 313 added for thread 1 sequence 297 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 314 added for thread 1 sequence 298 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 302 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 315 added for thread 1 sequence 302 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 308 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 307 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 316 added for thread 1 sequence 308 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 309 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 317 added for thread 1 sequence 307 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 318 added for thread 1 sequence 309 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 310 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 319 added for thread 1 sequence 310 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 311 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 320 added for thread 1 sequence 311 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 316 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 315 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 321 added for thread 1 sequence 316 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 314 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 322 added for thread 1 sequence 315 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 323 added for thread 1 sequence 314 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 322 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 320 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 324 added for thread 1 sequence 322 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 321 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 325 added for thread 1 sequence 320 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 326 added for thread 1 sequence 321 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 325 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 323 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 327 added for thread 1 sequence 325 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[6]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 324 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 328 added for thread 1 sequence 323 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 326 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 329 added for thread 1 sequence 326 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[5]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 327 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 330 added for thread 1 sequence 324 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Archived Log entry 331 added for thread 1 sequence 327 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
RFS[4]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 328 dbid 2096627248 branch 798480819
Archived Log entry 332 added for thread 1 sequence 328 rlc 798480819 ID 0x7d28669a dest 2:
Mon Dec 10 12:36:57 2012
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_271_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_272_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_273_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_274_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_275_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_276_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_277_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_278_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_279_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_280_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_281_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_282_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_283_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_284_798480819.dbf
Media Recovery Log /archivelog/1_285_798480819.dbf

Mon Dec 10 22:17:02 2012
ARC0 started with pid=18, OS id=19588
ARC0: Archival started
Mon Dec 10 22:17:03 2012
ARC1 started with pid=19, OS id=19596
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 330 (thread open)
Thread 1 opened at log sequence 330
  Current log# 2 seq# 330 mem# 0: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/test/redo02.log
Successful open of redo thread 1
MTTR advisory is disabled because FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is not set
SMON: enabling cache recovery
ARC1: Archival started
ARC1: Becoming the 'no FAL' ARCH
ARC1: Becoming the 'no SRL' ARCH
Mon Dec 10 22:17:03 2012
ARC3 started with pid=21, OS id=19600
Mon Dec 10 22:17:04 2012
NSA2 started with pid=22, OS id=19602
Mon Dec 10 22:17:04 2012
ARC2 started with pid=20, OS id=19598
Archived Log entry 191 added for thread 1 sequence 329 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 1.
Verifying file header compatibility for 11g tablespace encryption..
Verifying 11g file header compatibility for tablespace encryption completed
SMON: enabling tx recovery
Database Characterset is ZHS16GBK
No Resource Manager plan active
replication_dependency_tracking turned off (no async multimaster replication found)
ARC2: Archival started
ARC3: Archival started
ARC0: Becoming the heartbeat ARCH
Starting background process QMNC
Mon Dec 10 22:17:06 2012
QMNC started with pid=23, OS id=19604
LGWR: Setting 'active' archival for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2
Mon Dec 10 22:17:07 2012
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 331 (LGWR switch)
  Current log# 3 seq# 331 mem# 0: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/test/redo03.log
Archived Log entry 192 added for thread 1 sequence 330 ID 0x7d28669a dest 1:
Mon Dec 10 22:17:08 2012
ARC4 started with pid=24, OS id=19606
ARC0: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 266 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2
ARC3: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 267 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2
Mon Dec 10 22:17:08 2012
Starting background process CJQ0
Mon Dec 10 22:17:08 2012
CJQ0 started with pid=25, OS id=19618
ARC4: Archival started
LNS: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 331 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2
ARC0: Standby redo logfile selected for thread 1 sequence 268 for destination LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_2






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