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原创 扩展Win Forms C#中DataGridView控件,展示Outlook式风格
2011-10-23 20:04:22 1643 5
翻译 Office application does not quit after automation from Visual Studio .NET client(从VS.NET客户端自动化后,Office应用程序不退出)
2010-06-26 14:09:00 852
转载 技术人生感悟(Perception to Technology Life)
刚看了刘未鹏的一篇名为"方法论、方法论——程序员的阿喀琉斯之踵"的blog,其中有如下片段,看了后颇受启发,想和各位分享. CodingHorror 的作者最近在博客里面跟着 Steve Yegge 同学宣称,如果有一件事情是他想教给程序员同学们的,那就是 Marketing 。无独有偶,有一次吃饭的时候鲍志云同学也提到: Marketing Sense 是很重要的。其实也就是不
2010-02-28 10:57:00 1690 5
原创 C# Windows Service与Timer(计时器)
这两天被.NET的Timer搞得有相当晕!看来不能太相信Bill.Gates! 事情是这样的: 写了一个定时发短信的Windows服务,发布在服务器上后,发现短信没有发出去,于是就调试。测试了发短信部分的代码,没有问题,就初步确定为是Timer没有干活
2011-07-16 16:51:27 2242 1
翻译 Logging & Exception Handling Application Block
Logging & Exception Handling Application Block(EntLib 5.0)
2010-11-27 16:42:00 868
原创 a.Equals(b) , a == b及Object.ReferenceEquals( a , b )的区别
a.Equals(b) , a == b及Object.ReferenceEquals( a , b )的区别
2010-11-15 16:04:00 1033
原创 计算机软件领域中Layer 与 Tier(不是tire) 的区别
在计算机软件领域,Layer与Tier都有”层”的意思,翻译为中文,也都是”层”。但根据MSDN上的文章所述,这两个词的具体所指还是有区别的,一般认为,Layer指逻辑层,如我们通常据说的”三层架构”:UI(or Presentation) Layer, Business Logic Layer,Data Access Layer。而tier指物理层。然而,也有不遵循这个规则的,如Busine
2010-11-14 23:22:00 2321
转载 Refactoring: write code that humans can understand
Refactoring: write code that humans can understand
2010-10-15 16:00:00 746
转载 Potential Performance Issues with Compiled LINQ Query Re-Compiles
Potential Performance Issues with Compiled LINQ Query Re-Compiles
2010-09-12 09:40:00 781
转载 How to: Store and Reuse Queries (LINQ to SQL)
Store and Reuse Queries (LINQ to SQL)
2010-09-12 08:19:00 575
翻译 Merging columns in GridView/DataGrid header
Merging columns in GridView/DataGrid header
2010-07-24 23:02:00 1310
原创 ASP.NET DropDownList列表项添加前导空格(Leading Space)的两种方法
ASP.NET DropDownList列表项缩进
2010-06-15 14:02:00 1082
转载 Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) Introduction
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) Introduction
2010-06-15 00:51:00 726
转载 Factory Patterns
What is a factory? A factory is a place where objects are created.1. Factory patterns are examples of creational patterns.2. Creational patterns abstract the object instantiation process. They hide
2010-05-09 10:58:00 609
转载 ASP.NET MVC Overview
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern separates an application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. The ASP.NET MVC framework provides an alternative to
2010-03-17 18:03:00 676
转载 Requirements Analysis Process:Requirements Elicitation, Analysis And Specification
Requirements Analysis is the process of understanding the customer needs and expectations from a proposed system or application and is a well-defined stage in the Software Development Life Cycle model
2010-03-16 23:05:00 1109
转载 Understanding and Managing Transaction Logs--Transaction Log Physical Architecture
Updated: 14 April 2006 The transaction log in a database maps over one or more physical files. Conceptually, the log file is a string of log records. Physically, the sequence of log records is store
2010-03-14 20:12:00 559
转载 Understanding and Managing Transaction Logs--Transaction Log Logical Architecture
The SQL Server 2005 transaction log operates logically as if the transaction log is a string of log records. Each log record is identified by a log sequence number (LSN). Each new log record is writte
2010-03-14 20:07:00 486
转载 Understanding and Managing Transaction Logs---Introduction to Transaction Logs
Updated: 17 July 2006 Every SQL Server 2005 database has a transaction log that records all transactions and the database modifications made by each transaction. The transaction log is a critical co
2010-03-14 19:50:00 640
转载 B2B & B2C & C2C
Business-to-Business Business-to-business (B2B) describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Contras
2010-03-09 19:28:00 944
转载 Query Tuning Recommendations
Some queries consume more resources than others. For example, queries that return large result sets and those that contain WHERE clauses that are not unique are always resource intensive. No degree of
2010-03-05 08:57:00 606
转载 9个职场好习惯
细节决定成败的职场命题,最集中的表现就是职场习惯。无怪乎,人们常说,播种行为,收获习惯;播种习惯,收获性格;播种性格,收获命运。一个职场好习惯,拥有让你成长得更快的强大力量。 1.把自己的时间调快五分钟 关键词:守时 把手表、手机、电脑、挂钟……你身边一切的计时器的指针往前轻轻拨动五分钟。于是,你发现,早上上班不再顶着一头乱发气急败坏地冲向打卡机,再也不会出现拉开会
2010-03-04 20:33:00 656
转载 办公室白领须忌讳的五种恶习
导语:社会中的政治和经济密不可分,在职场中职场政治和个人能力同样密不可分,职场的精英们个个有能力,懂政治。个人能力表现为时间掌控能力、知识水平、现场问题解决能力,职场政治能力表现为判断自身所处环境的能力。那么,在职场中白领需要注意的禁忌有哪些呢? 一、不要人云亦,要学会发出自己的声音。 单位、部门的管理、运行、决策,需要有人献言献策,适时而富有建设性的建议,往往会取得双赢的效
2010-03-04 20:26:00 1484
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹