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转载 安装tftp


2023-07-02 15:31:14 279

原创 Android里面copy资源文件到目标目录中

在Android FrameWork开发中我们常常要copy文件到特定目录中,本文实现了copy资源到特定目录的功能,

2022-07-27 17:54:53 2432

原创 ubuntu中对于大小写锁定键的控制

不知道怎么操作的,在ubuntu上就只能输入大写了。通过使用命令setxkbmap可以关闭,命令如下:setxkbmap -option caps:none # 禁用键盘上Caps Lock键.setxkbmap -option # 启用Caps Lock键.

2022-06-22 11:38:11 1042

原创 hadoop文件系统crash 修复。Cannot create directory /log. Name node is in safe mode.

昨天程序运行的时候,办公室突然停电了。 来电后以后再运行程序出现了spark程序跑不起来的问题。 查看log情况为:Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RemoteException(org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.SafeModeException): Cannot create directory /log. Name node is in safe mode.The reported blocks 339192 need

2020-10-31 11:33:01 667

原创 为新服务配置mysql

为新服务配置mysql服务器端配置修改mysql的配置文件修改数据库用户设置服务器端配置工欲善其事,必先利其器。 后端开发人员必备的一项技能就是服务器的配置。以下我们以linux版本为 ubuntu 20.04版本,mySQL 版本8.0 为例来做说明。修改mysql的配置文件通过配置linux操作系统中的配置文件来实现,需要root用户权限,可以直接登陆用户来操作。vim /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf1.取消本地绑定,允许远端访问。#bind-addr

2020-10-08 18:19:55 156

原创 实现监听事件常用的五种方式

什么是监听事件?监听事件就是等待某个事件的发生,当这个事件发生之后,对其做出一个响应。如:鼠标单击一个按钮,单击按钮时打开一个新的页面,或者双击桌面的应用图标,运行一个程序,这都是监听事件的应用。监听三要素Event Source(事件源):监听的目标,假如我们给Button设置一个点击事件,那么Button就为事件源 Event(事件):发生的事件,不同的事件需要相应的事件监听器进行处理,点击、触摸、按下等都是事件 Event Listener(事件监听器):不同的事件监听器处理不同的监听

2020-09-22 16:27:40 10319 1

原创 Activity间的跳转 - Intent


2020-09-21 15:39:42 1500

原创 Android布局管理器详解

应用程序中,页面时人机交互的媒介,界面中控件的合理摆放排列能带来更好的用户体验,控件的摆放位置是由布局管理器来进行管理,常见的布局管理器有LinearLayout(线性布局)、RelativeLayout(相对布局)、ConstraintLayout (约束布局)等,Android Studio默认创建的Activity为ConstraintLayout类型的布局方式,如果需要使用其他类型的布局方式,只需要把布局标签中指定布局方式的代码改为需要的布局即可。LinearLayoutLinearLayo

2020-09-21 13:27:20 270

原创 Android常用控件

Android常用控件​Android给我们提供了大量的UI控件,只有合理的使用这些控件,我们编写的界面才能更加美观、给用户带来更好的体验。下面我们就来详解最常用的几种控件及其相关属性和属性值:1、TextViewTextView也叫文本款控件,可以说是Android中最基础也最简单的一个控件,该控件用于展示文本内容,创建代码如下:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LinearLayout xmlns:android="htt

2020-09-21 11:18:00 634

原创 预善其事必先利其器:AndroidStudio

预善其事必先利其器:AndroidStudioAndroid Studio创建第一个项目1、下载Android Android,下载地址:http://www.android-studio.org/,根据自己电脑配置信息选择相应的版本,如图:2、安装Android Studio,打开下载好的Android Studio,进行"Next"傻瓜式安装即可3、打开安装好的Android Studio,点击"Start a new Android Studio project",创建一个新的..

2020-09-21 09:48:50 123

转载 利用simpleDateFormat格式化日期时间

搜了蛮久才发现,转发一下。   /*   Formatting month using SimpleDateFormat   This example shows how to format month using Java SimpleDateFormat class. Month can   be formatted in M, MM, MMM ...

2018-09-30 20:52:45 612

转载 Android - Understanding and dominating gradle dependencies

Android - Understanding and dominating gradle dependenciesFrom https://www.devsbedevin.com/android-understanding-gradle-dependencies-and-resolving-conflicts/My latest post discussed gradle's dependenc...

2018-06-15 23:01:26 199

转载 计算地球上两经纬度点 A B 间距离

在GIS应用中,计算两点之间距离的公式非常重要,这里仅列出几种计算方法。假设地球是一个标准球体,半径为R, 并且假设东经为正,西经为负,北纬为正,南纬为负, 则A(x,y)的坐标可表示为( R*cosy*cosx,R*cosy*sinx,R*siny ) B(a,b) 可表示为(R*cosb*cosa,R*cosb*sina,R*sinb)

2012-06-15 16:58:13 6625

转载 应用JUnit实施单元测试

应用JUnit实施单元测试(原创作者:eric ) (献给想保证java coding软件质量的朋友们) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 测试的概念 长期以来,我所接触的软件开发人员很少有人能在开发的过程中进行测试工作。大部分的项目都是在

2012-01-31 15:12:00 644

原创 Android最新的 SDK安装过程中提示JDK没有安装的解决办法。

下载Adroid的SDK的时候,根据网站上的说明选择了exe格式的安装包。安装完JDK,并且用cmd运行java -version来检查JDK是否安装成功。结果显示如下,表明JDK安装正确。 使用exe格式的安装包installer_r12-windows.exe会自动检测是否配

2011-07-23 11:54:26 2810 3

原创 金亚科技董事长 周旭辉 访谈录


2011-02-08 21:02:00 7594 1

转载 浮点数在内存中的存储方式

<br />浮点数在内存中的存储方式 <br />浮点数保存的字节格式如下:<br />地址        +0          +1           +2           +3<br />内容    SEEE EEEE   EMMM MMMM    MMMM MMMM    MMMM MMMM<br />这里<br />S 代表符号位,1是负,0是正<br />E 偏移127的幂,二进制阶码=(EEEEEEEE)-127。<br />M 24位的尾数保存在23位中,只存储23位,最高位固定为1。

2010-11-07 10:31:00 1263

翻译 The IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic

The IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic<br />The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) has produced a standard for floating point arithmetic. This standard specifies how single precision (32 bit) and double precision (64 bit) flo

2010-11-07 10:18:00 1041

原创 在代码中更新系统的gateway,适用于linux操作系统

<br />今天在网上找了一下希望能找到用系统函数更新gateway的函数没有找到。看了一下busybox中关于route命令的实现,发现也比较麻烦。<br />最后只好用老办法了,用system来调用route的命令了。下面是代码。<br /> <br /> <br />#include <stdio.h><br />#include <stdlib.h><br />void main()<br />{<br /> FILE *pfile=NULL;<br /> ssize_t read; <br /

2010-08-29 12:22:00 1058

转载 关于jffs2文件系统在PC端的挂载


2010-07-04 10:38:00 1051

原创 人脸识别中的PCA算法


2010-04-18 14:53:00 1250

原创 在Linux下面的调用ping

我们在网络编程的时候经常要检测系统是否得到了有效的IP,是否可以正确联通到网络里面。通常的检查方法就是使用PING命令。而在程序里面如何自动让程序知道哩?有两种办法, 一种是利用系统的能力,直接调用系统的shell,如方法一就可以在linux系统中很好使用。另外一种是直接在代码里面实现ping命令,通过调用函数的形式来获取系统的状态。还有更好的办法么,如有请回复。 方法

2010-03-14 22:02:00 4810

原创 关于net-snmp中的No Such Instance currently exists at this OID

这几天在看snmp顺便自己编译,调试了一下net-snmp。net-snmp写的很难读。在自己写了一个MIB文件,并添加到net-snmp中调用snmpget去获得其中的节点值时,碰到“No Such Instance currently exists at this OID”的问题。这几天经过用ddd调试以及查找网络终于可以通过snmpget来获取自己的MIB 文件中的相关节点值了。本着

2010-03-10 20:48:00 20875 7

翻译 关于直方图


2009-08-16 16:30:00 966

翻译 The OpenCV Video Surveillance / Blob Tracker Facility

Unofficial Documentation This is an attempt to document the OpenCV Video Surveillance facility. It is at the moment, just a collection of insights from working with the under-documented code

2009-08-15 09:51:00 3610

原创 Opencv中一些基本概念

(1)ROI和COIROI在投资领域是Return on investment的意思,也就是投资回率的意思. 在网上一搜大部分是这个意思。而COI的意思就更是多中多样了。这都是只取首字母的缩写词惹的祸。 实际上ROI在opencv中是指Region of interest,感兴趣的区域的意思。COI是Channel of interest的意思。在计算机表示图像的时候,是按RG

2009-07-12 18:22:00 2134

原创 How to unzip a zip file which include a folder into a folder

 前几天在需要实现一个上传一个Zip目录文件到服务器并且在服务器端解压成目录的功能.从网络上找了很多参考文件,获益良多。目前比较常见的使用方法有(1)GzipStream,这是asp.net中自带的方法。对于解压包含单个文件的文件,使用很方便。缺点:对于解压包含多个目录的压缩文件,需要编写不少代码。还不一定能做到能解压用户上传的使用通用软件压缩的软件包。 (2)使用ICSharpCod

2009-02-28 12:40:00 1141

原创 关于C#中的ArrayList

最近刚刚开始使用C#来编写程序,由于在C++中使用习惯了Vector,通过简单查找MSDN发现可以用C#中的ArrayList来代替Vector,就决定使用ArrayList.等程序写好以调试发现程序的结果和自己预想的不对,通过调试对ArrayList得出了下列的结论。 当使用Add方法添加基本类型变量成员时,ArrayList中保存的是基本成员的实际值,我称之为值保存。当用用Add方

2009-02-14 20:55:00 1213

翻译 what's the difference between OnDraw and OnPaint

Framework uses OnDraw() code for WM_PAINT processing and for printing document as well. So you provide universal code for both tasks.In addition to that, there are other differences: WM_PAINT is a Win

2006-03-19 13:23:00 1568

原创 GSM模块SMS相关AT命令使用说明

GSM模块SMS相关AT命令使用说明 [日期:2006-1-28] 来源:www.21icbbs.com 通信技术版  作者:飞雪季节 [字体:大 中 小]   (本文可以自由转载,但必须注明出处)   适合人群

2006-02-03 12:44:00 3696 2

原创 MPEG2中的一些基本概念

PS(program stream):A program stream contains packets of variable length and is designed for relatively error-free environments and interactive multimedia applications.TS(Transport Stream):A transport

2005-12-18 16:49:00 2078

原创 CA技术

CA技术青鸟华光CA技术1.  概念:CA:Conditional  Access2.  使用CA系统的优势    条件接收CA系统是一个关键技术。国家广电总局之所以将STB作为有线电视产业化改造的主要技术支撑点,就在于希望通过STB的CA系统来解决增值业务的收费问题。具体讲就是通过CA系统实现“加扰到用户”,以彻底解决“加扰到有线台”在收费问题上的困扰。目前我国的CA系统大多采用NDS公司、爱迪

2005-12-10 15:43:00 4011

原创 如何创建自己的wiki-Dokuwiki


2005-12-04 16:19:00 17094 2

原创 cygwin中编译MySOL

首先从MYSQL官方网站下载MYSQL源代码,本文以 mysql-4.0.20 为例。 $ tar -zxvf mysql-4.0.20.tar.gz $ cd mysql-4.0.20 编译过程中主要需解决两个问题: #pragma interface 由于CYGWIN环境中不支持 #pragma interface,所以需注释掉所有文件中的 #pragma interface,用以下命令可实现

2005-11-11 15:03:00 1552

原创 重叠IO机制

SendData(const char* buf, size_t size){ try {  CEvent event(FALSE, TRUE);  OVERLAPPED overlapped;  ZeroMemory(&overlapped, sizeof(OVERLAPPED));  overlapped.hEvent = event;  if(!m_COM.Write(buf, size,

2005-05-21 14:49:00 1513

原创 在C++语言中使用内部类的好处。


2005-05-21 14:45:00 3509

原创 数字电视的自动搜索的实现


2005-05-21 12:28:00 1990 1

原创 研究一下如果制作启动光盘了.


2005-05-21 12:25:00 1307

原创 VC中的string table

近来发现对VC中还是有很多的不懂,其中有一个不懂的就是string table.今天要记录的东东是:假如某一个string table是/nTest42/nTest42/n/n/nTest4264.Document/nTest42 Document那么:这么核心的东西才给20分第一个/nTest42标书主窗口的标题第二个/nTest42是新文件名紧接着的两个/n,其中的第一个用在file open

2005-04-24 17:26:00 3897

原创 C++Builder中使用Excel的类

使用方法,把下面的RtpExcel中的RtpExcel.h段存成文件RtpExcel.h,RtpExcel.c存成文件RtpExcel.c并保存,加入到C++Builder的工程中即可使用。/*RtpExcel.h*///---------------------------------------------------------------------------#ifndef RptExc

2004-10-02 00:17:00 2840

Elecard StreamEye Studio 1.1.100115

一个著名的码流分析软件,Video,audio,都能分析。 PTS,DTS,等等都可以分析。


Google OTA机制介绍



Hindawi-ARecongnizeMethod\Nonlinear Synchronization for Automatic Learning of 3D Pose Variability in Human Motion Sequences




USPS字库用语Fisher线性判定识别手写数 字。由于一些原因,有些数据库不能提供,需要读者自己采集样本。



第04章 常用搜索算法.rar,有8数码游戏,A star算法类的实现,黑白棋


Visual C++数字图象模式识别技术及工程实践第二版源代码第三章



Clock recovery circuit and method for MPEG-2 system decoder




过去模拟电视线路中的各种故障原因在电视终端能直观地表现相关故障现象,而造成数字电视信号各种故障的原因在其终端只有几种相似的表现:马赛克、静帧、黑场或部分台搜不到。特别对于由各种噪声、干扰、失真引起的故障用简单测电平的方法很难查找判别。采用测试QAM(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)星座图(Constellation)是查找判别那些信号幅度大、持续时间很短暂的突发干扰信号比较有效的方法。


OpenCV-Computer Vision Workload Analysis:Case Study of Vdeo Surveillance Systems

The vast accumulation of digital data requires new classes of applications that inmpact a computer user's life.We are investigating computing platforms that can deliver enough performance for these future workloads to enable their use in mass-market applications.


OPenCV-Human Body Tracking by Adaptive Background Models and Mean-Shift Analysis

We present an automatic, real-time human tracking and observation system. Robustness and speed are the two major bottlenecks of the existing approaches. We improve upon the robustness and speed of the current state-of-art by integrating a mean-shift based model update technique with an adaptive change detection method. We also provide optimal solutions for several other stages including illumination compensation, skin color detection, shadow removal,morphological filtering, event analysis of a tracking system.In addition, we introduce a novel background refresh mechanism.Thus, the proposed framework is capable of handling shortcomings of template and correspondence based tracking approaches. The results with the ICVS-PETS data sets show the effectiveness of the algorithm.


Thresholding for Change Detection

Image differencing is used for many applications involving change detection. Although it is usually followed by a thresholding operation to isolate regions of change there are few methods available in the literature specific to (and appropriate for) change detection. We describe four different methods for selecting thresholds that work on very different principles. Either the noise or the signal is modelled, and the model covers either the spatial or intensity distribution characteristics. The methods are: 1/ a Normal model is used for the noise intensity distribution, 2/ signal intensities are tested by making local intensity distribution comparisons in the two image frames (i.e. the difference map is not used), 3/ the spatial properties of the noise are modelled by a Poisson distribution, and 4/ the spatial properties of the signal are modelled as a stable number of regions (or stable Euler number).


Foreground Object Detection from Videos Containing Complex Background

This paper proposes a novel method for detection and segmentation of foreground objects from a video which contains both stationary and moving background objects and undergoesboth gradual and sudden “once-off” changes. A Bayes decision rule for classification of background and foreground from selected feature vectors is formulated. Under this rule,different types of background objects will be classified from foreground objects by choosing a proper feature vector. The stationary background object is described by the color feature,and the moving background object is represented by the color co-occurrence feature. Foreground objects are extracted by fusing the classification results from both stationary and moving pixels. Learning strategies for the gradual and sudden “once-off” background changes are proposed to adapt to various changes in background through the video.The convergence of the learning process is proved and a formula to select a proper learning rate is also derived. Experiments have shown promising results in extracting foreground objects from many complex backgrounds including wavering tree branches, flickering screens and water surfaces, moving escalators, opening and closing doors, switching lights and shadows of moving objects.


OpenCV Blob-An Improved Adaptive Background Mixture Model for Realtime Tracking with Shadow Detection

Real-time segmentation of moving regions in image sequences is a fundamental step in many vision systems including automated visual surveillance, human-machine interface, and very low-bandwidth telecommunications. A typical method is background subtraction. Many background models have been introduced to deal with different problems. One of the successful solutions to these problems is to use a multi-colour background model per pixel proposed by Grimson et al [1,2,3]. However, the method suffers from slow learning at the beginning, especially in busy environments. In addition, it can not distinguish between moving shadows and moving objects. This paper presents a method which improves this adaptive background mixture model. By reinvestigating the update equations, we utilise different equations at different phases. This allows our system learn faster and more accurately as well as adapt effectively to changing environments. A shadow detection scheme is also introduced in this paper. It is based on a computational colour space that makes use of our background model. A comparison has been made between the two algorithms. The results show the speed of learning and the accuracy of the model using our update algorithm over the Grimson et al’s tracker. When incorporate with the shadow detection, our method results in far better segmentation than that of Grimson et al.





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