General Describe these types of beans (Session (both Stateful and Stateless), Entity) and their general purpose.
Explain the concept of the EJB Container and deployment.
Describe how the bean developer provides home and remote interfaces and an implementation class. And, how the container provides/creates the implementation for these interfaces and remote stubs/skeletons.
Explain the concept and purpose of the home interface, remote interface and component.
Distribution Explain the transparent distributed nature of an EJB having a client-side stub and a server-side skeleton.
Describe differences between remote and local interfaces. Interfaces/Classes Know the classes and interface that a session bean must inherit/implement and their relationships: Serializable, EnterpriseBean, SessionBean, Remote, EJBObject, EJBLocalObject, EJBHome, EJBLocalHome. Client View Look-up a home stub and create a bean from it. How JNDI works is not part of this exam. State Explain the difference between a Stateless and a Stateful Session bean, and the notion of conversational state. Stateless beans must not have any parameters (in contrast to Stateful Session beans, for state initialization). Give examples/questions to test when ejbActivate/ejbPassivate are called. Instance Pooling and Lifecycle Explain why the EJB Container uses multiple bean instances (on thread max per instance) and why it pools these instances.
Give examples/questions to test the passivation/activation process and which type of Session bean it affects.
Explain why the state of stateful session beans must be Serializable.
Give examples/questions to test when the ejbCreate, ejbRemove, setSessionContext are called. Deployment Descriptor Give examples/questions to test the usage of the different XML elements needed to deploy a simple Session bean.
Explain key characteristics of the file name, ejb-jar.xml. Packaging (Ejb-jar) Give examples/questions to test knowledge on the general structure of the ejb-jar file, including the location of the deployment descriptor.
Explain the concept of the EJB Container and deployment.
Describe how the bean developer provides home and remote interfaces and an implementation class. And, how the container provides/creates the implementation for these interfaces and remote stubs/skeletons.
Explain the concept and purpose of the home interface, remote interface and component.
Distribution Explain the transparent distributed nature of an EJB having a client-side stub and a server-side skeleton.
Describe differences between remote and local interfaces. Interfaces/Classes Know the classes and interface that a session bean must inherit/implement and their relationships: Serializable, EnterpriseBean, SessionBean, Remote, EJBObject, EJBLocalObject, EJBHome, EJBLocalHome. Client View Look-up a home stub and create a bean from it. How JNDI works is not part of this exam. State Explain the difference between a Stateless and a Stateful Session bean, and the notion of conversational state. Stateless beans must not have any parameters (in contrast to Stateful Session beans, for state initialization). Give examples/questions to test when ejbActivate/ejbPassivate are called. Instance Pooling and Lifecycle Explain why the EJB Container uses multiple bean instances (on thread max per instance) and why it pools these instances.
Give examples/questions to test the passivation/activation process and which type of Session bean it affects.
Explain why the state of stateful session beans must be Serializable.
Give examples/questions to test when the ejbCreate, ejbRemove, setSessionContext are called. Deployment Descriptor Give examples/questions to test the usage of the different XML elements needed to deploy a simple Session bean.
Explain key characteristics of the file name, ejb-jar.xml. Packaging (Ejb-jar) Give examples/questions to test knowledge on the general structure of the ejb-jar file, including the location of the deployment descriptor.