Individual Income Tax(个人所得税)

Individual Income Tax

(1) Taxpayers

Any individual who has domicile in China or who has no domicile in China but has resided in China for one year or more shall pay Individual Income Tax on his worldwide income. Any individual who is neither domiciled nor resident in China or who has resided in China for less than one year shall pay Individual Income Tax on the income from sources inside China.

(2) Taxable items and calculation of Individual Income Tax payable a. Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries are taxed on the basis of the balance of taxpayer' s monthly wages and salaries after lump-sum deduction of expenses (2000 yuan for mainland citizens, 4800 for foreigners) and by applying the nine-grade progressive rates as shown in the table below.

Individual Income Tax Rates Schedule (1):

GradeMonthly Taxable IncomeTax Rate (%)Quick Deduction
1Income of 500 yuan or less50
2That part of income in excess of 500 to 2,000 yuan1025
3That part of income in excess of 2,000 to 5,000 yuan15125
4That part of income in excess of 5,000 to 20,000 yuan20375
5That part of income in excess of 20,000 to 40,000 yuan251375
6That part of income in excess of 40,000 to 60,000 yuan303375
7That part of income in excess of 60,000 to 80,000 yuan356375
8That part of income in excess of 80,000 to 100,000 yuan4010375
9That part of income in excess of 100,000 yuan4515375

The formula for computing the amount of tax payable is:

Monthly taxable income = Monthly aggregate wages/salaries - 800 yuan Monthly amount of tax payable = Monthly taxable income ×Applicable rate - Quick deduction

The taxpayers who have no domiciles in China but earn wages and salaries from China or who have domiciles in China and earn wages and salaries from outside China may enjoy additional expense deductions (currently 4000 yuan per month) in addition to the regular monthly deduction of 800 yuan in computing the taxable income.

b. Individual household production or business operation income

With respect to the individual household production or business operation income, the amount of tax payable is computed on the basis of the balance of the gross annual production and business operation income after deduction of the related cost, expenses and losses and by applying the five-grade progressive tax rates as listed in the table below.

Individual Income Tax Rates Schedule (2):

GradeAnnual Taxable IncomeTax Rate (%)Quick Deduction
1Income of 5,000 yuan or less50
2That part of income in excess of 5,000 to 10,000 yuan10250
3That part of income in excess of 10,000 to 30,000 yuan201250
4That part of income in excess of 30,000 to 50,000 yuan304250
5That part of income over 50,000 yuan356750
一、所得税计算 1、功能要求 开发基于控制台的雇员所得税计算系统。具体要求如下: (1)从控制台读取雇员名称,工资和加班补贴。 (2)根据工资和加班补贴计算所得税。 (3)计算完毕后输出,输出内容需包括税前工资,税后工资,应纳所得税额。运行界面 2、类的设计 该系统中必须包括两个类,类名及属性设置如下。 雇员类(Employee)  名称(name)  工资(salary)  加班补贴(subsidy) 信息输入类(IncomeTax) 3、具体要求及推荐实现步骤 1、创建雇员类。 2、开发雇员类的计算所得税的方法。 3、开发所得税输入类,从控制台获得输入信息。 4、所得税的计算公式如下: 税前收入=工资+加班补贴 税后收入=税前收入-所得税额 所得税额 = 应纳税额 * 税率 二、凯撒加密器 1、功能要求 开发基于控制台的凯撒加密系统。具体要求如下: (1)根据用户的选择从控制台待加密或解密的字符串。如图-2和图-3所示。 (2)根据凯撒加密法,对字符串进行加密或解密。 (3)加密或解密完成后,把结果输出到控制台。如图-4和图-5所示。 图-2 操作选择界面 图-3 输入字符串界面 图-4 加密后的界面 图-5 解密后的界面 2、类的设计 该系统中必须包括三个类。 输入台控制类(Swither) Encryption(字符串加密类) Decryption(字符串解密类) 3、具体要求及推荐实现步骤 1、创建控制台控制类Switcher,用于和操作者交互。 2、开发加密类Encryption,使用凯撒加密法对字符串加密,并把加密后的结果返回给Switcher。 3、开发解密类Dncryption,使用凯撒加密法对字符串解密,并把解密后的结果返回给Switcher。 凯撒加密法,就是将字母表中的每个字母向后移动3位,比如a被替换成d,b被替换成f,以此类推。字母表的最后三位xyz,会被替换为abc。比如hello,加密之后是khoor.对于拉丁字母之外的其他字符,一律不加密。




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