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原创 Case Study - Data Integration Automation and Enhancement in Enterprise Data Warehouse

Background I was tasked to enhance an 10+ years aged existing data integration component PROMO-DI in a data warehouse. The goal of the development work was not only to add new business features for th...

2019-04-12 09:23:14 978

An Enterprise Architect's Guide to Big Data - Reference Architecture Overview

This paper is an introduction to the Big Data ecosystem and the architecture choices that an enterprise architect will likely face. We also provide some perspectives and principles and apply these in real-world use cases. The approach and guidance offered is the byproduct of hundreds of customer projects and highlights the decisions that customers faced in the course of their architecture planning and implementations we will explore three use cases and walk through the architecture decisions and technology components: » Case 1: Retail web log analysis » Case 2: Financial Services real-time risk detection » Case 3: Driver insurability using telematics


Apach Spark - Validating Big Data & ML Pipelines

This PDF document describe the design idea and sample codes how to validate big data in spark job.


Big Data Frameworks: Scala and Spark Tutorial

13.03.2015 Eemil Lagerspetz, Ella Peltonen Professor Sasu Tarkoma These slides: http://is.gd/bigdatascala


Object-Oriented JavaScript (2nd edition 2013) Packt

"Object-Oriented JavaScript" book EPUB format, readable in Kindle. Second Edition 2013 Packt Publishing Author: Stoyan Stefanov, Kumar Chetan Sharma This is the second edition of the highly rated book Object-Oriented JavaScript by Stoyan Stefanov, Packt Publishing. After the release of the first edition, in the last five years, JavaScript has moved from being mostly used in browsers for client-side technologies to being used even on server side. This edition explores the "language side" of JavaScript. The stress is on the standards part of the language. The book talks about ECMA Script, Object-Oriented JS, patterns, prototypal inheritance, and design patterns. The book doesn't assume any prior knowledge of JavaScript and works from the ground up to give you a thorough understanding of the language. People who know the language will still find it useful and informative. Exercises at the end of the chapters help you assess your understanding. What this book covers Chapter 1, Object-oriented JavaScript, talks briefly about the history, present, and future of JavaScript, and then moves on to explore the basics of object-oriented programming (OOP) in general. You then learn how to set up your training environment (Firebug) in order to dive into the language on your own, using the book examples as a base. Chapter 2, Primitive Data Types, Arrays, Loops, and Conditions, discusses the language basics: variables, data types, primitive data types, arrays, loops, and conditionals. Chapter 3, Functions, covers functions that JavaScript uses, and here you learn to master them all. You also learn about the scope of variables and JavaScript's built-in functions. An interesting, but often misunderstood feature of the language—closures—is demystified at the end of the chapter. Chapter 4, Objects, talks about objects, how to work with properties and methods, and the various ways to create your objects. This chapter also talks about built-in objects such as Array, Function, Boolean, Number, and String. Chapter 5, Prototype, is dedicated to the all-important concept of prototypes in JavaScript. It also explains how prototype chain works, hasOwnProperty(), and some gotchas of prototypes. Chapter 6, Inheritance, discusses how inheritance works. This chapter also talks about a method to create subclasses like other classic languages. Chapter 7, The Browser Environment, is dedicated to browsers. This chapter also covers BOM (Browser Object Model), DOM (W3C's Document Object Model), browser events, and AJAX. Chapter 8, Coding and Design Patterns, dives into various unique JavaScript coding patterns, as well as several language-independent design patterns, translated to JavaScript from the Book of Four, the most influential work of software design patterns. The chapter also discusses JSON.


Import gmail SMTP certificate to Websphere server

This document describe the detail steps in how to import gmail SMTP certificate to Websphere server


Best practice in JSF web development

Best practice in JSF web development


Spring Security Annotation tutorial

Spring 3 Security Annotation tutorial, including For JSF FOR SERVICE LAYER BEST PRACTICES


Tibeco SOA Goverance Best Practices and Introduction

Tibeco Service-oriented IT organizational structure best practices; SOA project organization, staffing and funding best practices; Services life cycle best paractics; Designing services in an SOA using TIBCO BusinessWorks.


JUnit 4.x in Eclipse 快速教程

JUnit 4.x in Eclipse, a Quick Tutorial



A Comprehensive Exploration of the Popular JavaScript Library



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