

TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB.


TinyMCE has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems.



CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.


Because CKEditor is licensed under flexible Open Source and commercial licenses, you'll be able to integrate and use it inside any kind of application. This is the ideal editor for developers, created to provide easy and powerful solutions to their users.

CKEditor is not a desktop application like Microsoft Word or OpenOffice. It's a component to be used by developers to enhance their applications. It's an editor to be used inside web pages.



FCKeditor has been around for more than six years. Since 2003 it has built a strong user community becoming the most used editor in the market, accumulating more than 3,5 million downloads. In 2009, we decided to rename the editor, bringing to light the next generation of our software: CKEditor 3.0.


CKEditor inherits the quality and strong features people were used to find in FCKeditor, in a much more modern product, added by dozens of new benefits, like accessibility and ultimate performance.



NicEdit is a WYSIWYG editor for websites. Its goal is to be as simple and fast as possible for users of your application. NicEdit is extremely lightweight and can be easily integrated in any site with minimal impact while providing visitors an effective means to express themselves in rich text.


Don't overwhelm your users with "everything and the kitchen sink" editors that confuse and frustrate your visitors and take forever to load. Good things really can be free. Customize your copy of NicEdit and get started editing anywhere today!



Dojo Editor




Updates: 1)增加防止COOKIE欺骗攻击的加密KEY属性设置,编辑器用到的COOKIE都将会进行加密。 2)更新编辑器帮助文件。 3)文字水印调整为只添加到图像宽高>100像素的图片上面,并且调整编辑器默认配置添加的是图片水印! 2010/04/02 Version 6.1.6 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)针对IIS6.0文件解析高危漏洞进行修正。 2)上传功能的一些优化。 3)文件夹重命名的一些改进。 2010/03/08 Version 6.1.5 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正了一个安全方面的BUG。 2)修正保存远程图片到本地功能的保存路径问题。 3)修正保存远和图片到本地功能在IE6及IE7的提交BUG。 4)修正上传图片界面中对齐方式不能生效的BUG! 2010/01/15 Version 6.1.4 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)加入保存远程图片到本地的功能图标到菜单栏,配置代码为remoteupload。 2)修正FireFox下插入WMA等音频文件不能播放的BUG. 3)修正关闭图像预览后可能出现的BUG. 4)修正保存图片到本地的一些BUG. 5)更新配置器,增加保存远程图片到本地功能的配置. 2009/12/10 Version 6.1.3 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正了firefox浏览器下编辑器宽度设置为100%会出错的BUG。 2)优化了图片水印功能,图片水印可以4:1为比例自适应图片。 3)增加水印调整功能的左上,左下,右上,右下角的位置(默认右下)。 4)增加图片水印是否半透明的选项。 2009/11/25 Version 6.1.2 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正插入视频的地址是mms、rtsp的话,路径就不对的BUG。 2)优化了上传成功后的处理代码。 3)改进了插入表情图标的功能(增加了多组表情,并且鼠标经过表情后可自动放大表情)。 4)优化了编辑器的整体结构。 2009/09/30 Version 6.1.1 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正上传管理中删除文件夹及重命名文件夹导致Session失效的BUG。 2)改善了新建文件夹的方式,按取消按键后文件夹将不会被新建。 3)重新用回Cookie方式储存参数,并且加强COOKIE的安全性。(因为session在操作删除目录后会掉失) 2009/08/07 Version 6.1.0 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)改用Session代替部分Cookie储存上传功能所用到的配置数据,以便让编辑器上传更加安全。 2)修正一个文件格式上传时存在的安全性问题。 3)上传页面去掉所有input隐藏属性储存参数,改用ViewState储存,并加入ViewState的防改措施。 2009/07/05 Version 6.0.9 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正插入表格后在表格单元格插入内容会插到另一个单元格的BUG。 2)控件可视化配置工具中的功能显示中插入excel表格改为导入Excel表格。 2009/06/23 Version 6.0.8 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)去掉现在基本没法使用的插入EXCEL表格功能,改为无组件的导入EXCEL文档功能(测试中,导入excel文档必须符合数据库格式,否则导入数据将不全)。 2)更新编辑器的部分文字资源。 3)修正4号与5号字体大小一样的BUG! 2009/06/15 Version 6.0.7 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正word导入功能中如果选择了保存word文档到服务器,那么下次相同的文件将不能再次导入的BUG! 2009/06/02 Version 6.0.6 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正了6.0.5版本增加功能后出现上传后出错的严重BUG。 2009/05/23 Version 6.0.5 For VS2005/2008 Updates: 1)修正了上传远程图片文件时可能出现404的错误。 2)修正插入部分远程URL图片时可能出现无法显示的错误。 3)修正FireFox浏览器下弹出窗口自适应大小功能不正常的BUG。 4)改进了多文件上传后自动选择添加到上传列表的文件。 5)改进了如找不到对应语言文件则使用默认语言的功能。 2009/05/15 Version 6.0.4 For VS2005/2008 Updates:




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